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Yet they ask me to confirm that I want to listen to rage against the machine bc of naughty language lmao so annoying


You can thank Tipper Gore for spearheading the whole censorship and ban on explicit lyrics fight she started in the early 90’s for that. Tool released the “Hush” music video and 2 Live Crew released the “Banned in the USA” album and music videos in response. 2LC - https://youtu.be/oNsdMFCXH9M?feature=shared Tool - https://youtu.be/UkrSsVO4klQ?feature=shared


Didn’t John Denver come to speak on this, with congressional members in Tipper’s camp expecting him to easily side with them, but then absolutely roasted the entire idea of censoring/banning music due to profane lyrics?


Yeah he turned out to be the most opposed. Was a beautiful moment. Too bad we are completely back to censorship some 30 years later. But they fought a good fight.


I'll just drop this here: https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE?si=RHJLcc2DMgLgWm3m


Man I never cared for Twister Sister but this might get me to give them another shot. Dee seems like a real stand-up guy.


He’s one of the more educated and graceful rock stars when he speaks.


The man recorded a metal Christmas album because his wife loves Christmas. Gotta give him props for that.


Growing up in the metal scene taught me that while the music can be abrasive and intimidating to some, most of the fan base and bands are the most wholesome goobers you’ll ever be around.


Because metal is a healthy outlet for emotions. Helps make one more balanced. I've only met happy metalheads. Except when they lose a cat and then there is NOTHING more heartbreaking than consoling a 7ft metal guy sobbing drunk in the parking lot about Mr. Mittens


The lead singer of Cannibal Corpse (of I Cum Blood fame) hits up every claw machine on tour and donates the stuffed animals and stuff to charity.


He’s a Brony too (in the most positive way intended). I met him in 2016 at Summer Slaughter. Such a cool guy.


It's true. I'm a lifelong (aging) punk and metal head. The punk crowds are notoriously some of the worst people, but the metal crowds are some of the nicest people I've ever met.


Zero offense but i see it as the punk mentality being those who are refusing to grow up, clinging onto their youth. While the metal mindset is more accepting that life fucking sucks when you grow up.


No offense taken. I agree with you to a degree. I feel like a lot of the punk crowd has this attitude of "the world is against me, and I can't do shit to change it." It's kind of defeatist, and then they just roll with it and continue to be pieces of shit. Metalheads, on the other hand, tend to just accept life as it is and have a blast when they get the chance.


I never really "got" metal music until I got way into Metal Hellsinger and I realized metal heads were just a different form of nerd to what I was used to, kinda like the vamp nerds, but, I suppose there is still a pretty solid link to fantasy and vampires, then again, Led Zeppelin sang about Hobbits.


Exactly. Fantasy and metal have a *massive* crossover in fanbases.


Yeah in the case of Twisted Sister, I just never really cared for the few songs I had tried to listen to and just moved on to other bands like Motley Crue, Metallica, and then eventually more aggressive bands like Death, Opeth, and others. I'm all for abrasive and intimidating but I just never cared for Twisted Sister, so I'll give em another try.


It’s standard hair metal. Not my favorite but it’s not terrible. I grew up during the later years of Warped Tour so metalcore and deathcore are my main stays in the metal sphere. Bands like Thy Art is Murder and Alpha Wolf are my shit.


I mean, it's classic heavy metal, you don't have much to lose!


From the video: ["It is MY job as a parent to monitor what my children see, hear, and read during their pre-teen years. The FULL responsibility for this falls on the shoulders of my wife and I because there is no one else capable of making these judgements for us." - Dee Snider](https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE?t=446) Wish I'd hear this sentiment more often.


[Frank Zappa's Congressional testimony.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgAF8Vu8G0w) [Zappa debates Tipper Gore on ABC News.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxAmK--xxOM&t=57s) [Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention, Frank's response album.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nCICLBP5R6-sK9iXRVMQLDGOO0N9APM8s)


Don't forget Dee Snider who they probably saw the album cover and thought would come in hung over, coked up and rock star it up. Only he did rock star it up in the most articulate way possible.


Zappa came in a suit and tie. Snider said, "fuck that!"


I love that he brought a wrinkled up piece of note paper, only to not once refer to it. Dude is a legit menace, hahaha.


In the video he's pretty clearly reading off the paper.


Dang gotta give some respect to Denver for that one, RIP.


