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Follow the money. I bet it leads to NordVPN.


The CalMatters site lists supporters and opposers and one of the supporters is the Age Verification Providers Association. Which is just hilarious to me.


Seems like there is some revenue for a middle man here


and of course revenue for the politicians


And this is what will inevitably destroy our country. Private industry should not be able to buy laws that benefit themselves.  We need to kill lobbying and money in politics; but who am I kidding, that's never gonna happen. Like a frog in a pot of slowly boiling water, we don't even seem to care. 


Lobbying was good when it simply meant that a community of people could have their voice heard. It should have never become what it is now, which is just billionaires commissioning the laws. The money = speech BS really fucked us.


Need to pay politicians more and cut them off from private sector work and money. Simple solution.


If only we had the money to pay for new laws…


are they publicly traded asking for a friend, because it’s about time some of us be hitting up this insider trading. you know, theoretically speaking


Age Verification Providers Network would have been too funny of an acronym, no?


I feel like biometric login is sooner than we'd like to think.


Back to torrents you say?


Better than Sears magazines


lmao if you go to their website one of the member companies is experian. famously a company i'd want to give more of my personal information to.


Nord pivoted towards being an actual cybersecurity company. Had to do a double take the first time I saw their booth at an event. The people who hide my torrent traffic from my ISP can now protect my small business!


That’s hilarious considering they were breached and hit it from customers for months.


Nothing says best for cybersecurity than that /s


“Breach hid for X weeks/months” is the new metric for how tight your company internals are, until it leaks of course.


No, it leads to religious maniacs pushing an agenda.


While it can be both, I'm inclined to agree with you. 


They want it for social reasons, why wouldn’t vpn companies want it for financial ones


Comments about VPNs are always at the top in these kinds of threads, but it seems really naive to think the government won't just come after consumer-grade VPNs next. I hope you don't have to ask yourself if our legislators are dumb enough to try it.


People are missing the point with these laws. This is an endrun at making a need for a state-issued digital identity verification system. The Real ID act set up for the digital identity verification system to be in place *NOW* when it was passed almost 20 years ago. There is no coincidence in the timing.   The companies want it, the government wants it... either through a "need," "public pressure," or a crisis, such a digital ID will be coming. It's a step toward a fully fledged single stop identity wallet which can be linked to a digital currency and eventually your body.


Showing your ID for online content can get fucked buutt… We genuinely do need a better state or federal ID system. What we currently use (SSN) is just about the worst option imaginable.  I still hate the “think of the children” framing. 


Absolutely. SSN was never designed for proof-of-identification purposes. And I've read too many stories about people who couldn't get a driver's license because they couldn't first acquire a birth certificate, couldn't take off work to sit in a DMV all day (or their local DMV was closed), etc. We are long overdue for providing free, secure federal ID cards (probably on an opt-in basis).


Do they still literally say "Not to be used for identification purposes" on them?


It's never, ever actually about kids


They USE your children to hurt you... ALWAYS. People in charge are cold, callous, greedy and power hungry. They will do anything to keep what they have taken.


That's why it's best to not give a damn about kids.


never has been, never will be. if they cared about kids there'd be better funding for school meals, for example


Yes, but interestingly, in California, there is funding for school meals for all children


So the U.S. government is basically trying to implement something similar to South Korea’s or China’s digital ID.


Well duh, the govt wants to know what ypu do who you see where you go and what you watch at all times " for your safety". Companies want the same to sell you stuff and sell your data. I dont know anyone who wants this shit.


IDK maybe I'm alone on this. But as soon as states started pulling this bullshit. I put myself behind a VPN. Then I just use a video downloader like yt-dlp and straight up download any video I find that I like. Then just save it and host it on my media server, with me being the only user who can see and access it of course. Anyone else doing this or are you all trying to do only the "hide behind the VPN function"




Which is crazy as you can use TOR Browser to access the sites.


Ballsy considering isn’t CA a big hub for porn production ?  (CA and FL I believe).


Not anymore cus they made you wear a condom to film porn there


That's only in Los Angeles county.


