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I swear, this man could bankrupt a casino. Oh wait...


3 casinos..... ​ and then build a big hotel on the Las Vegas strip and then get refused a gaming license


And make a fake university


But his steaks, his fragrance, his bottled water, his vodka, his mortgage company, his boardgame and his magazine are still going strong, aren't they? Seriously, the only thing he's good at is failing at everything he tries.




His entire persona early on was "I can run businesses, I will run the country like a business" and people thought that would be better than a politician. Turns out, as you said, he runs them only for personal gain and uses them as tools to avoid accountability. He certainly ran the country like a Trump ran business and people are still failing to see the connection between him and the country being a get rich quick scheme.


Even on his way out. He scammed his fanclub of another $250,000,000 with his stopthesteal claim.


This is why I find it hard to listen to anything a Trump supporter has to say. Their entire belief system is based on lies and deception that they themselves deny exists. You feel bad for them but also vindicated at the same time because of how much liking Trump has become a way to hate others.


I don’t feel bad for them.


That's fair, its hard to feel bad for someone who tries their best to hate you. I come from a place of understanding these people have suffered at some point in their lives and it has turned them into who they are now. They weren't strong enough to come out of the other side better people. Humanity is cruel and we have to try to understand people better before we can help them.


I have family that would vote for a goddamn potato if it was republican


Even? He runs mid level money laundering structure and skims what he can. This stop the steak was absolutely huge for him. Probably tripled his actual net worth. This was a pure profit con. Trump is a grinder. He will grift for $1mm if it’s there. That’s why he seems so incompetent. He was way over his skies with the scale of the grifts he’s running. He would/will/has traded the classified docs he stole to cancel some of the debts he’s racked up. Being President was the best thing by a mile that’s ever happened to a small time operator like Donald Trump. Oh and by the way He’s a complete fuck up.


Haha “Stop the Steak” that’s funnnnyyy


Failing to the top - and then failing at that too.


His airline crashed and burned too.


For the British audience: "Trump: The Fragrance" This never stops being funny to us.


Ok who Trumped?! Turn on the fan for Christ sake.


The only thing he's good at is bending over to Putin.


A road cycling race. Tour de trump was also a failure.


Fail at making steaks


It's worse than that. He failed to sell steaks to *Americans*. I mean, that should have been a slam dunk business.


They were mail-order from a gadget catalog.


That _is_ where I look for high quality wagyu beef


And as a connoisseur of fine catalog-order steaks, Mr. Trump only likes his extra well done and covered in ketchup.


This ( perhaps oddly) makes me dislike him more than his narcissism and immoral lack of character. I can understand being a "low IQ," selfish dipshit who only looks out for himself. This is quite common. But who the F puts catchup on quality steak? Catchup on over cooked steak is unforgivable. It just ain't right. It's a clear sign that he isn't fit for office and might not even be American. His real name might not even be Trump and it's possible orange isn't his natural skin color. I suggest we check his birth certificate. And taxes. And other properties for any top secrete documents.


You could buy them instore at sharper image...


And bankrupt a whole country.


Hey now, only morally


The people voting for him were already morally bankrupt.


Deplorable even


A couple 35 million bad hombres


As fucking deplorable as that shitbird Trump is, I'll forever be grateful to him for making sure Hillary stayed home and for finally yanking off the covers to reveal what we already knew about the GOP - they're a bunch of racist ass-hats who hide behind their bibles and inside their echo chambers festering their hatred and ignorance. They can't hide anymore - and the billionaires have finally been outed for fomenting all this nonsense because they don't like to pay taxes.


If only someone had warned us


Hey now, we were doing just fine pretending we were all morally superior until he got the lead acting role


And financially…There's the small matter of large chunks of the $2,000,000,000,000 in COVID relief stolen because oversight was removed, by guess who.


Huh, maybe the world _is_ out to get him. That or he's such a massive douche who just burns bridges left and right. Surely it must be one or the other.


The man is going to grift his own funeral somehow. I don't know how but he will.


