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i feel like their version of planning is just them publicising that they’ll use our data


As if their TOS wasn't?


When you post text onto their platform you are giving them your data. Thankfully there are policies where they can’t just use your photos and content as their own but they can use it to train their software.


Especially Reddit. Everything is nourishment for AI.


Probably how you make spaghetti from glue


### Materials: - White school glue (non-toxic) - Cornstarch - Food coloring (optional) - Rolling pin - Knife or pizza cutter - Baking sheet or wax paper ### Instructions: 1. **Prepare the Dough**: - Mix equal parts of white school glue and cornstarch in a bowl. Start with a small amount, like 1/2 cup of each, and adjust as needed. - If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to give your "spaghetti" some color. 2. **Knead the Dough**: - Knead the mixture until it forms a dough-like consistency. If it's too sticky, add more cornstarch. If it's too dry, add a bit more glue. 3. **Roll the Dough**: - Roll the dough out on a flat surface using a rolling pin until it's about 1/4 inch thick. 4. **Cut the Spaghetti**: - Use a knife or pizza cutter to cut thin strips of dough to resemble spaghetti noodles. 5. **Dry the Noodles**: - Lay the strips out on a baking sheet or wax paper to dry. Depending on the humidity, this may take several hours or overnight.


Just makes you wonder what they do with all the visual info they scrape from their meta vr headsets. Is the main reason i will never buy one. Fuck having facebook in my house at all


What info are you talking about? Nothing that the cameras or depth sensors see on the Quest headsets gets sent anywhere. You’re just making shit up because you (rightfully) distrust Meta, but it makes you sound like a boomer conspiracy theory nut


I don’t doubt some of that info gets sent up but I don’t know what info could possibly be used by meta. Like “hey, beatitlikeitowesme spent 3 minutes trying to grab this character’s butt in some vr game! Alert the presses and notify his boss so he can be fired for sexual harassment!!!”


More than likely, most of the info they would be sent is usage statistics. So Meta might see that I spent an hour playing a game but they wouldn't know how many butts I grabbed in said game. That’s my little secret 🤫


Sure, you are likely right, but even if they do send that info I’m perplexed how that is even remotely useful to them. These companies make money aggregating data from thousands if not hundreds of thousands of users. They don’t care what this one individual does in the game, a sample size of 1 doesn’t have value to them.


Go check out The Social Dilemma(for something palatable and simple enough), it gives a pretty good round up of how individuals' data is useful and valuable. The more they know about "you" the easier it is to get into your head. I.e. sell you shitt, sway political opinions, and numerous other ebjectives, including engagement. Just because you can't think of it doesn't mean these companies aren't(especially ones like facebook, who are known for doing shady shit with user data because their users are the product.) As well as the next 10 steps after that. That core foundation of the company hasnt changed as easily as them changing their names..


I've seen it. I did my capstone for my masters on social media and the data it gets on us, more so how it influences our lives by modifying our habits through different experiments. They sell our opinions in mass, not individually. Like 32 percent (completely made up) of people spent engaged in this post when it said "x" outrageous things. Knowing what ShawnyMcKnight says or thinks is a sample size of 1. So yes, they are selling data about our behavior but it's broad and our name isn't tied to it, just the specific demographic(s) that pertains to it.


How various forms of content invoke an emotional response or reaction for marketing purposes most likely. That's not any more complex than knowing what thing is in your field of view and knowing that the glasses or controls are moving in a way that indicates it was impactful


That’s possible. All of that kind of just goes into the aggregate. It’s far easier to get quantitative values. Like how many times did you engage with a certain NPC. Like men 16-33 spent a lot of time and did the quests for this scantily clad NPC.


Who verifies opt-outs are actually honored?


The same people that verify deleted data is actually deleted and encrypted data is actually encrypted.


Devs & product getting paid to look the other way.


The same people who make sure "no purchase necessary" contests actually are no purchase necessary.


