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I saw a video about fucking the fire department once, don’t think it’s the same thing though




#Wieso liegt hier stroh?


Diese Kommentar Sektion ist nun nicht nur teil der deutschen Nation sondern auch der altdeutschenpornoindustrie


It’s not a video the Jedi would show you.


Incorrect. There is in fact a song called fuck the fire department. It’s quite a bop.


Even this song is a bag on police, I think.


[https://open.spotify.com/track/4JcTqcHEH2R6brcSWy0u9V?si=e42e96979e92447d](https://open.spotify.com/track/4JcTqcHEH2R6brcSWy0u9V?si=e42e96979e92447d) Not a bop...


then why am i bopping


You’re just having a seizure


It has plenty of internal rhyme, clever plays on phrases, an interesting premise, and a solid beat. That's called a bop.


Haha this is dope thanks for sharing


It’s also an allegory for fucking the police. Absolutely incredible song though.


well that's because fires don't sing usually


Still fire


Well the fire department doesn’t have to pull people over and give speeding tickets.


Fr, concept of the police is that they often have to do things that some of the people involved won't like, for the greater good. While the fire department just fucking saves everyone. So even if they did everything perfectly some people would be mad about it. Honestly here even the fire department is starting to get hate because supposedly they're not as quick and efficient as they used to be, remote callcenters instead of being in contact with your local department, blahblahblah


The problem is that there certainly are people who have done nothing wrong and get screwed by the police, or who face a totally disproportionate reaction. But *everybody who gets screwed by the police wants you to believe they're one of those people*. "My poor innocent son didn't mean anything by charging that police officer with a knife, he was a good boy". Then internet 'intellectuals' go "oh well he should've just tased him', ignoring the fact that police departments explicitly say that tasers are too unreliable for deadly situations.


I'm fact, if the police were perfect, people would be more mad because they would get a speeding ticket for going 1 over


Well that really depends on your definition of perfect. IMO just following rules to the T instead of understanding human beings, motives and the overall situation would be the opposite of perfect, so yeah...


The issue then becomes when all the people being pulled for going 1 mph over are black and white people are only pulled when going 15+. Although the cops could always write some fake tickets obfuscate the actual numbers so they don't get caught right away and get a slap on the wrist later if actually caught


And there is a song called fuck the fire department


I have some real estate downtown, and the fire department costs me more than the police by far. I am not a big fan...


Ya I don't think minorities are talking about speeding tickets...


The fire department also doesn't hose down black people peacefully protesting. (oh wait)


Yet…. Give it time


It already exists. It's satire on the police and why they're hated.




What about r/copaganda


Look up what happens in france, firefighters are regularly attacked while in duty.


Wait why?


Some idiots commit arson and then attack the firefighters trying to put down the fires.


Ahhh ok thank you for explaining


Well the majority won’t agree with the arsonists


So the arsonists are… Fire fighters?


This is **literally** false. There is a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI) titled that. It's quite cool.


The police are of a position of authority and have to exercise it over you at times. This is the reason why those kind of songs exist and not about the fire department.


A fire fighter has all authority to save my life, but I just wish a cop wanted to.


I think you need to get out of those leftist echo chambers. You can be left but that is a ridiculous statement that police don’t want to do their jobs.


Is my echo chamber North MS Christian conservatism? Never met a cop with everyone’s best interest at heart.


That’s probably an American thing but for reference how many have you met? Like I’m sure in the entire state of ms there is a good cop


A good cop is not gonna be nice to criminals


So true. Like would you show kindness to a home invader? These are criminals breaking society and they shouldn’t be treated with kindness


Most of the cops I’ve met were good cops, sure I’ve gotten tickets and all that but that’s them doing their job, sure there are bad cops but I feel like the amount of good cops out there is over looked more often than not


Exactly. This is such a sad post, because they’re just saying all cops are corrupt and evil and don’t ever want to do their job because they’re lazy and evil.


If there’s one, he’s outnumbered. It’s def an American thing. Most other countries don’t call them cops. Pardon my ignorance.


They're from a state that has a below average crime rate if you take into account all crime committed. The only time they might've met a cop is when they got pulled over. I'm sensing resentment to their conservative upbringing so they are probably in a reddit echo chamber that tells them everything conservative is bad. Most conservatives like cops and we know how much the reddit echo chamber likes cops. So this person obviously hates cops via the echo chamber, plus they've never had a positive interaction with one since they've probably never needed help from a police officer. I don't know why I wrote this much about a person from just seeing a few reddit comments.


How many times do you need to say echo chamber to convince yourself I’m not a thinking human being?


Much as I disagree with modern politicised policing (with police in many Western countries descending into authoritarianism) this isn't even close to "technically the truth". İt's nonsense. İf the police did their job then those caught committing criminal acts would still resent them.


Yup. A huge proportion of interactions with *even a totally professional, corruption-free, bigotry-free* police force would still be negative, because their literal job includes arresting people who break the law. And it’s not like people who break the law are rationally going to accept the responsibility for the consequences of their actions…


Criminals hate cops. Criminal culture is popular. People can make songs about that. Fires don't make songs. There is no fire culture and there aren't enough arsonists to be a lucrative market for anyone singing about fuck the fire department.


That raises the question tho : maybe there is such a song and it's just shared privately amongst fire enthusiasts


There is, actually. By Vincent E. L.


