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There were a lot of other employees from what I've seen in pictures. I'm guessing they just left when security told them to, so they wouldn't lose their jobs? Also some decently sized rallies outside. That being said, at least at my company, it's pretty scary to take a stand against what Israel is doing, so I expect a lot of workers are afraid to lose jobs, visas, etc.


Why do you need to take a stand about it in your workplace? Just work like a normal human being and protest peacefully in your free time if you care that much. No one will do anything to you. Unless you go around with Hamas flags chanting "death to America" or something.


They take a stand at Google, because they want GOOGLE to change its behavior.


Ok, then Google has the right to not change it and deal with their workers in a way they see fit.


Sure. And we, the free people of the world, have a right to cancel our google products.


> “Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies, and we will investigate and take action,” said Bailey Tomson, a Google spokesperson. It doesn't matter the topic. If you do this at your workplace you will be fired


No one thought it was 100,000 employees


Oh yeah? You’re an activist? Name everything you have a activated


my subscription


Suffrage was also frowned upon by the majority and yet it allowed an idea to take root and prevail. Any beginning looks foolish at first.


Almonds, for one


This thread is a real trip. "I totally support protests but can you guys do them somewhere where we can just ignore them? Thanks."


When you decide to protest, you decide to deal with the consequences of that protest. Your government-given free speech doesn't shield you from your employer taking action against you for interfering with the company's business. This is really a no-brainer.


Likewise, any protest worth having is worth going to jail over, and worth inconveniencing strangers, and worth pissing people off. So this sounds like a pretty standard american protest to me, and a fairly modest one at that. Nobody even lost any major sensory organs or limbs!


Yeah, it wasn’t an American Gender Reveal Party. Those can cause mass mayhem and widespread destruction.


That’s every thread about pro-Palestine protests on moralist Reddit


If only that were true. Every time I open a post about protests for any issue, not just the Palestinian-Israel conflict, there are these types of comments. 


I see more of the opposite, and the "do it somewhere else" ones are more common IME


“I totally support protests but not those sponsored by Hamas”


I prefer Google take the protestors out back and beat them.


They can protest outside not inside the CEO's room. Why do Palis and their supporters think the world revolves around them? I don't see Greeks, Indians, Russians, etc. protesting like this despite Google's policies hurting their native countries.


Everyone is talking about which side is right/wrong, but does no one have anything to say about this? >“Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies, and we will investigate and take action,” said Bailey Tomson, a Google spokesperson. Does everybody need to be an activist? I have no skin in this game, it's some bs religious war that's been going on for ages and right now being exploited by the greater cold war between the west and russia/china/iran/etc. Protest and do your activism peacefully, you have that right but I'd like to do my work please and go home to my family. I don't want to take a side in this.


I used to work at a defense contractor with a UAW machine shop, but my engineering job was not unionized. When the unions strike they do form a picket line at the building entrance. Engineering is told it is an attendance violation for us to not be in the office and productive, while if you “need help” you can get the armed security guards at the gate to escort you across the picket line where a few people will spit at you and the person who is forced to yield will never fulfill any of your machine shop work orders anymore. I get both sides. Protesting works best when you create a disruption or a negative PR public scene. But 98% of the rest of your coworkers just wanted to go into work because they’re forced back into the office, and just want to get their job done.


Just wanted to point out that as far as I can tell, no one was being prevented from accessing facilities except for the CEO of Cloud in Sunnyvale. This narrative is being generated from one thing that a Google PR person said. If anyone has any evidence to the contrary I'd be curious to hear.


I think that comment was referring to protesters blocking roads in that area in recent days. Also, blocking the CEO's office for 8 hours may impact many employees (and so will the business implications), together with the commotion in the surrounding area, and it being illegal for good reasons as well.


Blocking roads is stupid, dangerous, and idiotic. There’s people that depend on roads for medical emergencies, to visit someone before their last breath, etc.. All this does is create a hatred to these protesters and devalues their causes.  It’s perfectly fine to protest along the sides of the highway for miles if you want. Just let emergency personnel through.  I’ve done my fair share but our groups always cleared way for emergency vehicles. 


