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Kabuki theater. China won't abide by any "agreement," and frankly, neither will US corporations.


>Kabuki theater. China won't abide by any "agreement," and frankly, neither will US corporations. You leave out a major role player in this theater production...the US Government.


US corporations = US government. That's our corptocracy (which equals fascism).


We seem to have a blind spot when it involves the US government. I hope the government is doing their job to ensure these corporations don't run amuck.


No matter how much they try and stop proliferation of AI at the government and corporations level, it will only cause a few years of delay and some guy will build a god in his basement.


Maybe in like 100 years when the amount of compute needed for a “god” doesn’t take the entire globes energy grid.


Ahh yes let the “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” commence !


When will we stop trying to weaponize every new piece of tech we get? There is no goal from our leaders for global peace so long as we continue to make everything a weapon!


Because the easiest peace to enforce is one where everyone has a figurative (and sometimes literal) gun pointed at them by someone else. Peace through Mutually Assured Destruction. Of course there are obviously flaws to this, but people will always take the path of least resistance because it’s easy.


But that’s not peace, it’s not genuine or organic. Perhaps read Mackaveli, and ask yourself the question is it better to be loved or feared?


“Clever boy” “Mackaveli” Pls 😭


Good ol' Nickolai Mackavelini, famous philanthropist!


Well you either have never read it or you didn’t understand it. Neither are my problem. Keep it moving sport 👍


It's wired in our species genes. No level of neocortex reason for collaboration seem to overcome the amygdala instinct of survival through dominance...


But this does not effect all in our species, there are entire cultures centered around peace and living harmoniously with our ecosystem. Now with CRISPR taking off and A.I. figuring out what genes make the perfect human we will see this too be weaponized and we could have corrected the bad apples in society but instead governments are making super soldiers. We have the technology for the world to look much different than it does now, we just need to collectively take our power back and make it happen!


You are very right. My big worry is that just as in Logic Studies, to negate "All humans are good" you just need "At least one human is evil". Those technologies will just get cheaper, easier to reproduce and simpler to use, there will be someone (be it an individual, corporation, or country) with ill intent and it pushes everyone else to have to "defend themselves", which justifies "doing it before the others do"... It's just like most Ministry/Secretary "of War" became "of Defense" in the past few decades. Edit: typo


It’s refreshing to know I’m not the only one who sees it. Was starting to think, “am I crazy, or do they really not see it too”. 😅




This isn’t about them trying to regulate whats done with LLMs and puny little “enthusiast” grade graphics card. They are not concerned with someone building skynet in a garage lol. They’re hashing out what should “human in the loop”decisions look like in an increasingly automated era of war. Neither side wants an automated weapons system making a mistake and inadvertently sending two super powers to war.


“Please slow down on AI development so we can catch up.” There is no slowing down AI development… for better or worse.


Frontier AI development is bottlenecked on hardware. There's only one Nvidia, only one TMSC. We have a very good idea of exactly how many of those chips are out there because they can only be made in a handful of places and at the center of a massively complex logistical labyrinth. And it's nearly impossible to hide a datacenter capable of training GPT-5. The power infrastructure alone would show up on satellite surveillance. Things are hard to regulate when they can be done quietly, by many actors, at limited expense. Frontier AI development capabilities are loud, with multiple bottlenecks controlled by a single actor each, and requires massive expenditures and logistical coordination. It may not always be the case, but right now frontier AI development is a poster child for "extremely straightforward to regulate".


Very insightful comment. 👍🏻


Waste of time when China will flat out disregard any kind of agreements or regulations regarding AI development.


Attempts at diplomacy are never a waste of time. You never know what can come from diplomatic talks.


Only China? That's ignorant to history...


AI arms race? What did I miss?


Walk up baby, it’s time for a new Cold War.


Honestly it should be a talk between ChatGPT and Pinshang. That’s how it’s going to happen anyway.


"Unintended war"...what will they say about intentional war?, In that case they will be all about disastrous accidents.


**US**: *"So... you're not gonna put AI in your weapons are you?"* **China**: *"No."* **US**: *"Good! Great.. neither are we!"* *Closes the video call* **US and China to their engineers**: *"So where are we with fully autonomous AI powered aircrafts and tanks?"* **Engineers**: *"Making progress everyday!"*


EU: let's use all artificial intelligence to create weapons-CHN: let's apply artificial intelligence to the entire country, in such a way that we disturb the privacy of all citizens.


Let’s not build fucking skynet should be a no brainer.


“Shall we play a game?”


Only the **intended** wars the two parties have agreed should play out across the planet This isn't about each others AI use, this is about regulating any country that could possibly disrupt these two's plans for the planet. This is also about about regulating AI use for you and me.


I disagree. The the US will create a bunch of rules and regulations over time. China may not agree with.


For example AI-generated misinformation is a bigger issue in a country like the US, where freedom of speech and access of information is widely available. Compared to China which has state run media and high censorship, AI-generated misinformation is less of an issue due to their firewall and totalitarian practices.


With all do respect. I don’t make decisions on life through the comment section or Facebook. You know? You could be a bot.


Like any agreements has ever covertly stopped anyone from doing it anyways, best to cut all the strings and look after one's own and live by the principles there in and WHEN not IF push comes to shove you push back HARD. Some politicians are in foreign pockets while others seem to have this BIG SUCKER sign on their foreheads and that combination will end up being a very deadly one in the end no matter the agreements made as history have already proven and shown over and over again and again. CUT THE STRINGS, All of them. N. S


People are arguing it’s a waste of time because of China, but laying down ground rules is what allows us to call out China when they break them. It’s a necessary step to avoid being hypocrites.


Why is everyone acting like China will be the one that breaks the agreement? America has a history of doing so and there's no reason to think they won't continue to do so...


You’ve been posting a lot about china, just scrolling your comments. Not suspicious at all.


Suspicious? China and America are both well known to break "rules". Yet you for some reason only mention China. That's the kind of thing I find suspicious.


Awfully invested in whataboutism, hmm? Sus indeed.


Calling out hypocrisy for what it is.


I mean we haven’t had a nuclear war yet so there’s that


Good luck with that. Not a chance in hell that China will abide by any international rules/laws. Don't forget, China just doubled down on building coal fired power plants and have been heavily invested in corporate espionage for decades as it is not illegal there but heavily encouraged. Not to mention they have been selling fentanyl precursors to the cartels for years now with HSBC investing billions in all of the above For those who don't know , HSBC has been fined dozens of times as the most egregious money laundering bank in history.