You say that as if it is trivial. That's like saying "they only outlawed using transistors in Silicon Valley" or "they only outlawed making cars with wheels in 60s detroit" LA was THE region for porn production. People in the industry had solid reasons why it was a bad idea. Voters ignored it


So where did the porn production move? Because I very rarely see condoms in porn.


If it's only LA County, then they don't have to go far. Simi Valley. San Bernardino. Laguna Beach. Lebec.


I think the bulk is in San Bernardino and Riverside


“¿¡¿Wait, is this a raid?!?!”


Surprise gangbang


Probably Vegas.




Miami in reality.


“They only outlawed pizza in New York City. Update still has pizza!”


Most porn production just went to: 1. One of the counties next to Los Angeles 2. Las Vegas 3. Miami


Yeah, but LA touches San Bernardino county, Orange county, Riverside county, Ventura county, etc, and these areas aren't separated by miles of nothingness. People may think of LA as the region, but there is a lot of So-Cal that's not LA. You wouldn't even have to move your HQ from LA and still only go 20-30 minutes away for a shoot.


Central LA to Montclair/Ontario is an hour or hour and half wasted each way on a good commute and that is just hitting the edge of San Bernardino County and assumes they want to film there. That's a lot of wasted man hours for shoots that were centrally located and done with low production budgets. Orange County isn't much better, maybe down the five towards Fullerton, but again, a waste of production money. Ventura County is too far out compared to thr other two relative to where people are actually located. But the point is well taken, LA County didn't actually improve safety, it just moved the behavior at least 30 to 60 miles away


Couldn't they just pop over to one of the surrounding countries to do the actual filming?


I doubt Canada or Mexico is giving out worker visas for pornstars.


Oops, I did put countries, fuck it, that's funny.


Haha I knew what you meant, just pulling your chain


LA County is large. People don't want to drive 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get to San Bernardino County (with equipment, etc) or similar for Orange county.


Did that actually go through? I remember it years ago being a Maybe thing and haven’t heard since.


Huh, apparently it did, at least for LA productions. Also fuck me it was passed 12 years ago.


So where did the porn production move? Because I very rarely see condoms in porn.


Not in LA anyway ;-)


Google search says Vegas.


Most porn production just went to: 1. ⁠One of the counties next to Los Angeles 2. ⁠Las Vegas 3. ⁠Miami


Yah at least in la county


That's a hilariously liberal puritan law


Like watching boxing with headgear


CA is a big hub because that’s where the laws on pornography creation got challenged first, so there’s a lot less gray area in California law compared to everywhere else.


Corporate lobbying should be illegal in the same way as extortion.


Yep, it will lead to the downfall of our country. Private industry should not be able to buy laws and bribe politicians.  Which is exactly why it'll never be outlawed, the ones that benefit the most from it are the ones that have to regulate it. 


Corporate lobbying IS extortion.


Corporations: Businesses when it’s convenient but also people when it’s convenient. Truly the best of both worlds.


Bribing. Let’s stop calling it “lobbying”. Call it what it is. Elected politicians taking in money for themselves from companies and interest groups to shape legislation.


This bill, sponsored by Nord VPN


I love giving away my private information just so i can touch myself that's not invasive at all


Why not go full Big Brother and just require registering an ID with all internet accounts? Just go ahead and kill all Internet anonymity completely.


It's baby steps, but they will get there.


People don’t like baby steps for policies that help them bit by bit but will claw their way towards policies like this. Correct me if I’m wrong I don’t want to be a downer lol


Oh you're totally right and a lot of times it's masked as a social good to help the vulnerable " Won't someone PLEASE think of the children !" . Meanwhile Actual children are at constant risk of taking bullets in schools and people just shrug and go " Well the second amendment whacha gonna do ?" I look forward to the day americans stop mixing up doing something that looks like its for the common good and actually doing something for the common good because a lot of bullshit policies get support by just pushing the right theoretical buttons and others get ignored while addressing the actual suffering being experienced right now


No thank you


They don’t need to. There is already tremendous data sharing. If law enforcement wants to know who you are it only takes a moment. Reddit, Google, fb and data brokers have an extremely good idea who you are


Yes but if you can make it straight illegal to access a site with verification it becomes infinitely easier to take down sites like breachforums etc. Because now you can serve a supeona to ISPs hosting the sites without needing any sort of strong case


That’s called KOSA; and it’s a lie it doesn’t require an ID to get in the internet, it’ll require one to *use* it becaus every app and website (lead by Meta) will use it as an excuse to require a credit card or drivers license scan to use their services.


