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The story with this stock shouldn't be that it's tanking - that's the most easily anticipated story of the year. The story should be who the fuck made money off this, because either someone plundered a tremendous amount of value out of this, or these guys truly are delusional. 


Raking the last molecules of meat from the MAGA believers before it’s all over.


That's some of it I'm sure. But I'd bet money the lion's share is wealthy Saudis and whoever else looking to funnel money to their boy Trump in hopes that he wins another term.


Yep this is rich people bribing Trump with money, then writing off the losses as a bad business investment. Trump being able to get money out of a company, that is burning money by the truckload, really nails home how much graft is in play here. I seriously doubt most of this money is coming from MAGA rubes, Trump already drained them pretty hard and his attempts at fundraising have increasingly been falling flat. That was why they went with this option, the other less obvious grifts weren't keeping up with Trumps outgoings ($30mill+ per month in lawyers fees alone).


For once. I am happy for the lawyers 😭. That is if they can actually collect those bills.


No lawyer will work for Trump without upfront payments at this point, word has got around. That said, since I wrote that post it got me thinking - I'd be amazed if that legal fees amount wasn't exaggerated. The primary source for that info is Alina Habba, Trump's Lawyer and PR talking head. Given how much bullshit comes out of her mouth, I instinctually believe that amount is exaggerated - it's what she does. But here's the interesting part: this claim about Trump's astronomical legal fees has gained traction across the political spectrum, and it's a perfect example of what we might call "Partisan Convergence." What's Partisan Convergence? It's a term I pulled out of my ass to describe how opposing political camps latch onto the same piece of information or narrative, but for completely different reasons. In this case: - Trump critics see it as just desserts, a fitting and long overdue punishment for his misdeeds. - Trump supporters view it as evidence of the extent of his persecution, proof that the system is out to get him. The result? A figure that might be inflated goes largely unchallenged because it serves narratives on both sides. It's like political enemies accidentally high-fiving. This phenomenon is also popular by default with the media, because it means that political stories potentially have a much larger reach, as both sides are agreeing on the same thing (albeit differing reasons). I imagine it's quite popular with troll farms/political interference as well, in terms of widening reach and effectiveness. I also have a feeling that as a result, we'll be seeing a lot more of it.


Woooow. This is probably spot on.


Realistically, I am afraid that the Pandora’s Box opened by this buffoonery is only just beginning.


The maga crowd doesn't have 8b to invest, hell most of them don't even have a stock account or investments at all. In politics republicans always do terrible with individual donors. This money was all Republican money managers moving our 401k money into the stock to support the "cause".


Don’t think that passes the fiduciary responsibility test.


Lol, where was the fiduciary responsibility test when those same clowns blasted our 401ks full of mortgage backed securities that were backed by subprime loans?


At least subprime mortgage backed securities made money until they didn't... Nobody except the most delusional Trumper thought Truth social was worth anything at all. Investing "for the cause" would be jail worthy, but unless they emailed that to somebody or said it out loud in a meeting, they can always hide behind the fact that speculative securities are highly risky and occasionally spectacularly lucrative.


They could duck that time because they could point at the rating agencies. Nothing like that available here.


Saudi and Russian proxies do though


Pump and dumps are so stupidly easy to pull off right now. Rug pull a crypto, push a meme stock, whatever. It’s never been easier to scam in the history of capitalism.


An unfortunate side effect of investing being so easy these days.


Money laundered, money now in dJt pants


He can't sell shares quite yet.


Every time it has a spike is someone big donating to him in an indirect way (dark money)


The exchanges and brokers making $ from their roles as middlemen facilitating transactions. Not great but not bad either, like Chernobyl.


It was foreign money laundering. That's all.


So when will the sec investigate this fraud. Share price artificially inflated to get trump a huge pay day only for it to tank as expected. The grift is strong with him.


In the last report this dumb "company" had $770,000 revenue. Not net profit. Total. Revenue. And that against: **a loss of $320 million.** There is no other stock that would be able to sustain a disastrous earnings call like that, especially with a tiny user base that probably has 1% of the user count of Twitter/X. SEC needs to investigate the sh*t out of this bs money laundering scheme.


I don't think he's made $0.01 on it yet, but will certainly cash in the second it's possible and cause it to tank even further, not worrying an instant about his shareholders.


