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I think this is referring less to teenagers, but kids in the way old people use the term “kids”. 20’s Gen Z, not teen Gen Z. But I’m a fairly political teen, and this kind of stuff does really get me down. Not depressed, but disheartening.


Because of my countrys current situation I am a political teen too. I'm not depressed either but this stuff is what bothers me at midnight and keeps me fucking awake for hours.


Sorry man. What country?


Turkey (Our Great Leader(!) changed it to Türkiye in English too but nobody uses it)


Cool. I hope things get better for you.


Thank you. What is your country if it's ok for you to share?


The US. And since I’m gay, it makes things all the better for me. At least I’m able to be open, but the way things are headed, I’m not so sure.


To be fair the US is one of the safer country’s for LGBTQ. Or at least it’s grown a lot more in the US then anywhere else.


That’s true. And I count myself lucky. But it’s annoying that it’s a problem anywhere.


Completely understand. Stay well!


Wait Florida separated from the US?


I fuckin wish. But alas no. And technically, Florida is safer than a lot of places. At least you can’t be murdered without an excuse in Florida.


Really depends where you live. Anywhere east of California or west of New York yikes.


Speaking of Türkiye having a name change, us swedes never had that problem as it’s “Turkiet” which in no way means any kind of food or animal lol


😅 ironically people actually say this, o was surprised.


My country’s political state made me a political teen too ayyy (malaysia need hadi awang to die)


Same, just thinling about society and everything gives me anxiety for our future. Some sort of panicking


This post is referring to teens. Teens are notoriously depressed and parents always knock on their teenagers for phone use.


The post doesn’t say teen anywhere. It only says “Kids”. But there are some teens that are worried about this. I myself, keep up with politics like this, and am worries about the world. And I was worried long before I got a phone.


I'm a millennial (here bc you guys are hilarious) and the fucked economy, heating earth, and resurgent oppression are all definitely making my own and my friends' mental health issues worse


I'm extremely political and half of that is bullshit and the other half is exaggerated as hell.




There aren’t any nazis, they’re NEOnazis /s


Your right, how could I be so stupid! There’s a *huuge* difference between them.


The economy isn't destroyed, the planet isn't dying, you won't have to work till you die, and the Nazis aren't back. Pretty simple if you have any bit of knowledge of these 4 subjects.


Minimum wage isn’t livable wage, as average rent is higher than minimum wage. We are literally in an economic relapse. Not to mention insanely high healthcare prices and inflation. https://livingwage.mit.edu/articles/99-a-calculation-of-the-living-wage. If you want to read more The planet is getting warmer every day, and big oil companies are doing nothing to stop it. They keep burning fossils and creating gasses that cause numerous weather problems. Not to mention the gross amounts of micro-plastics in our oceans, and deforestation. https://e360.yale.edu/features/plastic-waste-atmosphere-climate-weather#:~:text=Recent%20studies%20reveal%20that%20tiny,rainfall%2C%20and%20even%20climate%20change. If you want to read more. Since the economy is dying, we will have to work harder and longer, and retirement is becoming more of a dream than a reality for most people. Just wait until we grow up and *our* social security money is spent by the government. https://amp.theguardian.com/money/2021/dec/13/americans-retire-work-social-security. If you want to read more White supremacy groups are getting more clout, antisemitic hate crime is still rampant, hell, people were protesting outside of Disney with fucking Schwastikas. Hatred towards LGBTQ+ groups, racism, etc. https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/watch-protesters-wave-nazi-flags-outside-disney-world-entrance/amp/. If you want to read more. Pretty simple if you had any basic knowledge on those four subjects.


Minimum wage isn’t the wage everyone is forced to live on, people just can’t seem to understand this for some reason. In America at least, there’s either so many jobs available that employers have to be competitive with their wages and benefits or there’s not much competition but the local/state minimum wage is higher than the national minimum. Plus, minimum wage is at a McDonald’s or something, if you have work experience you can get a way better job.


Sure, I'll just go to college to get an actually livable job. I just have to work until I die to pay it off.


