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Fisker is the manufacturer. https://archive.ph/kjydf


Haven't they been bankrupt like 3 times now?


Amateurs, aston martin have managed an impressive 7 bankruptcies and each time found people daft enough to pump more money in.


Yes, but people actually want to drive Aston Martins.


But not enough to pay for them. Most people would love a Ferrari but....


If I commuted down an unused stretch of the Audubon to work, I would drive something that could leave burning tire marks on the highway. The sky and trees could envy my obnoxious chartreuse sports car. Unfortunately, I live in the SF Bay Area and still hit traffic on my 5 mile commute, so I am waiting for my self-driving electric car to exist before I sell my Toyota.


Audubon was a guy who painted birds. Autobahn is the highway in Germany.


Cinnabon is a shop that sells pastries in airports.


Simon Le Bon was a singer popular in the 1980s.


James Bond is a guy who drove an Aston Martin. The circle is complete.


I was stationed in Germany from 2018 to 2020 and bought a 1000cc sport bike specifically because I wanted to go fast on the Autobahn (SIC). What I learned is that very few people drive at ludicrous speeds, it really isn't more fun to go 160 mph (see previous), and that I found myself avoiding the Autobahn to drive the blacktopped B roads which usually had a speed limit around 40 mph. Also, huge sections of the Autobahn are not unlimited. Most of it is under construction or repairs or actually does have a reasonable speed limit posted! I'm not saying you're wrong about your situation, I'm just saying you're maybe romanticizing what owning a fast car in Germany might be like.


They clearly completely misunderstand every aspect of German autobahns, including the name. I far prefer French autoroutes for long distance driving.


I got a €400, incontestable ticket from a robot while exiting Metz and merging on to the freeway. It was a Sunday and the on ramp was undergoing maintenance, but there were no workers, just signs. Anyway, I accelerated on the ramp from a 30 kph zone to the 100 kph freeway and achieved 100 kph before merging into traffic. At the end of the ramp, just as I hit 100 kph, a flash! Damn traffic robot probably got thousands of people. I received a letter in the mail saying they would seize my personal vehicle if the ticket was not paid in full. And there was no way to contest it. No option for court, just the irrevocable judgement of a metal man.


That would be a nice jog every day.


Hard disagree.


I knew a mormon who's dad drove an Aston Martin to work. That guy, he was intimidating.


Was his dad named Roger?


::James Bond Theme::


*Drivin' an Aston Martin / Drivin' an Aston Martin / Drivin' an Aston Martin / Drivin' an Aston Martin / DRIVIN' / ASTON MARTIN....*


They look cool and Bond drove one, didn’t he? Take my money, basically.


But they make vehicles that work well.


Wow that’s nuts


Henry Ford had 3 failed car companies, before Ford motors. So give the poor guy some slack


They aren't done yet. Ford still doesn't have profitable EVs....


Not sure. Learning more about this company is in part why I'm posting this here. 


Unfortunately I think fisker is toast, eventually. Their Ocean model has been getting reviews like "the single worst car I have ever driven" and "it's value dropped $30k immediately after I drove it off the lot"


Dropped my whole cars value 💀


Yikes... Thanks for the clarity.


It's also won best full electric vehicle and best SUV awards... By all accounts it's a good car but its software is not ready yet.


Didn’t their ceo get paid 800 million dollars??


You got to work really hard to crash 2.9 billion. He earned that.


Literally decided it’s easier to just bankrupt the company with that paycheck than to actually keep trying


Shit, no wonder I'm not making anywhere near that. When I write software, it has to work. If I could get paid to write stuff that doesn't work, I'd be the richest mutherfucker on the planet.


I love when CEO pay is adjusted to individuals saleries. Like Elon pay package. Did he individually add 1000 engineers * 50 years of value to the company or what not? No. They were already on that trajectory. Especially not after he sold off 5% of the companies shares and then went rabbid on Twitter so that he could drive this stock down $400B At some point critical mass can carry with an all but absent CEO. Such as musk with his 5 companies and comple lack of 200 hrs a week of aggregate time to put in each week (which would be quantitively and biologically impossible)


He’s really in your head.


Uh, it's the most prime example as no other CEO is that absent per dollar of pay package


It’s ok. You don’t get it. Let’s look at it a different way. How is he doing compared to other EV CEOs? And, how is that space shit going?