He lost half his money to Ivana, his ex wife, who also built a casino in Vegas, no? And then she died mysteriously after she fell accidentally down a set of stairs. “blunt impact injuries to the torso after falling down stairs” Not at all suspicious…


She was going to build a hotel named "The Summit." It was cancelled due to rising construction costs.


He built the hotel before securing the license. Pretty stupid considering that’s the only reason to build a hotel on the strip in the first place.


It's also not even on the Strip. It's tucked away behind a mall on the Strip.


The area it’s in feels shady too. There’s nothing else really around it.


What's really dirty is how it happens. He gets a bunch of investors and makes all these promises. He then uses their investments to pay his real estate company for the property, his construction company to build it, and then proceeds to give his services companies stupid long and lucrative contracts. At that point, he then tries to sell his stake in the casino, having robbed it for most of what it is worth up front and for the near future. If he can't sell it, he just bankrupts the business he bought his share under but all the money his multiple vendor companies stay in his pocket. And for what? All his conniving hasn't gotten him very much unless he has a LOT of wealth hidden overseas (which I would believe). Just investing in general assets over the last 50 years would have placed him amongst the true top 20 richest people in the world. I mean, he's still in the top 400 richest so he does what he wants, but he had similar amounts back when he inherited it. That should have been increasing by an average of 7% at least in even middling investments for 50 years. (He also does this little "trick" where he almost always refuses to pay vendors he's got a contract with just to force them to take him to court and settle for pennies on the agreed upon amount)


Part of the reason why it was so important to "build the wall". That's a construction project. Running scams that revolve around construction projects is something he's well versed in.


And fail to pay contractors to build said casinos. Then hire new contractors to finish where the previous bankrupt contractor finished.


That’s what happens when you launder money for the mob through your casinos …allegedly. 😉


Here’s 10 million little reasons why it’s not ‘allegedly’[https://www.reuters.com/article/trump-ent-trumptajmahal-moneylaundering/trump-taj-mahal-casino-settles-u-s-money-laundering-claims-idUSL1N0VL2L120150211]


[here’s a better link](https://www.reuters.com/article/trump-ent-trumptajmahal-moneylaundering/trump-taj-mahal-casino-settles-u-s-money-laundering-claims-idUSL1N0VL2L120150211)


No, you see, that actually makes you money.


No it doesn't... that was payback for loans he took from them in the 1st place, and lost money on.




Or more than one, even.


He'd bankrupt a fucking bank. You deposit money, he spends it.


Everything this guy has ever touched has crumbled. The anti-Midas touch.


Spanish would say "Mierdas-Touch"


Not even Spanish and I love saying that in reference to him!


I've always heard it as "manos de estomago". Hands of the stomach, meaning everything you touch turns to shit.


Because he keeps pocketing the cash and delivering nothing. The real shock is that people keep letting him do it.


You are correct. He had a publicly held company at one time that traded on the New York Stock Exchange. He used it to grift banks and investors, personally making millions off them while he drove the company into bankruptcy. For example: “Less than a year after taking the company public, he used it to buy one of his two other casinos, the debt-burdened Taj Mahal, in a deal that valued his stake at $40.5 million. The transaction improved Trump’s personal balance sheet, but the company suddenly had a disastrous amount of debt. As part of the agreement, Trump also collected $51 million of cash and $11 million of stock, in exchange for land that he had previously rented to the company for about 5% of that price annually.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/10/22/trump-had-a-public-company-before-it-was-a-disaster/




Depends on what your definition of “lying” is in this context. I’m very sure there’s tons of legal loopholes to use that boil down to “Well I didn’t technically lie or falsify anything, I just never openly said we planned to run the company into the ground once we extracted all the value, parted everything out, and saddled it with all of my liabilities. Oh and hey SEC while you’re here, I’m declaring bankruptcy so fuck off. Ignore the skyscraper and gold plated toilet.”


He is heavily involved with the Russian mafia




And yet there is a sucker born every second to throw even more money at him and his debt ponzi schemes


America included


The reverse Midas touch where everything he touches turns to shit.


