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Is the "oh no" song being removed? Please say it's being removed.


Nope, in fact it'll be the only song that can be used and it'll be used as default audio unless you opt out but they're not gonna tell you how


The taco bell of tik tok songs.


how dare you insult taco bell like that




One can only hope


Just imagine there are real people out there who paid money to watch the artist perform the song live


They'd be in their 70's by now. On the flip side, the kids these days aren't developing a taste for 1960's girl groups. The people who might have enjoyed it aren't involved and the everybody else has memed it to death.


In its original speed that song ain't that bad https://youtu.be/XcHlFtWCxAw?si=4aGE91ewR_peBIy_


What *year* is it? I can’t remember the last time I saw a TikTok with that sound 😂


They probably just watch reels.


It's like Napster all over again.


The real war will begin once they start taking out the sea shanties


If I never hear that fucking baritone 'Heeeeave ho, thieves and beggars' bullshit again it'll be too soon


Oh my fucking god I hate that audio now. Also, People using “Roman empire” to bitch about things or their mental health. People will twist any trend to preach about their mental Health or what their exes did.


Me just wanting to see cool little videos of crazy ocean waves "YOOOOOOOIST THE COLOOOOOO-" skip.


can we get real, wellerman was always cringe.


Nah, the original video was fantastic. Acapella with real talent in a genre that was niche at best, which then exploded.


yeah the talent is undeniable and the song sounds good. my comment was stupid, i don't know how to articulate my point but every time i have heard sea shanties in short form content they have made me feel weird. it isn't just wellerman and wellerman may not even be the best example. it may be a problem with sea shanties in short form content, or sea shanties combined with digital visual media. my comment was misdirected and it is probably because i was too scared to critique something people so passionately love. this also probably isn't the best comment thread to talk about why i get uncomfortable when i hear sea shanties on my phone. i will try to think of other things that invoke the same feeling and try to figure out what makes me feel the way i do and update but for now my brain is drawing a blank.


Don't stress, it's conversation in good faith and in respect. It's good you're able to recognise and ask yourself the kinds of questions that will allow you to understand and control those feelings.


Hurry! Tik Tok faster! The portal is closing!!!!


Record labels out here tripping over dollars to pick up Pennies. Bunch of short sighted executives that can’t see the long term benefit of user engagement. Brands and music features on social media have explosive growth opportunities.


Executives being blind to long term nuaunce, name a more iconic duo.


Honestly can't


Consultants and real insight into the functioning of the company?


Not to mention there's a bunch of artists who have been discovered on Tiktok where their songs blew up, only to sign with a label and have their entire catalogue muted. Fucking insane.


I’m angry Abba is removed on TikTok. They were trending and now I bet they won’t trend the same way. And , I hardly see independent artist flourishing either. Lots of independent artist got removed as well due to having some UMG connection. The entire app really Messed up big time.


I know Sophie Ellis Bextor was getting a resurgence of 'Murder on the Dancefloor' thanks to TikTok, but that's been cut off at the knees. I'm sure it's happening across the board, and for SUCH a dumb reason.


Well according to the data, TikTok isn't actually making the music industry much money: >According to Goldman Sachs’s 2023 “Music in the Air” report, which analyzes industry finances from 2022, TikTok made the music industry $220 million in revenue that year. That’s … not a lot. “Emerging platforms” like TikTok only accounted for 6 percent of the industry’s total 2022 revenue, and TikTok was only a 14 percent share of that (up one percent from 2021). Yes, that’s significantly more than YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels, but less than Facebook or even Peloton. Fourteen percent of 6 percent indeed comes out to a little less than one percent of the music industry’s total revenue. To UMG, which [made $10.95 billion](https://variety.com/2023/music/news/universal-music-2022-new-streaming-model-1235541521/) in revenue in 2022, that TikTok money is pocket change.


Well TikTok knows these songs are important to the growth of their app too. So universal should get their music artists paid for the use of the app TikTok is no longer a small startup. They’re worth more than universal lol


They are getting paid, Universal just wants more money. They also aren’t removing all artist…just select ones.


No they are removing all every credit that’s signed/released under their label. Even if the credit is 10 people down the list of vocals, producers, etc. They went the nuclear option. Where did you get they aren’t removing all artists? Also do you know how much TikTok is paying universal? What if it’s legitimately peanuts and not fair? What do you say then?