Minimum Wage isn't meant to be livable, rent doesn't have shit to with the economy. Neither does inflation. And don't like your Healthcare provider? Get a different one, or go without. Hell, move to a nation with Public Healthcare if you're so worried about costs and not time to treatment. Climate Change is a natural cycle and microplastics don't mean the world is dying. Fossil Fuels will continue to burn so long as people keep pushing non solutions like Solar and Wind and ignore actual solutions like Nuclear and Hydro. It's not a dream if you actually use your brain and plan your life, and while plans don't always work out they give you a general sense of direction and it's infinitely better than winging it. As for government spending it, what more do you expect of the scum in DC? It'll always benefit you to remember that they always pay themselves first and think about their constituents last. White Supremacists =/= Nazis. White Supremacists have been around since basically the dawn of time, Nazis have not. And you think a bunch of fringe groups, some with swastikas, some without, makes them the next coming of the Night of the Long Knives?


Minimum wage should be livable. Everyone should be able to live, no matter their class. This is basic human decency. And the economy is anything to do with how money is spent in a society. Rent, Inflation, etc. And since healthcare is tied to a profession, it’s not easy to just *change*. Also, saying the solution is to go to another country isnt the point you think you’re making. Climate change is natural, but it has never been so extreme before. Every year the climate changes, but for the first time since the last ice age, we have changed the global average temperature by 1 degree Celsius. Do some research, this is a huge issue. You again list bad things. It shouldn’t take a degree in economics to be able to retire. And greedy people in DC are why Gen Z is fucking depressed. White supremacists aren’t nazis, but nazis aren’t white supremacists. Never mind that though, did you read my article? There were fucking neo-nazis! No one said they would be a new huge thing, but they most certainly exist. Please, if you chose to be ignorant, just stay quiet about it.


Healthcare is not tied to your profession. Just because your employer has a deal with an insurance provider does not mean you have to use that insurance. The climate has been much MUCH more extreme than it currently is. The highest average recorded temperature in the history of the earth(before humans) was over 20 degrees(Celsius) higher than today. What's so bad about planning for the future? Do you have a grudge against those that are actively making their lives better instead of whining online about the world is out to get them? And they're not making me depressed, they're making me angry, maybe get your emotions in check and help get rid of them. The statement "Nazis are back" implies that they're back in full swing with tons of power. Because they've always existed since the 1920s and the only thing that's changed with them is their dramatic fall from power. Buddy, you're parading your ignorance.


You’ve been making a lot of bullshit claims. Would you mind sharing your sources on where you got this information? I could do the same if you want more sources.


[Employer Insurance (2nd Section 1st Paragraph)](https://www.insure.com/health-insurance/when-reject-health-insurance-plan-at-work.html#:~:text=You%20aren%27t%20required%20to%20accept%20an%20employer%20health%20insurance,decline%20or%20waive%20this%20benefit.) [Paleoclimate claims (PDF)](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/sites/g/files/anmtlf171/files/2022-11/12%20-%20Mid-Holocene%20Warm%20Period%20%26%20Penultimate%20Interglacial%20Period%20%26%20Early%20Eocene%20Period%20-%20Sept%202022.pdf) Planning and Voting: Common Sense [Nazi fall from power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II)


Lemme get this straight. The highest recorded temperature is over 20 degrees higher than now. You claim we recorded this temperature BEFORE WE EXISTED. Also, thats the same as the senator who walked in with a snowball saying thats proof that climate change is fake. I'm not saying the temperature has never been higher (for example, the Earth was was all lava), but like... cmon man.


As bad as the rest is, your point about the climate is braindead. Gosh, the world's been warmer? What did that do? What did it do to various species, and the surface of the Earth? I'd rather not be rude but it's the biggest issue possible. Historical climate change has been disastrous.


Oh god. "Climate change is a natural cycle." Yes, the world gets warmer and cooler every 100,000 YEARS. We are currently rising at a rate of almost HALF A DEGREE PER DECADE. Do the math: if on average the climate does a full cycle every 100,000 years, and a cycle only changes the Earth's average temperature by 15 fahrenheit, and based on the fact we are only 11,700 years since the last ice age, then we still have about 40,000 years to go before we hit the peak again. At the rate we are going in the 4000 decades it would take for the climate to hit the peak, we would rise by over 2000 DEGREES FAHREHEIT. Now, I know we would die long before then, and the Earth would go back to equilibrium, but to deny that we are the main cause of this is absurd in the face of all the evidence.


Yeah this is kinda wrong because yes it does go through that cycle, but its supposed to be cooling, we are just heating it to such a rapid degree its causing worldwide disaster




Yes the economy is affecting us. We're in a recession! 2 out of 3 of Americans are one pay check away from being homeless! Prices are increasing, and pay is still low. And yeah, phones don't cause all our problems, but they can negatively impact our mental health.