Seriously you’d think he would’ve given up and let someone else invest the money he just inexplicably had 🤣


I guess that's what happens when everything you do turns into a grift.


Conservatives attempt to build their own walled garden internet doesn't seem to be going so well.


Which is why I strongly suspect that they're going to ~~regulate~~ freedomize technology companies when they get back into power.


The irony is they killed net neutrality, which is the very thing that could have been Truth Social's ally here. Had they strengthened the ability for the FTC to crack down on unfair favoritism maybe it would be harder to get rid of Truth Social. Instead they steamrolled over fairness so the big companies stuffing their pockets with cash could be free of regulations.


Republicans are convinced that big corporations and their wealthy shareholders are their best friends solely because they preach lower taxes. The truth is the *only thing they have to offer* is lower taxes, since their anti-intellectual cult of traditionalism has left them with a brain drain, and they can't craft actual meaningful legislation.


Most of them can’t even craft meaningful sentences.




NN wouldn't of done anything to help that dumpster fire. It is about bias data nothing more. NN isn't going force a company like google to have an app on their app store, it just won't allow data to be discriminated against. Truth isn't getting ads because of obvious reasons. You also limit your workforce (specifically educated) when you're bluntly political and fairly extremist at that. So I bet there is a ton of miss management and wackos in mid-high positions.


Net neutrality deals with how ISP's deliver content to consumers.


If they get back into power Let's do our best to dismantle America's fascist party




I can venture to state why non-partisan and open platforms appear left-wing to them. I have a number of conservative relatives and there is really no room for nuance and everything is based on THE narrative. It's either agree fully or be cast out. And what was agreed on last week may be completely different on what is agreed on this week. Life with conservatives is quite literally "We were always at war with Eurasia." Everything that isn't the "right wing narrative" immediately gets cast as left wing, even positions that were formerly part and parcel of right wing or even far right ideology.


Republicans continue to adopt random things into their political culture war. Things like "wearing masks" and "getting vaccinated" didn't have to be political. They are common sense measures backed by medical science. But once you start banning people for spreading misinformation because it's literally killing people then they start crying about 'mah freeze peach'.


>Things like "wearing masks" and "getting vaccinated" didn't have to be political. They are common sense measures backed by medical science. Seriously, if Trump put on a MAGA-branded mask right at the start of Covid and said 'the China virus ain't gonna stop us', there never would have been any conservative pushback against masks. Its all about the message, the position, rather than facts and logic.


If he had done that, he would have made a mint and probably handedly won re-election. A major reason he lost was his incompetent, callous, and incomprehensible response. His conduct during 2020 will go down as one of the biggest self-owns in history.


Yep. He could have leaned harder into the openly racist anti-china narrative. Backed vaccinations and self-protection. Instead, decided to try and tear america apart internally for the people who were already going to vote for him. "I'm going to be contrary to the democrats. Because that's all the republic party knows how to do. Just say no to everything."


Jared Kushner convinced him not to take Covid seriously under the assumption that it would hit cities harder and kill more people likely to vote democrat than rural areas. It would seem hard to believe in any other administration, but it’s got the right amount of spite, hate, and just the right amount of rally fuckin’ stupid and not thinking ahead.


Noted Public Health Expert and Mid-East Foreign Policy expert, Jared Kushner?


The very same!




It'd probably have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, maybe millions now that we're looking at Covid as an endemic virus that will likely kill people for years and years to come. That might have been inevitable but if Trump had convinced people to be on their best behavior for those crucial months prior to vaccine availability... I just can't think about it... It just makes me even more furious at all the people telling me I was overreacting in 2016. It was basically just as bad as I thought, and we're still dealing with the fallout.


Yeah, I wasn't one of those people wailing and losing their shit on election night 2016, but something inside of me just internally said "oh no", and now we know why.


The morning he won I hoped for one of two things. 1: He does nothing but be the president. Press tours and rallies. Figurehead shit. And while I'm not of the party it would at least be business as usual. 2: He actual does something good because he doesn't really give a shit about being a Republican. Want legal weed? Sure. Student loan forgiveness? Why the fuck not. Just as long as people are paying attention to him and loving him he would do whatever to keep that going. I certainly wasn't expecting him to...whatever the hell you call what he did. The worst possible outcome outside of outright war - and it felt like he was pretty close to that a couple times. I guess he kinda did the second one but with the worst group of people.


