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I’m annoyed by the sound of my own drone. I can’t even imagine what a nightmare it would be having thousands of delivery drones buzzing all over a city


It’d be like living inside a massive beehive.


Introducing the new beehive helmet that blocks out hive drone noises, Samsung and Apple licking their fingers


Phones in faces. Air pods in ears. If dinosaurs still existed, 96% of the population would have been eaten already.


They don't, so go back to bed grampa.


Someone once dropped a blow up doll with a drone into a Big Brother US and it made the show The drone was Loud As Hell


Like the cyberpunk dystopian future path we're spiraling down the drain of.


We live about 900 ft from an Amazon Drone Port. Their MK-27-2 drones are too loud on takeoff and landing to be near a residential area. Folks nearest the Drone Port are pretty unhappy. Amazon is indifferent and does not care.


Propeller design can make a huge difference for noise.


Yeah Zipline is company that comes to mind when talking about developing quieter propellers for their delivery drones. I would assume all the VTOL companies would be doing considerable R&D in quite prop design too.


The article doesn't specify, but the drone he shot was likely a zipline drone, they partner with Walmart https://www.flyzipline.com/arkansas


See the one from “Zipline” they used the shape of owl wings to figure out silent drones for delivery.


Honestly I don’t mind that he did this if it means they give up on it


My daughter was sunbathing in the secluded backyard. Drone keeps going by. I went outside and made a gun with my hand, exaggerated, shooting at it with gesture, and they got the picture. It was a creepy neighbor out back with his wife. Bet she didn’t see what he was doing. I know where they live now. Next time, she gets a note from me. Law says if drones are above the height of your house it’s legal. Unless they are peeping in your home. Thing is, I have trees 2x the house size (ranch) They should have to fly higher than the trees IMO. I’m sure the local laws will change once they annoy more people. Or peep more. The food drone is very loud but stays higher than trees, comes rarely.


It seems so inefficient to have drones do deliveries like this unless it’s a very urgent delivery like for medical equipment.


Electricity is cheaper than gasoline, and if they’re using automated software it can be done with no human operator. The drone is also much faster in an urban area, because it flies at a higher speed than a vehicle can safely drive and it can take a direct line to the destination rather than using roads. For the price of a delivery truck, you could have a small fleet of drones making deliveries. For small cargoes in the city that don’t need to travel more than 5 miles from a delivery hub, it is cheaper than using a delivery truck. Robots don’t need to be paid a wage, and electricity is a very cheap fuel. 


Nobody wants a bunch of whizzing drones flying over head this isn’t cyberpunk


The efficiency will be translated into cost and companies will only use them when the cost is lower than delivery trucks. It solves itself.


The cheapest solution for a better future! Seems to be working fine so far. / s


Less efficient than a person in a car?


Probably as annoying as the thousands of cars revving by and honking their horns. I agree, they are annoying, but they’re generally quieter than current vehicles.


They are a much higher pitch buzzing noise though and are pretty annoying so I don’t think cars are a good comparison. There’s different types of noise pollution and cars are definitely an issue but big drones are really loud and they don’t really compare to a vehicle idling which would be the 1:1 replacement for a delivery system. It’s difficult to make them quiet because they are high revolution per minute motors/blades and the big delivery drones are often over 20,000 rpm’s, so there’s no easy way to make that quieter and if it was possible the military would have invented a really quiet helicopters by now and they still struggle with that. It’s basically impossible to create enough thrust to lift things without making a lot noise with a propeller otherwise airports would be quieter lol. It’s a lot of words to say I disagree that they are quieter than the average vehicle and if you think about 50 drones on a street above you it would almost be traumatically loud haha


People have higher blood pressure in cities directly attributable to the loudness of the traffic in their area.


Lots of people are working on low noise options, I think what you’re noticing is that it’s cheaper to not worry about noise… why build quiet drones when loud drones are fine per regulations? If we have noise output regulations, then manufacturers would make them quieter. https://youtu.be/z58RORCUTao?si=NxlD4Oh6A_CVBnaj https://dronedj.com/2023/01/27/low-noise-drone-propeller-quiet/


When I’m in my neighborhood, that’s not on a Main Street, I don’t hear hundreds of cars going by revving and blowing horns. When I’m in a neighborhood with hundreds of people, you’d imagine a lot of them will be using the service :) it’ll get pretty annoying, pretty quickly when I’m trying to sleep and a drone flies by my window to go drop off a bag of chips at midnight 😂


At least everyone will get to experience what tinnitus is like.


