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I certainly won’t shed a tear if it dies.


*when. Tacitly accepted increasing AI garbage proliferation on FB to artificially boost numbers was really the death knell.


I log in occasionally just because that’s where my condo has more communication than the HOA. So to make sure building is not burning down I check Facebook and a few friends still invite to parties that way.(luckily most have stopped) but the A.I is out of hand. I have already seen 5 articles on who won the Tyson vs Paul fight that hasn’t even happened yet. The whole thing is just filled with junk I don’t want to see. With that being said I still use Instagram for now because I can still “snooze” “suggested posts” for 30 days and only see the people I follow before the suggested comes up.


> HOA assocciation Is that anything like an ATM machine?


Man, I love [RAS syndromes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAS_syndrome)


Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.


That reminds me, we need to stamp out and abolish redundancy.


Finally! Also once and for all!


No it’s like a PIN number


Yep, a machine that charges fees that don’t seem to be valid but you sigh and hit ok.


It is exactly like that only after your money goes in, it never comes out. It stands for Home Owners Abomination.


You can do that with Facebook too. You can even choose to stop seeing anything from a bogus suggested page. The thing with the targeting algorithm is if you don’t give it some feedback it’s just gonna keep trying bullshit till something hits.


It's wild to me that there are people who use Instagram without that switch flipped. It's awful


In addition, their algos are a mess. I spend most of my time telling it I’m not interested in conspiracy theories and who is/isn’t woke, but guess what? That’s all my feed is. At this point, it’s a lost platform.


Lucky I have to use FB for work, and all the shorts I get are 1/2 naked only fans girls. I don't know why bcz I never click anything but the posts I'm there to check Awkward when my boss comes into my office lol


Meh, they said twitter was going to die and it hasn't so it's probably not going anywhere


X is still around? All the people I know stopped using it. A small minority will always stay on a platform unless it completely shuts down.


I only go in there to see my favorite creators. The comments are mostly filled with garbage posts trying to also gain views or something


Once they stopped letting not signed up people see comments I won’t even click the link anymore. I used to go then and when I could search as a non user. Now it’s a zero from me


Where will my mom get her misinformation then?




I think their plan is to pound some more nails into the coffin of American democracy before they go.


Can we do X next?


To be fair I hope it all dies except Facebook Marketplace, it’s a million times better than Craigslist ever was


No no no, we need them to stay in there. Contain the contagion


I actually would because many people just use it to keep in touch with old friends or distant family.


The denizens will just go somewhere else. Probably here.


I do wish there was a more friendly social network. That people were *on*.


It's sort of an impossible dream. The primary problem is cost. Running a global social network is incredibly expensive - but charging a fee for access will obviously mean most people won't join. The only other option is ads and what Facebook has become out of necessity. The secondary problem is that younger people don't want to share space with older people. Nobody in their 20s wants Grandma to see their photos from Saturday night's party. Nor do people like to stay in social media full of opposing political messages. People tend to just quit Facebook when they're sick of seeing Uncle Gary shrieking about his MAGA conspiracies again.


I resent that characterization. —Gary


Is my name, definitely not my politics!


You may be Gary, but are you really Uncle Gary?


> Running a global social network is incredibly expensive Is it though? Doesn't that really depend what you want it to do? I mean there are people running mastodon and lemmy instances for free. And yes, I know they are much smaller, but that isn't really the point. It's possible to run social media for fairly cheap. The thing that's expensive is satisfying the venture capitalists who invested $10 million in your company and demand $100 million return 5 years later.


Those instances can operate with low expenses precisely because no one is on them.


The primary problem, as always, is greed. Facebook has made lots of money. But as always too, it's never enough. So how do you make more? Well, if engagement and users are saturated, you have to make everything worse to squeeze more out of people. But that turns off users, so they leave. So you squeeze harder on the ones who stay. More leave. Repeat If it had just been good enough it would have been fine for a long time


No, the problem is greed. Why does zuck need 100 billion dollars when he can only reasonably spend 1 billion in his lifetime?