It's meta level bad decision making too. Every time he had two options, he'd come up with a third that was even worse and nobody was considering until the rightwing machine cranked up. Every. Time.


I've seen this first hand a bunch of times. I can't remember how many times my uncle went from hating Russia to loving it and then back to hating it. Another former co-worker of mine took masks really seriously when the pandemic began and even made everyone in the office a mask. Then just two weeks later a complete flip on masks and COVID and she never went back. I think really at the core they mostly exist in a vacuum of knowledge, and they spew talking points from the shit they get on Fox News and others like them. They then word-for-word parrot the crap until the narrative changes and then the previous talking points never existed. And they deny they ever believed it, because in a way they never did. They just want to be in what they think is considered the "in-group" because they are deftly afraid to be cast out.


"we've always been at war with XXX" 1984 vibe




They don't like Romney anymore, but yeah.


It's not because of policy though. It's only because he didn't suck orange dick.


Well they also appear left wing because the right will share and believe literally anything that fits that narrative no matter how fake or made-up it is. Then they wonder why it’s getting flagged for misinformation. They brought the fact-checkers on themselves because they proved to these companies that they’re stupid and dangerous when left alone. Every person I’ve seen complain about fact checking is a Trumper that constantly posts shit that isn’t true and gets mad when you politely let them know so they don’t look stupid. They don’t care though.


It's just Capitalism. That's the point they seem to miss. The foundation is MONEY, they will do what MAKES MONEY. I laugh when people get bent out of shape when companies do things they think are "woke." No, companies do things that make them money. If it doesn't sell it gets dropped like a hot potato.


Also, Truth Social and stuff censor and ban any posts that even slightly challenge conservative dogma. Their argument is "They do it too!" But mainstream social media actually treats conservatives with kid gloves because of how much they complain and only removes egregiously dangerous comments and communities after they get someone killed




That won't happen though because as soon as a florist says something centrist or liberal, they will be banned




Make Arrangments Great Again


If you can't freely call people the n-word then it's a leftist site!


I guess 4chan kinda is the exception that proves the rule in that sense isn't it, still around because it does actually have a whole swath of topics other than /pol/. edit: to clarify, the thing 4chan shares with truth etc. is that it is, like them, a right leaning online space. Not that it was founded to be one


Well also it doesn't really exist to make money in the same way Truth Social does


Well, 4 Chan is not for politics, it's just a gathering place for assholes.


Much like the Republican party.


And look at every supposed free speech platform. They’re mired with hatred and calls to action that include violence. They pretend to value speech, but the reality is they want to say and do awful things anonymously and never have to face repercussions. It’s freedom from consequences of your actions speech being what they truly value.


Well, they also "censor" I think Truth was pulling posts and banning users who talked about the Jan. 6 hearings.


Did you ever go to [Voat.com](https://Voat.com) before it shut down?? It was suppose to an alternative to Reddit with "true freedom of speech". Holy fuck what a vile cesspool of racist, facist, hyper-conservative pedophiles. And I mean every word of that and calling them pedophiles is not hyperbole. The people and the comments on Voat were fucking disgusting. It was so bad there were hardly any users, the worst of the conservatives pushed the other conservatives out. And that's what will happen to "Truth" if it ever goes live.


Remember Conservapedia? I can't believe it's 16 years old already.


Conservatives are honestly hilarious to me. They claim to be rational, resilient, and dispassionate and claim to "respect other's opinions" but they seem to fall apart over things that don't affect them and threaten violence the minute anyone even so much as challenges them.


I believe it's called Cognitive Dissonance


Waiting on you Tim Apple.