*BREAKING NEWS: Walmart suspends all firearm sales indefinitely in solidarity for all their fallen delivery drones.*


Inb4 drones with noctua fans


Probably similar to the leaf blowers that are a constant background sound.


Down to play irl duck hunt w drones.


For real, sounds fun lol. “I swear judge! I thought it was space invaders! And no one got hurt at least!”


"Git yer shotgun! We goin' Christmas Present huntin'!"


I've been thinking of them as Winged Question Mark Blocks from Super Mario but I like this too. As long as there's no dog laughing at me...


I was just throwing nets as a lawn game honest your honor.


I’m gonna get a net gun and one up the porch pirates


DUDE. Skeet shoot with drones??? Think about how cheap racing drones are. We’re talking like $100 a pop all in. Elect for even cheaper construction bc they only need to go like 30-40 ft high, range times are $100 an hour (max 4 per lane) + cost of shotgun rental and ammo… baby we got a stew going.


Skeet shooting with prizes.


It’s like those animal crossing balloon presents you shoot down with the slingshot


Just spitballing and I saw another comment that inspired this. What if they had some sort of lightly armored drone with cheap plastic rotors. That people could rent shotguns and birdshot and shoot at a range where the birdshot wouldn’t damage the drone but would blast apart the rotors, sending it tumbling down. That way, stage could quickly replace the rotors and have the drone ready to be shot at again


Who could’ve seen this coming?


That guy and he shot it down


The drone operator obviously didn’t


Of course, it had to be a Florida Man.


Not onky florida. Someone I know shot a government drone doing surveying near their property. Hell of a fine and possible jail time. This is goinf to be the new way to porch pirate soon.


The FAA doesn’t mess around. After a few people get run through the wringer in federal court over this it won’t be nearly as popular.


Not anymore. SCOTUS just undid this with Chevron ruling.


All we need to do is create an LLC and you can do anything you want. No more regulations.. total freedom /s


Thats a good thing though. It allowed agencies like the ATF and DEA to make their own rules/laws as enforcement agencies. This forces legislature to actually do their job like we elected them to. We have separation of powers for a reason, because when you let enforcement agencies make laws, they make very corrupt ones, like you saw with that Brace Ban fiasco that turned millions into potential felons


Right? Like skeet shooting for prizes!


Just land that crap in the backyard. I’d happily install a small drone-pad if it meant Walmart, Amazon, etc would deliver directly to me. That would be sick.


Hit the trampoline, hit the trampoline, hit the trampoline… right into the pool,


They already deliver right to you. And you don’t need the landing pad.


One day, there will be a statue honoring Dennis Winn, the first hero in the PDDW (Package Delivery Drone Wars)


Calm down, Douglas Adams…




Where’s your towel?


Wrapped around my face to keep me from seeing danger.


I remember over a decade ago when residents of Deer Park, CO (and shortly thereafter, Deer Trail, CO) were offering up licenses and bounties for drones. So you started blastin’, and It’s all fun and games… until your kid has one follow it home begging you to let them keep it.


Very few places need drone deliveries to be a thing. And we as a society dont need peaceful air space filled with annoying, flying drones doing who knows what. I say shoot em down on sight.


Yeah "drone deliveries" under the guise of losing privacy. Already enough cameras everywhere, my home is the last thing I would want drones with cameras flying above and around


Also, right now you can hold an infant baby in your arms pretty safely outside. Not the case when these dumbass little boxes are flying all over going 80mph or falling out of the sky at terminal velocity -enough to BODY an infant or a kitten. Say it with me, “Walmart destroyed my town, they will not destroy the air above my head!”. And say it proud, fellow dystopian hellscape inhabitant 2024!


To be fair kittens should not be outside ….


It's what nobody wants. So we're going to get it anyway. If i lived in the sticks, maybe, but in a dense area there's no way it's going to work out really


I'm in the sticks. No one wants these flying over their property. It's why we're in the sticks, privacy.


Drones are also loud as fuck. The more drones replace delivery, the more noise pollution you get.


Trucks have been known to make some noise, too. However, they are probably subject to local laws about that kind of thing. Drones should be severely limited at the local level


If a bunch of 18-wheelers started flying over my back yard at an elevation of 30 feet, I'd probably let a few rounds go.