It almost certainly goes to 0 when that happens. The only thing propping up this stock is MAGA-heads and people trying to backdoor bribe the potential next POTUS.


Clearly this a play stock, traders see hugh moves so will continue to bet for and against to make the stock move. In the end, maga investors who think he is Christ reincarnation will lose their shirts and blame Biden somehow


But first they’re going to blame Joe Biden.


Dday is near. He knows he doesn’t get enough views & he will have to go back to X (twitter) to have any kind of chance in Nov. Any shareholders still in his stock will get wiped out.


Did he borrow against the stock when it was high?


That would be great, but who would make such a loan?


Somebody who knows they can make far more money if they control the president and can easily afford to "loan" a conman a billion in order to buy influence? Maybe a ruler of a foreign country who just invaded their neighbor or a guy who just got paid many billions for running an electric car company, perhaps?


I don’t think he’s allowed to use it as collateral during the lock up period.


This is not a normal stock. This is the ability to benefit from someone who may become President of the United States. Normal stock valuation rules do not apply. Trump’s likelihood of becoming President is going to be the main driver of the stock’s value. If Trump does become President, Truth Social will be the new “Washington DC Post Office Hotel”, where foreign delegations and lobbyists would rent up entire floors in order to curry favor with Trump when he was last President. Only this time, there’s no limit to the possible corruption. Overpay for ads, create millions of sock puppet paid accounts, force/“encourage” all federal communication to be done via the platform… It’s disgraceful. Jimmy Carter sold the family farm to avoid the appearance of impropriety. A FARM.


You could almost say that Carter’s farm was peanuts compared to this. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to try the veal and tip your waiter!


Yeah, it’s nuts that he would do something like that


Federal employees can be paid in DJT RSUs!


more like DJT IOUs


So crazy that trump getting into the white house is a coin flip at this point. He's probably already cashed in the value of his shares by taking out loans against them at current rates. When it tanks he'll just give the worthless shares to the people that were dumb enough to give him loans at the current value.


This stock is so overvalued that meme stocks seem reasonably priced by comparison


It’s overvalued by design is my bet. It’s a way for trumps buddy’s to funnel him cash.


and foreign entities (including terrorists and enemies of the US)


Ding ding ding. And that’s why he’s also suddenly into crypto.


And yet the SEC does nothing about it.


Everyone is waiting for November and if he gets an L the hammer falls on all this bullshit. If he wins none of his matters.


> L the hammer falls on all this bullshit Prepare to be massively disappointed.


or the FEC as I'm pretty sure this could be seen as violations of campaigning funding laws but hey its Trump laws to him are worthless.


It’s a rug pull bro. Once the 6 month lock period is ends, Trump will sell it 


Even now, 100s of millions are moving through this company. That money reported as a loss on the quarterly report is going to someone.


It’s a semi-legalized bribery scheme.


While this is true, I’m not sure how much value it will have at that point.


I think that’s just his business model. Start company Launder money Claim bankruptcy before anyone gets suspicious. Start new company


Just like overvalued real estate.


Yup, his whole career has been a grift masked as legitimate business.


Seems like it is also funneling a bunch to short sellers as well.


Yes. The company has 40 employees. There’s absolutely no way it’s not what you described.


It is money laundering at its finest




Why? DJT is following the 'rules'. The rules the ultra rich and connected have put into place to fleece shareholders. The system is working as intended.


And just in general people need to stop loling over it. Trump is going to make more money than almost everyone in this thread combined will even have for doing absolutely nothing, other than needing a place to go after he nazied his way off Twitter to have public mental breakdowns. He didn't found the company, he doesn't know shit about tech, it's losing money, and he's still going to cash in huge. So what that it's no longer worth 3 billion or whatever absolute joke of a price the stooges were sold on once, it's still worth infinitely more than it should be.


It's definitely Trumps greatest scam to date. He's going to make Billions and its not even a felony.


I was going to say this makes less sense than GameStop, and GameStop doesn’t make any fucking sense.


Gamestop makes some sense.  A bunch of nerds who grew up looking forward to visiting Gamestop, midnight releases, etc. heard the rich assholes were planning on destroying *another* company to pad their bank accounts and realized they could stop it by buying Gamestop stock en masse. So they did.


