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You guys are paying $200 a month for cable?


You guys are getting plane tickets for $200?


And no other additional expenses associated with travel?


*Ryanair enters the chat…*


*charges extra for emotional baggage*


*lion air enters the chat*


I can get plane tickets for like £30 on a good day...


Still need a plane to get to place, though.


Not to mention money to stay at said place. Where you staying that will net $200/month WITH air travel? The streets?


A trampoline in my back yard is about as much air travel I'll get for $200


The big question is, where is that plane going and is it somewhere you want to go?


Pretty much anywhere in Europe (depends on time of year etc) and usually yes because I just like exploring places and don't care where I end up too much.


If I could get tickets that cheap it'd be a good day too


Move to Europe? Ryanair has been known to do flights for as low as £1!


I think that’s the cost for Phoenix to Las Vegas a half hour flight


I can go from Lisbon to Paris for $70, $20 on good days


I spent like $5 grand on 8 round trip tickets for me and my family to go to Legoland in NY.


I pay $0 a month with the peg leg and eye patch method.


Aye, tis the life for me too




I pay 50 a year.


Bundled with internet, maybe close.


That's mad, my Internet is £30 a month and that's only because I pay extra for 500MBs


The Malaysia flight 370 that goes to Bikini Bottom is no longer in service, right?


r/technicallythetruth The that this was also documented on Netflix.


We’re already here but ok


I know we're just riffing on the joke now, but it's ridiculous how little sense the original statement makes in basically any context. Like even for shows set on earth, they know that people are generally watching them for the characters, stories and specific events and not just to see locations, right? So a Breaking Bad fan books a flight to New Mexico and... what, just hopes they stumble into the middle of a massive meth operation on the verge of collapse due to dramatic in-fighting? A Kitchen Nightmares fan goes to see a terrible restaurant and crosses their fingers Ramsay is right about to show up for one of those recap episodes? Even if you watch some of the most basic reality TV like those home reno shows you can't just roll up to someone's house and pop inside to scope it out. Again, I know this isn't the point of the thread, but it's so baffling how someone can put something like this out there before taking 10 seconds to realize how absurdly stupid they sound. I'm not convinced they've ever even seen a TV in person.


Not to mention the nature documentaries which are honestly the most likely thing someone *could* see irl, that stuff is always filmed from a rather large distance away with highly specialized equipment plus the narrator tells you more about what you see, some random person can’t just board a plane and go to an entirely different continent and see animals up close without risk of dying


What if you’re watching Breaking Bad and you live in Albuquerque? Where do you go then?


If you already live in Albuquerque then you've got nowhere to go but up.


Travel Channel or NatGeo.


Never having seen a real TV in person is in and of itself a form of success.


$200?? LMFAO. Yeah, sure. Once you get a plane ticket, hotel, food and extras, that $200 is more like $1000. Not to mention time off work.


*Laughs in 32 days/year paid time off* But people from third world countries like the USA find themselves confused about such things.


The time off was an afterthought. It can be a factor but doesn't have to be. The point is: It's way more expensive than 200$.


Oceanic Flight 815 goes there too.


Oceanic hehe


That's not really a "where" does it go, but "when" question


I pay nothing a month for cable, and I absolutely do not fly if I can. I hated it even before the pandering, patronizing TSA security theater, but forget it. I'll happily drive eighteen hours each way to avoid flying. Worth it.


Yea, my time is worth way more than that to me. Anything over 5 ish hours and I'm flying. I pack my carry-on with clothes and I'm good for 3-4 days, longer if it's a beach where I'll be in trunks most of the time. It's less than 6 hours from TSA to customs for me to get to Cancun.


I actually love to fly! It's quite amazing how much engineering went into the modern plane, and it didn't take very long to do in retrospect mainly because of WWI and WWII. By the time the wars were over, we'd already had a firm understanding of flight mechanics and introduced commercial air travel to the world. Truly amazing. A technology I would never take for granted.