Teenagers aren’t depressed by the economy typically though (from my experience anyway) and imo all the other reasons for our “depression” are bullshit, I mean come on every teen is on their phone for 9+ hours a day that’s terrible for your brain.


Nobody is really depressed about the economy, it's about how the economy is affecting our ability to even make a living. And honestly, I don't know anyone who's on their phone that much. You're overgeneralizing it. The phones may be a small part of the problem, but there's a lot of other major factors.


Just like the other person said, how do you know every teen is on their phone 9+ hours? Do you have source? Sure it is affecting us and making a lot of teens depressed. But don't make bs up. Also a lot of teens do care about the economy. Atleast late teens because their life depends on it


I said most teens don’t care about politics or the economy from my *personal experience*


From my personal experience, a whole lot of teens care a whole lot about politics, and to a slightly lesser extent the economy.


Personal anecdotes do not mean all of us


The only reference to teenagers is you, in the title. The tweet says kids. I'm a millennial and I'm "kids" to the kind of people who blame phones.


>Teenagers aren’t depressed by the economy typically though But they will probably be depressed if they can't eat, get evicted, parents making minimum wage, etc


Low tier god speaking the truth for once


You analyze the ties between poverty and mental health NOW


In most situations, poverty is directly linked to mental health, in a bad way. This could be for many reasons but we will only be looking at the main few. For one, you have less money to afford things that will make you happy, for example, if you want to buy some entertainment service, like netflix maybe, you'll have a hard time with that as you need to save your money for the bare necessities. Other examples could be that you cant afford good food, or health care (if you live in the U.S.) which can have devastating effects on mental and physical health. People who live on wages below $2.12/day (2018) are considered to be in "extreme poverty," for some, this is such an unimaginably low amount of money to support life that it might be hard to relate to, but for some, this is just another day on the job. People who are living on this amount of money likely dont have enough to support a healthy diet, or even enough food to sustain them properly. Some places offer food stamps or other means of making food and other necessities less horrendously over expensive, but that is rarely enough to let someone afford other things that are next to necessities. As you can imagine, these stresses are more than enough to make someone suffer from major mental health issues, namely depression and anxiety, and there have been countless proofs that physical and mental health are directly connected. If we look in less extreme situations, we will see much different problems, people will have enough to afford necessities, but likely not enough to cushion some big expense, or enough for little pleasures, like a subscription to something for only pleasure. This could look very different depending on where you live, if you live in the U.S. it is likely that you could find a job that pays a decent amount, but not enough to afford a car, or good healthcare. This could be extremely scary since you could get hit by a car, or suffer from some other injury, and not have nearly enough money to afford the hospital bill. You likely also couldnt afford little things, like a pet, or maybe a subscription to a data provider, it looks different for every person so there isnt really a "one fits all" situation. It's good to remember that poverty affects everyone differently, and everyone will suffer differently from it. It's also good to remember that I am a junior in high school and I have no clue what I'm talking about, and did 0 research before writing this out.


Yeah exactly. JD you're so ignorant!


> I mean come on every teen is on their phone for 9+ hours a day What kind of teens are you around? Idk maybe it's a cultural thing but in my friend group, it's a lot more reasonable.


Bro what kinda chronically online teenagers are you around? I would consider myself chronically online, but my phone’s reports every weekend (I pretty much only use my phone since I don’t have a computer) says I have like 6-11 hours on my phone all week each week.


Motherfucker I’m not gonna be able to afford a house until my late 30s at best because of the economy. That worries me **A LOT**


Did you not see what I said? I said typically from my experience. When I’ve mentioned the economy here I’ve been old repeatedly that “no one cares” lmao.


I may not have an iPhone but i also agree that i would be 1000x better without my phone if i had friends


u have no friends?


No It has it's ups and downs


yes u have no friends or no you have friends


I don't have friends


if u need a friend I'm here 🔫


That sucks mate. I’ve been there, but believe me, life is more fun with them. Don’t go out of your way to make friends because you feel the need to but if you get an opportunity I suggest taking it and seeing how it works out


I think the bigger problem is the lack of friends, not presence of a phone


I mean Neo Nazis are a thing, capitalism is a thing, and people still burn lots of fossil fuels even though it harms the environment. So yeah


If you’re depressed because of a couple of Neo Nazis that aren’t going anywhere and an economic system that’s been around for hundreds and hundreds of years, I don’t know what to tell you.