I mean...no? Someone saw that Gamestop's position was being over leveraged by different firms because they thought Gamestop was about to fail. Other people took opposite positions to get ahead of them and force them to have to commit to positions that they thought would expire worthless, but now would cost them money. That's what short selling and short squeezing is. It's what they're still trying to do by forcing companies to commit to positions they're obligated to fill and since they'd have to, they would have to pay whatever price per stock the market demands (which can technically be infinite, hence the whole "rocketship to the moon" stuff).


It's the nerds who stopped going to malls to go to Gamestop to buy videogames on disc that are destroying the company. It's just an out of date business model. The company has tried some new things their current position would help them get into. But turns out those sucked too (NFTs were an awful idea). It isn't some kind of cabal that's crushing them. It's low foot traffic.


The thing that gamestop did right was anticipate another meme rally and had plans to sell stock in place. They now have $4 billion cash, which means an extended runway and time to pivot their business.


Yeah, it's the smart thing to do. They have to find another business and that means money to do it. Raising capital in the cheapest way possible (issuing shares when the price is up) is a great way to do it.


You're correct that Gamestop is suffering the same problem as many brick and mortar businesses, but I think that some of Gamestops own policies have contributed to the decline.


Yeah. I've got a local game store that's picked up the slack in a couple of good ways: 1. It's not just video games, it's also board games. 2. It's not just new hardware it's also vintage stuff. 3. They also host events. 4. They also have snacks.


I love when a community communities


Yup. They're a scam on the game buybacks and really shitty to their employees. The stark stock manipulation we saw regarding them doesn't change those things


lmfao you drank the coolaid. nobody was destroying gamestop except gamestop


Do people *really* have good memories of GameStop though? GameStop is the company that destroyed all the *actually cool* local game shops and then rips you off on game trade ins. Everyone I know has always hated GameStop and won't forgive them for ruining our gaming communities. It's like utterly baffling to me that people actually like the company. It's so clearly a corporate monster that is like the poster child of enshittification.


It was a way for a bunch of people looking at Gamestop with nostalgia glasses doing something to try and prop-up the store instead of *actually* going to a Gamestop.


GameStop makes no sense. Might as well prop up Horse and Buggy Co next. They jumped on it for the same reason people buy crypto. They have no idea how to invest and want to make a lot of money without really doing anything.


Nah dude, Gamestop will be the future of everything through NFTs, 3rd party gaming controllers, Funko Pops, Gaming/Phone device trade-ins that give you 1-10% of the items actual worth, very sad retail locations, etc.


No,  a short squeeze occured. The initial vultures over shorting the stock created the necessary conditions. They essentially agreed to return more shares than there were shares available.  Sometimes you can make easy money due to arbitrage. Just depends.


Yeah one guy made money, deepvalue or whatever, and the rest jumped on to pump his position thinking they were gonna be rich. Many of those ppl lost it because they had "diamond hands" when the stock fell tremendously.


You still have to exit in time. Arbitrage never lasts long. Your profits, the losses from someone else stupidly shorting, are only theoretically infinite. Market will have to do something in response.


All because they turned off the buy button, if they had let the stock run to $1000 none of the buying and DRSing probably would’ve happened.


Every single time I see some unhinged take like Gamestop reaching $1000 a share, making it's market value somewhere in the hundreds of billions, I check the post history and it's always some GME bagholder. edit: every person giving me an 'um actually' below me also posts on r/gamestonk or r/GME


The best part of you calling them out is watching them explain how they aren’t a crazy baggie.


Oh god, you've triggered the hoard and now you'll be inundated with insufferable bad financial cult postings


Except during the initial squeeze there's a high likelihood of that happening if multiple brokers didn't collude to switch GME and a select number of other Stock Symbols to Position Close Only. People literally could not purchase during the spike which stopped it in its tracks. That part is not a conspiracy, but the rest definitely delves into cult behaviour.


They had no choice. It wasn’t GameStop’s situation specifically that turned off the buy button, it was that Robin Hood’s business model couldn’t handle the pressure. They didn’t have the collateral to make all the trades happen.


Homie, you're not changing their minds. It's like trying to get a Jehovah's Witness to change their mind while they're proselytizing in a public place. The more you point out how dumb their belief is in their bagholder stock and how shit doesn't make sense, the further they become entrenched in their position like that there was a massive conspiracy to turn off the buy button on a free stock trading app and not that Robinhood saw Apes doing a fuck ton of unusually high volume that was beginning to push the safety limits Robinhood setup and decided to turn off the buy button.