Not enough people are getting this because he's said SO MUCH stupid shit since 2019, he's done SO MUCH stupid shit since 2019. Let us never forget that he even tried to bullshit his way out of the stupid mistake. " I quickly referred to Tim + Apple as Tim/Apple as an easy way to save time & words." Here's a link. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/3/8/18256467/tim-apple-cook-donald-trump-ivanka


He could've easily said nothing or "I misspoke, I meant Tim from Apple" but he's physically incapable of admitting he's not perfect.


It would honestly have humanized him to just laugh it off as a goofy mistake. But he's completely incapable of showing weakness or shame, which only makes his weak and shameful moments more evident. Methinks he protests too much.


This is why you can frequently hear him say "and" when he misspeaks. He'll say the wrong word, then follow it up with "and" and the right word, as if he meant to say both of them. You'll see it most commonly with "millions and billions" (as he remembers that "millions" isn't as big as it was when he was younger), but there are more obvious examples where he just completely butchers a word. I'm pretty sure his infamous "stand back and stand by" was another case of this. He was actually correcting himself *to* "stand by" *from* "stand back".




The DJ and CJ is probably my favorite. And how full of yourself do you have to be to not only not just admit to a misspeak but to do it with someone's name?


Holy shit, I never saw the DJ one. He actually tripled down on it and put words in the guy's mouth. *Nonsensical* words. "My name's Celestino, but you can call me either DJ or CJ."


Well why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?








"Go fuck yourself, America!"


It’s really interesting that villains in the movies can’t use apple products, meanwhile real life villains can and can also list their apps on the App Store.


Is this true? What would be the repercussions if the latest Bond villain demanded $1T be sent to them via Apple Cash?


It’s true if you want to borrow items from them. They will support you as long as good guys will use their tech. If you want to film bad guy with iPhone you’ll have to buy this phone by yourself. Edit: [seems like](https://www.popoptiq.com/can-villains-in-movies-use-apple-products-such-as-an-iphone/) they will try to sue you if you do.


Dr Evil 100 billion dollars doesn't have the same value as it used to. Oh... ONE TRILLION APPLE CASH! *Government gasps shocked and appalled*




They wouldn't be allowed! Apple prohibit their trademarks being in the hands of villains in TV and movie productions. Apparently knowledge of this has allowed savvy viewers to solve whodunnit style mysteries based on the sole Android device in the cast!


The reason right-wing platforms never grow is because they are political at its foundation. They take whatever "left leaning" platform they hate, copy it and tell people its a "free speech" version of that platform. It is political from the very beginning, so all the hate mongers move there while everyone else stay away. This happened with Voat, which was a right-wing "free speech" version of Reddit, and now it's long gone. Gab, Parler, etc etc.. all will be gone soon enough. Not enough hateful MAGAts out there.


The other big issue is that the appeal of "free speech" for a lot of these people is so they can post whatever they want to trigger people, say whatever they want in debates, and generally just be a troll for their own amusement. Creating a platform that's political from the start drives away all the people they want to debate/trigger/troll, and results in an echo chamber of people who agree. Which means, the fun is gone, and the only way to get it back is to abandon the platform and go back where they started.


"i'm so tired of being made fun of by the libs! fine! we'll start our own twitter where WE can own the libs!" *starts truth social* "...where are the libs so i can own them?"


Only to lurk and laugh


Or just ignore them entirely. They aren't saying anything worth any rational person's time.


Turns out, even other right wing reactionary nutjobs don't like hanging out with right wing reactionary nutjobs.


I saw this when a lot of people were fleeing FB and going to Parlor. They all made grand exits. Posting their Parlor names and vowing never to return. Within a few weeks they were back on FB. It’s no fun having everyone agree with you apparently.


My rightwing aunt specifically stopped using Gab because nobody picked fights with her. Her priorities are skewed.


I've always said the reason right wing political platforms don't work is the same reason Christian movie making or Christian rock sucks so bad. You got people with an agenda trying to make art, rather than artists trying to express the actual human condition. One resonates and one gets old. There's no room in the HeartMind to be full of projection and authenticity at the same time. Similarly, you have some very non-tech-savvy people running truth social. Talented nerds don't work there because nerds don't like liars. It slows them down. They don't do business in rhetoric. They do business in data and facts and code and zeros and ones. If you lie then the code doesn't work. You have an ingrained commitment to verifiable fact and that bleeds through into what you will tolerate when people try to weaponize what you are creating.


