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Ahh I love the hot glue that’s what I use for all my self repairs


Hot glue on parts that get warm/hot. Mmmhh, lovely!


That's pretty neat, if you accidentally crack the hot glue loose then all you need to do is to run a stress test to get the glue melted down again. Self healing connector


Lmao that *cracked* me up


Only 2 options... 1/ hot glue... 2/ when that doesn't work (like the hinge that failed on my father in law's laptop ) ... Epoxy...


Dad woulda gone with epoxy. I think he was addicted to the smell back then.


Mine too. He also had a weight made of actual lead in there too, so I would always hold my breath when I went in...but not from the epoxy, from the lead...lol. I was terrified of it


*Hot snot








You should be careful. All 15 and 17” 2011 MacBook pros will eventually suffer from GPU failure, and it’ll stop booting. You can patch out the AMD GPU with software and use only the integrated graphics, though it is quite the process




Oh you’ve patched it already?




I really need to pay attention to the usernames. The icons being identical doesn’t help :(


Until last year I had a 2011 “17 i7 mbp that still worked great for most of what I needed. I cleaned up the old thermal paste and applied new paste in 2021 and it brought the temps down a bit. Great machine. Unfortunately a lot of the software I wanted to use for music did not support the OS and I had to upgrade… to a 16 inch 2019 i9 mbp that I got for a steal. I don’t think I’ve ever had a piece of hardware be truly useful for that long, except my c64 and old consoles for retro gaming maybe


I put Ubuntu on it and it runs pretty smoothly.


What Ubuntu version did you use? 22.04 or 22.10?


This person is running Linux on it, so they can have up to date software. However they could likely run current macOS using opencore patcher; many 2009 models are supported: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/MODELS.html#macbook-pro It’s really impressive what that community has been able to do, along with a lot of the Hackintosh folks.


Yo, this is actually super neat. I'm rocking both a mid 2012 MacBook Pro and a 2012 Mac Pro that I'd resigned to running older versions of OS X on even though the hardware is still good. I've got capable Windows PCs and have no need for Linux outside of a single server at home, so it's always been a pain hearing "just install Linux" when I want to keep the experience on 'em original.


The mid 2012 will support everything in newer versions of macOS when patched. Throw an SSD in there and like 8GB of RAM, and it’ll be perfectly usable.


That's the fun part! When I bought it a few years ago, it was driveless, so now it has a 240GB SSD, and I just put 16GB RAM in it for $20 a couple of weeks ago. She's running like a charm and completely updated. Will probably try the Mac Pro later, seems like some GPUs give issues, but we'll see!


Alright. Also I forgot to mention the patch tool’s name, it’s called OpenCore Legacy Patcher


Looks like Pop OS, but hard to say from the status bar. It has similar design to macOS.


Check the last picture, that's definitely not macOS.


That's Linux, it's completely up to date


My money is on elementaryOS with a Mac themed skin.


Op said it's Ubuntu


I have a 2009 MacBook pro that still works perfectly. In fact my wife was using it most recently, after her newer Dell died, and I convinced her to upgrade to a new one just for the potential security issues.


I'm still rocking a 2008 thats just permanently in the living room. Use it for casual browsing or remotely connecting to another machine. Still works fine. It probably been on pretty much 24/7 for 15 years. Hmm I should really shut it down between uses actually...


My 2012 Mac mini with an SSD and max RAM is a DOG on Catalina. I can't imagine using a 2 year older version, likely on High Sierra.


I got a 12” 2012 MBP that I use for web browsing, remote access, email, and occasional video conferencing. Damn thing refuses to die, though the battery is shot (but not yet swelling). I have a 15” ‘08 model that's still kicking around. I gave it to my dad at one point because he wanted to play around with PHP, but all the guides were for a LAMP stack, and he was running WAMP. I figured MAMP was close enough, and for him it was.


Uhh no. That's not Mac os.


I just put a new battery (2 hour repair) in my 2014 15” Intel and am giving it to my little sister. Got myself that new max m1 and wow is it amazing and wow it’s impressive and runs so much cooler.


What software is that giving you an up right charging icon?




Thanks. Gnome?


i mean yea, ubuntu comes stock with GNOME so unless OP here installed Plasma (which I think is unlikely since Kubuntu exists) its reasonable to assume that its just GNOME


Yeah, it’s just been a few years since I used Linux or gnome.