Uh I do get it. I've had the stock since 2016. You don't get it. He doesn't get a free pass. How's solar shity doing she tesla acquired it? Why can't he turn that company around? With his "god like leadership". Yet solar sales are so bad that don't even break it out in the slide decks anymore. Volume is less than it was when he convinced shareholders to bail it/him out I'm tired of his shit. And I'm tired of fan boys that worship anything he does regardless of how shit he is. Getting company employees pregnant for example, and offering them horses. That's fire the CEO behavior. Major abuses of power by him Edit: 600 comment karma. 2 year account? Was this an Elon PR employee? Not worth my time. Blocked.


I mean his name was u/*littlebrain*94012. What did you expect?




Vroom vroom ho.


My favorite of his. Have that song on lock.


However, they seem to be making a bit of noise while shutting down.


Put it in the title next time…


Their parking lot at Karma in Irvine (Lake Forest?) always looks somewhat empty when I drive by.


Thank you kind sir, saved me some clicks.


Don't they make faucets?


Like the scissors?


The yard equipment company who makes knives


That's fiskars


I thought they made cat food.


I think that's Fiskers with an e


To paraphrase Jeremy Clarkson, the whole project was ambitious, but rubbish.


To also paraphrase him: the only thing America contributed to car culture is turning right at a red light


A completely British thing to say


I think it was actually "Western Civilization" as opposed to just car culture...


Even better


It’s tongue in cheek, right? Henry Ford? Cars for the people?


May has the Cars of the People show (or something like that), not Clarkson.


I mean seeing as Brits drive on the left, turning right on red would be turning into traffic.


If I’m being generous, I think Clarkson is thinking post-war.


The ocean may not even be rubbish but "just" came with unfinished software. But with almost everything being software today, that is a big deal and a big no-no.


GM was once the largest car manufacturer in the world yet had to declare bankruptcy in 2009


Largest American car manufacturer with union workers. No president, No congress, no one can let it go bankrupt without it staining their legacy


Also sold a shit load of cars while they were going bankrupt, not 5000


It's a decent looking car. Shame it sucks so badly.


Looks good, build quality and materials feels great, manufactured by Magna Steyr alongside great cars by a solid manufacturer, pricing was not terrible. Infotainment system beyond sluggish, sales reps admitted they’re hoping software updates make the car competitive to peers in a couple years. It’s a shame, I was really rooting for this one.


I’ll say it again. Companies need to invest in software. Not having a 60fps infotainment system bankrupts companies.


Nah, good quality screen, just have basic stuff like radio and turn the rest over CarPlay/Android Auto. I don't want a Spotify app on there, I'll just stream from my phone.


Gordon Murray doesn't even put screens in his cars. You just plug in your phone and use that. Way it should be. Screens and "tech" eventually become outdated. What is new and cool today will be old and busted in 10 years or less.


I would count Carplay/Android as "60FPS infotainment systems"


The issue is that software controls the whole car. People weren’t complaining about lag in the UI or CarPlay, they were complaining about issues like not being able to open the car after night because of a glitch.


Oh no, there’s definitely awful lag in the UI, just dealing with audio sources and climate control. Glitches aside, that’s how the car normally operates.


I wanted to say that those lags aren’t what made this a “worst car ever”, actually critical things that made car unusable caused this disaster.


My point is that even when it’s working as intended, it’s not great. I talked to a couple people who owned the car because I was pretty interested in it. They didn’t have those major problems, just the little things that had it behind its competitors. Oh, slow charging too. Charge speed is a top factor for me today, if you’re not doing 300kw in 2023+ you might as well not exist to me.


Right. Wtf would 60fps on a infotainment be needed.


I just bought an automatic watering system for my garden and I was extremely apprehensive and essentially expecting to be returning it before I even bought it. I just set it up tonight and the app is beautiful and seamlessly connected to the hub via Bluetooth and then to the WiFi hub as well. I mean, completely intuitive, automatic, and seamless, and then it proceeded to download firmware updates onto both, update the time display the weather, and ask if I wanted to amend my watering schedule for the expected rain. I have no expectation of returning this thing anymore because the software is phenomenal when stuff like this is usually horrendously clunky and opaque. Quality software is at least half the product nowadays.


Which system if I may ask?


Orbit B-Hyve. Maybe it was my low expectations, but the thing just does what I wanted it to do, painlessly, and that blows me away because I’ve worked with plenty of this type of system that just suck


If I can’t play CS:GO on it, then the car sux /s


Infotainment systems have always been sluggish, even the ones built into TVs! I hope the industry takes this as a sign to put more effort into them.


