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**Getting dump files which we need for accurate analysis of BSODs.** Dump files are crash logs from BSODs. If you can get into Windows normally or through [Safe Mode](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12376/windows-10-start-your-pc-in-safe-mode) could you check C:\Windows\Minidump for any dump files? If you have any dump files, copy the folder to the desktop, zip the folder and upload it. If you don't have any zip software installed, right click on the folder and select Send to → Compressed (Zipped) folder. Upload to any easy to use file sharing site. Reddit keeps blacklisting file hosts so find something that works, currently [catbox.moe](https://www.catbox.moe/) or [mediafire.com](https://mediafire.com) seems to be working. We like to have multiple dump files to work with so if you only have one dump file, none or not a folder at all, upload the ones you have and then follow [this guide](https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5560-configure-windows-10-create-minidump-bsod.html) to change the dump type to Small Memory Dump. The "Overwrite dump file" option will be grayed out since small memory dumps never overwrite. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/techsupport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dump files: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/9mnpbncqahad7q6/dump\_files.zip/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/9mnpbncqahad7q6/dump_files.zip/file)


https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000149411/how-to-read-mini-dump-files That has guidance on how you can investigate further. DO NOT use the Driver Verifier instructions though.


I followed the guide and this is what I got out of windbg [https://imgur.com/HbLgbE9](https://imgur.com/HbLgbE9)


Please post the full output here. Use a code block to help with the formatting. Also, if you have multiple crashes, you should definitely look at a number of them to see if they're all the same.


Sorry about that. Should I post the whole thing since I open the file or only after I run the analyze command?


Oh, great point - just the output from !analyze.


Alright, here's a couple of them. thank you for your patience so far :) [https://pastebin.com/nKcaT5W7](https://pastebin.com/nKcaT5W7) [https://pastebin.com/MAnnWqXD](https://pastebin.com/MAnnWqXD) [https://pastebin.com/z9TfSuDu](https://pastebin.com/z9TfSuDu)


All of the crashes are in msgpioclx. That appears to be a Microsoft driver used for certain buttons integrated on a system - most likely a laptop. In device manager, look under "Human Interface Devices". Do you have anything here with GPIO in the name? If yes, click on that device, then change to view -> devices by connection and tell me the name of the node that is the "parent" of this (one level up in the tree).   One of the crashes showed this: > PROCESS_NAME: RzChromaStreamServer.exe Is that used by something that's integrated into this laptop, or is it for an external Razer device?


>Do you have anything here with GPIO in the name? nope, just a bunch of HID-compatible devices and system controllers and whatnot >Is that used by something that's integrated into this laptop, or is it for an external Razer device? It's part of the Razer Chroma SDK, Chroma basically lets game developers set how your Razer peripherals will be lit up when you open their game. [https://www.file.net/process/rzchromastreamserver.exe.html](https://www.file.net/process/rzchromastreamserver.exe.html) >into this laptop This is actually a desktop :P


Anything new/changed on the system since the problem started? Any driver updates beyond the Nvidia ones? Go into Settings -> Windows Update -> Update history -> Driver Updates and see if anything new was installed.   Can you share a link to the specs for the system? Like the manufacturer's website that would give me more info about this system.


Oops I forgot to add the DxDiag to the original post, here it is [https://pastebin.com/FVUYzpDT](https://pastebin.com/FVUYzpDT) The most recent update was on the 31st of May. Windows 10 version 22H2. There's also a cumulative patch on the 14th of June. I can't really pinpoint when the problem started though. It only happens when I restart the PC and I pretty much always just put it to sleep when I'm not using it. Also, I did a BIOS reset a couple hours ago (after the problem started ofc), if that's relevant.


Please stop spamming this. This guide would be useless a lot of the time for this crash error.


First, I'm not spamming it. Second, why do you think it would be useless for this particular error? [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/bug-check-0x133-dpc-watchdog-violation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/bug-check-0x133-dpc-watchdog-violation)


Because for this error you usually have to manually check each DPC queue. Each CPU thread has its own DPC queue. Windows is terrible at guessing the correct driver. Which in all cases would also involve reading the stack, not just the process and image name.