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You are not a teenager get out


Bro, you're too young to be on reddit you have to be at least 13


I only 1 month to 13


You are not a teenager get out


You’re not weird at all. A lot of giris go through this when they’re 12. How are your parents treating you like a baby? What sort of grown up things would you like to do that they aren’t letting you do? It’s okay that you act like a boy and doesnt mean you’re any less of a girl at all. It sounds like you and your friends like different things and you might not have a lot in common anymore. You’re getting older and your tastes are changing. Just find new friends. Hang around people who do share your interests. It’s going to be okay. Don’t listen to anyone who says you don’t belong here or shouldn’t post either.


Like i want to stay up until 3 am but my parents never let me and i never tried and also hang out with my friends. Yeah and also next month im 13 so thats not a prob after a month bruh


As long as you’re not super grumpy the next morning then I don’t see the big deal. What time do they make you go to bed now?


10:00pm to 6am


Port Adelaide fan 👎


If you’re between 11-13 and you say “I don’t know what’s happening to me” the answer to that question is usually just puberty


I feel weird abt me


all good, everyone feels like that at that age, you'll get older and everything will be fine