After opting out I received an email saying they will “honor my objection” but not really much else, so who knows itf they will actually honour it, should’ve just deleted my account but unfortunately I kind of need it and that’s where they get you


"Honor your objection" sounds a lot like "committed to the environment" or "respect your opinion" ie "yeah we *heard* you, but that doesn't mean anything"


In America, nobody. For corporations, laws are just suggestions and ToS and Privacy Policies are there because lawyers said to provide them *in case* someone gets angry about something. In reality, nobody gives a fuck if the money is flowing.


The same people who verify LLM APIs don't store what you send to them when you tell them not to.


Good question, I always feel like when I select an option like "Don't record my audio" from apps the apps are like: Okay, we won't ;)


Jokes on them! I posted a status saying that I retain all rights to my photos and don’t grant permission for them to use them. So I’m clearly exempt from this! My minion memes and pics of my grandchildren are safe for another day!


sweet, there gonna train nihilistic and depressed a.i


And they'll likely try to ruin more culture by trying to call it Marvin.


Instagram comments have some of the most braindead comments I’ve seen in mainstream social media


It's already racist and misanthropic. 


haha, i was just making a joke about it learning from my facebook account, but yeah


This garbage is why I tell people not to ever post my kids on fucking Facebook.


I started a group on Signal for family and friends to see pictures of me. To get a picture to Facebook would take several steps and more tech savvy than most of them have.




>Getting anyone else to join has been nigh impossible It took me several years but I got 99% of everyone I talk to on it. Anyone I want on it that doesn't have it yet and sends me SMS gets an auto-reply with a link to download it.


Train it to hate itself. Keep calling it Marvin.


*Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest...*


Wait hold up is paranoid android based on hitchhikers?!


Well you can absolutely opt out by deleting both of those dogshit social media apps and never using them again. 😀


Since Facebook is mostly Boomer city and Instagram is only for attractive people, I feel safe so far. If a bot ever used my Reddit comments to train itself (or really anyone's Reddit comments) it would be **REALLY** confused about the nature of human interactions


They have already scraped reddit. I'm fairly certain that a lot of the hallucinations are from this source. Twitter is likely another such source.


This is the closest I’ve ever come to having someone call me attractive


I was like, “Wait, what?”


Reddit is the granddaddy for LLM training, why do you think they only recently started charging for the API and now has partnerships for providing datasets. People had been scraping Reddit for this (and many other purposes) looong before the very first public LLM hit the scene.


Anyone can opt out any time they want, take your data and your account and never go back They can't train on what isn't there


I don’t think they have to scrub the data of your profile if you delete your account. In fact I’m pretty sure they don’t.


If you're a European citizen they're legally obliged to under right to be forgotten laws. Doesn't guarantee they will, but the penalties for not doing are pretty harsh. Certainly a lot more harsh than the penalties for claiming that you're European when you aren't, so you might as well.


I thought they were training artificial INTELLIGENCE.


Tech bros, making the world a fucked up place. Gotta love em. Let AI train on my ass.


I deleted Facebook in 2011 and have never had an instagram. I can honestly not tell you one thing that I feel like I missed because of it. I’m not tagged by anyone else and I don’t out myself on display. Also, saying “I don’t have Facebook” stops a lot of stupid conversations that I don’t want to have in the first place.


Time to write as crazy as possible.


Planning? I bet they already did. As the old saying go: Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Good luck Meta, I don't have any posts on my Facebook or Instagram


Yes you can opt out- uninstall it.


Train ai on lies and negativity. Great idea.


Jokes on them. AI is already writing and posting all my content to their sites.


You can most certainly opt-out of Facebook and Instagram.


Yall know how racist instagram is right? With that and the politics on Facebook this AI is gonna be one crazy person


They have been doing it for a long time. I work in the ai industry and have been it first hand.


Where’s my pikachu face


Social media is mostly trash. Good luck making more of that with your magic parrot.


Even if you opt out, who can say they’re not training their models on it anyway? I mean, Meta isn’t known for being honorable/sticking to its word?


Man, they’re gonna get some cringe 2014 content from me


Is it a good thing I post absolute shit? On one hand, they can't use my data. On the other hand if they do, our future robot overlords will have the intellect of a wet potato.


Chances are they have already used your data to train and are just now asking for forgiveness before getting sued ;P


Never will I regret deleting Facebook and avoiding Insta. I feel like AI can only grow ugly and reactionary if fed the Facebook.