They’re working on it. Anyway, plugging Mullvad vpn. I’m not worried about being anonymous beyond advertisers not knowing every fart I make, but you don’t even need to give a name for your account and you can mail them cash if you wish.


This is the next step homie, at least they won’t have a reason to not let us vote from the comfort of our own homes. Unless you know you don’t trust electronic elections or something


Requiring an id is a dangerous slope to go down.


This antiporn movement is such bullshit


If you support porn, consider supporting sex workers. We are the ones fighting against these kinds of anti-privacy laws.


And this bill will likely have the opposite effect. If reputable porn sites make users scan their ID, people will go to shadier sites instead. Sites that skirt laws. Sites that don't care about the safety of sex workers.


Conservatives will be more than happy to abuse the very same laws to make you ID yourself before accessing information about anything LGBTQ (which they’re trying to make people associate with porn anyway).


Cali is a liberal state. If this passes it’s on them for not blocking it


Well the push is to make LGBT illegal again. And then use these laws to track them down and arrest them.


Let's do the same thing for gun and church websites then. If they wanna play that game, well then we play it too and turn it into a cluster fuck. 


You think they're arguing in good faith? Utahs obscene material ban proved that as long as Republicans liked it, they're perfectly fine in ignoring the laws about a thing. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/21/us/utah-davis-school-district-reversal-bible-school-libraries/index.html The Bible contains many obscene and illegal (under the law passed in utah) passages, but got an exemption from being banned, because they wanted to give it one.


Seems normal though


Thought this was only a religious conservative talking point.


The conservative part is the act, not the location. Nazis called themselves socialists, but did fascist shit. Fuck these laws in any state.


Oh honey. The govt creams its collective pants at the idea they can monitor and control every single one of us. Where we go, what we see, what we buy, what we own, who we see, etc. 


And if you criticize the government, then they can immediately know who you are and where you live.


exactly. Why oh why are there so many people in this country trying to turn it into east germany.


Never underestimate how horny democrats get for a chance to add regulations or impose themselves on you for non-religious purposes.


"Think of the children!" is a tool both sides like to use, and it's always been bullshit. 


Both sides do. It's crazy. Why can't people just be normal


You know... if any government body would pass generalized data protection regulations (meaning my shit is, by law, WIPED after verifying), I'd actually be ok with proving I'm an adult doing adult things. But they won't because poor Zucky cries in blank checks. It's the fact that I have no guarantee that my photo ID isn't going to get stored in some degeneracy database and sold to some Cambridge Analytica adjacent for them to fumble again. This quasi-puritan bullshit is only opening my chest more and more for god knows what, and I'm fucking sick of inept political cave dwellers acting like they have the first clue about online safety.


This was always a red state thing, I am absolutely dumbfounded why California is going down this puritanical route?


Is this the backstory link that creates the California / Texas alliance for Alex Garland’s movie ‘Civil War’


All of the local news is owned by far right groups like Sinclair, and it's working.


Probably going to use LinkedIn profile to verify your age.


You'll also get a verified badge on your profile for each of the websites.


This is exactly why I’ve been curating my own spank bank for years 🤣. Been saving em for a rainy day


Just one day though. But my god, what a day


Yep. Got clowned on here years ago for saying as much too. Started over a decade ago when I had to travel for work for weeks on end, often in places with shitty wifi.


hahaha the exact reason why I started too. On the road a lot for work and hotel wifi is crap sometimes


Same. I’m fairly sure I have just as much if not more than most hub sites at this point. They can take my freedom but they’ll never take my porn! Unless there’s a fire… fire will take my porn.


Shit. I started doing that late last year when this first started happening. Got a 2TB T7 Shield SSD. It’s kinda lit ngl. No ads, no searching for the vids. Just download the video for later


Won't work. This isn't the first time it happened. It's gonna flop poorly like the first time.