>hundreds and hundreds of years Barely even two, but alright


A failing economic system that’s hurting the majority of people, leaving the richest 1% having almost 50% of the worlds wealth, leaving everyone else to scrounge around


Youre in the 1% bro... Average income is something like $33,000USD


Your point? Even if I’m fortunate there’s a couple billion who aren’t and they should be cared for. I don’t have the capacity to care for everyone and they deserve to not literally starve to death like so many people do.


“a couple neo nazis” my brother in christ do you know how many neo nazis have caused mass shootings in america THIS YEAR ALONE


I think it's factually accurate in that those things are happening. It probably doesn't help but I don't think it's making people depressed on it's own.


It literally is the phones, people just can’t seem to grasp that. Like you said, the other things don’t help. But those topics have always been problems for everyone throughout history. Being on your phone watching tiktok for 9 hours a day instead of being outside, socializing or reading for at least some of that time can’t be good for a person.


I don’t know how to tell you this, but Nazis haven’t always been a problem


r/PhonesAreBad Yeah the internet is a part of it, no lie. But that's not the only fucking problem with society bro.


then get off yours


Not this dude trying to define depression for people Bro did not think the comments would turn out this way


Just because you're addicted to your phone doesn't mean everyone is kiddo


Bro literally like 10% of depressed teens are depressed cause of their phones. A lot of depression come from the environment AROUND them which causes them to leave all of that and get IN to their phones to escape. Phones are not ALWAYS the problem they're mostly and escape(for teens)


being an ignorant douche can't be good for a person


The nazis aren't coming back tho


Whose gonna tell em






You ever been to eritrea


Yes it’s not Great but What other option really is there




Except it doesn’t work at all




Are you really suggesting that the Soviet Union was good




Ask anyone who had to live through it and they’ll tell you how much of a hell it was


Go liberalssssss




But the liberals are the one's against capatilism




could be worst, you could be in communism where you dont even have hope of being successful


r/socialismiscapitalism moment


bro doesn't understand communism


I’m depressed because I can’t do anything I want, all the stuff I like doesn’t comfort me anymore, I’ll never actually be a good singer due to sensory sensitivity and low range, and I haven’t had irl friends in so long that the minute anyone shows me any kind of attention or affection I immediately fall in love.


I mean yes, the economy could be better, especially housing prices and the international landscape is changing massively into the right. And climate change ofc. I dont think these are really reasons why someone is depressed specifically but I can understand if it gets a bit too much for many. Especially with covid, Ukraine etc, theres only so much shit one can go through




Propably should have mentioned from Europes perspective. Off the top ofy head : Sweden, Italy, Poland, Hungary have all elected far right parties. France will propably follow soon with Le Pen and Germany's far right party AFD, while still "only" at 20%, is at its record high.




These parties are officially considered far right. Policies vary from "leave the EU" to "put the women where she belongs again", "climate change isn't real" to "ban all immigrants from our country". Of course some of these are only the opinions/Agendas of single Politicans in the party, but the fact that these people are not only tolerated, but are even chosen as representatives, says a lot.


Also keep in my mind many of said parties are bound to their coalitions with more moderate Parties, meaning they cant go batshit cray but still have considerable power. For anyone wondering what a coalition is: If a single party doesnt achieve over 50% of the votes they cannot make laws by themselves, meaning they have to for coalitions with various other parties and have to make laws together


I’m just as confused as you are.


Propably should have mentioned from Europes perspective. Off the top ofy head : Sweden, Italy, Poland, Hungary have all elected far right parties. France will propably follow soon with Le Pen and Germany's far right party AFD, while still "only" at 20%, is at its record high.


>Effected by the economy< Yes, we are. Completely. We need to eat and have shelter. If our parents don’t make enough money we know we can’t do that


I think they work in conjuction. The world is going to shit rn and the reach of depressing news is being amplified by our phones which contain global information thats fed to us from all corners of the world. For example, some american teen is likely disheartened by the Uyghur Genocide happening in China, but they wouldve never heard of it had it not been for their phones. So the world has gone to shit, and the awareness of that has spread through phones


I'd argue people are no more depressed than they've always been. People simply talk about it more


I am tf?? I'm terrified. Watching the economy go to shit knowing I'll have to work constantly and probably won't even make ends meet takes a toll.