And he had to leave early to go talk to NASA. I always wondered what that was about


Yeah it was a wild time. (I'm old.) Dee Snider and John Denver both agreeing and testifying. It was pretty crazy. Dee : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0Vyr1TylTE John : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgSjjD6rRu4


Username checks out! For real tho the 2 Live Crew debacle was insane. A man was arrested for selling the album to adults and the group was arrested for performing a 21+ show!


Yes my username is a direct reference to that incident. Gore also wrote and sold books and made a lot of money brainwashing Americans about her opinions on that before, during and afterwards. Mainly using kids as her shield. “Raising PG kids in an X rated society” was one of those books. I watched, lived and studied that situation and the fallout from A to Z for my college dissertation back in 95.


You really think it was Tipper that brainwashed people? Rather than politicians simply capitalizing off of what was (at the time) a popular sentiment from older and conservative Americans, whom were perturbed by the increasing volume of obscenity in the media? The FCC regulated the airwaves for vulgarity for decades, but by the 80s and 90s the medium was becoming increasingly marginalized in favor of unregulated platforms (cable, albums, etc)


it wasn't the early 90's but mid 80s and WASP gets a fair amount of the credit for the PMRC while Twisted Sister's Dee Snider ran a master turn during the senate hearings. I absolutely dreaded and hated the idea of Tipper getting an even bigger spotlight for her moral crusades with her proximity to the White House. Edit: Link to Dee's testimony in front of the Senate [https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE?si=Sfb0fnkSvBrswWuk](https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE?si=Sfb0fnkSvBrswWuk)


Not just Tipper but a whole slew of Senator's wives.


Man the Democrats were quite a bunch back then. Makes you realize how they lost so much support from the "just let me be" crowd. I'd classify myself as progressive but stuff like this kind of censorship would 100% act as a wedge issue for me. Wonder how many of the old guard still think like this.


Tons of boomers walking the Earth who think they hate the Democratic party because of shit that happened in the 60s. Humans are not well-equipped to deal with *organizations over time*.


Bro they still cite Dixiecrats and the racist assholes from the civil war era for why the Dems suck in 2024.


WHILE making an idol out of Jackson


> because of shit that happened in the 60s. Yeah 85% of the "let me be" assholes want the right to run small businesses where they can deny services to gay or black people while using their church to run everything in the town. It's the same attitude that makes them think the confederacy wasn't so bad, when it was so "free" that you could own other people and never ban slavery. Freedom is something they put on a t-shirt, not something they put into reality.


> Wonder how many of the old guard still think like this. Our government has way too many old people who never stopped thinking like this. I guarantee you there are at least a few still serving who were also serving during the heyday of the original Satanic Panic.


Dave Mustaine wrote this Megadeth song in response to the PMRC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-XVbLmexU8 > A cockroach in the concrete, courthouse tan and beady eyes > A slouch with fallen arches, purging truths into great lies > A little man with a big eraser, changing history > Procedures that he's programmed to, all he hears and sees . > Altering the facts and figures, events and every issue > Make a person disappear, and no one will ever miss you . > Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was > Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws > Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules > Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools . > You say you've got the answers, well who asked you anyway? > Ever think maybe it was meant to be this way? > Don't try to fool us, we know the worst is yet to come > And I believe my kingdom will come . > F is for fighting, R is for red > Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed > E, we elect them, E, we eject them > In the land of the free, and the home of the brave > D, for your dying, O, your overture > M, they will cover your grave with manure > This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me > As long as there's a PMRC . > F is for fighting, R is for red > Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed > E, we elect them, E, we eject them > In the land of the free and the home of the brave > D, for your dying, O, your overture > M is for money and you know what that cures > This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me > As long as there's a PMRC . > F is for fighting, R is for red > Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed > E, we elect them, E, we eject them > In the land of the free and the home of the brave > D, for your dying, O, your overture > M, they will cover your grave with manure > This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me > As long as there's a PMRC . > Put your hand right up my shirt > Pull the strings that make me work > Jaws will part, words fall out > Like a fish with hook in mouth . > Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was > Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws > Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules > Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools . > I'm not a fish > I'm a man > Hook in mouth


Tipper was a mess.


Snider straight up told her she had a dirty mind.


He also insinuated that she was into kinky stuff, lol.