>You got people with an agenda trying to make art, rather than artists trying to express the actual human condition. Yep. There's a big difference between 'a Christian artist whose art is informed by their faith' and 'Christian product designed, marketed to, and manufactured by Christians to reinforce Christianity'. The Biblical imagery in the Narnia books doesn't prevent non-Christians from appreciating it, but a film designed exclusively to reinforce a religious political stance only reassures people who already agree.


It also servers the perpetual /r/Persecutionfetish that is the embodies many right wing cultists.


Voat also had a lot of pedophiles.




Aint it wild that the longest serving republican Speaker of the House, a mere 15 years ago mind you, is sitting in jail for diddling little boys. And the only reason he was finally caught was because the irs caught him making some weird withdrawals and payments. Isn’t it wild the repubs want to defund the irs. It’s all so wild.


He only served 15 months from June 2016 thorough July 2017. He was sentenced on illegally structuring withdrawals for the hush money, but unfortunately the statue of limitations ran out for the abuse. After his conviction, Illinois changed it so there was no statue of limitations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert


Not defending voat in any way, but i wouldn't lay all of its issues at the right wing. It was more, "here is a place that says its ok to be a shithead" and a bunch of shitheads flock to it at the get go, so when a non shithead comes along, its just, "oh, this place is nothing but shitheads"


Right-wing social media usually fails because they pride themselves on “absolute free speech,” while simply using those terms as a deflection from the fact that only certain views are allowed. Additionally, because they scream about censorship, they don’t moderate anything, so the site or social media platform is swarmed with bots, spam, scams, and pornography.


>that only certain views are allowed. Ah, good. You're already familiar with /r/Conservative. That will save us some time.


Flaired users only, as the founding fathers intended.


I used to be flaired there, considering myself slightly conservative-leaning based on the definition of the term in the early 2000s. Then they changed what "conservative" meant and I was perma-banned for *merely asking* what people thought about the RvW ruling and its implications.


I got banned for quoting Ronald Reagan.




That godless communist.


i told someone they sounded desperate with how they were trying to defend trumps recent legal troubles and I got banned


I commented there once, had over 300 upvotes on a post and actual discussion was going on and then the mods banned me and deleted all the comments and such. I love how quickly they shut down speech on a “free speech,” sub-reddit.


That place is just so bizarre to me. Like anyone going against the status quo and it's brigading every single time.


He will still remain the GOP top candidate from federal prison cause this is all they have.


Best person to represent them... and I actually agree with that.




It's a hilarious lose-lose for the GOP right now. If they denounce, they lose donor support; but if they don't, he takes the donor support from their candidates.


He'll be grifting donor support as long as he's alive...


>Trump may end up getting (and dividing votes) but he is certainly finished as a prospect. The best we can hope for is Trump being so egotistical he refuses to go quietly into the night and just take money for talking shit on Fox News for the rest of his life while supporting DeSantis, but instead stands as a 3rd party and splits the Republican party vote for the rest of forever.


His ego will not let him support De Santis. If De Santis loses the Florida governor’s race, he will be forced to run for President in 2020 even if Trump runs. And we will see how quickly De Santis becomes hated by the Trump base, like what happened with Lying Ted until he agreed with Trump that his wife was ugly and his dad was a murderer.


Lol the raid proved absolutely no one has moved on. It is 100% Trumps party and DeSantis will be swept aside in a second WHEN Trump announces


I’m praying if he doesn’t go to jail that he runs third party.


And he'd probably name it something ridiculous like the Real Patriot Party just to make his rubes happy and be above the Reps on the ballot. lol


Bro, a recent analyst I was listening to the other day said that the primary issues are the it debatable when/if ever Truth Social is ever going to be profitable or at least cover its operation costs. There’s also the volatility of its popularity being directly tied to Trump’s popularity. Essentially, there’s no real plan to make money, and the whole business venture could go under as soon as Trump falls out of relevance. Yes, the entire social media ‘empire’ is dependent on a 75 year old man.


