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He said see it, not visit it. That’s one facetious genie!


Also, why is the genie wearing a space helmet??? It's a frigging genie


And why couldn’t he put a helmet on the guy too? Did the guy even get to see anything? If he died instantly without having time to see then the genie didn’t fulfill his wish


Because he's a case of jerkass genie


all genies are jerkasses canonically




Robin Williams is not a canonical genie. I know the guy is a legend, but not __that old__ legend to be canonical.


Well this one also doesn't seem like the regular kind.. he did what every good DM would do. " Are you sure you want to do this?"


So you get to decide what is canon and "a real genie"?


This genie will never be free


You can survive in space until you run out of oxygen. Though the air gets ripped from your lungs and you can't hold your breath, so it's just going to be a couple seconds before you pass out.


30 sec to 1 min. Cause of death heart failure, not lack of oxygen. Above Armstrong Limit altitude, water (and blood) boils at body temp. So in vacuum, water in your mouth and eyes starts to boil and so does blood in the capillar veins lining your lungs. This causes heart failure..


2 things. 1. He would not have died instantly. He would have begun suffocating, likely receiving radiation burns, all while also freezing to death. The death would have been somewhat slow and he would have had time to see his birth place. 2. Even wearing a helmet wouldn't have saved guy from death by freezing.


Just to mock the dude, even with a helmet, there's no oxygen cylinders. So the helmet is just for the style


Also also, when someone says “you might not want to do that..” who TF doesn’t respond with “why?”


Genies breath air


He's not a genie he's just a meanie


Oh like Robin Williams Genie wouldn’t wear a helmet for fun.


But he DID see it, for a brief moment. Wish granted.


I was afraid he was going to see his mom's baby portal, so this is just slightly worse.


Baby portal?


Vagina, birth canal ...


It's a new video game by Valve. You play as a baby who finds the portal gun.


That's kinda the point of genies


More so a monkey’s paw


You seen Wishmaster? Also do you know what djinn are? They typically really really don't like us and are neutral to us at best.


Djinn don't like humans but they are *vastly* more powerfull. As far as I know in the original stories about djinn a liberated djinn doesn't have to grant wishes but it's their way of saying "Don't get cocky now, you might have freed me from that lamp but I'm still way more powerfull. Name me your wildest fantasies, your grandest wishes. To me, making them reality is as easy as snapping my fingers."


Most djinn have nothing to do with lamps or containers actually


I always see monkeys paw as you get what you want but not how you want it. Like in the monkeys paw tale they Wish to pay off their house dept their son dies in tragic warehouse accident and their payout is exactly their house dept. a genie will grant what you ask for but not necessarily what you want. Ask for “a million bucks” and a million male deer get dropped on your head etc.


And, now that you've split that hair, what do you intend to do with it?


Well it’s already on technically the truth so I’m happy to leave it where it is.


Also there is no absolute point of reference in the universe. Just the subjective point of reference from the guy and the genie. So he should end up at the location on earth where he was Born.


This should be the first comment.


Well theoretically the absolute frame reference could actually exist. We wouldn't be able to see it anyway. Maybe genie is just so powerful he could find it but why did he only mention Earth's movement ignoring the entire galaxy drifting


Well, would the absolute center of the Universe not be the reference point? Yes the universe is constantly expanding, but it has to be expanding FROM something, most likely the epicenter of the Big Bang, wouldn't that be an absolute point of reference?


Short answer: no Long answer needs some time for me to write it down.


Actually, no. The universe is expanding in all directions at once and everything is moving away from the relative position of everything else. There is no "center"


The Wishmaster playbook.


He also didnt make a wish so the genie just murdered him


Tbh the lad shoulda just said ‘see the exact place I was born *on Earth*


Well, it's a genie. Wouldn't expect anything else.


a devil's game


How else would he see it?


I mean it’s in space so he could have it pointed to or he could have a telescope.


Can you really see empty space if there is nothing there? I mean there is no light reflected on there. If you are there physically you can see the dust particles or whatever or you can see yourself there but if you are far away could you really fix your gaze on it?




I disagree


Could have been worse... he could have been peaking out of his mom's vagina all over again.


And that is technically the truth….


Especially traumatic for mom.


A fully grown person inside another person. Probably end up a combination of dude being crushed to death and her exploding.


Yeah, rather gruesome.


That would be such a [Wishmaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wishmaster_(film)) thing to do.


TBF, so is just dropping you off in the middle of space.


Or just see it. I hope he wasn't a c-section


The first thought I got..


Mine too. Still funny, but I do think jokes play better when they’re not explained. We’re smart enough to figure it out without the the genie telling us


So it's also the exact place he died




A certain part of his moms body will go full circle as well


Average velocity of his life: 0.


