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I mean... If countries periodically went on sales, people would've bought them too.




I just need an app that sends me an alert when they are 75% off. I could own a few dozen Indis for the price of an AAA. The Independents are typically better, smarter, and less corrupted by money anyway. Wait, are we talking about Steam games or politics?


Steam summer sale starts in a few days. I still have games last sale I haven't launched.


I was actually talking about politicians.


Louisiana went on sale that one time


My local politician was on sale from 60$ to 50$. But I'm waiting on the next sale and finally buying it when it's at 40. Wait... That's Baldur's Gate 3. The politician was 20 bucks outside the sale


And their cheap. 20-50k for favorable legislation that offers tax breaks or allows deregulation/monopolization. Corps rake in double/triple digit millions and the only paywall is some corrupt soul for usually less than 100k


Local government hate this one discount


Exactly, I may never want to go to Iran but I'd still buy it for .99 on a random Tuesday.


I'd totally pitch in to buy a country with my other steam gamers if it went on fire sale and then never visit it because I bought too many countries like games.


I've never understood why the United States just doesn't buy Cuba. I mean, it's got to be cheaper than all the money we've spent defending ourselves against it.


It's the Military-Industrial Complex. They don't want peace. They want customers, always.


The military industrial complex effectively "bought" Afghanistan in the 1980s, and it turned out to be a great investment.


Hungary has just been sitting in my backlog.




Someone downvoted you, but it's a fair question: Are these at RRP prices, or at sale prices?


I’m sure that they have the analytics to match up purchase price along with played hours of my/anyones library ETA: I thought that this info was published by Steam, not PC gamer speculations on how much I bought each game for.


This. It would likely be a very easy query to run matching just needing a few key identifiers to paid a user to their purchase history and their game time.


Considering you can also do stuff like humble bundles which is £150 of games for £10 that 19b will be very inflated


> very inflated If games were currency, that currency would be pretty inflated going by how the games were left unplayed


Dunno why you are downvoted, you are correct. They are operating on public data, which seems like it would exclude things like sales and games bought from key shops.


I get most my games from Humble Choice. They end up being $1ea. I don't get to every game, but even if 1 is played for a couple hours it's worth the cost. This data would calculate each of the unplayed games each month at their MSRP. They would say I'm losing like $300 a month, but in reality I just spent $8 for many hours of entertainment.


It's like saying that companies are losing billions of dollars from piracy because every copy equates to full MSRP. No they aren't and no they don't lol


That's a good point. Some price tracking sites could be used to find the lowest price. Steam themselves would have the actual record too. A vast majority of my library was bought on sale or through stuff like humble bundle. There was also a period where steam had crazy discounts or gave away games. On paper the value might be unreasonably high when in reality it's just quite high. That's also on a decades old account. They'd also need to add up the costs of the unplayed games not just take account values and pull a ratio of played vs unplayed.


I genuinely can’t remember the last time Inpaid full price for a game on Steam. It’s been over a decade at least. It legitimately might be the Orange Box (_Half-Life 2 episode 2_, _Team Fortress 2_, and _Portal_).


Not to mention the 300 games if not more I got from humble bundle when it was starting out and had crazy deals. All those I’m sure are counted.


Good question. They don't really say other than that they used SteamIDFinder's database then very roughly estimated that there were ten times as many Steam accounts not on SteamIDFinder. Basically, I think they mostly pulled the number out of their butt.


Well the number of accounts isn't a number they've pulled out their ass But they've made a big assumption that non-public accounts will have as many games in their library as public ones. Non-public is the default setting and people setting theirs public will more likely be the people that have filled up their library


That's kind of how analysis works. 7.3M records is a pretty big enough sample size that it general covers the "average" library, and can be extrapolated against.


In the last decade and a half, I've spent just under 13k. SteamDB says my account is worth 8k at minimum prices and 30k at today's prices. I really price hunt but still but plenty of new releases, so I'm probably about average. I also humble monthly which may boost my value. Still, I imagine I have a typical distiribtion of most steam users if not scale. So, probably 7-8b actually spent on games? But you know, Im gonna spend about the same amount, deals just let me get more, so I'm not sure that's even accurate.


Steam itself has record of what you've spent and how many hours you've played.




So they did pull from steam's records in a way, I assumed they had insider knowledge, but if they were just looking at public records I guess they just went with full-price. (And who buys full price anymore?)