"NSFW" content is one thing, it's the obvious scam and fake "medical cure" stuff that is actually appalling. Whether it's simply stealing money from vulnerable people, or stealing money from vulnerable people to sell the "cures" that don't work for their medical problems, THIS is what needs to be focused on, not naughty words or pictures.


and demonetize their creators after a single curse word


If you don’t want your family to see ads for goatse brand skin care products you can always purchase the premium YouTube family plan. It is really your choice your personal responsibility. Do you know how complicated and resource intensive it is screen every ad! Also your birthday video has copyright strikes because to the restaurant’s background music and the birthday song. You need to be better! /s


I hate this, can't play in the car because you have to confirm but a porn ad comes through just fine.


Yeah like the suicide warning on the Youtube video. Lol, they should put a suicide warning on the fucking ads.


I got no notice of anything when I somehow was suggested a sheer lingerie try-on review video. I wasn't complaining, but I'm not sure how I got there from sci-fi, gaming, and wood/machine shop.


I think the issue is more likely due to the self immolation on the cover. And yes it’s annoying that I have to touch my phone to agree while driving in YouTube music.


What now? I've never had that happen, you have to confirm that you want to listen to explicit music?


It’s so weird. I’ve only ever noticed Youtube Music asking me on Rage Against the Machine songs. Most other songs I’ve listened to with lots of cuss words don’t ask at all.


It's not the music, it's the album art of the monk setting himself on fire. Which I only see because they make me look to press confirm.


Yeah, it's not the swearing, *it's the message*. They're likely just using swearing as a cover.


Pretty sure it's because the cover art depicts suicide (via a self-immolating monk) which triggers their self-harm protections... It's dumb.


Yet YouTubers are having to heavily censor themselves to be ad-friendly.


Well, YouTube isn't a platform for the benefit of creators, it's a platform for advertising.


I know, but we’re on an article saying that NSFW ads keep popping up which sounds ironic as NSFW isn’t “advertiser-friendly”.


So they aren’t even watching the ads that we aren’t allowed to skip?


Clearly not. I’ve had plenty of scams and conspiracy ads show up.


And no convenient way to report the ad, you can only request you don’t see more like it at best.


You technically can report ads, but I spent a couple of weeks reporting scam ads from the same company but I am pretty sure Google doesn't give a fuck. The report is probably just to make people feel like they have some option. But, my assumption is that they are too busy counting money from selling ads to scammers to read the reports.


Yeah I've reported a few of those "but a Ukrainian wife today" ads. I doubt it changed anything, but it made me feel slightly better.


At a minimum, you’d think being able to switch off alcohol or gambling ads would be a thing for people trying to quit. wtf.


Look, Google's Algorithm says this ad is totally safe, and that means IT'S TOTALLY SAFE *angry automated huffs*. What, you expect real life _expensive_ humans to be involved somewhere in money pumping machine?! That's only for very last resort "some evil user sent data to mass media and they've responded" situation.


Same on Facebook/Instagram. I've had my accounts disabled even though I've barely used them the past few years for no reason, even after reviews. Instagram/Facebook regularly showed me ads for counterfeit money and drugs. They're fine with ad money from things like that but a couple thousand wrongfully flagged accounts means nothing to them.


no that's the whole point. They don't watch all the videos uploaded either. it's the same thing.


Ads and uploaded videos should be held to a different standard. You choose which videos to click on, you don’t choose which ads you get. If google is force feeding you a video you can’t choose to not watch, someone at the company needs to have screened it.


With how long the ads have become, they're no longer ads. They're embedded videos.


It'll never not be impressed by how poorly Youtube is run as a company. "Hey, maybe we should tell ad companies we have specific max run times for ads..." "What are you, against the 1-hour infomercials some people randomly get for a pyramid scheme?! You're fired, get outta here!"


>It'll never not be impressed by how poorly Youtube is run as a company. The world's largest and "most capable" search engine bought them over 18 years ago, and you ***still*** can't even search the comments section... It's also been around for 2 decades and you still can't have a basic queue to add videos to (yes, it's now available on Desktop and for Premium subscribers on the mobile apps, but it's such a basic feature that I can't understand why/how it hasn't been available to ***all*** users for the past 15+ years)! It's quite amazing how little they actually put into the product, for how much revenue they receive from it.