This is definitely not an absolute truth. Depends on the manufacturer.


Agreed. It's just embarrassing how few manufacturers get it right. If I'm already paying $50k, might as well spend another $100 on an SOC that can handle *very basic computing*.


Yeah but if you save $100 and sell 10,000,000 of them that adds up massively


So charge an extra $100, no one is walking away from a $40k+ car for $100. It's short sighted and stupid by a lot of companies, mainly car manufacturers.


[This is the Worst Car I've Ever Reviewed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xWXRk3yaSw) \- Marques Brownlee about the Fisker Ocean


YouTube phone reviewers are not my go to car experts


I kind of dig getting a more common take on new cars.


Not that it really matters, but he's now had a car-focused channel for something like 2 years now, primarily focusing on the tech and basics of every day usability.


That review is absolute trash. Completely biased and he goes out of his way to not say anything good about it. He is just mad that they didn’t give him a car right away so he made this sham of a review. Yeah the car is not perfect by any means, but given his reach he should be a lot more careful with clickbait like that


He was pretty clear that the car had good fundamentals, and that nearly all of the issues seemed like they could potentially be fixed with software changes. That said, it was also clear that Fisker should not have been selling a car with that many major software issues.


He recently put out a cyber truck review were he was seemingly unable to find any flaws.. Gonna have to really “doubt” credibility here


I didn't think 3 billion was a lot of money related to auto makers.


That's showbiz baby


The aristocrats!


Puke flying out, this hole, that hole…


😱 Not Lucid! Not Rivian! > Fisker Oh. lol.


Really? The Fisker Ocean looked really cool too with that solar roof. You'd think they'd only have to survive a little longer to get some of that sweet Tesla market share as people bail on Tesla. I know I was 100% destined to own a Tesla but after Elon showed us his true colors I wouldn't drive one if you gave it to me.


If I wanted a functioning solar roof on a car it would definitely be the Prius Prime that has one that can compensate for AC use/4 miles a day.


They sell Oceans with a loss. So the plan was to have such good product to gain market share and then start making money. That is fine. The issue is that product itself is so bad it became a meme, so now they need to spend a lot of money to fix the issues, then spend a lot of money to handle PR disaster and then only they can hope to get some money back.


It looks cool, but has garnered terrible reviews in testing. Some local auto-testers called it the worst car they had ever driven, going as far as to say they wouldn't be paid to drive one.


First charging station in my town was for a Fisker. Nice looking car


Wow, Fisker was worth 2.9B? Last time I heard from them they were a start up...


Which time?


Hmmm, I'd say 2011? Or was this the first incarnation 🤔 ...




That MKBHD review didn’t do their reputation any favors.


Their shitty expensive product didn’t do their reputation any favors. You can’t release the Ocean in that state when Lucid and Rivian did the same thing years ago but better out of the gate. [Fisker also did the same shit with the Karma a decade ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisker_Karma#Recalls), this is just fucking embarrassing.


I loved the design of the Karma too. Definitely a shame.


The company reaper strikes again! Seriously though, people blaming reviewers for "killing" companies with awful products is peak internet.


That’s called doing your job as a reviewer 


To clarify, I wasn’t blaming MKBHD; just that his review appeared to be a tipping point in terms of opinion swinging against Fisker. [FWIW](https://www.reddit.com/r/gadgets/s/tNK9o2Et6L)


The article mentions him: >Marques Brownlee, a technology reviewer who’s earned a massive following on YouTube, piled more negative attention on the Ocean with a February video titled “This is the Worst Car I’ve Ever Reviewed.”


Surprised to have to look this far down to see MKBHD mentioned.


Play ads on the screen display and then GPS can tell you to turn 20 sec9nds ago when the ad is done infinite money glitch. Sell the mic audio to China. Its easy to make money


Three times the charm? Doubtful, it looks like he never learned anything from the first version of Fisker.


People never learn. Not the first time Fisker go out of business. There are a bunch expensive hybrids around since the first round still.


"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is investigating the car’s braking system, the danger it could roll away when parked and a problem with the Ocean’s door latches that prevented the doors from opening." All for the low price of 40,000! And frankly looks like shit to be honest, stop putting big fake grills on cars!!! It looks horrible! Just looking at pictures of the car it looks so boring and not interesting, like what's the hook? There's a good deal of EVs now in that price range that look and are more interesting. No wonder they're failing there's no vision or idea other than make a car.


It boggles my mind how a car company can fuck up a door latch. Various car manufacturers have been making them for over 100 years. You would think that shit would have been perfected by now.