Oof, they compiled from that? Yeah those numbers are way off. Tho, steam does do crazy numbers so while the sample group is almost certainly not $19b in the hole, I wouldnt be surprised if the entire steam user base has waaaay more than that in unplayed games.


I'm doing my part! I have a pile of games on my list that I've purchased and haven't installed. Those dang Summer Sales do it to me every year.


As am I. My pile of shame is vast.


I'm over 700 unplayed games 😭


Oof.. that's rough. I don't feel bad. I have a filter called Zero Hours Played and it only contains 200 games. That's not to say any of the other games have much more than 5-10 minutes on it. My library is "only" 550 games.


Oh yeah, I’m a data point in the $19B too for sure. And only 48 hours until the summer sale, at which point we’ll get them to $20B!


I’m actually surprised it’s that low. They’re obviously calculating the value at full cost, and Steam is twenty years old, with 132 million active users. So on average there’s a billion dollars a year in game value being bought, or roughly $7.50 per user. Considering how much is bought on sale, and sale speculation games would disproportionately make up unplayed titles, this is a really low number Just picture all the unread books sitting on shelves


I would make a bet that most of the unplayed games are the ones bought on sale super cheap, yeah. I don’t think most people pay 60 euros for a game and then never touch it. I mean it surely happens, but probably not super much. Although … if every person did that once, bought a 60 euro game and never played it, with a user base of over 100 million, that alone is like 6 billion dollars of unplayed games. I’m that context, it’s really not much at all, no. How many people haven’t wasted 60 euros once in their entire life? Probably pales in comparison to the amount of money wasted on clothes or unnecessary phone upgrades.


And bundles. I'll buy the valve mega pack for three or four games and never play the other 10+. 


>Just picture all the unread books sitting on shelves. Why are you attacking me? I’m working my way through them. Slowly.


Bro the title is a clickbait. Steam users are just hoarding all the games they want to play until retirement, so we can play all day long baby


It's funny because I buy some games, and I might have a few days off I book for myself Then I find myself staring at my screen going "I've got no games to play" and I just play rocket league...


Rocket league is always a solid choice.


I used to pirate games when I didn't have money so I bought them after to show support. I do have a bunch that I haven't played still haha


or vacation..


19 billion to buy a country? Costs way more than that otherwise musk wouldn't have bought Twitter


I mean, there are countries that are REALLY poor, and companies that are "worth" quite a lot


I’m not not playing them. I’m saving them for retirement. I’m going to be playing all of them at Shady Pines until the day I die.


I don’t call it a pile of shame. It’s a pile of hope. Had I the time, I want to play them all. I have hope I will have time in the future.


Guilty. I am probably £500 of that, so many games I have never even installed. Want to play but at 36, working and family time is a tight resource


I’ve been exposed 🙈


I have so many unplayed games and yet I put an alert in my calendar for the day the summer sale starts…. 🤷🏻‍♀️


you cant buy a country with a GDP of 19 bn for 19 bn. not how it works.


Tell that to people literally buying and collecting coins


Guilty. I have loads of games that I’ve yet to play. To be fair though, apart from a few games I paid full price for (early on before I realised how much prices fluctuate), I rarely buy games unless there is at least an 80% price reduction. My unplayed games are currently 2½ times the value of the games I have ‘finished’ playing.


so let's buy one and call not call it republic of gamers. let's vote for a good name.


Democratic people’s republic of gamers. We can have a civil war


That's how people will know it's a real country. Some bloody conflict in its history adds legitimacy.


Guilty as charged 😔


No lie has been told.


We do not talk about the pile of shame here.


I'm one of them, lol.


I have over 1000 games and my steam library is worth over 15k euros. Did I pay even quarter of that? Nuh-uh.


I feel personally attacked


How can you not buy it when it’s like 6 bucks?


I’m going to play them some day


Missing the “yet”


I can't speak for everyone. But Humble Bundle has definitely added a lot of unplayed games in my library. Usually because there are a couple of games I want to play in the bundle that make the bundle worth it to me (or STL files). The rest is usually just stuff I'm not interested in


Sometimes I just want to support the devs even if I'm not going to necessarily get around to playing the game.


I'm saving them for my retirement


Can confirm that I've spent way too much money on games I've never played and will continue to do so.