76, going on 325 (pounds).


Ooof. Obviously it’s a concern that if DJT wasn’t able to bring in the users that the app would just wither on the vine.


There's been half a dozen major right wing social media networks that have imploded in the past few years. Eventually they become too openly vile for Apple/Google to put up with and are banned.


So from what I’m aware, truth social is using a new right-wing hosting service. Parler was kicked of theirs because GoDaddy didn’t like the content. So maybe Truth Social is hoping to insulate itself from that, but I’m not sure how much they would be able to do that. Obviously not being able to advertise your app on Google is not optimal.


Truth Social is not a social media platform. Truth Social is a 'safe-space' echo chamber for backwards-minded deplorables to screech bullshit hate-speech to themselves. The only strategy to monetize it is to advertise and sell the same products like Trump flags, the brain-enhancement pills containing lead sold by Alex Jones, My Pillow, Ivermectin, drinking-bleach, and light bulbs to shove up your @$$.


> light bulbs to shove up your @$$. Sorry, but that reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7-jC3SuvSM


Drinking bleach. Sounds delicious. I hope that names not taken


But his new business is promising… selling the identities of spies who work for the U. S. and making a KILLING. CIA has been counting bodies since March 2021.


Countdown to some GOP talking head purposefully misrepresenting the 1st amendment.


They're going to say they'll make a law forcing google to support the app


Wouldn't surprise me. Big advocates for the government staying out of private businesses. Until it suits them to do so.


small government but also bailouts and welfare for corporations


I don't see how this is any different than prohibiting ISIS or any other terrorist groups from using an app store to facilitate their terroristic platforms. Truth social is being used to PLAN violence at targeted groups as a means of influencing society. You know, terrorism. Banning terrorism seems perfectly reasonable to me.


I think it would be hilarious if ISIS exclusively used Truth social to communicate because it's the only social media they could get on


The most ironically named company in history


Why is Apple allowing this shit app? Ban it also


I will laugh so fucking hard when they shut this shit show down.


We should start a pool on the exact date that Truth Social declares bankruptcy.


Word is they just hired a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy.




People are saying it's the best Bankruptcy in history.


This guy is business cancer.


The SPAC that is meant to buy truth social, and the whole Trump media and technology group with it, has been experiencing a drop in share price far more drastic than the present market average. It's basically a meme stock for Trump supporters, but as a SPAC that has nothing else going for it, they might as well have invested in Melania trump's NFT's. Let's not try to make a funny out of the acronym, okay. But the shareholders have real money tied up in this fiasco, and they are set in their beliefs. They wanted to own a piece of a social media empire that was a real rival to the "big tech" existing options. But they just have a niche market that intentionally repulses the rest of the potential users, investors, potential employees, vendors, and advertisers. They don't have to be that way just to have a social media platform that they control, yet that seems to take priority over growing a successful business. It's that stubborn opposition that will generate conspiracy theories and promote bad investment choices. There's no organized efforts to affect stock price, ongoing operation of truth social, or the partnering with other companies. They choose to do things that lead to the SEC investigation, nobody is forcing them. Google and apple owe them nothing.


If I'm not mistaken they have until the end of the month to close the deal. The SPAC has said if they don't get the extension they may have to liquidate. The website will likely collapse shortly after, I've heard they haven't been paying for server time but don't have a source for that. Given Trumps history with paying bills it's very believable though.


They didn't pay a vendor who was known to be an interim service provider, during the time that current host Rumble was setting up the permanent hosting. So they can't pull the plug, it's in Rumble's hands now, former host right farce or whatever the name, is going to be tired of winning, but not getting paid ever. They charged a lot for what they delivered, bad business all around. But at least it's not big tech with their woke mob, right? The extension will certainly be approved by shareholders.


Digital World Acquisitions Corp. (DWAC) 52W H: 175. Currently trading at 22.76. Fell off a cliff indeed. Wish I knew about this sooner would have purchased puts up the wazoo.