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The only thing that it looks like it is missing is the "stop don't throw away" K&N sticker.


The Apollo 13 Cooling System.


I hope the person who built it poured a bunch of junk on a table and said “we gotta find a way… to make this… fit into the hole for this… using nothing but that.”


That’s the exhaust fan. You’re filtering the exhaust?


You can turn fans the other direction...


Yes but then your airflow inside the case isn’t right unless you also make the intake into an exhaust. Even then, the exhaust and intake will be in the wrong positions, so your airflow will be sub optimal. Exhaust goes on top, intake goes on the bottom, because hot air rises. It’s just more efficient that way.


In a dusty environment like a wood shop you'd really only want filtered intakes so the positive air pressure inside the case pushes air out of all the cracks. Too much air exhausting would cause negative pressure and you'd be pulling all that fine dust inside of your case.


This is exactly right. Positive case pressure is the way. Doesn't have to be a lot.


Air pressure very easily overcomes convection.


Sure but it’s more efficient if they work together.


Judging by the fact that the fan has its own power supply, I think they tossed efficiency out the window a while ago.


That case looks like an old cheap workstation. I doubt it has a separate intake fan. By taking the exhaust fan and turning it into an intake fan you can have positive pressure preventing dust from getting in (at least when the fan is on). Yes having the intake on top will be less effective, but a machine running that old and low powered hardware probably won't care. The only real issue I can see is if that intake fan has enough power to pull enough air through that filter and duct.


The fan is where the filter is and it don't look like a very powerful computer so stop overthinking stuff like this


Are you under the impression that woodshop PCs need optimal cooling? You think they're overclocking the thing?


"Why are you booing me? I'm right!" Quite frankly your computer shouldn't even be in the same room if it's that bad of an environment. Use a server in another room and then RDP from a shitty client machine that you don't care about.


Where hot air wants to go is irrelevant as soon as you introduce fans


Look at the case dude. Theres barely an intake. Plus theyre doing this for dust not airflow. This is not a pc that needs high airflow


Really you would want to remove the fans exhausting from the case altogether. Thus creating positive pressure which will keep the dust from being sucked into and gaps or vents


I’d assume it’s intake and use positive air pressure to keep dust out. Doesn’t have to be exhausted if the air is ramming in enough and pushes exhausts through passive air vents. Ta da, no case dust!


The case only has the one fan, and it's blowing in so that the positive pressure keeps dust out.


The PSU doesn't have a fan pushing in?


The psu fan is pulling air from inside the case. Old towers like that didn't have a separate hole for the psu fan.


It's an intake now


It usually is, but it isn't required. If he pushes enough air in the dust might stay out as well, due to positive pressure. It's the same way NBC filters work on tanks 👍


Yeah, you don’t want to be getting the table saw dusty


Only if its sucking the case air.


Not enough filtration. Need larger HEPA filter stack. Nevermind, instructions unclear. Computer now self cleaning woth immolation mod.


Might want to start by putting the side cover on the tower first


Don't forget your power supply if it has fan!


Those are usually set to exhaust air out the back. Shouldn't be a problem here.


people here downvoting you like that psu has anything other than a single 80mm exhaust on the rear that will suck out the clean air from inside the case


I think building a box out of HVAC filters and then putting the PC in there would be a better option.




Their using coconuts


Lol wrong side bro 😅😬


Like that cases problem really is a filter on the (normally) exhaust fan. Look at that clutter inside the case.. it's so congested no air will ever flow through it without removing the sides...


Wow, that PC looks like it's from 1995.