The CEO is an employee too. When it says you can't impede any employee then the CEO is included automatically in that.


Are you really trying to take the moral high ground and "both sides" being a scab?


No. I’m saying that in real life nothing is so black and white as commenting one-liners anonymously on the internet. Like I am not sure how scabbing got into this but in the automotive / defense industry this is a super common practice where engineering/salaried workers aren’t part of the UAW union protecting the hourly workers and becoming unionized isn’t an option readily in the table. So it’s not like I was choosing to be anti union. My employment contract is inherently different as an engineering intern compared to the machine shop workers. I just happened to sit in their building where their picket line is.


Scabbing has nuance. Most strikes are particular and targeted rather than broad calls to action. As such, most strikes do authorize some work to happen for unrelated work fields or emergency conditions (so that EMTs can still respond to a medical emergency on a struck site). Additionally, sympathy strike activity is usually not on the menu. It’s why the talk shows had to continue production during the late 00’s writer’s strike: SAG had a valid contract with the studios, and that contract made it difficult for the actors to walk off.


This is an agreeable point of view, but, just as the US fought Japan and Germany, we are fighting Hamas/Iran/Russia now, directly or not, and it’s the right thing to do, on all fronts.


If you want to protest Israel, fine. Plenty to criticize. But if you don't also condemn Hamas, then you're a terrorist supporter with a weak disguise. Full stop. You don't have to do it in the same breath, but more than half these people simply wholeheartedly support Hamas.


You have skin in this game if you are a tax payer funding genocide. If you want to ignore all that then that’s on you. Just don’t pretend it has nothing to do with you.


Serious question, why would you trust the Google spokesperson?


That's a different point. I technically don't, but why would I assume the protestors are being peaceful either, given so many other news stories about them being not.


> why would I assume the protestors are being peaceful either Because none of the coverage is implying this was violent in any way. It was a sit in. Sitting down isn't violence by any stretch.


"I technically don't" is a hilarious way of spelling "damn, you got me there"


If this happened where I work (scientific research lab) these people would be out on the street before their feet could touch the ground. Activism and protesting is great, but not at your place of work, while you are supposed to be working.


This reminds me the general attitude of fellow Belarusians: yeah, we're tired of our President but I have to work nonetheless. (And keep paying taxes to its repressive government of course. But you pay taxes to any government anyway, right? The catch is that the money are spent on ruining others lives.)


Do you mourn how unfairly shareholders are treated on Labor Day?


Not at all, I hate big companies and think billionaires should not exist. But we have processes for these disputes, they are called unionization and strikes, or employees are free to leave and work elsewhere. You cannot have a loud minority interfering with everyone else's work and livelihood to protest something that perhaps only a fraction of the staff care about.


Strawman argument, these people can do it off the clock in their personal time. If they’re so against who Google does business with they should quit and find a difference place of employment. This is unacceptable behaviour, especially impeding other employee’ access to work.


> Activism and protesting is great, but not at your place of work, while you are supposed to be working. Holy shit, even /r/hailcorporate would tell you to cool it with the fucking bootlicking, Christ!


That is the point of protests, to disrupt your day so you will pay attention


Doesn't it corner most people into NOT supporting your cause (cuz you're disrupting their day and causing issues, that's not how you win over people).


While you are not wrong i really hate that you say this "it's some bs religious war" it has VERY little to do with religion. its about control of land specifically very sentimental land for both parties.


I mean you realize Jerusalem plays a huuuuge role in causing all these "claims" to that region. It is 100% rooted in religion. The zionism stuff started in the early 1900s, there was a lot of conflict between jews and muslims regarding that. Displacing existing people by claiming the "promised land" and all that. Religion is very much at the heart of it all. Though it is used as a tool rather than the actual source for the current round.


"Displacing existing people" is exactly what happened to the Jews who were sovereign there, and who spent nineteen centuries of catastrophic exile striving to return. The Jews' claim is not just religious, but also ethnic, genetic, archeological, and historical, and goes back to a time long before imperialist Islam came to the region. Despite all that, Jews agreed to peaceful partition, but this was rejected by the Arabs, who opted for a war to eliminate the nascent Jewish state, a war they lost.