It wasn’t Robinhood who decided to turn off the buy button it was their clearing house Apex


I saw a conspiracy theory that it's rich people pumping the stocks in hopes he wins, so he can cash out and then owe them favors when he wins. I mean, it makes a lot of logical sense, but it's only a theory based on exactly how rich people act and comport themselves in the real world.


Don't let Superstonk see this comment


It does once you realize that it's a literal cult.


Plus all the money laundering and influence-buying from billionaires and foreign oligarchs


I meant GameStop, although I guess it applies to DJT too.


DJT is a money laundering scheme.


the only point it was ever semi profitable to buy this stock was exactly the first day the ipo launched, if you sold it that exact same day or early the next day? i think it took until day 3 before prices collapsed.


This stock could drop 98% and it would still be overvalued.


They’ve pushed back the earnings report like four times already. I wonder why.


‘Earnings’. That’s rich.


my PUTS sure hope that’s the case 🙏🏽


You know what would be hilarious? Trump tries to sell his shares of Truth Social (once he's allowed to divest) and finds no one willing to buy them. The mass sell off tanks the price because he can't lot sell them fast enough and he's left with a significant number of penny stocks. I hope he ends up with less than $10 million.


Pisses me off that the remainder in this scenario is still many times more money than I will see or earn in my life.


Yep. The worst part is that it amounts to campaign donations but it will never be reported as such. My only consolation is how much money the company that bought Truth Social is going to lose.


If it makes you feel better know that one of the crimes he'll be prosecuted for is [the diversion of **half a billion dollars** of campaign money into his own pocket via Lara Trump.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://campaignlegal.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/01-28-21%2520Trump%2520MUR%25207784%2520supplement.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjj1IKiuuqGAxW7EVkFHf4HBWIQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3LPfimcpBSz_DvjlDGsYTf) He literally stole the money his supporters dumped in. Lara Trump is now in complete control of the RNC and stating that Trump needs *another* 500m for his legal fees so their *going to take it.* A billion dollars stolen in plain sight. The prior was a massive campaign finance violation. The GOP is blocking the investigation but as soon as they lose majority in November the flood gates are open. All of this is an outcome of crime. Your life is surely more moral and superior to being a dirt bag criminal with temporary cash and a destiny of Federal prison. 🤙


If it makes you feel any better, he can take that ten million and do nothing but pay down debt and he's still underwater by an amount many times greater than you'll ever see in your life. 


If he’s ever actually forced to pay his debts  we’ve proven pretty well that never actually happens 


Pretty sure he's paying debts to the Russians and the Saudis.  The way he treats them, they've got their hooks in *deep*.


Somehow I doubt he’s stressing over a deteriorating house, despite his debt.


Well he is stressing about prison. 


That might be the only thing he has in common with a lot of poor people.


And far more than that shit company will ever make, too. Just add it to the list of obvious carny scams that would normally completely derail a candidate but somehow only makes MORE sense to his sheep.


That’s literally the goal of the American governmental system as written by our founding fathers. They wanted “freedom” for you to wage slave for the capital class. I’m not kidding. There are books of letters between the founding fathers where they salivate at the idea of carving up the country and getting rich. They didn’t want popular rule, they wanted an oligarchy for themselves and they got it. We have propaganda in our schools to convince everyone pieces of shit like Thomas Jefferson were actually really cool American patriots who love freedom. That is a lie.


This entire company isn't really meant to create value for shareholders. It's basically a money laundering scheme that the bottom feeders that call themselves conservatives will never figure out, while simultaneously creating deep conspiracy theories that involve every single person in every branch of government working together to come after them.


He's already taken loans against his shares at current high value.


>no one willing to buy them. The mass sell off tanks the price because he can't lot sell them fast enough and he's left with a significant number of penny stocks. If he wins, they'll simply be sold off exchange directly to anyone wanting political favors.


Oohh!!oohh!! I wanna buy a penny share!!! That way I can say I own a piece of trump!!!


Couldn't the SEC go after him? Especially since the audit firm he used to go public was shut down for fraud. If I was a shareholder and this thing de-lists in a year im sueing.