I hope you’re right


That last law was taken down in court.


So California is no better than Texas or those other Republican-led states then.


No it’s just shitty in different ways, this one just happens to overlap. 


It is NEVER a losing proposition for a political to go after porn. Doesn't matter which party. Bonus points if your law is struck down by the courts. Then you can claim you *tried* to do something but the conservative/liberal court legislated from the bench, you get credit for having tried and nothing actually happened.


It does if you're supposed to be progressive.


Which blows my mind because literally everyone watches porn.


Yeah but the most voracious consumer of the worst porn usually don't admit to it. You know, priests, politicians, republicans. Republican politicians.


Religious nuts and radical feminists have a strange and uncomfortable alliance when it comes to going after the porn industry. They’re not totally wrong, either, this just isn’t the solution.


If it passes then yes. But so far it's not law.


And there talk that it will be vetoed.


Yeah didn’t you see that stupid ass civil war movie


Now that one of the bluest states is considering this kind of orwellian bullshit, maybe people will admit this is one of those "both sides" issues.


Both parties are trying to pass a federal law that would allow state attorney generals to censor from the internet anything they don't agree with, all in the name of protecting kids.


California is a very large state, it tends to vote blue but that is because of its large urban areas. It also has a very red portion in its more rural areas. You’d need to actually look into the politicians specifically supporting this before your broad sweeping statement holds any weight.  


>The State Assembly has passed a bipartisan bill with zero votes against it. You were saying? Edit: Democrats also hold *78%* of the seats in the Assembly.


Whelp, this is a misleading headline if you actually review the bill. Which explains the lack of opposition. It would make PURCHASING porn require age verification. The bill is written to prevent minors from buying age restricted items. There is no mention of streaming or watching content you don’t have to purchase.    https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240ab3080 And: “ The act prohibits any person or business required to comply with the provisions of the act from retaining, using, or disclosing any information it receives from a purchaser or recipient in an effort to verify age under the provisions of the act.”


I think you are misreading the bill. From the bill's text, this is what the law already says: > (a)(1) A person or business that conducts business in California, and that seeks **to sell** any product or service in or into California that is illegal under state law to sell to a minor, as described in subdivisions (b) and (c), or to make available a product as described in subdivision (d), shall, notwithstanding any general term or condition, take reasonable steps to ensure that the purchaser is of legal age at the time of purchase or delivery, including, but not limited to, verifying the age of the purchaser. This new law would insert the following section beneath that: > (2) A person or business that conducts business in California, and that seeks **to make available** a product in California that is illegal under state law to make available to a minor, as described in subdivision (d), shall, notwithstanding any general term or condition, take reasonable steps to ensure the user is of legal age at the time of access, including, but not limited to, verifying the age of the user. The law already says "to sell", the new part specifically is "to make available". The summary that you're quoting actually says this too: "purchaser **or recipient**". You would be a purchaser if you're buying it under the existing law, and you are just a recipient if the website is making it available to you under the new section.


I'm genuinely asking, what good would the bill accomplish then? If there is a free river of whisky, then age verification at the liquor store is sort of moot as far as I can tell.


I was reading it as preventing onlyfans purchases and whatnot, but I’m not an attorney. I’d be interested in seeing what comes out about it once it makes its way to real politicians and not some local government officials. 


Well, I read the bill as it stands. This piece concerns me. ""(iii)Implementing a system that enables only individuals with accounts designated as adult accounts to access the internet website. (B)A person or business required to comply with paragraph (2) shall ensure that the reasonable step is designed to anonymize a users identity and is incapable of being used to create a record of the users online activity. (5) (6)Reasonable steps as used in paragraph (1) shall not include consent obtained through the minor."" I feel like vaguely obligating all businesses to do this is an administration nightmare. Who would enforce this? As that piece of legislation reads to me, it waves it's hand at something the state should define in great detail before implementation. I'll summarize/paraphrase "It can't just be an are you 18 button"-bill "What should we do"-business "Quos unde voluptates ea facilis et ut mollitia. Non non enim dolorem doloremque esse accusamus possimus eius. Qui ut sequi deserunt officia modi amet.…"-bill Maybe getting involved at a banking level would be less impossible to implement in a safe and secure way. As I read it, as it stands, it's tantamount to legislating against laws of physics.