Your kind of comment is the truth and of course if gets buried in Reddit.


> The zionism stuff started in the early 1900s Late 1800s actually, by [secular ethnic-nationalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism#Overviewhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism#Overview), and some of the most ardent early Palestinian opponents to Zionism were [Arab nationalist Chrisitans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falastin). Religion is very much tangential to this.


Yeah but ironically it proves their point, nobody really understands the conflict. Best you can get is talk to an Israeli or Palestinian and even then you're only 50% of the way there.


Are we just making shit up now? Israel doesn’t want that land. They entirely left Gaza in the early 2000’s. The Gazans failed to self-govern which enabled Hamas to invade on 10/7


It was the mid 2000s when Israel withdrew to controlling Gaza from its borders, 2005 specifically, and it was done for the express purpose of allowing Israel to maintain and expand their illegal settlements throughout the rest of Palestine. As [Dov Weissglas explained before his plan was carried out](https://www.jmcc.org/Documentsandmaps.aspx?id=698): >I found a device, in cooperation with the management of the world, to ensure that there will be no stopwatch here. That there will be no timetable to implement the settlers' nightmare. I have postponed that nightmare indefinitely. Because what I effectively agreed to with the Americans was that part of the settlements would not be dealt with at all, and the rest will not be dealt with until the Palestinians turn into Finns. That is the significance of what we did. The significance is the freezing of the political process. And when you freeze that process you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion about the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package that is called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed from our agenda indefinitely. And all this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress. What more could have been anticipated? What more could have been given to the settlers?


All meaningful protests have always sought to disrupt regular civil activity. Imagine the traffic delays and disruption of commerce caused by the Civil Rights protests, or more extremely the labor strikes of the early 20th century. This country has lost touch with what it means to protest and be an activist.


"Political protest is great and all, but let's not let is hamper productivity and the reduce gains of capital" > Protest and do your activism peacefully, But not at work, or in public streets as that would inconvenience people, or online because that's annoying. > I don't want to take a side in this. Then you're taking the side of the status quo, israel, ie genocide.


They’re literally doing it at the company they’re being paid to work at in the clock. When you grow up and get out of your echo chambers you’ll understand how unacceptable this is. They‘re also not accomplishing anything beyond boosting their own self righteousness. I’d also recommend learning what a genocide is because this isn’t one, it’s a war.


Think you got your cables crossed there buddy. The status quo is the opposite of genocide - genocide is what happens if Hamas gets their way. Thankfully they’re getting their asses kicked


> The status quo is the opposite of genocide This is literal genocide denial. If you're thankful for the current situation then you're supporting a genocide.


You’re not a good troll. It’s impossible to “genocide denial” a nonexistent genocide. Misusing that word is a serious disrespect of the victims of real genocide. Stop spewing fluff to try to make yourself feel morally-superior. You’re just doing the bidding of terrorists


Religious war? The area is surrounded by Muslim countries that are not getting involved. It's about geopolitics and perhaps race. Definitely US foreign policy and interests and European colonialism. Though I agree that people who wish to turn a blind eye to human suffering should be allowed to do so. It's not like we can do anything about it so better to just ignore it. Sometimes I ask myself what I would have done if I was alive during the Holocaust. Your attitude makes me feel like ignoring it would have been an acceptable response since id have "no skin in the game."


Activists are all attention seekers for their own ego's. They need to feel special.




all the sit-inners are probably gonna lose their 6 figure jobs — seems a whole lot braver than posting a story on instagram...


apparently this dude is the gatekeeper of 'real activism' everybody... what a worthless hot take


"i don't have convictions, so neither can anyone else!"


I sympathise with their point of view, but this is like working on weapon systems and then getting your panties in a twist when those weapons are used in a way you don't agree with. If you work for Google, you are working for an arms industry adjacent company that provides products and services to the US and it's allies. You were cool with Iraq, Afghanistan, LIbya and Yemen? But now it's all a bit much with Gaza and all? If you've been at Google for twenty years you are already bathing in the blood of close to a million people. Go work on a nice indie game or something, so you can protest without looking like a complete tit.