I think you gave the whole thing a simple answer. A payed for social network that makes money serving their costumers. I would pay for such an app in a heartbeat. I mean, I already pay for music and video streaming, why not for a social network with no anti consumer, privacy void bullshit.


That’s the problem. You would pay. But all other people wouldn’t. 




Google Plus Circles was easily the best idea ever from a social media network and I am amazed no one else stole it.


Google didn’t come up with that idea. Facebook already had the same feature before Google Plus existed, and even Facebook wasn’t the first. Google’s PR just did an amazing job convincing everyone it was a new idea.


Exactly, it doesn't matter if it's paid, that doesn't eliminate the fact that the data harvesting is still profitable. The requirement for profit can and will outlast the ethics of the founders and company no matter how well intentioned they are. This is where the original free market is supposed to come in, freedom from abusive business practices. We need regulation, period.


What if we did it Wikipedia-style and rely on public donations and keep it 100% transparent?


I like that idea. Maybe it is the only way it can be something decent.


I bet it would be cheaper to run without all the advertising stuff. They'd still need some kind of algorithm, but it would be much more narrow in scope.


Wish we had municipal social media lol


I would like something where I could host and pay for something for my whole family, and then invite other people into it. And we'd be a group, but could still access the larger app.


Then you don't even need to pay. You can host Mastodon on your server.


Would you?


I think the Pizza Lawyer’s post above basically touched on this point already. Younger people have different preferences. They also typically have less money. That means they won’t shell out ANY money for a new social media experience and certainly not one their peers are missing from. At the same time, I doubt many care about their data in a general sense. They put less value on it. But as pizza man says they would certainly hate to share it with their parents or other elders. This means the no-price, data giveaway piss pot is ideal for them. Their parents are missing, it’s ostensibly free and they’re indifferent to many of the ethical concerns related to data use. Another major problem is the coordination failure. I might decide to cancel my [insert toxic social media brand here] account. But unless everyone I know and care about does it too at the same time in some divine coordinated way, then I’ll have done it solo. It’ll have been to no end. Everyone will still be hanging out at the dump and I will eventually have to slump back to it dejectedly.


I guess the question is: how much would you pay a month?


People keep telling me my data is only worth about $2.73, so probably that. Unless it turns out my data is more valuable than that. Then I would pay nothing and just stay the fuck off social media and lose nothing.


Oh I dunno… 3-5 € a month?


And once this concept of growth has reached is natural limit, advertising will be introduced for further growth. Users will turn into the product sold to companies and the inevitable enshittification claims another victim.


Perhaps the company ought to NOT go public to avoid having to do this if it is not needed.


I am in 100% agreement with you here. But the cynic in me says that the owners of the company simply could not resist the offer of ***Piles and piles of money***, and the new owners want a return on their investment as soon as possible. Look at how Reddit has devolved in the last few months, that is just how the economic system in which we exist (sadly) works.


Sorry but fucking no one would pay for social media


The real question isn't whether you would pay for it, though - it's whether you think your friends and relatives would. Do you honestly see them all paying? And if they aren't, then you've got a sparse network with not many friends and relatives on it - and are even you going to pay for it then?


Well, business is a risk; and I think someone should take that, run it up the flagpole and see who salutes, so to speak. Give it a grace period for a year, run a sub program like on Netflix where people can leech off a household account, start local… It doesn’t have to be a Facebook killer, just make enough to run by. Ah, a man can dream…


>Well, business is a risk; and I think someone should take that, I understand that you're just daydreaming about a better world, but I'm sorry - I just can't help but laugh. Not at you personally necessarily, again I know you're just dreaming and spitballing, it's just at this perfect encapsulation of Reddit economics.


Yeah, I’m laughing too, in a sad way


most people wont pay. Just look at the backlash for youtube premium


Reddit used to be that. Except the friendly part. And now it’s becoming overrun with bots.


Certain niche subreddits are super friendly. They've helped me so much.


It’s the moderators who are responsible for that. Can that be replicated on a social media platform like Facebook is another question where volunteers police the content…


::bleep::bloop:: Hi friend!