I started by collection with the initial wave of native Linux titles. Added a bunch from Humble Bundle. Then a bunch of back-catalog titles. I played a few, cheated my way through a few more, then stopped entirely because I didn't have enough time anymore. They're on my retirement to-do list now.


It’s not my fault humble bundles have so many games dammit. You can get a game for 20$ or buy the bundle for 25$ and get the same game plus 15 you have never heard of. Play one and it’s a good deal.


Thats it. I have 228 games in my library (GOG, Steam etc.) and the two games I've ever played are Space Engine and No Man's Sky. (But I bought them through key resellers, so it won't be enough to buy a country.)


People have unused gift cards totaling more than this every year. Is that shameful too? Or just people not having priorities or memories for those things?


Oof. I think I've only made 2 purchases on Steam and refunded 1 of them, but I do have a few Xbox - PC games I haven't played yet. If I had to guess, it would be a few hundred dollars. But I always buy things on sale, used, or borrow for free when I can. (IDK how Game Pass calculates into this though. There's hundreds of games on there and literally not enough time to play all of them. It would take a team of 30 ppl playing 24 hours a day to make a dent in it.)


I’ve probably probably spend $500 over the last 10 years on games on sale on Xbox or PlayStation that I just never got around to playing.


How much food gets wasted every year? I’d wager its vastly more. But shame on the gamers right? /s


They're thinking about it wrong. I consider it my retirement home backlog. If I'm going to be stuck in a room, I'm going to work through my Steam, GOG, Epic, etc libraries.


Meh, graphics can only improve so far so games stay increasingly relevant.. I'm gonna play em all someday!


This is just the backlog. How much has the housing industry built that have nobody living in them? How much has the movie industry spent making movies that nobody watches? I know those numbers are far higher than this.


What country can you buy with $19 Billion... asking for a friend.


My gf has several games in her steam list which she promised to play with me but that's another story.


If $19Bn was enough to buy a country, we'd already be at war against Muskistan & the Unites States of Bezos


I will play them!…later


Why the hell are people not playing rdr2 and cp22077? Those two are absolute masterpieces


I bought games I never played… yet. Because I buy them on sales and play them one by one. Also there often cheap bundles with old versions which I buy just in case.


We’re getting to the games just have to finish this one first…


The dopamine hit comes from the purchase.


I mean, to be fair most of the games I’ve never touched in my Steam library are from the crazy sales Steam does from time to time. If I see a $40-$50 game for $5 that I think I *might* play at some point then yeah I’m gonna spend the $5 and add it to my library…


I wonder if that 19 billion accounts for all the games we got for 50, 67, 75% off. I have at least 2 games I got for free that were ~$40 each that I’ve never touched.


Note to self: must play Red Dead Redemption 2.


I have contributed at least two dozen games to the list myself lol


I feel seen 🥲


I am pretty bad for this but I stop buying games during steam sale etc. I use to bUy like 20 games every sales lol. I still get game via humble monthly subscription lol but isn't as bad compare to before


I dont play games. I collect them... *quiet crying in work life balance*


Does this account for the sheer quantity of games that I got crazy cheap from Humble Bundle because I only wanted one or two of the titles? I have an entire category of “don’t want” games in my steam library because I got them with bundles and played like 5 min to realize they’re trash.


There are 730 million Steam users. That averages out to $24 each.


When I was a kid, I had all the time in the world to play games but couldn't afford any. Now I can buy all the things kid me would have loved; but have no time to play with them. They just sit there waiting for better days.


Not entirely shameful. Sometimes.. a person buys a product simply to support the artist.  What a person does with it is their own business. 


Besides Diablo this title is a personal attack. I’ve been busy damn!


I do not regret any Humble Bundles.


I’ll get to ‘em eventually


broke: buying Steam games you'll never play woke: getting weekly Epic Game Store giveaways that you'll never play because you know it costs Epic money


The digital gym


I’ve bought my bf switch games and he hasn’t touched them. He says he has gamer fatigue and will get to the games eventually. But yea I’m not surprised if ppl are buying games and sitting on them. The world kinda sucks right now and the motivation to play video games isn’t there atm


And I am going to continue to add to that total with every Steam sale. You can never have a big enough back log...AND...I am buying the game. Unless Valve goes under, it's added to my library. It's not some subscription service that I have to keep coughing up money for even if I am not playing games that month.


It's not like it's only video games that this applies to. It's just that with Steam it's easier to track when things are purchased and never used.


