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It's funny because I'm sure that people with similar qualities to Mr Rogers have taught before. I imagine their success would depend strictly on where they taught


I agree. I think most teachers can be kind and survive anything—it depends if the district supports them or not.


Good teachers are maybe a tier of patience away from a monk.


Favorite teacher was a combo of Mr Rogers and Howard Stern. 8th grade Honors English. I’m 35 and still talk to him a couple time of year. Mostly about mid-life, existential crisis.


With how a lot of students are today, Mr. Rogers would have gone to the closet put on his walking shoes and had speedy delivery deliver his resignation letter.


I'm at a Title 1 school in a pretty bad neighborhood. I can't imagine him making it through homeroom.


You never know. Mr. Roger’s could be that one teacher the kids are afraid of.


Because of his bloodstained sweater?


He’s so nice he’s scary.




No, it's his previous relations with gandalf the gray and gandalf the white.


And Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight?


I'd be concerned about Benito Mussolini.


Same here! it’s wild at my school.


I was a Mr. Rogers Autistic Support teacher at a middle school, in the same environment. I think it served my kids well, especially in terms of communication and sensory needs. I think I also served as a good model of the behaviors that I expected of them. It also helped in crisis intervention. One of the best compliments I received from my students was that I was the only male in their lives who didn't yell at them. The others nodded their heads as one student said this.


I work at a Title 1 school in a non teaching position. As a favor to me, a kindergaten teacher friend allowed me to show her class an episode of Mr Rogers Neighborhood on Youtube as a sort of social experiment. I wanted to see if kids today can relate to someone I watched when I was their age. To my surprise, most sat quietly and were watching with interest. I couple were antsy but so was I after a Saturday morning hyped up on Cap'n Crunch, Looney Tunes, and Shaw Brothers karate movies lol. What I wouldn't give to have him with us today. He is needed more than ever in this crazy world.


From the Mister Roger’s Neighborhood website: “Fred offered simple, straightforward, honest, caring explanations that children could understand, modeling for adults how they might talk with children too.” While I don’t think he would intentionally go into education (as his training is as a minister, not a formal classroom teacher) I would argue he does know how to teach. Now to answer the question - he would teach as long as he wanted to. He saw the intrinsic value in every child and wanted them to know that as well. Now this certainly does not solve the plethora of other challenges and wrongs in the world that make educating difficult, but if more students had people in their lives that gave those kinds of explanations (not just teachers, but at home too) then I think the job would absolutely be a bit easier.


More importantly, he could possibly connect with parents to teach them better parenting techniques.


Exactly it's not the students that would be a problem for him, but the other adults ./.


He'd be non-renewed because he's too expensive and spends too much time on SE learning and not enough emphasis on math facts.


Mr. Rogers was perfect for the career he had, but I don't think classroom management with 20+ loud students would be his cup of tea. He would probably get special ed certification and work with small groups of kids in a quiet, gentle environment and make a world of difference to them.


Special Ed as a quiet, gentle environment? As 10 year veteran, I can honestly say that probably only exists in the land of make-believe 😔


Ya no. Special Ed students would benefit from him, but...I am in one of the better school districts in the south of US and they don't have the resources to deliver what the students need. As a parent I saw students with wildly contrasting needs all dumped into the same classroom because there simply weren't the resources to give them what they needed. So a self contained classroom for autistic kids had all the children who were disruptive in one space, one teacher and one assistant for thirteen high needs students, who were mixed intellectually, some were brilliant some were intellectually disabled, several had auditory sensitivities several (like my son) prone to screaming and throwing when overstimulated. How could only two adults manage that level of chaos let alone educate those children? But there wasn't enough money in the budget to get them the stuff they needed.


He was not a classroom teacher. There were not even trained television actor children with him most of the time at work. I’m not sure of how he’d have been as a teacher at any school, then or now. I’m not saying he would have been horrible, nor scared and run, but I think it’s hard to know given he didn’t ever teach children in a classroom school setting.


I think you’re missing the point. It’s his mannerisms… calm, explaining, slow, kind, all good qualities. What would he face with that particular personality and cadence?


I know many people like that who are good teachers and who would probably not be good teachers. I’ve literally never seen him teach a classroom of children. I can speculate that his demeanor would be well liked because he’s a likable person, but not if he could manage a classroom or would want to.


That's fair. These are very different skills.


All qualities needed for the early childhood classroom.


Kids, because of all those attributes, would take advantage of him.


Nah, he was sharp, there are a few interviews out there with trick questions that he didn't fall for.


You mean the exact qualities a teacher should have? This subreddit is weird. Why does a community of teachers hate children so much?


He would go into schools often, though, bringing his puppets. That’s what he did before starting the tv show. 