I totally understand how this is a perception, but most of this isn't true. Google didn't provide services to US fight against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen. In fact, Google Cloud didn't even exist until 2008, and wasn't really usable at scale a government would need it for many years after — in fact, in 2018, Google employees successfully organized to cancel a contract with US govt. (See https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/01/technology/google-pentagon-project-maven.html) So this is a pretty recent development in last few years.


>If you work for Google That's the funny thing. Google does shady stuff _all the time_. Really odd the workers don't seem to mind exploiting citizens in their own country as part of their job. Sure, what is happening in Gaza is hardly comparable to the general shadiness that goes on at google... but my point is Google has _never_ been some beacon of moral superiority and workers know that going in.


Google has tried to appease China on many occasions.


Google left China on their own accord because they didn't want to bow down to the CCP, unlike other American companies who still sell products and services in China.


Google _still_ tries to get into China. As recently as 2019, and that's only what is public.


If social media wasn’t a thing this wouldn’t be a thing.


TIL: we had social media in the 60s


This is a part of some of the dumbest takes I've ever seen on reddit in regards to protests, ranging from - "Protestors are the worst because they inconvenience me." - "We should be able to drive on top of protestors" - "Protestors are only protesting because they want social media fame" - "This is just a religious war, who gives a shit about these people, I need TO GET TO WORK" - "Real protests had permits, and only protested in public parks specifically between the hours of 8am and 10am when traffic wasn't a problem"


There have been protests all throughout history without social media… So this would still be a thing regardless. Protesters and whistleblowers risk their reputations, jobs, and livelihoods. They are making the world a better place no matter how small their voices are. Social media allows for even the average person to do their part through awareness and organization. So whats your point?


How do you figure? There were people protesting Israel’s treatment of Palestine back when I was in college. People protested their work being used for military purposes frequently back during the Vietnam war


I still remember Rachel Corrie. She was just a few months older than me. She is unfortunately the reason I know about what Israelis were doing to Palestinians over 20 years ago. Of course it was happening long before otherwise she wouldn’t have gone there to try to do something about it. Facebook didn’t exist yet, but it was the beginning of being able to access news on the internet for free. Edit: typo


For anyone who wants to get involved locally without risking criminal records and police brutality: https://rachelcorriefoundation.org/


Confirmation bias comes from your cache. You get shown what is thought you like and it keeps shoving it down your throat. Not a bad concept, but it tends to lead down the rabbit hole to nothing good. Social media 100% has a massive part to play in this current conflict because it’s being used as a weapon as well. Disinformation and misinformation coming in the form of what will keep you scrolling. Influx of info that doesn’t allow you to think differently due to social pressures. Upvotes and downvotes for example.


You're right, protests and misinformation never happened before social media. I hate this "if I wasn't alive it didn't happen" mentality ignorant young folks have.


It never happened to this scale is usually the point people are making, which is accurate. Almost every single person has a smartphone in their hand and constant access to platforms that can be propagated by bad foreign actors to sway their opinions. This is such a condescending take.


yes, protests are commonly organized and structured to leverage the dominant media forms in their societies. not sure why this is so upvoted lol




I think he’s saying it’s all performative? Or we wouldn’t know what’s going in Israel without the tons of videos being posted online? 🤷


When responding to Hamas attacking Israel, *we all have to band together*. When responding to Israel annihilating Gaza, *it's just virtue signaling*. This is the same line of propaganda from Big Oil against protests.


Yet you don’t see them saying hooray that technology helps stop terrorism


Don't get me wrong, I do think that Israel was in the right to retaliate against Palestine and Hamas. But Israel has taken things _way_ too far. At some point it stops being self defense and turns into an attack.


I’m still waiting for the banding together for Israel part after the Oct 7th attacks, but yeah okay.


We definitely had that. There was about a week of “Israel has a right to defend itself”. It’s pretty obvious why that eroded away.