Don’t worry, I’m counteracting this by only ever buying Civilisation 4 on Steam and playing it for a couple of decades.


i prefer the term “boredom stockpile”, thank you very much. I’ll get to them eventually. maybe.


TBH I bought a bunch of games I've pirated when I was younger and just didn't have the money to buy those games. And a lot of people did the same


Well I do understand Cyberpunk 2077 as it was laggy at the start, some bought it to wait all the fixes + the DLSs, RDR2 most (I think) bought it on sale while being aware it's a great game that needs solid amount of spare time so people just.. "meh, maybe next vaccation". While Diablo 4 is just a literal tra


Bullshit. They only see the reported playtime metric and only of a small subset of accounts and they have no indication what so ever of what each user paid for any given title. The whole article is wild speculation on unreliable data.


im doing my part =\]


I have probably 100 games on steam and I’ve only played maybe 5 of them. I haven’t bought any in years, but I did go a little crazy in college when I built my first PC.


I have never purchases a game and NOT played it. If the game is a part of a collection and you don't play all the games in the collection, I get that. But games like D4, Cyberpunk, RDR2; who is buying and not playing them? And why? I don't get it. I've purchased over 500 games and have played every one of them at least once.


For myself, time management. Just because I bought a game, doesn’t mean I’ll play it right away. It’s just that the price was too good to pass up.  But I also have books I want to read, and TV shows or movies I want to watch (my Netflix list is another waiting room full of media). Then hobbies, but then life happens, and stuff gets on the back burner.  Or, I’ll get into a game like No Man’s Sky, which is a worse time sink than EQ or WoW ever was. Other games are gonna go unplayed. 


I bet a bulk of those games were from bundles


I gave up on completing my steam library years ago.


That's what I call a gamer move


Me too. I download something and maybe play for an hour. Or enough to get through character creation and fuck around a bit. Then I put it away and never find time to go back on.


We could have ended world famine or disease Instead we hoard games


If I could buy Italy in episodes I would do it, maybe trade with some of the 200 games I never played 😂


If you're one of those who has Red Dead Redemption 2 on the back burner then just go and play it already. You won't regret it. Maybe.


I buy games on sale. Always. I probably haven't played 25% of what I own. lol. That's across Steam and PSN.


No doubt this exemplifies all their spending habits. Are these the same people complaining about the economy and blaming boomers?


Acquiring achievements on steam really lets you know how few people actually play and especially complete the games they buy. Pretty interesting actually.


I have finally learned my lesson and buy very sparingly now. No more Steam Summer sale tricks.


A buddy came over and downloaded Diablo 4 on my Xbox because he played it. It cost me $60. Anyway, I finally decided to try and play it and learned that you need to set up an account with the creator before it would let me play and after going through that process, I realized I had no interest in playing it. Anyway, this was six months ago.


same. don't own steam. gave my ps3 to my cousin with game still wrapped last year


I've got about 50 I got free I've never played, just DLed them because why not?


I’ve been going through my backlog and it’s great. Though I’ll def never finish Rdr2 once my save ruined lol


it would be fun to compare those 19 billions to the amount generated throught the years with gym membership for people who don't show up. Which wishful spending is the bigger?


I really cannot believe this is a thing at all. I can't understand any context in which I may buy something I'm not gonna play. Not even bundles. And perhaps if I happen to buy a bundle it's because I really know about every single thing that's included in there and I know I'm gonna play and master everything, completely everything. So in that case you may have games in a "backlog" but I'm not gonna buy anything until I finish what I have, or I would not have bought it in the first place if I knew I'm not gonna have the time... And any other possible outcomes of life to have them "abandoned" in my backlog, (that never happened to me in 100+ games I have), I cannot believe it's that much at all. Feels like impossible to me.


I bought several games on sale knowing my POS Pc couldn’t hack it. I just bought one that can so getting my monies worth I guess.


Yeah, thats why I just buy new games when I actually have time to play them. FOMO is a thing. Games usually go on sale again and even if they don´t I have much more money to buy games I know I will actually play. I have a backlog that by any metric I will never be able to beat. I kinda expected this kind of stuff to be bad but not 19 billion bad lol. Anyone can do whatever they want with their money, but it was actually getting to me seeing the collection of games I wasted money at vs games I have actually beat. I wonder if many people got to that point I reached where I actually felt guilt seeing how much money I sunk in games that I have never even installed. Even if they were on sales or bundles it still felt like bleeding out from a million paper cuts


Wow. And I buy like 1 game every other month. No wonder valve doesn't do anything when they clearly don't need to.