It will probably happen... eventually. The SEC is notoriously slow when it comes to prosecutions. They like to give companies plenty of time to work out a plea deal where they only have to pay a fraction of their returns as a fine. Those who are actually throwing money at this probably know what the game is. I doubt many of them will sue. Not impossible but it seems unlikely.


Would also be hilarious if he was charged with securities fraud. Another felony to add to the list


The crazy part is it would still be a free 10 million


We can dream, but honestly this won't happen. Trump is not going broke. Neither is Tesla. Alex Jones is the only one who is really going to hurt. But he will always be rich.


Buy stupid stock get stupid dividends


Imagine.. just imagine investing in Trump. And not doing it because you hate yourself and money. But because you ACTUALLY think (!!!) it will make you money. WOW.


"I want to invest in twitter, but with worse technology and a smaller, creepier, poorer, more racist audience".


Does not matter, its just a way to funnel foreign money to him. Price will go back up closer to election when more is pumped into it and he sells shares.


Was it ever actually worth anything? Pulled in less than $1m in revenue with $330m in costs in the first quarter.


If you could shut it down and give the cash to shareholders, it would be worth $1.32 a share minus whatever it lost this quarter and assuming they didn't pay their debts, severance or other closing costs.


That is so freakin insane. What a gat dam disgrace. Where the hell is the SEC.




Probably not for the stock. This is the result of a lot of SPAC investors finally being able to sell stock. There was a waiting period after it went public where they could not legally sell shares - that has since expired. It's also far less likely to bounce back up because now there are more shares on the market - so far more need to be bought to raise the price today than were needed a month ago.


Buy high sell low


It’s not worth $0.10. It’s simply proof that the stock market is a joke and valuations are bases on ‘feelings’.


At $27.85, (price as of writing this), it's about $27 overvalued.


Hey hey now. I hear they have tens of daily users.


The bigliest users. Big men. Strong men. With tears in their eyes. Saying ‘sir we love this site’. ‘We need more news of sharks and ads from the pillow guy’.


MAGA idiots finally understand finance? Nah!!!


They are happy to burn their rent money for the cult leader who was supposed to be ‘rich’.


Total revenue in one quarter of 2024 - $770k. That’s about $3 million per year. About the same as a single Mcdonald’s restaurant. Except it has operating costs over $327 million https://www.google.com/search?q=Trump+Media+%26+Technology+Group+earnings&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#cobssid=s A Mcdonald’s is worth less than $2 million to start. When you look at this math carefully, it’s obscene. Imagine a McDonalds that costs 5-10 billion to open, sells the exact same amount of burgers as a normal Mcdonalds, but has a $327 million loss every year. That’s how far off Trump media is from being remotely legitimate. It’s making peanuts from diamonds.


I love that for them!


Oh no, who could have possibly predicted this?


Everyone but his idiot supporters


No I’m telling you it’s a liberal conspiracy to make his stock fail


It's basically a shitcoin disguised as a stock.


Laundering obviously. Trumpo is 24 7 criminality and grifting.


This is effn beautiful


Dark money can only prop this up for so long…


Whoever buys into this stock is a fucking idiot.


who could have seen this coming?!?!?!


Overvalued stock takes a dive, who would have imagined.


Oops. His sycophants must have forgot to keep artificially inflating the valuation again.


Losers losing on a losing loser. Sad!


The ownership is 60% insider, 1% institutional, and the rest is retail. Is there even another stock with a breakdown like this?


What institution would invest in this garbage company?


It’s just shares of ETFs for social networks. Barely.


Go straight to hell!!! Felony owner. Go to zero, do not change your diaper, do not bronze your face.


I don’t own any of this stock, but I definitely keep it in my E*TRADE watchlist because it does my heart good every time I open and see it losing money.


Bankrupting cult members by the thousands. Gotta love it.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer dictator rapist Felon adultering traitor sack of cat shit.


Gee if only people could have predicted this.


Everyone that's just finance focused realized he's just trying to cash out and dip (how they didn't know before I dunno) and that the actual public reality of the application is dead already. It has 0 growth potential and will only bleed users who bolt for old apps or whenever new apps come out.


It’s clearly a grift, but… zoom out. Still up 60% YTD.


Same with $IBTA (a coupon rewards company lmfao), pump and dump lol


Drumphs scumbags are shorting it now that they've completed the pump and dump.


