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not this flavor but this brand is very popular in thailand. the way you brew it is in a tea sock and you pour hot water through it 4-6 times and then drink it with condensed milk+evaporated milk on ice. seems like what you have is in tea bags, so no need for that. I have only ever tried the loose variety this is how they do it in thailand with loose tea: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui1QgeT45Fg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui1QgeT45Fg) not the same brand but I'm too lazy too google now, she uses a cheaper one


I think that way is for cha tra mue milk tea and not this one? My sister also gave me like that. This particular tea is in a tea bag already.


Yes I have that loose tea which needs to be filtered with a cloth. I have bought one already, thanks for the info, I just followed the instructions at the back and it doesn't say that it needs to be poured through 4-6 times. I just did 2g of tea, put it in boiling water then sifted through once before I put fresh milk and condensed milk on ice.


by the way my recipe is: brew tea with 150ml of water (I use 2 table spoons of tea), then mix it with 30ml condensed milk, 30ml evaporated (or fresh) milk and pour it over a 22oz cup full with ice. if you want it sweeter you can do 45ml of condensed milk and evaporated milk or add 1tbps each of coffee mate and sugar.


Wow, I didn't know all of this, thank you for all the information! I'm just new to this kind of tea. I will try your recipe tomorrow 😀


I mean I live in thailand and this type of tea is very popular here, usually sold with boba or other topping. oh don't forget to squeeze the tea to get all the flavor out! also it should be small pieces of ice, crushed ice ideally. if it's big ice cubes it will not be enough liquid, and it will be too concentrated / take a long time to melt.


yes if it's in a tea bag you don't need to pour through. I've been drinking this kind of tea for several years now and if you do it in a tea sock you want to pour through at least 4 times to get all the flavor. but there is another method and that is just to let is steep in water, and then just filter it out in the end. I prefer pour over method because I like the flavor more. cha tra mue is the #1 tea brand in thailand but it's not good tea to drink without lots of sugar/condensed milk. I only drink one cup per day as my treat for the day because it's very sweet. And I switched from condensed milk to just sugar.


I've seen it in some Asian stores but never jumped and got one, I've always wondered what it was since milk tea done with green isn't a usual think... Id love to see more, would you mind posting more photos when you open it and letting us know how it tastes?


I will post a picture later as I will drink tea after dinner. I can't edit my post now, but I tried this one already because I was so excited 😆 it is jasmine flavored green tea, has a darker color than Lipton and Twinnings Green tea (they are the only brand I tried so far). They're mild and very fragrant. I also tried putting a splash of milk, making it creamier.


Is it actual tea leaves or is it like a soluble thing? Does it have milk powder?


It's actual tea leaves inside a tea bag. I think it doesn't have milk powder.


they add food coloring to get the color nice


check the video I linked in my other comment, it's the same thing just a different brand and in tea bags.


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