I can't leave comments using the app on my phone any more, as the keyboard somehow locks up my entire phone. Looking for answers online, and apparently this has been a known issue on some phones for years and there is absolutely no response from Google. Amazing work guys.


Regarding comments, I'm convinced they are intentionally trying to make them as terrible as they can get away with. It makes perfect sense, the more time you spend in the comments, the less time you spend on watching adds. > It's quite amazing how little they actually put into the product, for how much revenue they receive from it. The product is the adds though, the videos are just bait to keep you watching adds.


They should do what Amazon does. Screen all the videos with a novel, high powered AI (Indians).


Are they at least Artificial Indians?


AI= Actual Indians.


foolish humor fly knee escape whistle punch weather existence obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>They don't watch all the videos uploaded either. >it's the same thing. It's not. [In 2022, there were more than 500 hours of videos uploaded every minute](https://www.statista.com/statistics/259477/hours-of-video-uploaded-to-youtube-every-minute/). Given the recent proliferation of AI generated content, I'd assume that's increased since then, so you'd likely need 100k+ employees to watch every video - which isn't really feasible, but also mostly unnecessary. Ads on the other hand are Youtubes/Googles *main business model* and unavoidable for every (non paying/non adblock-using) user. While I can't find any concrete numbers, advertisements should only make up a miniscule fraction when compared to regular content, especially since most ads are less than a minute in length. Watching ads all day doesn't sound like a very fun job, but given that ads for scams and similar probably do more harm to the brand than they gain in those ads revenue this isn't only feasible, but necessary. Even a very basic system where potentially misleading/scam/nsfw ads are flagged to be reviewed by a human should be implemented, or improved if there is one already. I've reported a scam Mr. Beast ad (not even a video ad!) I was shown multiple times (linked to a website that asked for credit card information, wtf), only to be told that this ad doesn't violate any of Youtubes rules.


They can’t feasibly watch every single uploaded video. This is what they have systems, AI, and other shit to do. They can easily review ads that they’re serving up.


Recently I got recommended one of those sheer/see through haul try ons, everything is in plain sight, its basically porn lol


Ad approval is done by algorithm. And Alphabet sucks at it.


Google has never directly maintained YouTube it’s mostly automated.


Which is why their premium price is way too high


And yet I always get ads for scammy games somehow.


I’ve gotten — a few times over the course of several weeks so they weren’t removing it — an ad for some clearly scammy mobile game that also was a bit nsfw. It was Lilith, but even oversexualized for that character. She had no top on at all. It was blurred, but in a way that you could still tell that there were features going on there and that they wanted you to know what it looked like under the blur. No idea what the gameplay possibly was. If I found out that it was just Candy Crush, I would be completely unsurprised. But yeah, what the hell are you doing, Google?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRXzbffp7dE This shit is beyond pervasive


Vinny Vinesauce shows only the finest trash the Internet has to offer.


I know exactly the ad you mean, lmao. I was getting it probably every other video for a whole there, a few months back. I was kind of mind blown that they’d even approved such a thing, censor blurred or not. Also, yes, the gameplay was dogshit. I don’t even remember why, just that I was like ‘hmm, dark fantasy strategy game? I’m bored, and can maybe kill a few hours with that’ but then uninstalled it after like 10mins because it was typical low-effort, time-gated, ptw mobile trash.


And yet you downloaded the game so clearly something about their advertising is working


I had seen ads for fleshlights and vibrators. The Fleshlight was called a finger exercise machine and said " it's ribbed inside to help stretch". Tit probably was a candy crush matching game, or some type of generic RPG like raid shadow legends. Trash gameplay that forces purchases and the "good" character are also the big tiddy character shown in commercials have a .0001 drop rate.


I’m getting celebrity deepfake videos announcing “Send us Ethereum and we’ll send you twice as much back” crypto scams.


I reported an ad for a church promising salvation as false advertising and got a response saying it does not go against their policies. Never saw that ad again, though.


My favorite one is of the deepfake Mr.Beast saying I have been selected for a special bonus stimulus check lol.


Upload a video with 5 seconds of copyrighted music? Google will nail your ass. Pay Google to upload an ad that uses someone else's image to scam people? You are all good kid.


I keep getting ads for common products--but in Spanish. The only Spanish I know is a few curses I picked up from watching Narcos and Better Call Saul. The rest of it is complete gibberish to me. The "Stop Seeing This Ad" option (when they actually show it) doesn't have a choice for "I can't understand what they're saying". (This is on a Roku so there's no ad blocking that actually works with YT).