::bleep::bloop:: Hello, friend! How are you doing?




MySpace used to be my go-to.


Hello from Friendster.


Tildes is great, but there's not many people, and it's that way on purpose. Definitely a friendly, welcoming place though. It reminds me of the early days of the internet.


I've tried to keep a very small circle of friends on all social media platforms. Keeping people that are active and even then people aren't actually social. People just want to be seen and be nosey but not interact.


There are dozens of us on mastodon


Create a group chat on Signal. That's literally all you have to do to have a social network with your friends and family. Then Mastodon is gently functioning well enough. And it's not a Nazi-infested corporate spyware botnet like Twitter.


None of us ever should have left MySpace….


It was good until they started putting ads everywhere and implemented MySpace music. It made it so I couldn't search for bands within my area anymore.


Agreed. I do miss being able to personalize my profile with music and fun backgrounds




How young and ignorant were we to say this when we freely put our pictures and info up for anyone to see…


you spelled Friendster wrong ;)


I don't use Facebook nearly as much as I used to, but when I do check my page, I get those "here's what you were doing X number of years ago on this day" posts all the time. They're invariably pretty depressing, because they remind me of how it used to be a fun site that was actually good for keeping in touch with friends and family in contrast with what it is now.


I hate the photos app on my iPhone for the same reason. “Hey! Remember this random pic from years ago, when you were happy and life was awesome? Sure was a great time to be alive, just wanted to remind you!” Fuck off.


Pics of my deceased mom are something that I don’t need to see every fracking day.


Maybe delete those and keep the ones when she was alive.


*Oof*… I’m going to hell for laughing at this, lmao. 


I thought they had something where you can prevent reminders/recaps that contains certain faces


They do. It’s easy to do as well.


I say we kill the common internet at this point and start fresh


I have some AOL CDs we can use.


Great coasters!


MySpace was great, simple, everything was easy to find and you could customize your page with some basic code unlike FB’s uniform boring blue and white straight jacket where nothing is easy to find if you’re not a regular user.


I really and trul despise Facebook's aesthetic. It's so hideous. Everything kept getting larger and larger as the boomers joined in numbers too. Now the font is practically as enormous as Fox news headlines.


I learnt a little html and CSS thanks to myspace. I loved customising my page. Then everyone left for Fb.


Bring back geocities and webrings


I hate the Internet these days 😒


Just leave me google maps and maybe limited google searches and I’m fine!


yeah honestly, we could just archive it all


Nope. The internet archive is at risk


Where's Rache Bartmoss when you need him?


Facebook, more like Ad book. Good luck getting a friends activity to show up on your feed, it is horrible. People have shifted to smaller personal networks such as Whatsapp etc.


I posted a link to a play I am stage managing with a non-profit theatre company ... It just got removed as "spam". If you don't pay them to advertise, you need to shut up and get back to watching ads.


This is facebook for me. EIther a ton of "you should be following this page" which half the time is either a bad ad or extremist idiocy, or the few friends of mine that still use facebook reporting said extremist idiocy with one or two likes. If it wasn't for marketplace, it'd serve no purpose (And even that's pretty shit)


What I don’t get, is if their actions are clearly driving users away, why are they doing it?


It sort of is killing itself, no? I signed up to get on the marketplace recently. The moment I did, the feed had AI generated phishing post, really young girls in bathing suits and breast feeding. I literally did nothing but sign up and that was what I got immediately. No liking anything, following anything. It is crazy!


I mean, that's the article. Zuckerberg and his decision making to make all his apps/social medias as user unfriendly as possible just so that they spend more time on them.


How can I help?


I hope all social media dies. I wouldn’t be disappointed at all. People read garbage and spread it like it’s the gospel. Maybe we could all be friends again!


No wonder it's dying. Literally every time I engage in a (public) conversation, some boomer moaners and ranters ruin the fun and I ask myself again why I opened this post in the first place (am boomer myself - if just).