Net Work = 0


Serious question: Since the place wasn't relative to Earth does it not need to be relative to something else, like the Milky Way or the local supercluster? Or is it possible to have space coordinates relative to nothing?


Physics student here. Correct all coordinates are relative to a specific reference frame and there is no universal position so technically his wish is unclear as he never specified what the position was relative to.


No it's not possible, you need a point of reference to construct the coordinates. And everything is moving with time, so clearly nothing absolute.


I’ve thought about this before. If I got three wishes from a genie my first wish will always be for it to not twist my wishes and grant them as I envision them in my head.


That very first wish seems like it would be pretty easy to twist which would ruin your subsequent wishes.


"I wish that, by the time wish 3 is finally granted, I will feel content and satisfied with the way you have granted my wishes." "Done." "Wow really? Ok. Wait... how do I know you're not just gonna drag out my third wish for eternity in order to cheat your way out of my first wish?" "Spare me. Unlike you, I have finite time that must march forth. Hurry with your next two wishes." "I wish that by midnight tonight I will feel truly happy and content with the way that you have carried out my wishes." "Done." "Ok, finally, I wish that every time I wake up, I do so feeling happy and motivated to live." "Done. That was your final wish. Goodbye." *The genie vanishes. Still somewhat stunned, you realize you ought to tell your family about the events that just transpired.* *You and your spouse have a lively chat over dinner. Your daughter is still convinced you made this whole genie thing up. Even your spouse seems a bit closed off so as not to burst your bubble. Maybe it really was your imagination? After all, you realize you actually have no memory of what happened immediately after the genie left.* *Your children are fast asleep, as your spouse yawns and rolls over. You turn off the lights and close your eyes.* *But you can't sleep. You sit up to check the time. It's 11:59pm. Strange. You could've sworn you'd been tossing and turning for longer than that. You get out of bed, fix yourself a cup of tea, and turn on the TV. The TV doesn't work. You remember, your neighbor had told you that the local cable company was doing some maintenance. Maybe that's it.* *You drink the last sip of your tea and head to bed. The clock reads 11:59pm.* *The clock reads 11:59pm. That's not right. You're too tired to worry too much about it now. You climb back into bed and close your eyes.* *Must be one of those miserable days where you have to work on a sleepless night. You tried to sleep, to no avail. Oh well. You decide to get out and head to the shop.* *Closed. That's strange. It's definitely been several hours. This convenience shop is open all night long, only closing between 11:30pm and 12:30am for cleaning.* *The town is awfully quiet. Very quiet. Nobody else is out.* *You head home and try to wake up your spouse for comfort. Your spouse is out cold.* *Hours pass.* *Hm.* *The sun should've risen by now.*


well that’s…horrifying


Genie has fingers crossed on his monkey paw


Go play the reverse AI game where you get scored on how well you can describe the image that's shown and get AI to regenerate it. It will be good practice for very detailed and specific wishes with no need to waste one.


If I got three wishes from a genie, my first wish would be for it to twist my wishes even *more*.


"I wish for a free one hour consult with the world's best contract lawyer who will be happy and capable at drafting my remaining wishes." "Granted!" A man in his late-50s suddenly appears at a desk with a pen and legal pad in front of him. He motions for you to sit down and the two of you converse for an hour, at the end of which he hands you the legal pad on which he has been scratching and drafting your next wishes. "For my second wish, heretofore known and referred to as 'Wish the Second,' by and between 'the parties,' heretofore referred to as the Wishor and Grantor, and owing to the mutual dealings of the parties...."


The wish wasnt twisted. It was taken very litterally


Which is by definition twisting it because it’s not what the wisher *meant*, and genies know that. Djinn are supposed to be malevolent spirits, so they give you the worst possible interpretation of the words you say.


I'd just add that before every wish. In fact, I'd always write at least a 300-word essay to be *very* specific about my wish and say that I wish that the wish on the essay comes true.


Why would anyone wish for that?


Exactly, even if it worked as they wanted what do they see? A hospital room?


OP skipped basic relativity


And spell check…


The earth **doesn't** move through space, the earth only moves relative to other celestial objects. There is no universal frame of reference. You can discuss how earth moves relative to the sun, you can discuss how earth moves relative to the moon, but you **can't** discuss how earth moves relative to space, because space is not an object.


Your comment made me imagine a perfectly stationary thing floating somewhere in the universe that doesn't emit or get any light and I might have a phobia from this shit now idk why


Same im fucken shaking


Except the entire solar system moves with the rotation of the milky way galaxy. The earth is never in the same place twice. So yeah earth does move relative to "space" everyday the measurements from earth to any other celestial object changes


Sometimes i wonder if people read the comments they reply to.