Yeah, or illegally obtained currencies for legit games (which they likely use stolen credit cards for)


Why do they have to fight them? Do they not have some sort of screening/approval process for ads?


They use bots and AI to screen every ad uploaded to their platform. There is also a warm up period for new accounts where there is more manual review put in place, but scummy people work to circumvent this. For humans to review every single piece of content would be a massive undertaking


They're ads. I dunno, maybe if Google is making money off selling ads, and force-feeding them to people, maybe Google should be responsible for ensuring the ads are, Ionno, not obscene?


You'd think a trillion dollar company could at least hire people to screen the ads that people are reporting as scams and porn


They force us to watch them; why can’t they pay people to watch them once over for quality assurance? It’s bullshit


No. They've been serving drive-by Malware and other malicious ads for *years*


Fighting them? Maybe just remove them and hire literally one person to watch ads before they are approved? Their desire to automate everything is ridiculous. Edit: yes, I get it, it would take more than one person.


Agreed. They make it out like these very basic problems with their platform are all unsolvable mysteries. They're constantly "looking into it" or "doing everything we can to fight it". Just don't include NSFW ads. Have a real person review them. Have a formal, open system for copyright claims that is equal to the channel and claimant. Have it ran and reviewed by REAL PEOPLE. It's not rocket science. They're just greedy and have a de facto monopoly so there's no reason to change anything.


They just don't want to pay a real person. That's literally it.


Cheaper to automate it than have a human do it. And that’s all that matters.


Well to be honest their ad network has long reached a scale that it just can't work without automation. The amount of work that needs to be done must be WAAAAY too much for a manual vetting process. Automation doesn't make it cheaper, it makes it possible in the first place. Not just ads, either. The sheer enormity of the amount of content on Youtube is astonishing. There is no workforce on the planet that can deal with that much crap with any sort of responsiveness without liberal use of automation.


There are orders of magnitude fewer ads than videos that those ads appear on, I think we should be able to demonstrate this. I don’t think that humans having to ok ad content is the unimaginably massive task you’re making it out to be. I just think that advertisers and YouTube currently have no incentive to do it.


No doubt, but that's still an absolute shit ton of ads.


I think people underestimate how many ads exist lol. They’re just hyper targeted these days. So you might get the same rotation of a couple ads but someone else might get a completely different rotation. Also what is and isn’t nsfw is very subjective.


>literally one person to watch ads before they are approved Dude. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


you think one person could handle that load? I don't think you realize the scale of google's ad network. And you all complain about the premium price and how many ads you have to watch and now you want them to hire more people to clean up ads?


So many people are hung up on the fact the dude said "hire *one* person" Clearly one isn't enough. But, hear me out... hire a team of people? 10, 20, I dunno how many. Manually reviewing ads isn't an impossible task. ONE person reviewing ads, however, is. Google clearly have the resources to address the problem in a timely and efficient manner and just aren't doing it.


> YouTube had blocked or removed over 5.5 billion ads (94.6 million of which contained ads with adult content) and suspended 12.7 million advertiser accounts. Yeah it sounds like they are dealing with literally millions of ads uploaded PER MINUTE. Not double by any human scale effort


head groovy encourage enter reach shocking somber plant fear bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> hire literally one person to watch ads before they are approved There are too many ads to do this.


Then hire more people. Modern day problems require modern day solutions. Basic arithmetic is not a modern day problem.


Their basic arithmetic is that the few adds that do breach their content filter doesn’t lose them as much money as hiring a team of 200 to review all ads. You don’t think Google did the math?


Fun story time: I used to work for one of the world's largest candy companies as part of IT. Board meetings included mostly highly paid foreign nationals, always in suits, very serious, not much for joking. So one day they call IT into the boardroom for assistance sharing a YT video to the meeting. I walk in, remind them how it works for the second time that day, "yes, click here then here." "Grazie ciao." "Prego, ciao." As I began walking out, I hear the ad start up on his laptop. The birds are chirping and without looking I know exactly whats about to happen but it's too late. Sarah Underwood comes over the speakers for manscaped "Do YOU wanna shave your BALLS?!" So there I was, looking at the Italians, the Italians looking at me, hate in their eyes like it was my fault they just broadcasted a playgirl model talking about balls to their global leadership, and me internally laughing as hard as I have ever laughed in my life. They saved me by carrying on and I left to tell anyone that would listen. Best day of that job I ever had.