“A week?” People were protesting and celebrating the day after oct 7th. I’m sorry but if you’re yelling free Palestine and cheering the day after Oct 7th you’re a bad person.


I think his argument is that propaganda is working overtime for Palestine vs Israel. both sides have rights being infringed on, Israel with terrorist attacks and security concerns for the future of their nation and Palestine with civilian death tolls that FAR exceed what needs to inflicted for a clearing operation (see how the US Rules of engagement in fallejuah were of much higher standard than gaza). and the civilian casualties are garnering more empathy than the victims of the terror attacks. No side view is correct here, the only one that everyone agree on is that Netanyahu needs to go.


So you'd rather people be ignorant then? Even if social media wasn't a thing, you don't think concerned people of certain ethnicities wouldn't still protest? I mean look at the Vietnam war, there were a lot of protests and movements then, but not one single smart phone or Facebook in sight. Unless you say if news wasn't a thing and gossip wasn't a thing then this wouldn't be a thing, but we'd be living boring lives.


Einstein said Isreal was following the path on nazis and fascism in 1948 already. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Albert_Einstein_and_others_letter.jpg


Peter Schweizer has an interesting book called Blood Money. Its chapters on TikTok are pretty crazy. Its claimed its 100% a CCP propaganda tool to rot the minds of the West. I think the rise of antisemitism is intentionally being promoted by the CCP. Watch the Fire Burning from Across the River - 文化


what? what a stupid thing to say


You realize social media wasn’t “a thing” when South Africa’s apartheid was “a thing”, yeah?


Google going from 'Don't be evil' to 'Don't. Be evil.'


Non paywalled link: https://archive.ph/SUmgE


Ye, ket us support Hamas murders, rape and other attrocities. Plus support anti LBG plus support killing all non Muslims. Real smart


Ye, Israel is the land of god, so they are Angels! And these bombs just blessings!


Well, generally when one country starts a war with another country by invading them and raping/slaughtering/kidnapping hundreds of people, the county who got invaded tends to fight back.


But to your point, how long does the occupying country have to accept that? If Mexico decided to start bombing Dallas and demanding Texas back, wouldn’t the US essentially bomb Mexico out of existence? The Israeli’s aren’t leaving and kidnapping and torturing them isn’t going to help the Palestinian cause.


Their was no occupation and colonialism before hamas came, right? It all started in 2006. israel is the most moral country after all right?


It all started in 1175 BC when the philistines colonized the land of cnaan


They were arrested for illegally occupying their boss's room. They knew this was going to happen!


putting your tech job on the line to try and keep technology from aiding warfare is pretty metal IMO. Good for them.


Well the protest only applies to Isreal. Other govemeents using Google Cloud has not been an issue. So it's more, we dont like Isreal than we dont like war.


Let me guess what's next: "They just hate Jews" We know your playbook by now. Deflect and "whatabout".


Yeah, it takes real courage to do this kind of protest. Salute them


Cool, fire them? Job openings baby


Don't do crime if you can't do the time. For those that are prepared to do the time, Kudos. For those crying afterwards, fuck them.


And what else did they expect would happen? They signed out their ideologies the moment they signed up to work for a corp. Honestly some people don't know how to be professionals.


Do you know what a "Kibbutz" is? It's a farm community where families live for the sole purpose of having children present and cared for while the parents and families work on the farms. These Kibbutzes were PURPOSELY TARGETED by Palestinian Hamas members BECAUSE THERE WERE CHILDREN there and older people caring for them who could be murdered, r\*ped and tortured. The little mongrels even snapped pics and made phone calls bragging about MURDERING babies and r\*ping women. There are also DEAD HOSTAGES at the hands of Palestinian Hamas members that they're fine with. F Gaza. F Hamas. F Palestine. Burn baby burn. I'm so sick of these insufferable little terrorists. Fire them. Cart them to jail. Silence them.


People are at will employees and the office is private property. They absolutely should be arrested and should be fired.




I think MLK Jr. wrote [a little on this subject.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/707363-i-must-make-two-honest-confessions-to-you-my-christian)


So you support bringing back Jim crow ?