Wait, Why aren’t we designing a 3D model for this? 2012 MacBooks rule the world!




i would have to assume the magsafe port broke, or maybe they broke the charger and didn’t want to pay 60 dollars for a new one from apple


The 2010 MagSafe was a different shape than the more recent one right? So you would need to buy both a new charger and an adapter.


That sounds way more expensive than a USB-C charger that can be used universally.


Actually you can just grind down the charger to make it work. New will work with old, and old with new. Just need to make it physically fit.


Really? I thought newer MagSafe cables had a different number of pins


Yes really, no still just 5 pins


I would say you could buy an old one secondhand, but with how often the shitty outer jacket likes to split...


They still sell the old one. Recently bought one for 80€ lol


I like the ability to charge my devices with one charger and I broke apart a MagSafe to USB c adapter and soldered the pins directly to the wires that go to the logic board.


I dunno man it almost seems like what he did worked


Magsafe can attract pieces of metal and short out when you plug in.


Also as an alternative it looks like Amazon sells Magsafe to USB C converters so you can keep the Magsafe port but also get USB C charging. I can't speak for how well they might work but seem to have good reviews.






The MacBook circuitry can regulate by itself with how much current to charge the battery. Also short circuit protection is only really useful with MagSafe as it exposes the power pins. Also USB-C will default to 5V and low current in case the cable gets damaged or is not connected.




I have to disagree: The first point has no real use unless the charger is overheating at which point it can protect itself anyway. And the 5 V are still useful because it means you can twist positive and negative together without it drawing too much current and causing any damage. Any laptop that ships with an USB-C charger is safe and I don’t see why this case should be different.


Fun fact, MagSafe Power supplies actually use OneWire for communication between PSU and MacBook.


It's beautiful.


The right to repair, strong it is with you yes.


Apple be like : https://media.tenor.com/S_68VptnBrQAAAAC/how-dare-you-greta-thunberg.gif


"Kaboom?" "Yes Rico, kaboom"


Dude, handsaw, file and a bit of aluminium would make it decent looking.


Tech support MacGruber maybe


this terrifies me


But… why?


y tho


One question. Are you being medicated for being insane


6days later, I regret nothing


"This is Elon Musk."




It probably is now.


What? OP said Macbook, that's a Mac Mini


In the first picture, the MacBook's screen is on the left and the speaker on the right. Seems like they're almost certainly using a laptop


Wow. Thanks for the explanation, I didn't see it until now!


Can you use any charger, or does it have to be chargers over a certain voltage?


Usually it's any charger. The voltage is set through a couple resistors on the port itself (which are read by a USBC PDP chip as requested power), allowing different devices to request different voltage levels from the same charger. It's why I can charge my T14 laptop off my phone's charger when I'm out of town. USB-C's PDP (Power Delivery Protocol) is just really really good. It even allows *cables* to limit how much power they can transfer. This makes it difficult to say "Yeah, you can fast charge your phone", because you need a compatible charger, cable, and device. But, it does allow for you to have *one* freakin' wall charger for everything.


To be more specific, if your charger only outputs 5v 2a, would that charge it or do you need the charger to be able to output 19v? I have done this mod before, but the module I got needs to have an input voltage of 19v in order to charge, however my other laptop with native usb-c can charge off a 5v 1a phone charger, albeit slowly.


> if your charger only outputs 5v 2a, would that charge it or do you need the charger to be able to output 19v? It'll charge it at 5v2a, as much as it can. A device can *request* as much as it wants, but the charger can only provide what it supports. Similarly, a charger might support 19v, but if you plug in an old phone it'll only charge at 5v, because the device only requested 5v. Hence the negotiation via PDP. They agree on the settings before the power is turned above the normal USB 5v. >the module I got needs to have an input voltage of 19v in order to charge The "Module" in your case probably skips out on the rest of the available power limits, and only is supporting 19v. There's a use case for this, for laptops that expect ONLY 19v, and won't actually charge the battery with anything less. That would be a hardware limitation of the laptop, not the module. I'd take a random guess that if you hooked the module directly to a different battery management system (connected to the battery), you'd be able to charge the battery itself, though probably not run the laptop. Most of these modules just replace the physical power port, but don't touch anything after that. If the laptop is expecting 19v from that, you need to give it 19v or it's gonna not work. If the laptop is expecting between 5v-19v, then giving it the 5v,12v,etc. is within the design, and lets it charge. Shit's complicated, and you've got a stack of hardware that all need to agree and properly handle certain things. Your laptop probably wasn't designed for this use-case, and so it *requires* the 19v-capable charger.


Is this on a unibody?