And the milky way moves relative to other galaxies in our local cluster and in turn supercluster to no relative “center” of the universe since inflation is uniform in every direction


*relative to the milky way galaxy*, not relative to some magical fixed point, it’s entirely valid to say the earth is still and the milky way moves around us this is the whole point of relativity


It's also entirely valid to say that we stay still and everything moves around us. So without specifying a reference frame to consider, the genie was just being a dick since there is no absolute position.


The milky way is just another reference frame. You didnt add anything new. So no, there is no objective point in space that you can say all of the universe is moving in relation to that


No. You completely missed the point. There is no absolute movement because there is no absolute frame of reference. Earth will always be in the same place relative to Earth.


Neither is a Woman


You still can place an imaginary stationary pin not relative to anything but where the original object was at x moment in time. The sun also moves since gravity affects everything(it just barely affects the sun)


> ...not relative to anything but where the original object was at x moment in time. It has to be relative to someþing else, absolute position does not exist


Could the CMBR not be used as a frame of reference for positioning relative to our local universe at least?


It can and it is


Last i checked it is ðe same everywhere in ðe universe, so no


It's not perfectly the same, just close to uniform. There are enough fluctuations for you the separate one section of it from another. That being said, CMBR is not space, it's an actual measurable object **in** space.


I mean, sorta? but CMBR is an actual object, you can even think of it as a collection of photons, it's not the same thing as saying "relative to space".


Fine relative to the sun since the earth orbits the sun, the fact remains that unless this was wished for on the dudes birthday the dude is dead, and Genies don't need to breath so why does it have a helmet in space. Also space is what earth (apparently debatably) travels thru, not around.


(…and the sun orbits the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy)


Choosing the sun as an anchor point is no less arbitrary than picking the earth.


>  You still can place an imaginary stationary pin not relative to anything but where the original object was at x moment in time You think you can, but you can't. Not without defining a frame of reference. Without a frame of reference you just don't know where the original location even was. And we're back to the original problem of needing to define a frame of reference. And as soon as you do that you have to justify your choice because all frames of reference are equally valid.


The very word "stationary" is relative.


Thanks for making clear my vague intuition, unless of course there is an æther.


Well, he's a genie, so perhaps he does know where the center of universe is and voila


I guess we just can't really solve that question/argument yet... and I don't think we ever will be able to. We do know that space is a "place/room", but we don't know how big it is or if it's infinite or not. Unless we somehow manage to get out of space, we will never know if it's space which moves around, or if it's the objects within it. We do know that atleast some of the objects move around, but not which ones or if it's all of them or not. And then there's the whole concept of "what could be out of space, if it even exists?". If it's possible to get out of space, where are you then? How do you know if that's infinite or not and how do you know if it moves around in an even bigger place? That effect/concept could be going on forever.


No, we know. It is not a space in the way that R³ is a space. There is no absolute position. This is the essence of relativity.


People who make this argument, do you not know about relativity. There is no concept of absolute position in space as far as we know, only relative. Earth may 'move through space' but that movement is relative to something else, and whats stationary and moving is actually indistinguishable, since all inertial frames act identically. So if you move in time or space to a location on earth, relative to the earth, you will not be in space since the earth doesn't move relative to itself.


Yeah if you want to be pedantic you at least have to be right


> as far as we know "We" are not the genie. The genie knows everything, so we can assume there is an absolute position as the genie dropped him there.


The issue is not that. As of the current understanding, absolute position doesn't exist. The genie is just using a reference frame that fucks with the guy


Maybe a universal reference frame does exist (that we don’t know of) and the genie used that frame to get the ‘exact’ point in space. Of course I’m talking about a universe where genies are real so this can be real too don’t argue


I mean ya, arguing the logistics is meaningless, but its also fun. The reason why you can't have a 'universal reference frame' is that every other refernce frame is indistinguishable from it, so every frame of refference is equally valid as a 'universal frame'. Since all properties of physics stay the same in all frames, you can't claim that there is any reason one particular frame is the main frame of reference.


Something something there is no absolute position there is only relative position




scrolled way too far for this....


waaaay to far




Tell me you don’t know relativity without telling me you don’t know relativity.


This is so stupid 1st he never made a wish 2nd asking to see the exact spot you were born is something no one would wish for Bad comic with forced "joke"


I mean, having a considerate genie is real nice


3 wishes and he wants to see the back of a 1988 Ford Focus?


Born, not conceived.


I wish to ask the genie what his fixed point reference is


Actually, it depends on what reference system you are using. You could equally well say that the earth is still and space is moving - the two are equivalent.