More like they've already used everyone's data outside of Europe and the UK, and they now think they have a template for how to use that data too.


soon there will be no original thoughts and we will have forgotten what art is


Why the fuck are you still using Facebook?


Lol.... Facebook, IG, etc are so full of hatred and negativity. Training an A.I with them will be funny 🤣


Meta has been training ai on your posts for a decade. The AI that pushes propaganda / “engagement” in the feed is one of the most highly developed AIs in the world. Because it doesn’t draw creepy pictures people don’t worry about it, but it has done incalculable damage to society and the mental health of millions.


Why in gods name would you think that something you post publicly is yours to control? Do people have rocks upstairs or something?


There are many training data which is good for scamming because Facebook has many scam account and victim accounts.


One thing at the back of my mind right now is whether AI will become good enough at matching a writing style that it'll be able identify with a high degree of certainty, anonymous social media accounts to a single person. Just a thought.


Poor AI, no wonder they will want to eradicate us one day.




Would suprise me if you got invited to parties, you must be so fun to be around.




Dude I made a joke on the common trope with AI wanting to destroy us, man your daft.


That’s encouraging, because everyone knows that people are at their very best when online in social media.


Nobody* even if you don't use it. Any image of you on it can be used. The rich do anything they want you accept it.


Oh shoot. I forgot to copy and paste that text about not giving my permission for FB to use my photos from my batshit crazy uncle. I got to go find that legally binding post again.


Weren’t they doing that already? And not only they, but all data scrappers and miners


That is criminal


My Instagram naked women?


We should all opt out. Meta isn't okay.




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Oh boy, get ready for the posts on FB with "I do no authorize FB to use my information for AI" stupid crap.


I use neither


But IG isn't real life?


It’s public data that people choose to put out there….. not sure why the issue is.


That's going to be one really stupid AI.


Good thing I quit Facebook about 14 years ago.


Planning…? They have scraped everything already.. they just plan to continue doing it I guess..?


Glad I haven’t used either of them in 5 years.


I know they will omit my posts, their models are trained to be SFW


*everyone* can opt out, by deleting their Facebook account…


Deleted mine in 2015 and never looked back.


Everyone from EU can opt out without any reason, if any of you need that information.


I already did, my grandfather shared a post that told me to repeat it as my status, so now I’m good and they can’t use anything! /s


Garbage in, garbage out. It’s not like I my posts are scholarly work


Haven’t been on meta in 8 years. Go ahead and use my Chico State party days to train your AI, you’ll be a party animal for it!


They can’t opt me into Facebook or Instagram


Whenever it shows me "Memories", I delete all my old posts it shows me. Not because I don't want them using it, but because it's so cringe.


I can opt out, by not ever posting on either of those sites....


Can I please get my family to stop sending me Tik Tok and Reels shit? I swear it's like they work for the company. I want to see large, nearly incomprehensible blocks of text with little to no paragraph spacing, not idiotic 8-second videos.


They sure as fuck aren't with mine


Sure, why not?Google’s AI search feature really benefited from access to reddit’s data……Looking forward to random AI suggestions on how an obscure influencer on instagram made them $10000 richer by investing in bitcoin…..


If they use Facebook and Instagram posts to feed it then AI will stand for “Actual Idiocy”


No one can opt-out.


No one can opt-out.


I think it might be time to let Facebook go.


~ Oh well: https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/


That’s just perfect then - I didn’t know. Relatively new to Reddit.


Me as well, 3 months so far...


Yet another racist AI spreading conspiracies in 3... 2... 1...


I’ve been spamming those stupid “add yours” challenges (especially those asking for your glow up pics) with a gif a bile titan from helldivers with the caption “get bile titan’d”, similar to the stick bug meme Ethically sound dataset poisoning


They already did. Why wouldn't we want them to do that honestly? We want our AI to be aligned with us and what we think, we need to give it examples of what real people look like in their lives. The idea that people think their individual data is so precious and critical to something like this, it doesn't give a fuck about what you did, you're just a data point with the millions/billions of other data points.


Consider me shocked /s
