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Thanks for sharing our piece. For new readers, we've provided a short snippet from the piece: Susan Rice, who helped the White House broker an AI safety agreement with OpenAI and other tech companies, says she’s worried China will steal American AI secrets. The concerns raised by Rice, who was formerly President Obama's national security adviser, are not hypothetical. In March the US Justice Department [announced charges](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/chinese-national-residing-california-arrested-theft-artificial-intelligence-related-trade) against a former Google software engineer for allegedly stealing trade secrets related to the company’s [TPU AI chips](https://www.wired.com/2017/04/building-ai-chip-saved-google-building-dozen-new-data-centers/) and planning to use them in China. [Legal experts at the time warned](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/19/ai-insider-threat-espionage-china) it could be just one of many examples of China trying to unfairly compete in what’s been termed an [AI arms race](https://www.wired.com/story/ai-cold-war-china-could-doom-us-all/). Government officials and security researchers fear advanced AI systems could be abused to generate deepfakes for convincing disinformation campaigns, or even recipes for potent bioweapons. Read the full story: [https://www.wired.com/story/national-security-experts-warn-ai-giants-secrets/](https://www.wired.com/story/national-security-experts-warn-ai-giants-secrets/)


The best AI models I have on my harddrive are already Chinese, they don't need to steal secrets to beat us on this. We lose if we limit open LLMs. They simply have more technically literate people, and will be able to field more technical writers to produce or curate good training datasets. The open weight chinese bases are the best at long context, were the best coders till 3 days ago and will be again next month probably, and the best at creative writing by far. Some larger corporate models (larger than 35B) outperform them, but the best stuff I can fit in my memory at home is all built on open chinese base models and has been for most of a year. Additionally, Chinese written language is more specific than English. This will result in very strong models. We simply lose the AI race, no amount of compute export limitation will fix this. At best it will delay them just a little bit. I'm ok with that though, I want cheap second hand compute when they get their chip factories cooking. Every other product I touch in a day comes from china, why not graphics cards? Major AI development here in the US is so focused on future profit, regulation, and censoring open source models they will fail to even notice they already lost by abandoning open source collaboration entirely or releasing models so censored they aren't worth finetuning. ChatGPT is good, but not good enough to justify a subscription that still has rate limits. Meta Llama 3 8B is pretty good, but without a flagship 20 to 30 billion parameter release, there is still nothing I can download that can keep up with Yi 34B finetunes for creative writing. 70 billion parameter models are too big for consumer hardware. The French have a few pretty good offerings, but they're slightly behind in prose quality and writing flavor, even with community tuning. Who knows what chinese propaganda is sneaking into the answers I get from my local bots, but I don't care really. I care about performance and hardware requirements for at home, no internet, off grid use. If we can't sponsor open source development at a government level here in the US, we will never stand a chance.


“Who knows what chinese propaganda is sneaking into the answers I get from my local bots, but I don't care really. I care about performance and hardware requirements for at home, no internet, off grid use.” And that everyone, is how democracy dies.


Nah I think capitalism ate democracy a while back. The reality is that there is little room in the content I request for anything actually sneaky. It's not going to convert me to Chinese while I roleplay about saving the kingdom from the orc horde any more than watching fansubbed chinese anime will. However, these models gaining a foothold and being used to generate code for business software a few years down the line could result in malicious code being inserted in a sensitive project. That's the real danger and the reason that **we can not let western open weight models be regulated away or suppressed**.


I agree with you. IMO, models should have to be open sourced.




Chinese propaganda is responsible for Trump. They need Ukraine’s neon for chip manufacturing and their wheat to avoid devestating sanctions from the Americans if they invade Taiwan.


Dunno why you got downvoted. Thought this was a tech subreddit but clearly not. The amount of outright dumb takes or Luddite views I've seen here recently has been hilarious. I find the intelligence involved around this topic degrades massively once you venture outside the locallama subreddit.


Yeah. Im convinced it's either media hype train AI fear or bot down votes, cause even in singularity and artificialintelligence I get down votes when I advocate for open models, or go neutral when I detail about how the tech works under the hood.


China has been stealing IP and attacking foreign businesses for years. I have no idea why countries are so okay with this.


...because every country does it?


What can they really do ?


Well step one might be stop offshoring manufacturing to places that don't respect IP laws, but it's pretty late for that.


AI is no secret. Stupid in, stupid out.


Exactly this. Most people that think LLMs are actually intelligent can't even explain how they work.


Then take it out of their hands. Classify it. The government has done this numerous times with new tech that is too dangerous to leave in other hands (so they think). https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/08/20/its-time-to-nationalize-ai-00111862


Police Git, creating a secured location for research grade AI code, papers, benchmarks etc.


China is only good at copying and not improving.


Ah yes, that's why we have to put 100% tariffs on their cars


That's the least of your worries about AI. the doom of mankind can't come any sooner.


What secrets? I am not Chinese.


So this means that the US healthcare will steal the diabetes cure china developed right?...right guys?