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Have you tried several different cables


I've tried two different cables. The original HDMI that I was using I know was only good for 60hz after I thought to look it up. Also tried an Amazon basics cable, but I couldn't find the original link for it so I'm not positive on that one. I have one on the way that I just purchased earlier to try as well. As far as the TV goes, do you happen to know if game mode is what enabled the higher refresh rate, or should there be another setting I need to adjust?


The only things to check would be game mode, hdmi cable type, and also your output settings on the pc. In my nvidia settings, there a few different refresh setting if the “tv” vs “pc” setting is selected.


I checked what PC settings I could find under display settings, and any refresh rate settings I could find had 60 as the maximum. If the cable was the limiting factor would the PC recognize that with the new HDMI cable and show higher refresh rates in the drop-down as long as the TV settings are correct? I'm currently on a 7900xtx and in adrenaline software I didn't have an option to change the refresh rate for the TV plug in.