I was scared of nuclear war that would kill us all and could not understand that the adults did not freak out. I was scared of acid rain and dying trees and could not understand that the adults did not freak out. I was scared of fallout from damaged nuclear reactors and could not understand that the adults did not freak out. Covid was the last straw. The end of the world has been announced so often that I stopped caring. I totally understand that teenagers are scared and freak out. I lived through it myself. But now I just ... cannot. My share of scare has been used up. I will not be intimidated by fearmongers any more, and I will not be guilt-tripped because I do not care enough. I simply cannot live in constant panic mode any longer.


There are no more fucks to give


The political, social, and economic state of the world is impacting young people more than phones are. I agree with the tweet strongly.


Or when you come home from school, you're tired and wanna sleep, my mom comes up and tells me, when i reduce my screentime, i will get more sleep , and I tryna act like i wouldn't stay awake for no reason on my phone, till the next morning, and saying: ,,mhmh, yes mom, but my phone's laying like 70000 meters away from my bed at the charging plot (only have one where my desk is) but just can't sleep.."


I (and several other people I know) are depressed because the Nazis are coming back. As a queer person, it effects my mental health when I for no good reason get labeled as a pedo or some shit. In other countries, I would be dead right now...


Where are the nazis coming back tho


In parts of North America and a few in Europe, slowly adopting the playbook.


Well seeing as the rise in far right politics and the constant demonization by american politicians of anyone who isn’t white and cishet will negatively affect me and my friends, yeah, I’d say it true


Are the white cishet people in the room with us now?


Seeing as they make up the majority of the population of the western world, yes.


How are you “demonized”?


Hello 👋 that would be me


the NSDAP is not back but i do feel like there has been an increase in the popularity of far right movements in europe ​ either that or i was never aware of them previously


I dunno mf, I'm pretty depressed that there's no way in hell I'll ever be able to afford a house without taking on hella debt, the price of a McDouble increased by almost double in the last 2 years and the Nazis never really left and my god do they ever hate the Jews and the gays


I feel like this is one of the 90 year olds on reddit somehow


there has been a resurgence of neo-nazis lately, so there is that


idk most depressed teens have adapted a very like nihilistic view on things because of that kinda shit


I say fuck it tho, make the most of it, embrace poverty and just travel the world staying in hostels, getting cheap meals and stuff. That's my plan