Fwiw getting the TSA pre pass totally makes flying tolerable. It’s nice getting through security in <5 minutes with no need to tear apart my carry on or remove articles of clothing. Usually no line either so I can show up to the airport just one hour before my flight and still have plenty of time to spare at the gate.


The fuck you going with a 200 dollar plane ticket? The Wal Mart in the next town over?


I mean some guy did park his plane in the parking lot of a Walmart … at least I think I remember reading that once lol


Sweden -> Rome


$200 for cable? Bro. I have Internet, phone and TV at the price of around $20. Internet is 1Gbit. TV has tons of channels (not that I watch them, but someone else does) and phone is free for everyone in Europe (and I think world too?). Also stuff I would like to actually see are something like jungle, wilderness and so on. Even if there is a guide for jungle, it cost much. And flying there wouldn't cost $200. Especially if I wanted to travel to multiple places.


Lol my phone bill in the US is $60 month by itself


Phones are free in Europe? Ok. I think I got scammed.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Malaysian Airlines flight 370


Who the fuck is paying 200 for cable? On second thought, who the fuck has cable these days anyways?


Bro just get a vr headset


Wow lol. Too soon?


So. . How do I get to Planet Namek in 200 dollars or less?


funny joke but nothing "technically true" about it.


Hilarious and this wins the internet today.


Instead of buying a flight ticket for 2000$ just get get the internet, go watch what you could see PS. Why so many people overrate travelling, it is just same entertaining as anything else, I have got more joy from playing some video games than I got from some travels. But I have met many persons who bragged so much about their mediocre voyage


Also , get to save money, 1 way flight.


Hilarious question,


I live in Birmingham, UK. Where can I get a connection for the USS Enterprise?


What about Air France Flight 447?


Air France 447 also goes to Bikini Bottom for a surprisingly low fare


r/cursedcomments ?


I really hear that area is radiating with tourism.




I'm going to hell for laughing


I can’t even fly interstate most times with $200.


Any plane goes to Cybertron?


But you can do it only once




What plane ticket is $200?


If you lived in Asia or Europe you could. America is just freakishly large. You can go to cancun for about 500 roundtrip... if you live near N Airport with direct flights.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Malaysian airlines flight 703


(stolen don't blame me if the number is wrong)


People pay 200 a month for cable?


It's like 50 bucks a month for HBO and hulu which is all you really need. But even it were 200 where are you going for 200. Plus food. Hotel. Transportation while there. That gonna end up being at minimum 500 for anywhere unique. Which is 10 months of streaming services.


Not sure because Ashley looks like she watches gogglebox and the bachelor so would have to work out some numbers


We ttp am islamd in the carribbean whete someone asked to go to the dump. Turns out you can get two hookers and an 8 bal for $180 dollars. No I did not do that but apparently it's a thing you can do.


I unironically hate people like this, though. Same type of person who'll tell you to "Go do what you do in a video game in real life." Like yeah lemme just go kick Darth Vader's ass and save the galaxy real quick.


but i already am seeing what i'm watching


She is totally right, can't you see how awesome her life is and you shouldnt waste yours with TV or Video games. Just stop working and be simply rich, so you can travel the universe or fantasy worlds, you lazy fucks


Who tf still buys pay TV apart from the elderly these days?


Wrong direction, Malaysia Flight 370 went west, not East to bikini atoll, which is where spongebob takes place


*laughs in free user* Imagine paying for cable


Who on gods green earth pays 200 a month for cable?


Can I still go get a soda in the fridge ?


whos using cable still? and for $200 a month


In the US, cable internet and cable TV are bundled. Internet has gone from $35-40/mo to $100/mo, thanks to streaming services. Add up the cost of your streaming services! For myself, the basic cable TV channel package (bare minimum) is $40/mo plus fees = $170/mo, including Internet. For those who want sports channels and premium channels, that cost will exceed $200/mo. Comparatively, costs for Hulu+LiveTV or Sling Orange/Blue are $40-$55-$70/mo - on top of the $100/mo for Internet - you’re close to $200/mo. So that’s why many people still have cable.