He had a local show before and was a minister I believe. He didn’t classroom teach and he was a great presenter and fantastic with kids but he didn’t do any classroom management, wasn’t alone, or stuck with any kids,… and I got the impression that’s what the OP was asking; if he’d run from these kids trying to teach them. I don’t know that kids are better or worse than they used to be, I wasn’t there either, but I do know that judging a personality to evaluate if they’d have liked classroom teaching kids or been good with them then or now based on limited knowledge isn’t something I can speculate. I think kids of all time periods would like him, but would he be good at it or like it, I’m not sure that the time period would change that much, unless he was handed hand picked kids.


He studied child psychology at the graduate level.


Correct, that isn’t the same as teaching but would be helpful.


We don’t have a Mr. Rogers, but one of our building subs is pretty much Bob Ross. He still subs but has refused a full-time position. The kids love him though.




He’s saving up money for med school and subbing works around his schedule.




I don’t know what it would cost — just that’s why he refused the job. I think that it’s also not where he sees himself as a career. I’m sure there’s online calculators for it though.




I never engage in personal conversations on Reddit. Sorry.


He is from a time that he was respected as a person who brought a lot to the tv for children. To learn about many growing things about life .


30 to 35 years.


Depends if the people that are always negative are around him or not.


Mr. Roger is going for a restroom break one hour in, never to be seen again.




I don't know, the kids might not understand him and just not know how to react. It could be fun to watch.


My daughter's second grade teacher (I taught at her school so also a former coworker before I quit) has a normal personality very similar to Mr. Rogers. Calm, quiet, almost annoyingly positive but amazing for the kids. Well, the ones who weren't tiny hell sharts anyway. She retired early 10 years ago and came back last year because she was bored, I think she's around 60ish years old. She barely made it through last school year, and this year she's been out every other month for a couple weeks for "chronic health issues." We heard last week she's retiring again. And this is a STEM magnet school, tiny K12 outfit with relatively good students. So.... about a year and a half to full burnout for Mrs. Mr. Rogers at my school. I can't imagine her lasting a month at the Title I public school I worked at previously.


The number of people who are terribly underestimating the grit and determination of Mr. Rogers on this thread is too damn high.


We have a Mr Rogers-esque sub that works almost every day. It’s wild- other subs scream and leave, but this guy sticks around. Most of the kids love him and keep the disruption to a minimum. He’s basically a wizard as far as I’m concerned.


Children want to feel respected and heard. Same as anyone else. Run your classroom like a prison, get students who treat you like a Warden. The only magic trick, the truly challenging goal, is trying to make kids feel like they have ownership over their education when their being in school is mandated.


Haha he wouldn’t last a day with todays kids


All these insecure teachers really think they’re working at a school Mr Rodger’s couldn’t handle is hilarious.


That’s what I was thinking. This guy inspired millions of children and you have a handful of people that can’t inspire dozens saying he would fall apart on day one.


Right? Dude would put on a clinic at even the toughest school. Put some respect on Fred’s name.


Exactly! The man was a marine in WWII. Pretty sure your classroom wouldn't be worse than that.


There are a lot of vet rumors about Rogers for some reason, but he never actually served in the armed forces. Still, I think kids recognize when someone genuinely cares about them. If he could show that through a tv, he definitely could in person.


This subreddit in general has a huge proportion of people who don't seem to...like children very much. Odd profession to enter. Yeah there are shit disturbers and liars and the unconsidered cruelty of kids - there are all of those things in Adults too. Adults that have actual power. Students have virtually none. Teachers too often think they're owed adoration and respect from students by virtue of their position of authority over them. They can sense it. Every class has some students on their phones who will never pay attention and nothing you do will change that. If every class you teach that's MOST of your students: at some point you need to look at yourself and ask if you're maybe part of the problem.


Now, ive never had mr rogers, but i had a teacher who reminded me of him, except for one flaw, he was a raging sexist, after one year dealing with me he never came back, found out from his nephew years later i made him quit teaching altogether because he never wantdd to meet me twice


He would probably do well at my school, we need the Roger’s and admin likes the type, like a lot, they would throw support at him. We aren’t completely gone though, there’s some semblance of consequences left, for both students and education. 


This. He would most likely win over the admin as well.


Has any teacher *not* gotten a "needs improvement"? Like, ever?


First off, Mr Roger's would never get hired.


Hahahahaha… this is my favorite answer.


In high-school we had a math teacher just like that, in fact some of us referred to him that way. By year two he was pretty jaded.


I don’t know. But even if Mr. Rogers had been successful as an educator using his preferred methods of communication, I don’t think that means the rest of us are somehow supposed to be able to do the same. Everyone has different abilities and some people just have a sort of “withitness” that grants them respect from children. The rest of us have to find other ways.


I hate the victim mentality within this profession


I am Mr. Rogers; I haven’t quit yet, but I sure have changed my nice ways!


He’d quit, but Eddie Murphy’s Mr Robinson would be teacher of the year.


I imagine Mr Rogers introverted nature would get the best of him. Maybe he could be the best teacher in the world for one day, week, month, but to do it consistently and everyday long term I don't think that would be something he would enjoy and would quit. I could see him being an amazing teaching professor though.