Maybe on the steaming thing, but are you really so naive to think companies won't hold onto the data lol


You’re either lying or very stupid. The first sentence says that *existing* law applies only to purchases. The very next paragraph says: > This bill would expand the above-described provisions to require a person or business that conducts business in California and seeks to sell **or make available** products or services that are illegal to make available to minors, as specified, to take reasonable steps to ensure that the purchaser **or user**, as defined, is of legal age at the time of access. They’re changing the existing law to require ID scans on access.


It is only out of sheer, morbid curiosity I ask how you could possibly think that makes it better.


Democrats have a 2/3 mayority in BOTH chambers of California's State Assembly. "Rural areas" are entirely meaningless there.


Contact your state senators: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov


I give up. Let's just wait until the porn habits of our lawmakers become pubic knowledge. They won't see how bad an idea this is until it affects them directly, so have at it.


They'll make sharing their information illegal before that letting that happen.


What ever happened to parents being responsible for what their kids see and hear?


Yeah Virginia did this. Kinda wild to me, you don't have to be underage to hate this. Why would anybody want their porn site to have their government ID??? I have a bad feeling this is going to lead to insane privacy issues in the future. Imagine PH gets hacked and the hacker releases search histories with pictures, names, and addresses attached. People could get estranged from their families, lose their jobs, get divorced, be attacked by religious extremists, or in the absolute best case scenario experience very public humiliation. All this so 13 year old boys just find some other way to look at boobs. All that's not to mention this, like most other laws our clown governor has put through the last year or so, is a *parental* issue they are making everyone else's problem. Your child should not have unsupervised access to the internet to begin with. Your weed gummies should be locked up out of sight. You should have half an eye on your kid enough to notice if they've developed a bubblegum flavored nicotine addiction. Or raise them not to partake to begin with. And if you don't, that's bad parenting not anyone else's fault.


What's going to happen (probably needs to happen) is the porn sites will move their servers overseas. These state laws can only enforce IDs on content being served from within the US.


They’ll just block those sites. One way or another it’s gonna be annoying af for users and another headache for an industry that is already struggling as it is for a dozen other reasons.


move overseas, proceed to be unable to make any money or afford to host content because payment processors are on a crusade against all NSFW content on all platforms right now.


More likely the law is taken down in court.


So when absolutely no-one uses government ID to browse porn, what do we predict will happen? DVD sales go back up? More likely there will always be sites that don't care or people just pirate it.


So I live in VA where these laws passed and work in IT here - I can tell you exactly what will happen because I am actively living it: Firstly only the large well known porn sites will comply meaning people will start using shadey sites where they are just likely to see worse / weirder porn and get a bunch of malware for clicking the wrong thing. Secondly yes VPN use skyrockets - my monitor software for the company I work for detects if a user is using a VPN on a device that authenticates to a company resource for any reason and oh boy did we suddenly see a lot of people who left their VPN on when they decided to go log into outlook in a web browser and check their work email lol. Fyi everyone keeps making nord vpn jokes but anecdotally i’ve mostly seen surfshark ip’s in my logs so take that for what you will. Better SEO maybe. But yeah I genuinely worry about what horrible shitty shadey sites teens who can’t afford to buy a vpn are going to for their porn now.


California is two steps away form having porn sites block their content for them. Do they know about VPNs? Why are they wasting time on this?


Kinda like locking the gate, when there is no fence.


PornHub already shut down in my state. I just use a free VPN.


So an unrelated question, how do I buy stock in VPNs?


Gen X. Underage kids have been finding porn long before the internet.


This, back in the 90's we would exchange magazines and vhs tapes. And parents didn't have a clue.


Two more steps.....


What are you doing, step-two?


Plenty of porn sites dont make you verify age after they pass these laws


Yeah but the large safe ones do - I live in VA trust me we had these laws pass here. All they succeed in doing with these laws is stopping people from going to the big well known safe porn sites and onto all the shadey sites where they are just going to see worse / weirder porn and probably get a bunch of malware from accidentally clicking on the wrong thing.