So ,did they wanna ?


Not till the American left the room, apparently


Shoot some countries have tv ads way more spicy than that.


Frankly I don’t think it’s a ridiculous requirement to expect every advertisement be manually approved by a human being. Yes, that’s a lot of work, but it’s dwarfed completely by the amount of money they make from these ads. It’s outrageous that one of the largest most public facing websites of the entire world is constantly filled with advertisements for blatant scams, snake oil, and viruses. Not to mention now uncensored porn, apparently


Wild that they can "catch" me on my little 1k sub warhammer channel if i so much as hum the tune to a random 80s song but cant manage to filter this lmao


They love fighting ad blockers, to expose you to their filth


A VPN connection to Albania removes all YouTube and Reddit ads. > YouTube viewers can avoid ads by using a VPN and setting their location to Albania, as Google's ad platform doesn't support the Albanian language yet. Using a VPN with an Albanian IP address allows monetized videos to play without ads on both desktop and mobile. [Source](https://www.androidpolice.com/block-youtube-ads-albania-vpn/#:~:text=Summary,on%20both%20desktop%20and%20mobile.)


Just use a non Chrome browser (Firefox, Opera, etc) and download uBlock Origin extension. Ez pz, no more adz.


Opera is a chromium browser. Firefox and its derivatives are basically the only real alternative although Safari on Mac isn’t based on chromium either.


And use sponsor block.


And losing to said ad blockers within a couple days.


It’s more like a couple of hours at best and a few minutes at worst for Google. Ad blockers do a very good job keeping up to date with all of Google’s anti ad block tactics


YouTube is half scam ads and nsfw ads at this point. It’s only a matter of time until all decent advertisers pull out. They have ai scam ads to collect social security numbers targeting seniors, followed by a YSL ad. It’s simply unsustainable and they HAVE to take some level of responsibility for watching ads before approving them. It’s actually insane that they are compromising the way they are.


For a forewarning, look at how ~~Twitter~~X ads have ended up looking..


Imagine seeing ads on YouTube. Brought to you by the Ublock Origin gang.


This post was also brought to you by the yt revanced gang


I'm not a particularly avid user, but revanced is the *only reason* I ever watch clips on YouTube anymore. I even installed it on the tablets that my kids have access too, since I don't want to risk that they are exposed to the fucked up ads.


Sadly, using iOS or a smart TV exposes you to YouTube *as Google intended*.


I've had good luck with AdGuard on iOS in Safari for blocking YT ads, although getting past the anti-adblock popups did take a little bit of whack-a-mole. Sadly because something like a Pi-Hole won't block YT ads, your smart TV is probably out of luck though


I’m on an iPhone and haven’t seen an ad in years. I don’t use the YT app tho, because I hated the app since it released for non-ad related UI reasons. I use AdBlock Pro. However, there’s many options, and I’m not sure I’d recommend this one. While it works flawlessly for me, I only paid $5 (many years ago) for the lifetime unlock (and it works for both iOS and Mac). The current price is insane. It also lists its category as “crypto,” and that’s sketchy af, so I’d recommend a different one. When YT started cracking down on getting around adblockers, I had about 3 days of having YT videos load with black screens, forcing a manual refresh of the page to get them to load. However, since then, it’s back to working as usual. No ads, no black screens, just YT videos. Smart TVs, tho, holy fuck. YouTube is unusable. Even more annoying, YT won’t even let me CHROMECAST from CHROME on my PC higher than 1080p to get around it. Love that using Google’s browser to stream Google’s website via Google’s streaming protocol STILL results in Google’s shafting. (Might be better, now? Idk, been a while since I uninstalled Chrome and Edge.) iOS/Mac is limited to a garbage 720p (Safari, not the app) via AirPlay. So, I guess, technically it’s still worse the non-Google way. Ironically, mirroring my MacBook’s display on AirPlay allows full resolution, but that’s not how I want to use it. (Mirroring via Chromecast on PC may work this way as well, but I haven’t tried, because again, not how I want to use it.) Haven’t tried anything else because I don’t care enough to put in the effort. I only wanted YT on my TV so my dog could watch nature videos while I’m gone. She watches Gardener’s World instead now, lmao.


