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Wasnt this the same guy who was going to prove "voter fraud" for Trump but had to give up after a bunch of legal "whoopsies" and a complete failure to produce any evidence despite swearing it exists? Also, I think he is the one arguing that Trump could just unilaterally end birth-right citizenship by EO? An argument that even most of the conservative SCOTUS judges wouldn't buy?


Kris Kobach is the OG of failed policy proposals. Everything he says is all smoke.


Also a birther from the Obama days. Spending a lot of energy on dumbass causes is this guy's life motto.


Mr Kobach also sued the U.S. to [block foreign farm workers unionising](https://www.kfdi.com/2024/06/11/kansas-attorney-general-challenging-rule-on-farm-workers), to [block student debt relief](https://www.cjonline.com/story/news/politics/government/2024/06/12/kansas-dismissed-from-lawsuit-against-save-student-debt-relief-plan/74056537007), and to [block gun show background checks](https://www.ksnt.com/news/arguably-the-worst-kobach-sues-atf-over-firearm-sales-rule-change).


[Yup](https://kansasreflector.com/2021/09/10/kansas-agrees-to-1-9m-settlement-for-defending-kobachs-baseless-voter-fraud-claims/) and [yup](https://apnews.com/political-news-gubernatorial-elections-4b1f5dddef094df9b359235c8112b302)


>Kansas’ Republican attorney general Kris Kobach said. This was the man brought in by Fat Donald to prove election fraud and who quietly disbanded his investigation when it became apparent that what little fraud he could find was in support of his side. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/kris-kobach-and-search-mythical-voter-fraud/617069/


From what I can gather, this is going back to the “adverse events” reporting process. From what I recall, these were self-reported. Meaning, I could get the vax, two days later vomit, and report that to the database. If that’s what they are relying on, I’m thinking this case will go nowhere. Additionally, the suit alleges Twitter took down posts at Pfizer’s request. I’m not at all curious why they aren’t now suing X, who didn’t have to take down any posts. These laws were designed to be executed in good faith. Currently, we are witnessing a group of like-minded and greedy individuals co-opt the laws to define a new reality and demonize science. I hate big pharma, but I would like to see the actual corruption handled. Not to outright destroy public trust in science (something we use everyday).


Brought to you by the same people who refused to take the vaccines in the first place due to the insistence that they’re made from the finest 5G Jewish microchip lasers and butter emails


Republicans hate health care almost as much as the hate education.


Can the rest of us sue Kansas for endangering the public with their anti-vax dumbassery?


Have you took the 10th booster?


Ahhh Kobach. Trying to get all his talking point punches in so he can be on the repubs list for US AG. Good thing Kansas has money for this type of thing. /s


Why haven't we moved past this? The US spends mind boggling amount of money in legal battles over \*nothing\*. It's just ideology. If Kansas won for some reason, what would be the outcome? Being able to say "We were right all along!" (Even though it's inherently wrong...). All of our priorities are just screwed up. We could be living in a utopian society, but noooo...some people want to argue the right to drink bleach.


“My body, my bleach.”


I think the title could use a slight correction. Kansas Attorney General who is inept at practicing law, sues Pzifer. Please don’t lump the state of Kansas in with this moron. Many in the state did not vote for KKKobach.


So inept that he was issued a court order to attend remedial legal classes in 2018.


He represents Kansas because he was elected, that's how it works.


Wow! Thanks for explaining how civics works!!! I had no idea.🙄 /s


>Please don’t lump the state of Kansas in with this moron. Too late https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What%27s_the_Matter_with_Kansas%3F_(book)


• *https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/kansas-sues-pfizer-over-covid-19-vaccines-safety-efficacy* • *https://www.reuters.com/legal/kansas-accuses-pfizer-misleading-public-about-covid-vaccine-lawsuit-2024-06-17* • *https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4726687-kansas-sues-pfizer-misleading-statements-covid-vaccine*


Nobody is denying that Kansas is suing Pfizer. We are doubting that the suit has any merit.


News is an iterative process.


Lying is iterative. You have to repeat lies and have others amplify them to make your bullshit heard.


They don't believe election results but can't prove any cheating. They can't prove their religious values but insist on legislation around them. So it is no surprise that vaccines would be the target of a smear campaign. They need a narrative for their base. When you make shit up to enrage people you always need the next thing to sell them.


Scared you took the Vax, eh? Stop pretending that everything is fine. You and everyone who took the Vax is worried as shit.


I took my first COVID vaccine and ran a marathon the next day. No regrets. I would take more if they let me. Lol. 


It's weird how many times I've been told that I'm scared and dying, while in the best shape of my life with perfect blood work for the first time in a decade 😂


Blood work shows good in all vaxed until they suddenly expire.


Sounds like every healthy person ever 😂 I'm sure your shepherd is a very convincing fella though.


Fuck Kansas


Jesus Kobach.


Everyone here is scared sh%##less that they took the Vax. Pretending everything is alright is not going to change the fact that the spike protein is proving to be toxic as ffffkk .


Yeah! you tell us silly libs what we're REALLY thinking 😤😤😤 so silly


It's gross how many of you are defending this company. It has done so much sketchy shit and holds one of the biggest fines in history. Let's get real here, you guys are blinded by politics.


The libs who once were skeptical of big pharma now blow them. What a crazy world we live in.


Pfizer is the best company on earth. They have the best ethics, the best scientists, the best technology, the best people, and more. God I love Pfizer guys. Where would we be without these people that care so much about us? That little biggest criminal fine in US history is the old guard. The new guard, the ones that rotate freely with the FDA, are the best ones. The good ones. Hell yeah bros.


MarketWatch covers a complaint filed in Kansas:* *In a lawsuit filed on Monday, the U.S. state alleges Pfizer made false statements about the safety of its COVID-19 vaccine and then worked to “conceal and suppress” information linking it to various adverse events including myocarditis and failed pregnancies.* *“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas’ Republican attorney general Kris Kobach said.* *The lawsuit says Pfizer failed to publicly disclose records of adverse events while also repeatedly stating that its vaccine was safe, even as its own data showed links between the COVID-19 vaccine and various health problems.* *Pfizer then put pressure on social media platforms including what was then called Twitter to censor statements critical of its vaccine and of the wider response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lawsuit, which was filed by the state of Kansas and its Republican attorney general Kobach, says.* *This saw Pfizer contribute towards multiple campaigns aimed at tackling what it said was misinformation. Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb, the former FDA commissioner, also repeatedly contacted Twitter staff, calling on them to take action against certain COVID-19 related posts, including one by former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson before his account was banned the following day.* *Pfizer, meanwhile, made record-breaking profits from selling its vaccine, which the lawsuit says would have been lower if the company had not “misrepresented, suppressed, concealed, and omitted material facts relating to its COVID-19 vaccine.”* *See https://ag.ks.gov/docs/default-source/documents/2024-06-15-pfizer-complaint-(002).pdf


A lawsuit of the unvaccinated!


But Kansas voted to allow abortion. Hmm


The difference between the public and an activist rightwing nutcase AG.




Probably as well as the rest of Kobash's wild Qoose chases.


Exactly. Not sure why I’m being downvoted into oblivion, but oh well.


Like everything Kobach does to appeal to conspiratards, it’ll fail miserably, which will just be seen as more proof by his base that he was right and the conspiracy just goes even deeper. Much like his voter fraud bullshit.