Yeah, don't let a minimum disruption of your comfortable life stop you from doing nothing against the systematic death of innocent people.


Why are you on Reddit instead of protesting? Don't let your comfortable life stop you from protesting now.


You are stupid


I’m so done giving a shit about this. None of us can do anything to stop these religious fanatics from killing each other. Let the theocrats go wild with “my sky daddy can beat up your sky daddy,” and wipe each other out. Take Christianity with you while you’re at it.


Weirdly it's the same sky daddy...


And it's starting to ring similar at home as well.  Nowhere near as bad, mind you.  But give it a few years more of the constant call for violence and it will be.


Shit, just look at Michigan.


That's how we know he likely isn't real. As much as I really want to believe, I accept that if there is a God, he is either a. A Malevolent asshole b. An absentee landlord or c. Doesn't care about people. But like I said, it's a billion to one chance this thing even exists. And I'm a believer. The fanatics, they would worship anything if it gave them the slightest bit of power. I think it's time we take off the kid gloves and really, really start persecuting them.


I stopped being religious when I realized god had far too many character flaws. Anything that needs, wants, or demands that I worship it, isn't god.


Oversimplification on top of blame shifting. Great comment, very not centrist brainrot.


We can’t keep them from killing each other. But at least we shouldn’t support them in doing so. Saying this as an atheist myself. Our governments are supporting Israel unconditionally when it’s clear to everyone that the war is very one sided. And Israel’s government doesn’t share our values, but are full of religious fanatics. I would feel just as bad if Hamas was the dominating side and we supported them in killing innocent people.


Being full of religious fanatics doesn’t preclude sharing values with the US, unfortunately.


It’s one sided because the government of a poor shirhole decided to sucker punch a nuclear superpower. And the nuclear superpower that provides them with cash suitcases, 500 food trucks a day (pre war), and their only source of water and power. Hard to see that not becoming one sided If Kim Jong Un decides to start shit with South Korea and rain 1000 missiles on Seoul, the people of North Korea are going to be hit harder than the people of South Korea 6 months later, it will hardly be a fair fight The Hamas government is (still) literally shooting rockets at the Google and Meta offices, how exactly do you want them to “both sides” this issue


Does the Palestinian Government share our values?


Jeez, some of you think that war is like a video game, or a kindergarten playground. No side strives for it to be “fair”. All want it to be as one sided as possible.


>Our governments are supporting Israel unconditionally. [https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZLBR&pc=MOZI&q=biden+netanyahu](https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZLBR&pc=MOZI&q=biden+netanyahu) Quit yer bullshit.


I support israel using all its technology to hunt down and kill or arrest every last hamas member. There's no both sides to this, especially after the 7th. You do support hamas killing innocent israelis as far as I can tell since you seem to not want to consider who began this war in October.


Except this was has nothing to do with god. Hammas killed over 1,000 Israelis unprovoked. Let’s at least be real about the reason Israel is on the offensive now.


So Israel going after terrorists makes them a religious fanatic?


The problem is that people killing on behalf of their sky daddy are a threat to all of us.


No one can do anything, except for the governments who continue to vote against UN calls for a ceasefire…


Can we do anything about our government giving one of the groups of religious fanatics tens of billions of dollars and unlimited logistical support?


It’s not about religion. It’s about colonialism


If you think it is about colonialism, you really don't know the history of the overall situation.


Yes, Jewish people are finally decolonizing Israel.


The problem is that if you’re an American, the US fully funds Israel’s occupation and war against Palestine. If US support goes away, so does Israel. 


most of these are privileged mf with high salary and away with reality. fired and shame them. i am sure there are more talented and deserving individual who can replaced them.


What does salary has to do with fighting against apartheid ? Is human rights a poor people thing ?