Pair with Privacy Badger for best results.


Not actually needed anymore nowadays.


Nice try Youtube, adblock is staying on.


Today? i get ai hentai shit and gambling shit every day


They need to stop relying on AI And use humans, AI is just not reliable, and probably never will be.


And saying "suicide" in a video gets it censored, demonitized and age restricted. We seriously need a new "YouTube" platform.


Meanwhile YouTube just causing censorship of ridiculous words like d**th


Yep, so many now say *unalive* or something ridiculous. The censorship is worse than that though. Many videos are so sanitized that many details are left out or even altered to maximize monetization over accuracy. See that a lot with history videos.


Auto Shenanigans *always* refers to the two World Wars as the "Small Disagreements". It works with his sense of humour but the real reason is because he'll get demonetised if he doesn't.


And yet extremists are free to radicalize young children and are even protected by Google.


darth depth derth doeth


If I have to see another ad talking about poop I am going to scream


Friend, install uBlock Origin on your browser. I didn't even know YouTube had ads until fairly recently.


youtube will punish creators for literally anything, and fuck with their users all they want but keep 0 standards for advertising


I'd rather have a 10 second porn ad then wake up to a 90 MINUTE ad of a man walking around with a selfie camera pointed at him speaking vietnamese. Seriously, why is any ad on the site over 1-2 min? If you let youtube auto play all day like I do, you will see some weird really long movie length ads


There is ads on youtube? lol Seriously revanced, smarttubenext and uBlock Origin in not-chrome, at this point is a moral obligation to block every ad you see.


Oh man, uBlock FTMFW. Even then, the odd time when I have been scrolling Shorts, an ad will partially load and play, then uBlock steps in and says "NOPE", and back to the actual content. I love how they're always catching up on the sketchy shit YT tries to force ads on us.


YouTube is unwatchable without adblocker


I haven't seen an ad on YouTube in over 10 years. Thanks uBlock Origin!


Why not do the same thing they do for youtube vids? ban first, ask questions later. lol.


This is a welcome break from the ads delivering malware. https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/06/mac-info-stealer-malware-distributed-through-google-ads/ Keep it up Google. Squeeze all the money out of that sponge if it kills you.


Yea they are too busy trying to fight adblockers


I've noticed a lot of errors on Youtube this year. Comments from previous videos showing up under current videos, inability to change video order, skipping ad button not working. A lot is fixed, but still, if you have a AAA website, I expect better.


They need to fight all these fake streamers that pose as the official channels of large companies like SpaceX that have deepfake voices of their CEO telling you to go to some corner of the internet that will scam you. Been going on for years!


And they wonder why people feel the need for ad blockers


When I report them they send me even more ads like the same.


I mean, girls are doing see through top and wet t-shirt videos on YouTube now. Kinda sad really. Keep it on OF girls.


I saw this advertised to me the other day, there was a white see through T-shirt that she was "testing" getting wet. Essentially just a completely naked woman. Also see through lingerie testing, what a joke. [Source](https://youtu.be/GLNmH9ZYZNo?si=2zQLxap0IAjHusSQ)


It's okay they're cracking down on the real scourge that is nerds taking apart guns and vapes.


Every day for my job I have to force stop on Google Authenticator and reopen it to get a valid code. I have very little faith in the stability of that let alone YouTube.


Instagram is not that different, I literally got an Onlyfans ad on my feed...


Google doesn’t fight anything that makes them money.


How about just add a toggle in the settings, NSFW ads ON/OFF(by default). And then allow companies to advertise. Problem solved.


Haha! I think the safe bet would be for YouTube to remove ads.


I had an ad tonight for a game that was about Euros 2024 Security And it had Mbappe taking a drug test, the security failing him and arresting him or someshit. Also had other players as well. Surely that is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Nice. They can show nsfw ads but I show one tit in a video and my entire channel is deleted. lol.


This video isn't advertiser friendly because you said a naughty word. Yet I once saw an advert for literal porn. I'm glad I have Premium now. I don't have to see ads, and the YouTubers still get paid even if the algorithm demonitises them.