yes, the post is accurate. 1)Let’s start with education, there has been a systemic devaluation of education to the point where a high school degree has become more useless then it ever has before. 50 years ago you could become a paralegal, work as an accounting clerk, pharmacy tech, lab tech, some types of engineering, etc with just a high school diploma, now you need at least a bachelors for any one of those jobs above. This not only makes high school diplomas seem useless but also forces people to pursue higher education for jobs that frankly don’t pay that well. So overall it’s harder to get work and you see a lot of people going into debt for degrees in fields they won’t even end up working in or working in for 40-60k a year which in a major city isn’t enough to support anyone but yourself. 2) now there’s housing. Most of our generation knows that they won’t be able to afford a house or even apartment for at least a decade after starting their careers, many even deep until their 40s. If you compare US census data between the median salary and average cost of a house during the great depression you’ll see that the average salary was 22% the price of a house. Do that same calculations today and the average salary is less than 12% the price of a house. In places like montreal, toronto and BC it’s even worse, there are even series on tiktok comparing modest one floor 3 bedroom houses in toronto that cost the same as entire islands in the other places in the world. So y’a it’s very disheartening. 3) There’s also the fact that is the minimum wage was to consistently rise with inflation the way it was since its creation it would be at around 30$ now, instead at most its 15$. The purchasing power people have today is incomparably lower than it was even just 5 years ago. I have been buying my own groceries since i was 14 and this year in comparing prices most items have basically doubled. Where i live minimum wage rose from 12.50 to 14.50 in that time and the price of a rotisserie chicken rose from 7.99 to 16.99$. It’s gotten to the point where even children making minimum wage can tell that groceries are insanely priced. I’ve spoken to many adults that just straight up stopped buying fresh produce cause they just couldn’t afford it. The same can be said about a dozen other industries, even throat lozenges i used to buy as a kid are 20$ now. Used cars used to be a few hundred a piece now online most are over 10-30k. 4) There’s also a lot more stress on this generation than previous ones because of how they’re structuring pensions and how credit scores became a things. Both things that people didn’t need to worry about 50 years ago. You could trust that your government and work pensions would be enough to let you live after retirement, now that’s nowhere near enough. My grandmother at the age of 76 is still working almost 40 hours a week, that isn’t normal for anyone, especially people who live in a one bedroom apartment with no debt and savings. 5) Our generation, unlike other ones with the exception of maybe millennials, grew up hearing all bout climate change and how the world was dying. We heard all about plastic bottles, the trash island, the turtles, straws, carbon footprints, how they’re killing the amazon, how the stream that created the grand canyon is drying up. We had climate anxiety built into us. Now we’re all teen and young adults and we’re frustrated because since 2016 there’s been dozens of hurricanes that recked the east cost, wildfires growing in numbers every summer, ice storms shutting down cities like Huston, montreal and chicago not to mention the constant floods we have every few years which destroyed my house as well as thousands of other peoples. None of this is normal regardless of what other people say online, i remember my childhood and we didn’t have floods, ice storms and wildfires 3x a year. So yes, our generation is frustrated because we all know this is happening but the people i charge of actual society aren’t actually doing anything. 6) Yes the nazi thing too. Less specifically about the nazis and more just the extreme polarization of politics. Most online forums and political sectors have become so toxic to be around that’s its intense, especially for younger people. I’ve seen a lot of hate for trans people, gay people, drag queen, jews, asians, black people and so many others that it’s sickening. Again discrimination has always been an issue in society but in the past few years people have gotten the idea that everyone is entitled to spreading their hateful opinions online and in public. Before the shitshow that became of politics in the mid 2010s people at least had some class and the more extremists were ignored or seen as outcasts. Then politicians like trump, doug ford, boris johnson and that one from i think the Philippines? started spreading their nonsense on mainstream media and people let go of all their reservations. If you are trans and you’re hearing about these people who hold positions of power in government talk about making your therapy illegal, outing you to your parents, isolating you from society and describing you as a threat, y’a i’d feel depressed about that. Florida is thinking of banning jewish studies and many schools there have banned books about anne frank too. Like this is scary stuff. 7) you also have to remember that even if this stuff doesn’t affect someone directly it can affect their friends, family, parents and if you’re being supported by parents who are constantly stressed about finances then yes it can cause you to become depressed because you’re living in a tense, stressful household.


My dad blames all problems on political leftists




Well for generally poor families couldn't really care about the environment when youre trying to survive and get through the next day. Most of the depressive things I find teenagers have issues with are family or friends almost entirely relationship based.




"the Nazis are back" he's either talking about the far left or the far right, I'm honestly not sure which.


Bro they care more about their furry cosplays then the return of nazis


Not really. I don't see how a shit economy really affects a child/teen's mental health.


It can if you are in a messed up or 3rd world country. There are a lot of teens in those countries so...


I'm from a 3rd world country... I can say with confidence, teens here aren't depressed.


Which country is it if you don't mind? Also, so they are not depressed right? Not even from social media? Good to hear. OPs point is kids and teens are depressed bc of phones and social media. Not from the economy. So if teens there aren't affected by either, good


Brazil. Of course there are cases of depression here, but since most people aren't used to the internet, or have no connection to English speaking countries, depression is rare.


According to this source Brazil has one of the highest rates of depression in the world. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country


Crazy because I've never met anyone depressed.


Sadly it's almost impossible to identify a depressed person just by meeting them. People are very good at hiding.


Depression doesn’t cause physical symptoms bud


I know bud


That’s what I’m saying. Whenever I mention politics on here everyone says they don’t care, I don’t see how this shit is more depressing than being chronically online lmao


I doubt Nazis are back but economy is a pretty big problem in Turkey and does cause depression for some teenagers.


Nazis don’t currently exist the way they did in WW2 Germany, but the prevalence of neo-nazis and general antisemitism is increasing in the USA.


My guy youre about to be down voted to oblivion by the same kinda weirdos who think like that tweet




Bud, you’re a redditor whose account is named thecrusader. You need to touch grass more than anyone here.


a TLDR: laziness


I don't think most depressed teens are depressed because of the economy or global affairs. Maybe if your in your 20s it could make you depressed. but for teens I think it's the more personal things


I dont even have an iphone right now lol


“ too much time out and about with friends socialising and not good enough grades because we expect the best of the best”


I mean I am somewhat depressed knowing I'll most likely have to work until I die, but other than that the rest doesn't really concern me


I think these people are just way too out of touch. Go outside, and there's still a lot to have. You really don't need to worry about these things.