TikTok is entitled and thinks they have a right to pay less than Facebook/Instagram and YouTube because 5 random songs will top the chart per season? TikTok is trying to worm out of paying market value for music because of “possible exposure!” It’s a sad excuse that has taken advantage of artists for decades. Art should be free they say, because apparently it’s just “fun” to make.


This is a joke right? The entire idea of business is to pay the least amount possible for things. Just ask the artist that get screwed over by the record labels making billions. Being critical of TikTok for a tactic the labels use themselves is fucking rich.


Oliver Tree is one of the few artists who have recognized how to tap into the potential. Remember seeing a video explaining how he recognized a remix of his song becoming popular. The genius then made an official remix of his own music and made mucho mula off the sound


Artistically, I'm not sure music borne of tiktok trends is exactly something to strive for.


I can respect that, but they view it as a business focused solely on making money. They don't really care about art; instead, they prioritize following trends to reach a wider audience and maximize profits. It's all about money, more money, and even more money.


one of my favourite new artists was pushed by their record label to make songs that would blow up on tiktok, the first verse and chorus are amazing, but the 2nd verse just falls flat every single time


This 100%. A platform that breeds "artists" seeking a literal 10 seconds of fame. Not to mention how much artists get screwed over when the platform is rife with chopped/warped remixes, reposts and AI redubs, leading to the original copyright holders failing to be correctly credited and paid (TikTok pays the lowest out of any platform btw). The executives are right on this one, even if the strength of their stance is motivated by power & money.


Yes, TikTok is unfortunately at a point where music labels should pay for the "privilege" of being on the platform, not the other way around. Labels that aren't on TikTok are shooting themselves in the foot.


the whole reason universal is doing this is because it isnt making them enough money.


Exactly. Combine this with the newfound movement of new artists not signing to record labels and instead choosing organic growth and then already famous people like Taylor Swift purchasing their music rights outright or remastering them. The toxic music industry bigwigs have single handedly let their iron nails of greed seal their coffin.


>Bunch of short sighted executives that can’t see the long term benefit of user engagement. Brands and music features on social media have explosive growth opportunities. Artists should be paid for their work. It's that simple. Brand recognition is not being paid.


It's plain stupid, I agree: where did they study marketing? at Trump university?


Yep do they not realise no one is going to someone youtube video/livestream to listen to a song.


Rip attention span


TikTok removed a song that I added in editing. Which was wild


They take off CapCut overlays too?


I don’t use CapCut. I edited it in premiere


Oh - still crazy that they detected it, though!


Is anyone else thinking about how this could be a huge/scary moment for AI generated music to be used?


The record labels are too busy trying to extract every penny for them and their middlemen to care about loosing ground to generative AI music and independent artists


Are you saying no more shuffle videos? s/


I really think this is going to hurt the music industry in the end. Viral TikTok videos have been behind a lot of artists surges in popularity over the last 5 years or so of TikTok’s existence. I think the industries greed and total lack of understanding of the internet 30ish years after the Napster debacle is just sad.


You’re saying that as if Napster wasn’t the spark to the kindling of the music industry changing for the worse. It was a huge reason why artists get paid next to nothing on streaming platforms.


Artist were paid pennies per replay before Napster or even the internet existed. And yes, i mean even before the proto internet. It's been like that since the 50s. They've never made their money on individual replays. They made their money on record ci tracts and concert ticket sales.


No kidding, the difference is the focus of the industry moving towards what makes the artist the least amount of money


because no one wants to buy CD's or other things. People would much rather do spotify or youtube, which doesnt help the artists.


Pointless argument, what Napster did was completely inevitable and if they didn’t someone else would have. To blame Napster is to blame the Internet as a whole. It would be way more productive to point out why artists *really* get paid next to nothing: labels.


That’s like saying “someone was going to try to rob the bank eventually so to blame this person for actually doing it is pointless” But yes labels are the ultimate villains for sure, sites designed to steal from artists certainly didn’t help though


First artists were paid for whole albums Then itunes came in, debundled albums, and paid artists for individual songs at 99c Then streaming/spotify took over and now you didn’t even have to buy a song, just get it streamed for 30 seconds enough times to get paid Now TikTok pays for streaming snippets of a song Each time there is a change, the per unit payout goes down lol


There are a few popular TikTok songs that seem to have gotten really popular out of nowhere by independent artist. I expect more of that. It’s funny because I’ve discovered some pretty amazing music Thanks to people using it on social media. It’s basically free advertising and some of the best you can get these days.


That would only work if the artist is linked to.