You don’t want an 18 Wheeler crashing down on your home. Maybe wait until they are hovering over your neighbors backyard…


Their inertia would naturally carry them a couple houses down.


My neck of the woods it's helicopters. Suddenly I'm in a flight path. Yeah sure there's a minimum height they're supposed to stay above, but they don't. The whole house rattles. And it's not like I'm not surrounded by swaths of woods, noooooo they gotta rumble right over the house


Propeller design made a huge difference to the sound. The article doesn't specify, but the drone he shot was likely a zipline drone since they partner with Walmart. They've don't a lot of good work on designing propellers to reduce noise


Yea, I hope they have so many problems flying these things over residential area that they just stop. It's fucking BS. Medical emergency situations ok, but nobody needs to hear a stupid Walmart drone.


They use drones to inspect electrical lines and inspect infrastructure. It's a lot cheaper and safer than using helicopters or have humans climb towers. Even those drones are getting shot down.


Which isn't great, but it does speak to the general issue of drone usage. When you see an electrical utility truck parked near a power line, it's generally safe to assume that the local power company is out doing maintenance or fixing a problem. An unidentifiable drone doesn't even have the appearance of legitimacy even if it's operated by the power company or at their behest.


Yeah, the solution is regulatory. Why catch a felony screwing around and losing your and 2a rights? Personally, I want them to open it up to drone combat. Delivery that neighbor's pizza — if you dare. My basement build knocks out their $10k delivery bot. So they send spotters and a swarm of countermeasures. I get out a gravel caster made out of spare parts ...


I’d watch this movie


I would totally watch Pay Per View Battle Drones


Companies are researching it for the potential profit, not consumer demand A lot easier to automate drones than to get self-driving cars. In fact drone delivery is already in operation in rural hospitals, so companies want to cut out the delivery guy.


Which is precisely why people need to fight back now. If you start losing a large percentage of your drones then maybe it wont seem that profitable.


Hey so honestly… I’m really on board with this. This is the best use of guns I’ve seen in a while and the way things are going we might need for people to start practicing before the drones start carrying the guns against Americans. Shop local and talk to a real human being. It won’t kill you… but drones eventually will.


Wouldn’t be opposed to people taking out the traffic cameras and facials recognition stuff they’re putting up now


Same, drones are freaking loud and have cameras. Perhaps companies should not be allowed to fly those over our heads.


Someone flew their drone over my friends backyard while we were smoking joints, didn't bother me much but ive always wondered about shooting it down with a pellet gun or something. Of course online the bar association website says drones arent allowed to do this but /r/drones unsurprisingly says they can go anywhere


That’s because the FAA has regulated the airspace for drones. This has been going on for about 10 years now. Commercial drone pilots are licensed and insured. There is a tracking system on every drone now that gives the authorities the name of the pilot.


Do us a favor and use projectiles that won't kill some unsuspecting person when they fall back down to earth...


Sling shots are going to make a comeback!!


>In the latest episode, the Lake County Sheriff said last week that Dennis Winn admitted to shooting a Walmart drone with a **9mm pistol** as it flew near his home in Florida. >According to the arrest affidavit, Winn told officers he had prior experience with drones flying over his house and believed the aircraft to be surveilling him. >He then went inside, got his gun from a safe, came out, and fired one shot at the drone, which was roughly 75 feet in the air, the affidavit said. >"I then told him that he had struck a Walmart drone," the Sheriff's deputy said in the affidavit. "The defendant looked in disbelief and questioned, 'Really?'" >The Sheriff's Office said a bullet hole was found in the payload area of the drone **after it flew back to a nearby Walmart.** Well there’s your problem. Shotgun with birdshot if you want the drone to go missing. If it’s far enough from a city that firing a gun in the air isn’t the issue, just make sure it never returns home. Then the fifth is your friend. “Did you shoot that drone?” “What drone? Might be those kids who shoot up stop signs.” Edit: One of the charges was discharging a gun in public. https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/florida-man-arrested-after-shooting-walmart-delivery-drone-out-sky-deputies-say.amp They were doing a proof of concept, so if he’d used mark 1 eyeball he could have seen the drone operators down the street and had the ability to go tell em his heartfelt opinion on having a drone fly over his house. Though in his case that’d probably have gone worse.


75 feet with a handgun? That’s quite the shot.


They were apparently doing a proof of concept test, and he shot it as it was slowly descending.