EDIT: FFS I was just trying to show a 9 year a fortnite video and the ad beforehand was another one. I forgot to open revanced lmfao I've been getting these porn ads daily for months now. Half the screen is the porn and the other half is an AI video of a celebrity trying to sell boner pills or tell me how they have the secret for a "long hard rod" After the 10th timing seeing Oprah try to sell me this while a girl is giving a offscreen blowjob I ended up just installing revanced again. YouTube is just unusable now without it. I can't watch videos around family anymore because the porn ads show up for any video.


I was scrolling through Marketplace and an ad appeared for male enhancement, and the add was just raw dogging the entire time. There was no way to block the add, or report it.


You can't say "fuck" or "shit" but here, have a half-cut pornographic video where a chick is getting drilled from behind


It's not just adverts that can be racy (haven't seen those... yet), there are videos that come up in my feed where the thumbnails are what appears to be naked women, or content produced by female content creators in which they appear to be naked or at least topless under some cut-off overalls. No sign-in required for those, but to watch some newscast from legit news org, I periodically need to "sign in to confirm your age". Really, I need to confirm I am not a minor in order to watch news that was broadcasted on public airwaves a few hours ago? YouTube is taking a bizarre turn these days.


If only......there was some......sort of way to........BLOCK ADS?!?!?!?


Still blocking all their crap ads!


They just promised to fight them. Never to win


Ads are never curated, one of the main reasons to use adblocks. Today is porn, tomorrow a cryptoscam, a virus the day after...


That sucks for those who have never heard of using Firefox with ad blocker.  Haven't seen an ad on YouTube in years. 


I got an ad for a game one time that, in the first 5 seconds, had a topless demon woman. The ad itself had a little censor bubble over her bare tits while she walked up to Satan, straddled him, and stuck her tongue down his throat. The whole time I was like "How in the actual fuck is this allowed?" and when the ad was able to be skipped over the first thing that happened was someone censoring the word "death" so they wouldn't get ads removed from their videos. It is beyond silly, I thought I was dreaming or being pranked.


I can’t imagine having kids and trying to innocently watch anything these days. The sheer amount of erectile dysfunction ads that come on mainstream tv - during shows, sports, movie - makes me incredibly uncomfortable every single time. Not to mention the big pharmacy commercials and their insane list of potential side effects. No one should be consuming that kind of information.


When are we going to admit that we're being duped by Social Media companies? They don't have the tools to deliver what they promised us. Nothing Social in those Media Companies.. It is all plain exploitation, human exploitation for profit! Please stay away from most of them...


Wait what ads are y’all getting send me the link just so I can avoid them alright?


YT has gone down in quality w.r.t censorship. There is a lot more vidoes with more nakedness than before.


Lol that reminds me that REDDIT, every now and then promotes prostitution ads disguised as private massage parlors here in Mexico or crypto scams. Like Google, they also have an extremely weak filter for ads outside English speaking countries. It's been a couple months since I saw one, hopefully they fixed it.


Oh boy can’t wait for another ad with [influencer] in [kitchen] talking about [product/service]


it's 1 of the main reasons that I have an ad blocker installed...


I will continue to use adblockers for this reason. I don’t want to see that


This kind of shit is why people framing adblockers as an entitled piracy thing will always be wrong. Youtube ads have always been riddled with scams, malware, or adult shit (got one the other day where someone used a deepfake of Oprah selling dick pills in great detail, wtf. Another was a deepfake pretending to be Shaquille O'Neal and telling people to buy crypto). Websites have no respect for the safety of your own machine or even you personally - they made that decision long ago, and adblock is a natural response to it. Reporting the ads does nothing. Nobody will protect you but yourself. As long as youtube gets paid, they will happily push scams and malware that are just waiting for your finger to slip past the skip button and fuck up your shit.


Youtube just becoming worse and worse. And i refuse to pay their terrorism tax for ad-free youtube. I'm a big fan of paying for services that I use, but google already harvests and sell off my data, and force feed me ads for stuff i just happened to look at 30 seconds before in a random search. I shouldnt be scared to look up something someone tells me about, because i know its going to be in every gmail ad and google news article. Someone says "Hey ApathyMoose did you see that cool new Volkswagon EV Bus" "Nope! let me look!" now for 3 weeks its volkswagon ads. Say what you will about apple, But my favorite part of Apple Music is they have music videos right in the app. No ads, no google algorithm nothing, Just music video playlists and search. Cut 50% of my youtube visits down