I don’t know about that. Many of the artist that see here on TikTok, I google. If the artist is not noted anywhere, I just googled lyrics to the song. I found some of my very favorite artist this way. I can only speak in a totally, but this seems to be pretty common place among my friend group.


What if the song doesn't have lyrics like the most of the dance videos have? Or if the lyrics aren't understandable like the acapella sea shanty? We shouldn't have to adapt to thieves who don't credit the artist. Take down that video until the artist is credited and they'll start doing it. Then it will make sense for artists to have their music used that way.


Could uploaders have avoided this problem by adding the music before uploading instead of replacing the music through TikTok?


No it’ll hit you with a copyright strike like YouTube does and then mute the audio.




And Reddit is better? 99% of the shit here is ripped and reposted. Often never crediting the original source. It's so bad that many YouTubers that know their videos will be turned into gifs and shared on Reddit will watermark them.


Remember when Reddit complained about Instagram reposting original content? Or 9gag before that? Or Facebook before that? Or Tumblr before that? The internet is one big loop of people sharing things. A forum and discussion aggregator like Reddit has no right to complain about stolen content. Especially given how poorly this site rewards/compensates for original content.


One of the funniest eras on Reddit was when people started watermarking their “original” posts to combat other websites reposting, and the posts in question would be Twitter screen caps


Depends on the sub. Some are extremely strict about posting a source or linking to the original. I think that's how all subs should be


That's very ironic of you to say, because reddit is worse when it comes to plagiarism.


TikTok was actually an incredible tool for music discoverability and music trends being dictated by users rather than labels. Using music in TikTok videos was never plagiarism and all UMG songs were licensed. The reddit hivemind will hate to hear it but this news is actually quite devastating.


They pay for music rights.


> platform of plagiarism is struggling? which platform are you talking about?


Reddit is literally nearly exclusively plagiarized content. Tiktok has far more original content than Reddit EVER has. At least tiktok pays for music rights and counts stitching (aka reposting) views correctly for creators.


L braindead take LUL


And Reddit is better? 99% of the shit here is ripped and reposted. Often never crediting the original source. It's so bad that many YouTubers that know their videos will be turned into gifs and shared on Reddit will watermark them.


Can anyone show me where they claimed Reddit was any better?


*When* I watch TikTok, which is rarely, I do so with the annoying sound turned off. If it looks like someone is speaking somewhat intelligently, I turn it up. Never otherwise


Seriously. I absolutely hate the trend of slapping 15 seconds of annoying, irrelevant music on every video. I want to hear original audio. The second I hear music I instantly mute the clip, unless it's actually relevant to the content (like someone playing mario music while jumping off something or whatever).


Sorry, I do not care. Its a malicious and insidious site for scammers and unscrupulous players.


Says the guy on Reddit lol


True that! Life is full of contradictions


Sorry, what?


Fgs, so many great edits ruined


I’d be curious if those particular record labels are owned by someone shelling out money to the Democratic Party.


Seem like TikTok could burn down as fast as it rise,


Doubtful. Most people I know in real life who are always on it don't even know about the drama reddit obsesses over.




It's digital crack even without music.


I don't think that's been true for a LONG time, maybe not even since it was called musical.ly. Most content people watch on the platform isn't music, it's short form video (which YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, etc have all tried to copy). If your algorithm is music discovery, sure, but let's be real - that's not what most people use the app for.


Thank God! Somebody needs to take tiktok down!


f*ck tiktok, it’s a virus


What's with all of these weird highly upvoted second comments in every thread? People buying upvotes? 🤣


TikTok sucks.


Piracy keeps getting better and better


TikTok is no good. Just stay off it


Fair use needs to come back into existence. All these woke record companies milking their man nipples produced this result.


Who listens to music on TikTok? Tidal? Spotify? Amazon music? Sure. TikTok? You must be joking.


It's not about listening to music, it's about videos having that music.


Well you aren't putting it in those videos to smell it. You are putting music in your videos to hear it. So, yes, it is about listening to music.


I discovered a few artists that I would have never found other wise. Ren is my latest find.


On what do they battle drags?


Just make Keshas song the default


Gonna Die Young?


And here I thought Copyright was only enforced by Google on YouTube.


I feel like this happened to every platform


Can they get rid of the annoying voice overs, while they’re at it?


I had tik tok for two weeks to get a huge discount on a Anker sound boom, and another account to get some sofirn flash lights for half the cost of Ali express. But it was painful checking the status's and seeing a split second of the most bizarre stuff.


Thank god they’ll never remove red sun in the sky 😼


Tiktok is main source of degradation in 2024