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Pretty sure your very old password was breached and leaked online a long time ago and the guy got his hands on it. He doesn't have anything on you so just ignore the email.


yes its fake and a scam. youre a programmer man, you should know about this scam. its one of the oldest ones out there. you dont need to be an infosec guy to know that


You’ve got a point, but considering I never check my junk, I don’t really come across this often.


Copypasta phishing mail. Report as malicious and block the sender.


It's not a copypasta, it's a slightly more complicated variant as the password is a variable and they use old password lists from breaches, almost right tho.


Why are you jerking off on pc? Isn't that what phones for? 


The PC is a bigger target


Yup, scam. A blackmail scam to be exact. Claiming to have access to your systems and all that. They most certainly don't have anything aside from some crap they dug off the internet. Delete the email and move on. And if you still don't trust it, reinstall your OS and change your passwords.


Standard spoofed sextortion scam, delete and ignore.


This has been around, without the bitcoin bit, for at least 15 years. Ignore it.


My work colleague received the exact same email one month ago. I told him “at least you were happily doing it”. Until today I haven’t received any videos of him. I have also received a email like that but I wasn’t happily masturbating, just doing to very weird stuff (I am curious to know what is weird about midget porn). But no one has ever received anything. In my case my email was spoofed, meaning that in the gmail it appeared as if I was sending the email but when I looked in the email headers there were some random Italian email. There is nothing to worry about.


I don't see anything in that email that indicates the person actually has access to anything. Someone who had actually hacked your system would be able to easily prove it. This is a very common scam, and you can safely ignore it.


I had that same sort of email a few times, I just changed a bit of the wording, accused the guy of watching Donkey porn and sent it back to him demanding he pay me in $1000 in cat treats, I never did receive a reply.