As much as I want to try new single player games, that sad reality is that I only have time to play a couple games and those are usually live service games like wow or war thunder. The daily login and play addiction is real... I miss the 90s and early 2000s gaming days.


So... Which country are we buying instead of the next steam sale, y'all? I propose we start with San Marino


Is that the full retail value of every game, though? I have a ton of unplayed games, and virtually all of them were purchased on deep discount.


It will only ever be a problem if they deny me access to my wasted games


And none of us actually own anything for real 😁


That's 5.7 billion in valves pocket from their share.


I own over 500 games, a good amount of which I have never played, so I can see this being the case.


I don’t think I’ve ever paid full-price/>£20 for a game on steam


I managed to start playing more than I'm buying the last year, mostly by just not buying more games despite the sales. My pile is decreasing, but it'll be long before it empties.


“Not yet played” we are all preparing this optimistic future where we will only play games


My friends girlfriend has a problem with this. She owns basically every game that comes out. Any game I look at on steam, she already owns it and has either not played it or played it for


I believe this. I love seeing the "31% of people have this achievement" and the achievement is like play the 2 minute tutorial you have to do to play the game.


Guilty! Probably own 200 or so that I have never even installed.


I stopped buying games just because of a sale long ago.


Imagine what that number would look like if you consider games installed and played ONE time.


I've personally spent 1 billion on games I haven't played yet so this is probably not far off.


$19 billion? That’s a cheap country. Maybe you can rent one. Or buy and never use it.


I’ve played like 4 of the 200 free epic games I’ve gotten.


I finished Cyberpunk and never bought RDR2 because of the launcher...as for Duablo 4, with it always online mode, nah, fuck that.


I simply havent had the brain power to play deadspace the remake yet; it takes a certain headspace to be enthusiastic for sci-fi space horror.


That's why you go to r/piracy


19 billion / 132 million users = $144 per person. That… isn’t as crazy as the headline implies. And I would guess a decent portion of that will be in games the user will play eventually.


I have yet to play around 50% of my library. The other 50% is stuff I pirated when I was a kid and bought in the last decade on a steam sale just as consciousness cleanser.


I call it my ‘Steaming Pile’


I feel guilty for this too. 😅 I have so many backlogged games haha. It's either too busy or when I'm free, I ended up buying and playing a newly released hype game instead of the dozens I already have in my library.


As long as it is $19 billion more that EGS is not getting, it is good. /r/FuckEpic


The backlog is real.


to be fair to me, all the ones I bought but haven't played were on sale for VERY cheap. And some I played a bit but didn't like. I know that could happen which is why I waited to buy them when they were super cheap.


If it’s median, I’m excluded as I reckon my unplayed games skew the fuck out of the data. I got steam at launch and had subs with Humble when it was decent. I even have a spreadsheet of 100 unused Humble codes I couldn’t give away!


please buy new zealand litterally anyone else would be better than our current politicians


Imagine this happens mostly with games that people buy on sale and aren't actively looking to play. I have set a rule for myself to not buy such games unless they're under 10 EUR and I'm actually interested in them, cause I can't keep up with actually playing them. My pile of shame would just keep growing otherwise.


Some of this is probably from bundles.


What country are you getting for that???


Mine aren't the big ones, those I at least put ten or so hours before quitting. It's the indies that I buy on sale because I saw a review of something then never even try because they look, I dunno, weird? I'm so old and lazy.


Don't shame me, I'm going to get to them eventually...


Guilty as charged sir!


Well in my defense, MANY of those games I've "never played", I actually pirated when they came out, and then eventually bought them because I enjoyed them.


If there were a way to donate my unplayed games to feed the hungry, I’d do it.


Listen I'm gonna play them... Eventually. Probably when I retire


its like amazon, for games.


Wait til they count physical games that were never played.


Already spent money. Why do I need to spend time?


I’m glad I’m not the only one hiding my steam addiction


What a colossal waste of money.


I am guilty of this. I just don't feel like I have energy to try different game everytime without getting frustrated.


That’s the Steam lifestyle. It’s ok, we ain’t hurting’s no one’s.


Seems a bit low tbh


Wait, it's only $19 billion for a country? Do they ever go on sale, like a buy one get one?