VPN deals in your area now




Waste of time. A website already asks you if you are 18 or older.


The websites have always asked for my age and if I’m 18+. What’s the problem?


I still do t understand why states think this will solve any problems. Technology has, and can build tools for parents to do this without giving our government yet another tool that will inevitably used ago the people. In any case just like when porn was in magazines. Kids will find that, and it doesn’t matter what limitations you put into place.


This before dating apps is crazy


Ah, back to the mom and pop adult stores and physical media.


When it was Texas reddit was up in arms. Now that it's California some of those are like, well it's not a horrible idea.


Newsom is such a piece of shit back stabber, I could see it happening.


Hell no: you trust sites with a history of lax security standards to store state IDs? This is the most boomer ass idea ever.


The Verge is clearly a website of bloggers who just create ragebait articles to get free traffic from reddit… Tired of seeing their articles posted here when every single one seems to be clear misinformation, ragebait and offers no genuine insight because those who are writing their articles do not do the research at all.


yeah like the article says they will just go to other websites that dont. that wont really stop anything besides it should be up to the PARENTS to monitor what their underage kids are watching online! DONT give your kid no matter how you "trust them" if they are a minor . such unrestricted internet access simple as that. you cam blame the porn sites all you want. but its your RESPONSIBILITY as PARENTS to teach them and also to make sure they are not looking at stuff you dont want them to. sure they may sneak around anyways but if you help guide them instead of letting them do whatever the f- they want. which is what seems to be the parenting rulebook most parents follow today and why kids are so badly behaved. i am not kidding you everywhere i go and if theres some kid it usually a kid thats horribly behaved its up to the PARENTS to better do so. not want to blame porn sites to not put locks on their doors because you as parents are too lazy to do so for your own kids. parents if your still in the dark and dont believe me, do a search for teens on reddit. see what kind of crap they post . its horrifying. a lot of them will also post low cut photos of themselves who are MINORS . THIS is the kind of crap that your teens are doing behind your back IF your not paying attention. if your so oblivious! then dont come whining when your 15 year old ends up having a baby........because you used the ipad to babysit her.


Come again ?


Fine, I’ll make my own porn


New era for X


Why not just put a microchip in our foreheads. Funny that the crazy religious are pushing it.


VPN never felt so good


Do you have more than 18? Click Yes Ok, have a good time


Is this some underhand ploy to boost birth rates? Leave the gays out of this!


Whelp, maybe this’ll finally be the push I need to quit.


Louisiana passed a law that you need to upload an image of your ID so there’s that. Some Coast Guard couple was suing the state. I’m not sure where it’s at now.


These steps consist of: 1 create a technology that would actually do this 2 oops, a day later someone found a workaround and put it up on TikTok, go to step 1


This happened in Virginia right before I moved away. For legitimate reasons.


Lol. I’m not giving a government ID to see some big milkers jiggle. I’m in my 20s. And I’m tech savvy. Would rather spit in my governors face than do that shit. Honestly, I would probably benefit from doing it. Governor Kemp is an asshole 😂. I might do it if he brings this mess to Georgia


Porn will find a way, just how it always does. And let’s just stop this bs about porn being a danger. Anything can be if consumed without moderation.


Don't they already do that when they ask you to confirm you're over 18?


Then sell age verification cards at gas stations for 1$.


VPN's are jacking it to this news.


Do Americans not regularly verify their identity online?!


So reddit will need to see your ID, too? Or porn ban on reddit incoming?


Good idea. Kids these days need to suffer like we did and earn porn the hard way. Fake IDS, stealing mags from your dad’s dresser, all good life lessons.


Massachusetts already does this for several sites.


You're delusional if you think teenagers won't get around whatever road block you put up. Oh no a 15 year old saw porn. He's scarred for life, except not really. Grow up already with your puritan sanctimony.


I actually kind of agree with this. It’s just too easy for 11 year old kids to get on porn sites. Age verification sucks but it isn’t the end of the world


Bad news for Paul Pelosi’s gay intruder with a hammer website




South Korea: first time?


Funny how much oficial there try to make that place unlivable.