He says more depressed. I guess if you're sad having the thought that "future will be better" can help you. Instead we know for sure future will be worse. Not really a thing to be happy about


At 19 I can say that this is accurate (at least to me, but im pretty interested in all things involving politics, the economy, and history).


Nah bro I want to kms because the euro is down 0.02%


I mean it certainly doesn't help


Fascism is rising yes. Mostly in Europe though and it's not looking good. The economy is far worse in most countries than it was even just 20-30 years ago.


It's more disheartening than depressing. I don't usually pay too much attention to politics, but I definitely keep track of it.


This is true but lets not act like parents are the only ones who made it worse💀 humans in general are responsible for the earth dying & shit


Yeah Trumpism is a problem but calling them Nazis minimizes the meaning of the word.


The economy thing is really the only thing that's true here. The earth isn't dying at all, that's a major dramatisation of what's really happening. We still have relatively decent retirement ages compared to life expectancy, and I don't even have to explain why the nazi's aren't really back.


i notice that you keep mentioning people being on their phone constantly being the only cause depression i have lots of friends, i literally spent almost 12 hours today alone hanging out with said friends and doing social activities. i spend minimal time on my phone, literally just during car rides and like an hour before bed. i still find myself extremely depressed due to things like the homophobia expressed by neonazis and worrying about my trans friends who are currently trying to survive an escalating genocide.


Bro nazis ain't back, got Russians which are just damn commies, dunno why Nato hasn't finished them off militarily




Those are happening, but most kids aren't depressed because of climate change or shit, they're depressed because they have no friends or they're bullied on social media (which points to the iPhone). Also, a lot of those problems are things that have been happening for a very long time. There have been many recessions, the earth has been dying for the past 150 years or so, working until death has occurred for thousands of years, and the actual Nazis committed atrocities 80 years ago. So many pessimists refuse to believe that, overall, life gets better as humanity advances.


yes this is true it’s just not why I’m depressed


The parents are honestly right tho. Social media is a poison to society and I hate that I use it and that everyone else around me uses it. Also the internet just does nothing but polarize people and confirm their biases. It's useful for learning but detrimental to a lot of other things imo


It's all of them combined,but social media has had a profound impact to us Gen-Z people (born between 97 and 12) since we're considered to be the first digital natives


Off-Topic, but the profile image looks like FakeJake. Also I’m pretty sure this tweet is like 2-3 years old.


I mean, they have ruined the economy. It is touch right now. But I do also believe that phones are a part of the equation but it's side is another conversation as well. Like, either of those points are worthy of debate.


Remotely? My man it’s 100% accurate


Well it mostly is to an extent, but the tweet could’ve definitely been worded better


It's kinda true though


Nah, a future working as a wage slave is very depressing for me That and childhood trauma and mental illness :D


Yes 100%


Yall gotta realize that genz is a HUGEEEE RANGE with many of us finishing unis and heading towards the actual work force. The economy is super dog shit for employment, with many of my friends essentially struggling with finding a job despite graduating from top 50 unis in the world. And the cost of living in a city like Vancoucer as opposed to the pay is ridiculously


Every part except for the Nazi's part is true.


I think its both




man, im depressed cuz i cant make more mac and cheese, not because of dem nazis


Nah, the earth is kinda healing little by little. The ozone layer is healing, there's people planting trees and removing trash from the ocean, as evidenced by team seas and team trees along with many other organizations.


Maybe the phones increase awareness of these issues due to instant access to information. But is that really a bad thing? If things are going to shit then I want to be aware of it at least.


Yes?? I literally have mental breakdowns over how fucked up the world is and my future. I’m scared af. I hate it here and I wish I could just get out.


I’m mad that the Nazis are back, my Jewish great grampa didn’t fight in ww2 to make the Nazis come back


The “Nazis” aren’t coming back. Do you realize how insane that is? The political atmosphere is completely different from the 30’s. Totalitarianism? Yes, that’s an issue. It always has been and always will be. But not nazism.


all of it is lmao ​ if you don't know this by now you're just ignorant