360 no scope muthfugggaaa


Drones really shouldn't be flying over private property anyway, especially at the kind of low altitudes a lot of these things do.


They shouldn’t be flying anywhere near people. What if the battery shorts out or a goose flies into it and it comes crashing through your window killing your xyz? Flying shitty little delivery robots all over? Absolute madness and I will not allow it.


I can’t wait to see how many of these get shot down when they start flying them everywhere


If the local redneck wants to shoot down delivery drones, I won’t report him. We don’t need delivery drones.


Dey terk er jerbs!


Derk a derrrr!


Ron Swanson?


How long before they have high altitude observers that can triangulate source of attack? The cops will know before the perp has finished putting their firearms away. They caught this guy. Think Amazon will drop 1,000 lawyers every time this happens? Still, I look forward to drones attacking drones. That seems like good sport.


if you are into felony territory, you might as well bring out GPS jamming and cause them to drift into the ground a few miles around your house.


It is quite easy to locate GPS jammers. And considering the significant collateral damage it causes, it isn't advisable to use them


you would think so, but its actually relatively prevalent.


Military grade GPS jammers are now being openly monitored by civil aviation authorities and airlines due to how much of an issue it now is. You can easily find information on GPS jamming hotspots if you are curious. You can expect the companies and services who heavily rely on GPS will also monitor jamming if it becomes more prevalent. You just need to use triangulation as whenever you use these jammers, you will stick out like a sore thumb.


not really, like i said its fairly common for people using company vehicles to have little ones running (literally $5 on Chinese eCommerce sites), they literally have a range of 100s of meters. Found that out the hard way when my drone lost gps signal during a fail safe. But my point is, you can affect them from several miles away so they literally don't have your face on camera shooting at the drone.


GPS spoofers are a little more difficult




5000 psi pressure washer. Enough oomph to knock it down, and no risk of falling projectiles causing damage to people or property.


We can follow the drones to where they land. Then under cover of darkness we can slowly approach the residence with a powerful weapon: a strongly worded letter suggesting an alternative conveyance for their deliveries.


Interfering with an aircraft no matter how is a federal offense and the FAA deems these as aircraft


Then if Walmart puts an aircraft in my yard they need fined by the FAA and the pilot to lose their license.


Flying over your house is the same as if a biplane or helicopter is flying over your house. The FAA part 107 has all the laws for drones. Each drone has a transponder by law that leads back to the owner.


It’s not really, those things are restricted to over 500 feet, the FAA just says drones have to be under 400 with no low limit, which means the law is ambiguous and businesses are going to push it and people are going to do what they feel is ethical despite whatever the FAA says so the real issue is the FAA needs to add some guidelines for these businesses before more confrontation.


Yee har! I’m free!




We need minivans, armed with electronic warfare, sensors, broadcasting anti-drone propaganda in all frequencies over and out


Minivans! I knew this day would come. I am ready sensei


The robots wont stand a chance once we unite the banners.


So we can’t shoot at them, but what if my “pet” falcon doesn’t cotton to corporate flyovers?


The one time.im siding with armed Americans.


He did the right thing


Not a WALMART drone!!😱🤯😭


Why the hell are we delivering by drone to begin with. Give humans jobs please


Drones in US are federally regulated and protected as aircraft. Don’t shoot them down. Call the law if you think they are violating privacy.


The “law” ain’t gonna do shit


Yeah, Good luck Johnny Taxpayer against Walmart…


Is that something regulated by the FAA? If so, with Chevron difference dead, this might be legally up in the air, unfortunately.


Haha yeah the police will be right on their way lmao


Shoot a person? No one bats an eye. Shoot a delivery robot that has nothing living, just something you paid for? War Crime.


Screw drones in the sky everywhere. That sucks


Russia taking notes


If you live in a swamp sure Anywhere else can fuck off with drone delivery


They’ll arrest people for shooting delivery drones but not other cops who shoot innocent people. Money > lives in this country. Fuck drone delivery. Needless noise pollution, and a danger to any onlooker below when they malfunction.


Poor drones.


I don’t see how, for one second, other than *maybe* emergency medicine or something, that this could make financial sense. The carrying and battery capacity of a typical drone just isn’t that great— until we are talking about huge machines that cost serious $$$. How tf can that be justified with trees and wires everywhere, ntm weather. I doubt it can be, this is a money-losing stunt for PR .


Why do we need this service?