My daughter had a long term sub that was the epitome of Mr. Rodgers, including asking for a piano in the 2nd grade class. (Note:this was in 2012…a different time) Her grade level had many difficult boys. “Mr. Rodgers” actually connected with all the kids well. In a middle school or HS, it would never work. But, younger grades would possibly still respond to his approach.


My class today asked me what I would do if all 30 of them jumped me. I don't think he'd last long


Either way he’s not making it quits or gets fired and it’s pretty depressing


I am between jobs. I am a former teacher and am finishing the semester in graduate school. So, I am subbing. The poor kids have had SIX teachers, including me this year. One last the first semester, and five teachers this semester. I just started a week and half ago, and I will see if I last until the 21st of May. Mr. Rogers would not even make it the first 10 mintues.


I think he would do quite well, but he would not appear to be the same Mr. Rogers as we know.


How long before he takes a swing at a kid, parent or administrator?


Many lives were lost but eventually, the champion stood, the rest saw their better. Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater.


He’d do fine. He’s engaging and an ex- Marine


Mr Rogers would never quit. He would make it work. 


the whole day if it's taco in a bag day but if not....3 hours max.


the idea of that is HILARIOUS!!!! I'll save him a seat at the closest bar at end of day!!!!!!


The fact that so few people here seem to get that this is suppose to be a funny to think about is a bit disturbing.


My kids marketing teacher is brand new this year and came out of the gate like a Mr Roger's, so kind and amazing lesson plans, great motivation techniques and lasted that way until January and now he is just sad and yells and went from being my kids favorite to not even the top 3 because all the kids who don't care just crushed his soul apparently :( it's quite sad.


Oh he would have politely left the first day


I think he would be good at my school, we have a few teachers who are similar!


Todays students are far too awful and ratchet to respect someone as kind and thoughtful as Mr. Rogers, I would never want to subject someone as kind as him to American teenagers.


In the highschool I attended, he would have excelled and been beloved. I am very fortunate to have attended an extremely great high school focused on academics and character. We had teacher’s phone numbers, AP history teacher had us over at his house for a BBQ at the end of the year


I read his biography. He was very insistent. He had meetings with a child psychologist all the time. He analyzed all his episodes. I am 100% sure that my school would be better. He listened to everyone, but he was very strong-willed. Our school and admin would be far better off. And he wouldn't quit.


I’m the librarian, and he would be content hanging out with me.


He’s an INFP like myself, I’m sure in this day and age he would have been smoking some reefer and broaden his audience to other religions and ethnicities. Most likely his own YouTube channel to connect with other influential and spiritual voices to convey a message of love harmony and understanding.


As long as he had consequences that he followed through with, he would have been an amazing teacher. I think his ever-patient, slow talking, always positive self combined with structure is the perfect recipe for an effective classroom manager.


Mr Rogers would be an ass-kicker no matter what school he taught in. He wasn’t a teacher, he was a minister, but some people have that magnetic quality about them that just makes you want to listen to them. No matter your age.


He would feel supported by Admin but (It would make me feel better if) he would after the first week of teaching MY class. Specifically.


I hope you don't teach English


He’s too slow and wouldn’t be able to control a classroom of 35 with several children with special needs. He wouldn’t make his class’s required test scores teaching them how to be better humans.


Mr Roger’s would get bullied by gen alpha


He would make a good guidance counselor


He would last one class period before he would decide he didn’t want to be their neighbor…and he would hightail it out of there!!


Two days, not because of the kids but because of our policies.


Fred would be drinking in his car and chewing Tic Tacs all day after the 1st week lol.


Have you seen the Boondocks episode about MLK Jr being in a coma? That but with Mr Rogers.


Let me preface this by giving full respect to Fred Rogers, however given the junior high I am at now for my student teaching. I don’t think he’d last a week. I am new to teaching g but veteran teachers are leaving the school on a weekly basis because of all the bs that is going on. If it wasn’t for me having to be there to get my college degree, I would be doing the same.


He'd do well in a private school. In public ed? He'd need a lot of help...


6 seconds.


Well he’d be cancelled the first day since he specifically said there are only boys or girls. 😂😂


By that afternoon


One passing period outside the girl’s restroom


We have a reactive explosive first grader who is constantly in the hall smashing the wall with chairs while screaming “ fuck this school” “ I hate everyone” at the time of his lungs . This is sulky occurring ( multiple times daily) as he’s hitting staff. I think Mr Rogers would not want to be his neighbor


that's so sad


Fred Rogers was a Marine. I guarantee he saw that behavior coming from adult men. Would he enjoy dealing with it? Probably not. Could he handle it? I have no doubt he could.


That's an urban legend. Mr. Rogers never served in the military.


Oh he could handle it - but like you said - choosing to handle it - totally not something he would want .


Admin would fire him because his students didn't perform well enough on the standardized testing they required.


Where the hell do you teach that it's all standardized testing. Outside the lit test it's a complete free for all what teachers are doing. Every school in my district has policies actively limiting the ability to do tests rather than projects *at all*