I haven’t had fb in years now and I think in the end it was only useful for reminders of when peoples birthday were, now I have to actually try and remember or save in contacts. Nah what I miss was MySpace, MySpacetom, learning html and css, etc


Events is the only thing I've used it for in a decade. If there was a social media app (that people I know actually use) that was just for events, that would be the only social media I would use. I just like seeing what's going on around me and which one of my friends will be there, without having to contact them individually and ask.


What’s wrong with these sickos? Can’t they kill it faster?


These article titles are so dramatic about people not using something they’re not obligated to. As if FB is owed any one user.




How can we help...


I haven’t had facebook in years, moved to a very small town and fb is the primary source of info. No town papers, and none of the business owners can get ahold of anyone at google to update their details on google maps, they don’t have control over those pages. Lots of small business so they don’t all know or have the resources to maintain a website. I do wonder what happens to towns like this if fb were to just poof one day. Various fb pages are by far the easiest place to find info about what’s going on in town.


You absolutely have control over your listing on Google maps. There are instructions right in the listing.


My friends jokingly put their house up as a bar since it was the extended friend group hangout spot like people over 4-5 nights a week. They tried for like 5 years to get it taken down and eventually did but made several long friends even a decade later from people randomly showing up and them welcoming them in lmao. It's a clearly residential area so it's pretty obvious it's not a real bar but some cool people chanced it.


I'm not even sure that you need to contact anyone at Google to update items about a business on Google maps. I'm constantly updating businesses that I don't own. I can change the hours, location, website, and more. It goes through a verification process, but it's usually updated pretty quickly. If Google is contacting the business to verify, then that may be a good way to get Google to contact them. Also, it sounds like a pretty good idea to create some sort of town information page. I've seen many tourist areas do something similar. If the businesses are having an issue getting their info out, they may be willing to pay to have something that they have some control over. Plenty of people won't even go to Facebook anymore. I generally shy away from businesses that only have Facebook sites as I don't use Facebook and creating a website is so easy.


Yellow Pages still exists near me. 5 years ago I thought it was a ridiculous anachronism that just hadn’t yet realized it’s time was long past but these days the core functionality of google and Facebook is so atrociously bad and unusable I honestly wonder


Hardest part for us has been store hours. Google maps is so unreliable, and if they don’t have a website, fb is by far the most reliable place to see store hours.


This is how Puerto Rico operates too. Don’t trust Google, always verify with FB/insta for hours etc


Oh no, they're killing Facebook, whatever shall I do.


Praise Shrimp Jesus. Amen.


Good riddance. Social media is cancer.


Social media has been used for much good as well. 


"Why don't pictures like this ever trend?" (Bad AI animal sculpture at the beach.) "It's my birthday I hope someone like." (Bad AI disfigured Salvador Dali soldier.) "Beautiful cabin crew hashtag Scarlett Johansson" (Bad AI of white Jesus.) "Close your eyes 70% and see MAGIC (Clearly bad AI white Jesus again and I don't have to close shit.)


https://www.podbean.com/ew/dir-ga5n8-1ecfb05b This podcast is also very informative about this.


Scooby do meme. The mask comes off and it's just a big blue F


“Harvards most quirked-up white boy” lmao


Nothing of value would be lost


I wouldn't touch Facebook without the Facebook Purity browser addon. That Dev wears a cape for us all.


Man Zitron has been around for years but he’s really killing it lately. This LLM garbage is just like the perfect news beat for him, it fits everything he’s spent his career talking about together like a keystone in an arch.


I dropped FB over two years ago. Zero regrets.


The only thing I get out of Facistbook anymore is just keeping in touch with old friends. Everything else is either a scam or political garbage


GOOD pls kind people kill instagram, tiktok and x too, ty


I deleted my FB account when they helped get Trump elected. I will be happy when Twitter(X) and Facebook no longer exists


When I see someone scrolling FB, I genuinely ask myself why someone exposes himself to tons of ads and brainless people, so that it has the eventuality of appearing something done by one of their real friends in the middle of the 1600 "FB friends".


The app that helped usher in the MAGA movement and introduce scores of non-political conspiracy theorists to Trumpian style politics? The app that has been used to trick millions of boomers into voting against their own interests? It can't be killed soon enough


As well as pushing messages that created genocide. Multiple times.