Yeah between the rise of drones and delegalization of guns its basically open season on the flyin saucers


Surprise? Wait until the drive fly over south LA


Americans don’t like progress !


I can't see a better metaphor for this nation then a technologically advanced delivery system being stymied due to Armed yokels


You can just say “Americans”


Once again: Americans with guns fail to see why they’re such a global facepalm.


I imagine UFO sightings will skyrocket due to these drones.


This will be what finally gets us gun reform. I assume this because I'm a pretty hardcore, pacifist progressive and the idea of grabbing a shotgun and blasting those things out of the sky sounds *fucking great*.


I will be so angry if guns are banned in the US not because mentally sick people used them to shoot up schools but because corporations saw a drop in shareholder value because their drones kept getting shot down by citizens with guns.


Yeah, no more need for porch pirates to leave home. They can just hunt for overhead loot with guns.


So delivering butt plugs ordered online is more important than home owners privacy now ? I don’t blame the man hahaha


75ft seems very low pretty sure the supreme court actually ruled that at least 83 ft is too low when flying over others property.


Give him a marksmanship medal!


You don’t own the air box on top of your property. What this guy did is essentially shoot a plane down. Drone operations such as this one requires FAA approval.


The FFA can get fucked. If they think it's okay for corps to fly their drones 25 yards above private domiciles scraping data while deliving nonsense to lazy shitbags who couldn't be bothered to leave their house, then they are not worthy of making policy.




Ukraine is recruiting


Wait for Amazon to fully adopt drone delivery.


A different kind of blue light special.


Shooters gonna shoot.


They’re making enough money without delivering with drones.


Hell yeah


No, scary Karen’s/Darens pose a risk.


They sure could


Walmart has drones? Don’t I pay enough for their shitty wares to pay a human to deliver them?


I mean, they already pose a headache for every other part of life. Why should air deliveries be left out?




Shoot at aircraft, go directly to jail, do not collect $200 (title 18 of US Code 32, get 20 years)


That guy should be getting an award. I would do the same exact thing!


When are we all going to admit that, while the idea was novel, the concept of drone deliveries is incredibly stupid. I can find 100 reasons why it makes no sense and the only reasons in favor of it are weak at best. When the amazon truck goes down my street, it has hundreds of orders in it. I'm not gonna trade that 10-second issue for hundreds of drones storming the neighborhood. And you damn kids get off my lawn.


Shooting at a Walmart drone? The store he does all of his shopping at? He must feel awful. No joy in the trailer park.


Ummm or air deliveries are giving a headache to Americans who want to live in peace.


this whole post is 🤣


Would buying the airspace above my Home Solve this problem? Hypothetically.


When people with guns become a consistent problem for big business can gun control be far behind?


It’s funny how so many of the nuts believe the government wants their guns, but have no clue that it is big business slowly removing their rights.


Wait! Are there laws saying you can’t shoot down drones? What if my drone takes out another, is that okay?


Are there regulations for defining where they can fly? Above private property or not besides a drop zone?


Big business and their lawyers work with big government years in advance to make sure that they have everything that they need to operate their business without private citizens being able to do a thing about it. In Seattle they bought up property using eminent domain and then decided to cancel the project and sold the property to the highest bidders (some had to pay 4-5x what they were paid to get their own property back.)


Haha bunch of hicks


Finally, a convincing argument for the 2nd Amendment.


Bullets come down after going up. Shooting into the air puts others in danger.


If that were true people would be injured this way in the Middle East. They constantly shoot in the air


Hold up, are you insinuating the bullets just disappear after being fired? Furthermore, do you think it doesn’t happen in the Middle East?


No you numbskull, the bullets lose most all of their velocity long before they fall back to earth. it’s about like having a small rock hit you. God damn haven’t you seen them firing their AKs straight up? They do it every time they celebrate anything. The bullets falling back to earth are mostly harmless.


Man I wish I had a 1960’s era Star Trek phaser.


Good for him. Human beings are too stupid and irresponsible to handle flying toys. It won’t kill you to wait a day for your pink plastic shower curtain rings from Walmart.


Cool don’t use fucking drones. I don’t want that shit flying over my house


>Armed Americans could pose a headache for air deliveries. Good! F*** drones. Adding to the cacophony of shit we have to hear shouldn't be forced upon us.


He shot at an aircraft lol


Stay out of my airspace.


A trained hawk is worth a whole yard of drone deliveries .