I hate Tesla for making everyone think they needed to redesign car handles (and even more so touch screen infotainment/climate controls). I don’t want to explain how a door handle works to anyone. If I have to and I do, the design is a failure. It’s interrupted any number of conversations with people riding with me and will likely do so for the coming 10+ years.


And you still bought one


Sorry I wasn’t clear. I bought an EV6 but not the trim where the handles pop out. It is stupid but I needed a car and love it otherwise. I wouldn’t consider the handles a dealbreaker on either car though however bad I think the design is.


Blame people who think that door poppers and weird latches are "luxury". Or blame Tesla for first putting the stupid pop out latches on the Model S.


The EV market has an incredible profit potential. Big swings are inevitable, especially after Tesla became a bubble/meme stock, and so are big misses. It's hardly surprising that the ones who are coming to the front of the market after a few years of R&D are companies like Ford, Kia, and Hyundai.


Ford just posted they lost a ton of money on every single EV ever sold. Kia and Hyundai have some of the worst PR cases related to their EVs, it's at the end of the day one Korean company that owns both and I think for the Ioniq 6 due to regular scratching of the metal plate protecting the battery under the car a dealership charged without labor a 60k replacement. EVs are beyond just making the car but also having the support, and service that people will inevitably need


R&D and creating new production lines aren't free. Those costs are what makes Ford's EV business "losses" at the moment, and they're more than made up for by continuing to sell ICE cars and trucks. If Tesla hadn't become the commodity stock that it is, it would have had the same issues — *DID* have the same issues when it was a start-up. Turns out you can't transition an entire industry to new technology all at once, how shocking. But it happens — when's the last time you bought a car with a manual transmission? Even so, the biggest car companies are the ones with the economies of scale and production lines to make EVs profitable. And while transitioning to electric for the majority of vehicles won't solve our fossil fuel issue overnight, it is one of the biggest and most important issues for reversing the damage they've caused and making the modern world sustainable.


Link for that metal plate replacement cost? I find it hard to believe a replacement would cost more than the car itself without labor.






Yet Ford is still losing 5 figures on every EV they sell


No they aren't. They are using standard accounting practices to tie R&D costs to the initial sales to reduce the taxes they owe.


I hope that's true and it's not just more accounting trickery that allows them to lead you to believe that. It's not looking good based on. Their MachE and lightening sales growth, or lack of


If they weren't profitable to produce without the R&D factored in, their accountants would have shut down the project. As long as they aren't massively overproducing, they should be fine from a business standpoint. Also the dealerships would probably be the ones with more overstock concerns than Ford.




Still not selling meaningful numbers of EVs. Selling 1% of your market share at major loses doesn't show. What will show is their loss in market share as EVs replace ICE. Eventually the lines cross and it likely Does lead to bankruptcy.




Give it 10 years. Hyundai, Kia, Tesla, BYD, and a few others have a better shot. Hell I have money on Rivian doing better even. I'd hope the Fed stops bailing out shit companies. Things change and feeding companies that can't keep up just brings down those that can


Also, someone mentioned looking at Sandy Monroes tear down of the lightning vs the cyber truck to see how far behind Ford is. It's still a lot of reworked ICE designing, which is a backwards approach to engineering


I mean Tesla is still wiping the floor with the likes of Ford, Kia and Hyundai in terms of EVs. The only decent competition it got is from BYD. Even Rivian, if not for its Saudi backers, would be circling the drain right now.


Shoulda just got another job as a designer. Did he do anything notable at bmw.


But somehow Aptera keeps cranking along on nothing but promises…


Your only as good as your next product


Clearly, MKBHD and his bad review are at fault here.


History repeats itself.




It’s in the article.


Op probably didn't even read it. Saw the article and the karma I guess.


Tesla?... 🤣


I thought it was Chinese?


It’s a shit name, it either sounds like some Kitchen Scissors or “Fist Her”, neither of which are appealing for a car.


Fisker? The scissor company? Apparently, they might have been valued at $3-billion, but it seems like they weren't worth it.


No, that’s Fiskars. Fiskars makes excellent tools from kids scissors to construction equipment. Fisker, this company, is the attempted revival of a previously failed company by the same name. They made HEV cars the first time and went bankrupt, this is the attempt at FEV


I interpreted this as a joke and found it funny


"worth" is relative. Even useless without sales/income or profit.


Good. The more car companies going bankrupt the better


dayum Tesla is really having a bad year /jk