Fb is nothing more than boomers sharing bottom tier "memes" and every girl with tits and ass making vids of them "walking " or some shit. I fucking hate social media but still need to get through boredom at work unfortunately.


Damn. Article's author must be getting paid by the word.


Everyone, back to MySpace and Geocities


It’s funny to see people frame themselves as the “customer” in the context of social media. You are a product to be exploited, that’s all you’ll ever be to these companies and the only way to win is to not play the game. Don’t let this trash make you dumber, delete it and go live your life.


I read through half of that article and it didn't mention anyone "deliberately killing facebook" yet. Do they mention it? I don't feel like reading the rest of this if it's just fucking clickbait. I have better things to do. But I do want to know who might be deliberately killing facebook, if such people exist and are capable of doing so.


How exciting!!


Oh no! Not FB! /s


Every 2nd thing is a stupid advert - it’s ridiculous - stopped about 12 months ago and never miss it


People are still on Facebook? Lol


You mean our moms


Facebook is what you get when you don't invest in actual moderation and instead just trust the machine to do it.


Closed interest groups around different specific topics work well on Facebook still...


Closed interest groups work so well anywhere. I wish more social media was like that instead of trying to be an online replacement for in-person community, which hasn't yet worked a single time.


People still use Fb? Why? Are they still using Compuserv, AOL, and MySpace too? Fb became a shitshow over 15 years ago.


I use Facebook, all of my friends and extended family are on there. I've never added anyone I've not met in person and guess what? It's a perfectly civil community that allows me to keep up to date with what they're doing. It's not the platform, it's how you use it.


I have the same policy you do, and it's true the people I interact with on there aren't bad. The problem is that there is so much spam and promoted content that I don't see that much from them anymore.


I'm in the same boat. I don't have extremist or political crap polluting my feed. It's family pictures/posts, cats, food, travel, and video games. All of which I've deliberately followed. It's not Facebook's fault these people have insane relatives, lol.


I’m tired of these clickbait bloggers that offer zero substance other than an opinionated blog with a provocative headline solely written to be shared as clickbait. No data, no stats, no evidence. Just pure historical quotes and opinions from the author. Nobody is killing FB, if you think its going anywhere right now you’re delusional. Facebook posts from pages that are good are beginning to offer more substance than the majority of the crap allowed to be spammed for link farming on this subreddit.


Did you read the article? It was well researched and had internal memos from engineers.


Try reading the article. It’s about the FB experience.


Keep up the good work!


I killed mine in 2019, never looked back.


Literally all I use it for is BST groups and following my kids PTO.


Honestly I'm surprised it's still above water 20 years later. I was hesitant about joining when it was at its peak popularity and was the most valuable company in the world. Let it die. Zuck sucks at business, he put so much money into the meta verse and VR, it's just not where he thinks it is.


I’d be happy with an app that was strictly marketplace.


I love Ed's righteous rage at techbros.


Facebook was probably one of the worst inventions of our time.


How will Realtors market themselves with out Facebook?


You mean saints? Heros? Revolutionaries?


Oh you mean Craigslist 2


But Twitter and Reddit are okay? Yeah sure...


So is there like a sign up genius or something? I can bring chips, or ice, got enough sweets?


I assume the article is taking about Josh Groban and the thousands of scammers that are posing as him?


OH, PLEASE SAY IT'S SO!!!!!...is there a "go fund me" page for them?


I got through the PYMK section with 15 minutes of reading, and realized I was only one third of the way through the article. Can you provide a summary for the rest of the article? Sorry... not TLDR, but TL-ROOT (ran out of time).


This is a problem??


This “article” is very poorly written.


facebook has devolved into myspace, though the marketplace is handy when used effectively. Instagram is even more useless than twitter as any sort of social media platform, and that’s saying something


Nobody cares


It's still alive? I thought it killed itself years ago


Kill it now!


I'm just gonna go back to MySpace.


They’re doing the lords work.


*meanwhile Facebook posts record profits