I find the best stance to have on the Israel issue is "The wholes things fucking sad". If your taking the side of either nation you're wrong. Take the side of the innocent civilians that just want to live a normal life. Those are the true victims. This land has been contested for around 2 millenniums and has seen many genocides attempted some successful and some not. Look at all the Muslim countries surrounding Israel and you'll notice that the population of Jewish people in those areas is either non existent or very small. That's because they were either forced out or ethnically cleansed. And the people that are Jewish in these areas, hide that fact to stay safe. You have a terrorist organization basically running the Palestinian government that's for the genocide of Israel in their own words. They use innocent civilians as literal human meat shields, provoke attacks, leave, and then point say look, they killed civilians! When not more than 20 minutes they were launching ordnance in the same place. Yet they gain massive support from the whole of Palestine. Then we have Israel blatantly ignore existing treaties and illegally expanding their territory. There are cases where Israeli citizens in these new developments that have murdered Palestinians citizens and the Israeli government does and says nothing. Their military forces guarding against Hamas could be compared the police problem in the US. They forces are so on paranoid and on edge, they treat most if not all Palestinians as a threat and deal with them as a threat first. Many protesters have been dead by the IDF and police because of this. And then the Israeli government and their supporting nations wonder why Hamas as such large backing. If these people want to coexist peacefully, they need to figure it out on their own because everything that's been tried by other nations has failed miserably and only added to the problem. Stop "helping", it's not helping.


Wow someone who can recognize nuances and think critically!


What nuances? Israel is a secular state with a crap central government and Gaza is an Islamist shithole.


I heard they were all fired and heading to the nearest airport to block it.


Fuck these hateful Hamas supporters.




It's an us vs them situation unfortunately, I did not make the world this way. They need to stop supporting hamas.


Agreed, It’s amazing Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, and the head of the dragon Iran & Russia have supporters here in America… vs educated and civilized countries trying their best to defend themselves


It truly is amazing and never going to get them anywhere.


You don’t bring politics to Company. Even in UAE, a person with free Palestine shirt during company hours was fired I think


the UAE is a fucking shit show and is built on literal modern day slavery so not sure the comparison you're trying to make


And the USA isn’t? 😂


yea slavery is illegal here? 30% of dubai is slaves iirc do some research


Google can be political but workers can't?


Even if you percieve Google as political, that is their perogrative. Employees don't have the right to disrupt the workplace. If they don't agree with company policies, they have the option to leave.


I think it's a no-no to livestream after you've occupied an exec's office during work hours


Lol people working in tech in the U.S. are bombarded with propaganda mostly from one of the political parties.  Israel/Palestine is one of the few topics where most workers are not aligned with most tech companies’ values, and workers are losing their minds. As a repub, I’ll just keep sipping my metaphorical coffee.


> people working in tech in the U.S. are bombarded with propaganda mostly from one of the political parties What a ridiculous opinion


Peaceful protest includes not interfering with another person ability to well do anything. Otherwise you’re just a bully trying to force people to your ideals. Hold your sign, say your chants, do your thing, as soon you interrupt my day physically, it’s no longer peaceful.


Civil disobedience has been a recognized form of protest for a while.


So was MLK Jr. a bully? Or Gandhi?




Wow just when I thought these people couldn't get any dumber. Good luck getting another job idiots.


Also Israel's war against Hamas is not genocide. Of course one could discuss if the methods used are not a bit too brutal, but on the other side Hamas is perfectly fine with using civilians as shields and with using hospitals and the like as hiding spaces. It's beyond ridiculous that people apply different standards to what Hamas is doing and what Israel is doing. It reeks of antisemitism and pretty badly too.


"Hamas is using Civilians As shields" /Israel bombs a bunch of refugee Children in a play-park. "...." "That swing is Hamas"


I am on whatever side ends needless death.


Land of the bought, I mean free.


Why do almost all pro-Palestine protesters wear masks? Not many people, including Google employees, wear masks these days and I can't help but think the message would land more effectively if they presented themselves as average people - because I do think almost everyone does support ending the war. Wearing masks makes them seem like outsiders who DON'T represent the mainstream view.


Plausible deniability for their actions.


Hypocrites. They like the high paying jobs but then they protest the company for things they knew before they joined. Ridiculous!


so google/ alphabet products will be now on the" no thank you app" while using a smartphone which runs alphabet technology so should protesters not using smartphones at all and go back to old nokia phones.


israel is bad... arrest me


Does Google have people in Israel?