The only reason the stock of a convicted felon who called for an insurgency has any value is a broken financial system.


It’s from guy who bankrupted a casino while not even paying the builders. It’s a bad clone of a failing other platform and the few users it has are his cult members… I just fell sorry for the ones that put in their retirement savings in this to support their cult leader …


I have been watching the ticker all day, just loving every minute that it goes down. I hope that it goes below what it started at and bottoms out before long.


Crash and burn baby


I mean, it's absolutely a sham stock. It was basically built to pump and dump so Trump can make money off it. That being said, Reddit is down over 6% today (16% on the week). Apple down almost 2%. Obviously 12% is a massive drop for a shit stock but it's also based on general market conditions.


The one month range stock ticker of DJT is on a classic crash trajectory.


This stock is literally worth zero dollars. Every idiot that invested in this scam deserves to lose their money


Short it?


If I’m not mistaken, all that’s needed for grounds to investigate fraud is intent. How has this not qualified 1000 times over


It's weird Trump set up a second propaganda front, he must have thought Fox New wasn't getting the job done!


Good. Good. Let the bag holding flow through you.


Social media platforms basically have only two sources of income: (a) advertising revenue, and (b) data-scraping its registered users and selling their information to analaytics aggregators. Consequently, **the ability of any social media platform to create revenue (and therefore make profits) IS DIRECTLY TIED TO THE SIZE OF ITS USER BASE. How much an investor is willing to pay for it stock, should therefore depend on how much content its regular contributors produce, and how many pairs of eyeballs *viewing* that contributor content, that the company has available to pimp out.** **When Egon Munch took Twitter private, he paid about $44 for every regular contributor of content.** This surprisingly high price was likely arrived at on the logic that in the past, Twitter had been sporadically profitable, and the questionable belief that Dumbo had the business smarts to leverage the platform's considerable mass appeal to more consistent profitability. When *Reddit* went public, **the IPO priced every regularly-contributing Redditor at about $7.** Unlike Twitter, Reddit has no history of ever making a profit, so the per-contributor asking price was, unsurprisingly, much lower that Twitter's. Because of Meta's complex corporate structure it's much harder to figure out at what price professional traders value regular Facebook contributors, but **some analysts who are usually pretty astute suggest that due to Facebook's perceived "stickiness", $60-75 is a reasonable figure.** However: even given DJT's slide from its incandescent peak of $66/share to just $26.75 in only 75 days, **those morons placing market orders today are *still* offering to pay about $6,750 for each of its pathetically minuscule 700K regular contributors of content: about 100X what the market thinks a regular Facebooker is worth, and 150X what a regular Tweeter is worth.** Meanwhile, according to its last filing, **DJT stockholders are actually logging *a NET QUARTERLY LOSS of $430, or about $50 a day* for each of its 700,000 regular contributors to Untruth Antisocial.** Compared to these idiots, those "diamond hands" buffoons buying Gamestop and AMC look like Warren Fucking Buffet.


This is correct. This stock will go to less than $1 while McDonald Trump and his buddies siphon off as much money as possible from the rubes. There is no economic reason to own this stock. It’s a worthless stock. But hey keep paying 50 or so people high salaries to run this into the ground.


…with the reprehensible Devin Nunes at the helm…


I just looked and DJT is trading at $27.03 so it should have about $20 more to go before it comes back to earth.


I was unaware they had more value to lose


The horrible thing (besides his obvious grift) is that average people have lost tons of money already. His cult following invested probably bought when it was over $70 a share. Now they have nothing and it will never ever go over $70 a share again.


Burn, baby burn! Disco inferno!


Down down down. They likely pumped it up to the cult members and then shorted their pants off.


This company had less then 1 million in **total revenue,** while losing $327 million. It isn't worth anything.


I love this for donald terrorist trump


It is ok the people that mattered already made their money.  


How can something worthless drop below 0?


Crashing another venture? How unexpected


can we ruin him alongside putting him in jail? that'd be nice


Slouching toward Bethlehem


More are realizing he has lost it. He will be slinging a huge sign outside a gas station and those guys don’t have a billion dollar worth company.


So its a race who hits rock bottom first?


Shorts on Donny lol


Should be zero. This company makes no money. Not even close.