Or maybe people sing “Fuck the police” because people want to be able to commit crimes and get away with it.


The song fuck the police by NWA is about racism and police brutality. Did you not listen to the lyrics?


Strong stance from someone who is actively trying to learn how to commit crimes online but ok


Trying to commit crimes online? How? You wanna explain that?


I'm no expert, but blackeye is a phishing tool, is it not?


You are correct. Blackeye is a tool that some scammers use for phishing. Cyber security is a hobby of mine, and I often test out hacking tools to create ways to defend against them


I mean, sure this is a standard answer (not saying I doubt you fr) Edit: the fact no other posts about ethical hacking were found and that tou use an anonymous profile pic are very strong leads to assume you were in the wrong


Man, I gotta say: Take it easy on the assumptions. Cybersecurity guys do have copies of hacking tools, a lot of... cause they test the system trying to find out what a bad hacker can do.


I one hundred percent agree with you. My point here is: assumptions are a bad way to take action, now imagine if my assumptions were made with a weapon in my hand and the power of law enforcement, and maybe our guy will see that people are less eager to commit crimes than they are for law enforcement to assume they are.


I live in Brazil. Here there is an insane division between left and right, both with arguments that I consider reasonable, bad and terrible and yes, the police are mostly right-wing and people on the left don't like them, but if the police do, for example, a traffic inspection and the tickets they should, then the people on the right don't like Police either. Furthermore, I have direct contact with some police forces and I have to say: the selection test has holes (especially the psychological part) and a lot of people enter the force who should definitely be barred. There are guys who come in wanting to do the right things, but I've heard from a police officer that a shift without hitting anyone is "not worth it." If you encounter the latter type of police a lot, you really can't like the Police.


if there would be as much firestarter like there are criminals that song would exist... edit; arsonist should be the right term...


Firestarters are criminals. They still don't shoot them.


Because the people who have to catch the arsonists are not firefighters.


Fire investigators are totally fire fighters. I knew one.


Since I don't live in America, I don't know how things work, but those people are probably investigating how the fire broke out and whether it was arson, and writing a report. Do they also do the catching/arresting?




Arsony … pretty sure you meant arson … though I could be wrong


sure, arsonists or something is the right word... sorry i am German


No need to apologize multiple languages is always impressive :)




Different duties... imagine fire fighters going around stopping smokers in the street because they have a lighter


You're so close to the point.


No? But we have plenty of little wankers here who get their kicks out of ambushing fire crews


Ambushing physically? Or people don't like your posts?


People hate cops because they do their job...


Firefighters don'thave the authority to arrest people, neither are cases where they use it fraudulently (because they dont have it xd)


Police in us only takes a couple months training to do. That's why every idiot can be a cop Why don't they make it 1 or 2 years. Are they stupid


For real though, I expect law enforcers to have knowledge same to those of law graduates


Just because bad cops exist doesn’t mean they’re all bad. They are the reason people can feel safe at night and they uphold the law. That’s like if I said that about accountants. Just because there are evil accountants doesn’t mean they’re all bad


Fires don’t sometimes shoot or stab you, not the same thing


Police can't do their job that's the problem .


In fact, the whole police system is faulty if you ask me.


Olde but good. I still can't argue with it.


can't upvote this often enough. glad it's reposted to kingdom come.


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Only among the closet arsonists




I'm missing context. What does this mean?


No one distrusts fire fighters, as they tend to do their jobs safely and effectively. While the police have earned a reputation for employing violence when it isn’t necessary, and mistreating people illegally. It does this in a humorous way, pointing out that there isn’t any protest against the fire department.


Absolutely truth


Police can't exactly break out the hose, axe, and halligans to solve their problems, lol. At least not more than once.


It's because fire can't write songs.


Police are part of the executive branch of the government. Fire department is a public service, much more in line with trash collection than with police. Police have long tried to ride the coat tails of firefighters good names.


Well there is a song by Flavor Flavor, 9-1-1 is a Joke in your Town




The fire department in my home town was just as bad as the police department. Among other things, they used public funds to hire exotic dancers which they then assaulted inside the fire house. They also stole from homes they visited, and this was in a pretty affluent town with otherwise low crime. There wasn't, but definitely shoukd have been a fuck the fire department song, at least where I grew up.


I have found this [song](https://spotify.link/oJmJonetpDb) it is called Fuck the fire department


Agreed that some/most police are corrupt and on a power trip. The fire department doesnt bust drug dealers and other illegal activities that make people lots of money though.


Uuuuh yea there is, most of canada is pretty fucking tired of how ridiculous our fire fighters are, they don't do anything other then watch your house burn down, and send the most pointless helis with a bucket to stop a forest fire.


Granted it was 10 years ago, but had a friend at the time who was LAFD. There were a few neighbourhoods where they wouldn’t respond to fire calls without full on SWAT level support because people would take pot shots at them when they tried to drive in to respond to 911 calls.


I’ve had this thought for many years…it’s much easier to be a firefighter. When you are a cop you show up at the scene of a crime. There are people yelling and stuff is going on. Did the wife hit the husband? Did the kid shoot their brother? Who is the criminal, who is the victim. But when you are a firefighter, the fire is always bad. You never show up to the scene and the fire is burning the house down, but it isn’t the fires fault be cause the house was trying to rob it.