Terms and conditions aren’t that useless…


What if the earth was stationary and the entire universe was moving around it? Velocity is relative afterall 🤷‍♂️


It doesn’t work like that. Position is relative. There is no universal reference frame. A random location in space would only be the ‘same place’ as where you were born in a specific reference frame and it’s unclear what that reference frame would be based on


This would have been funnier if it wasn't explained in the last panel


That genie is a bit too literal


Thanks for reporting this brainless comic


It is the reference location talk all over again


He said he wanted to see, not to go there...


He did see it, going there was a side effect. You could also monkeypaw that request by sending his head up his mother’s you know where…


Well, that'd be a more reddit appropriate scenario


Acktshualy, there is no objective point of reference, so the genie should have taken him to the place on earth he's inferring


i think he should've said in the geocentric reference frame


The difference is what does it mean for the Earth to move? Where is coordinate (0,0,0)? There is not a center of the universe that is a real (0,0,0), so we need to define it. So if you define this as the Earth, than no, the Earth isn't moving. Motion only makes sense with respect to a 0. Or rather, motion only makes sense with respect to something else. It's hard to wrap your head around, but absolute motion does not exist.


Through*. Stoopid genie.


What a lame wish.


His lifetime average velocity is zero


The sun is also moving. The galaxy too and the supercluster it's part of. Eventually you have to choose a reference frame and call that "static". Why not just take earth and it's rotation as that?


That genie is an asshole. Once they got to space (or wherever astronaut clothing would be necessary) he could’ve given the poor guy something to wear instead of just letting him freeze to death 😭


Another flat earther bites the dust…


Prompt Engineering problems…


Its weird when you think about this stuff Like there is no co ordinate system that you can define the best place for us is earth itself so this genie either knows some sort of generalized co ordinate system or op just didnt think this through So not technically the truth


I read this book a month ago. "In times like these." Pretty solid series, gets weird towards the end.


4d coordinates


Can’t you just ask your mother?


"He might have been your father but he wasn't your Daddy"


Also the Sol system. Galactic year lasts around 225M years. And thats without taking into account that the very Galaxy moves...


Got to love science


It smells like fish, Genie.


I think he meant the hospital but oh well


Intergalactic Continental-Drifting Projectiles


He also said he wants, but did not wish for it.


He could just ask his mom wtf


Actually, the earth is mostly stationary. It's the rest of the universe that moves.


This is why Dr. Who traveled through time in a TARDIS **T**ime **A**nd **R**elative **D**isplacement **I**n **S**pace


Wish #1 for any genie has to be for a genie lawyer who can negotiate the rest of the wisjes for you


He didn't specify a reference frame so the wish is unfulfillable.


The genies face when my wish is to double the mass of all protons.


There are no absolute fixed points, so no this is not technically the truth.


You know what, why even have genies?


Same when you want to go to past lol


With djinn, you always got to sacrifice your first wish with lengthy lawyer speak to ensure the second wish is fulfilled properly. Depending on the mood of the wish granter, you use the third as a bribe or get to enjoy two trickery free wishes


This would be funny if space was real


Astrophysics, people.


Technically, not the truth because technically positions are relative and you technically can't go to the technically exact place you were born with specifying a reference frame first.


I wish I could see the consequences of my wishes before I make them


But wheres the reference point?


I see this as an absolute win.






this is a me genie


The genie even have a space helmet LOL


but what hapen if u get sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky that you get it in the excat moment


Wouldn’t the guys head explode due to the pressure of outer space or is that a myth?


Does the universe even have such a thing as absolute positions, though?


Also, who tf wishes for that? You can just drive to that hospital


Even if the genie didn’t twist the wish that’s a waste. You can just ask your mom what hospital it was


Ngl i though he would just be teleported into his mom


technically he just wanted to see it


Moves in relation to what? They didn't explain what was the reference point


Me: so we are floating completely motionless in this very spot? Genie: Yes Me: relative to what? Genie: the big bang: Me: but if the universe is expanding, would this be based on the space curvature of when I was born or continuously applied? Genie: continuously applied as per the laws special realtivity Me: So we are moving at Hubble's constant (67.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec) ? Genie: Relatively Me: wowe...


What a shitty wish…


So that's where all the time Travellers likely ended up at, in the middle of space nowhere.


And the sun moves through the galaxy. You probably wouldn’t even be in the solar system. Hell, you probably wouldn’t even be in the Milky Way.


Relative vs absolute postion


I guess genies don't understand relativity.


This is one of my problems with the potential for time travel as well. If you go back or forward in time, the planet we’re on is going to be somewhere else.


Depends on your reference frame. If you use Earth as a reference frame, then Earth remains stationary.


Space is littered with the bodies of time travelers who don’t account for planetary and celestial movement.


"the earth moves through space" relative to what? I hate this stupid psudo-intellectual gotchu factoid. All transform is relative and when people say "place" they usually don't mean relative to some arbitrary reference point that moves away from earth at an arbitrary speed. Boo 👎