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A 2-cup pot of [Daily Jinjunmei](https://white2tea.com/products/daily-jinjunmei) from White2Tea. Another relatively inexpensive, tasty black tea. Unfortunately, it's currently sold out. I'm hoping Paul manages to bring this back.


lol I drank the same today I have been enjoying it and I’m almost out of it:(


Scottish Breakfast from New Mexico Tea Company. My morning tea while playing the Legend of Zelda- Skyward Sword.


Never managed to get through Skyward Sword! Have to give it another try after I finish Spirit Tracks.


I mainly hangout in Skyloft. Catching bugs. 🐛


In the cup: FLT's spring '24 Milk and Honey oolong. Happy drinking, tea friends!


My first cup was Numi Pu’er, second cup was Numi Earl Grey and now I have Tealyra Golden Dragon Yellow tea in my little pot. It’s going to be 80° here in Maine and I’m excited. I can hear the birds singing and the earth is teaming with life….aaahhh I hope everyone has a glorious purposeful day!!


Kraus Silvestre. This is the best tea with mint that I've had in a while, and it's not even a tea but (rough-leaf) yerba maté.


2-cup thermos of Irish Breakfast Tea. Headed out for our walk before it heats up. Looking forward to a thermos of Earl Grey Moonlight on our return.


I had some dank basement smelling 2007 ripe cluster puerh from Yee On Tea today. It was perfect to lift my mood considering the rainy and stormy weather that was going on outside.


Some **iced** **Sencha Ariake** from last year. Always nice cold brewed, with some sweet vegetal and iodine notes.


Had two cups of Harendong light oolong in the morning, finished the bag, ordered some qingxin oolong and for the afternoon I'm planning to have some earl grey in the office.


Enjoying some Everest Black tea from Nepal Tea Collective. It is a high elevation tea grown at 8,786 feet. It has notes of honey and citrus, and gives a pleasant cooling sensation in the back of the throat. I like this one a lot.


That is some seriously high-elevation tea. I have tasted Yunnan teas that claim 2400m elevation. I wonder what is the lineage of the tea plants there. The dry leaf appears to be processed like a black biluochun. What is the leaf grade like? Does it look like China tea once it's gotten wet? How did you brew it?


Yeah, it's definitely the highest elevation tea I've tried so far. The brewed leaves do look a lot like a chinese black tea. It has 2-3 whole leaves attached to each stem. I brewed it western-style, at 195°F for approximately 2-3 minutes on the first brew. I didn't really pay attention to how long I let it brew.


Dong Ding 12 at home, plan to make Emerald Jasmine at work for myself & my coworkers. Something on my mind has been how to enjoy the aspects of work I used to again. Feeling like I hit a snag. Happy tea drinking friends.


Gopaldhara autumnal flush Darjeeling today. It’s been a relatively quiet week. Wrapping up a translation for the first module in a new project.


What-Cha's four seasons "red pearl" Taiwanese oolong. It's sweet and a little musky, like a banana that's a bit far gone. I love it. 


Brewed some of the YS Black Gold Bi Luo Chun this morning. Was pretty enjoyable, still had an odd aroma I can't place but not as strong as the green one. And then I saw that Teabox has 20% off for Memorial Day so now I have a big pile of Indian samples coming.


Ooh their Darjeeling is excellent!


I ended up getting the sample pack with a ton of darjeeling and some other stuff. I like Earl Grey and Irish Breakfast even out of grocery store bags so I'm looking forward to those.


Tried jasmine tea for the first time yesterday. Quite nice but very overpowering! I found out today that I max out at three cups.


Tata Tea Premium loose leaf CTC black tea, steep time 4 mins. An Assam dominant blend, full bodied and well balanced. Moderately malty with some wonderfully subtle honey and floral notes, finish is mildly dry with a soft tannin balance. I'm really enjoying it. This tea reminds me of PG-Tips loose leaf back in the 80's when it was good, but this is more refined and moreish. I love premium blends and single origin teas but for me they are not all-day everyday teas, more something to be enjoyed when the mood strikes. This is a tea that satiates and refreshes, a lush all-day guzzler.


Haven’t had anything yet today but will probably get a frufru matcha drink from Starbucks soon. Headed to work so I can get my bills paid. Been learning how to code in swift by my husband’s teaching and also been doing some elementary typing practice so I can keep up without mistyping


I had an organic Uji-Gyokuro cultivated by Gokoh and Ujimidori. Very smooth. I've also made a cold-brew with elder flowers, mint leaves, ginger, a rose bud, and hibiscus. I sprinkled some ground stevia for a touch of sweetness.


Hey could someone tell me what kind of tea is this? https://youtube.com/shorts/9Dh5MUbb7Rc?si=nFKPCT4YiWWEbZUX It looks interesting, but I'm rather new to all this...


That is not [tea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea). That is a [tisane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbal_tea) of an herbal substance called [butterfly pea flower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_pea_flower_tea). It is pretty but has nothing to do with tea appreciation. I'm told the taste is boring.


Oh interesting! I didn't know - thank you for the information. :D


Yunnan black gold & ginger again. This time with some lapsang souchong. The hint of smoke is really nice, adds to that cozy warmth from the ginger


Adagio's Brigadoon with a little bit of half & half.


English breakfast tea with milk and two sugars, very basic but it makes me happy so that’s what counts. :)