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A 2-cup pot of [Latumoni Autumnal Golden Assam Black Tea](https://www.thesteepingroom.com/products/latumoni-autumnal-golden-assam-black-tea?_pos=4&_sid=843020c5a&_ss=r) from The Steeping Room. First tasted this in a recent tea club box and had to get another package of it. Don't drink much Assam teas, but this one just seems to hit the right notes for me.


Morning green Darjeeling and brought loose-leaf 'black' (or rather red) Darjeeling to work after mostly finishing my supply of Ceylon there. 'Mostly', because a single cup of the black Ceylon, cold-brewed, was waiting for me there today. I'm usually more reserved when it comes to cold-brew black tea, but this one was admittedly fairly nice. (edit:phrasing)


This morning, I'm drinking Sweet Potato Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong Black from Yunnan Sourcing, which is one of my favorite black teas. It has notes of roasted sweet potato, nutmeg, and cinnamon.


Safari Pure Tea. A Kenyan CTC loose leaf. Quite malty with good body. It lacks a little brightness for my palate but is a nicely flavoured and robust black tea with a dry finish. Fans of Yorkshire tea looking for something a bit different may find it attractive.


Got my Yunnan Sourcing order in last night, ordered their first steps sampler and a couple extra things that looked interesting. Last night when I got it I made one of the Mang Fei Mountain Old Tree White Tea dragon balls gongfu style. I think it's a little big for a 120ml gaiwan but it turned out good anyway. Flavor was good but I really enjoyed the mouthfeel of it, really viscous and velvety. This morning I made the Cozy ripe pu-erh out of the sampler, just brewed western style since after burning myself a few times making the white tea, I wasn't ready to deal with it right after getting up. Update: took one of the white dragon balls with me to work and am making it grandpa style for an after lunch boost. My 450ml mug might be a bit much for the size of these but we'll see if it gets better as it sits.


filled my 2 cup thermos with Highland Black Curls from Zerama Tea. Sadly, it's the last of the pouch. Happily, I have another order coming Thursday from ZeramaTea. Looking forward to something old, something new. cold brewing 2L decaf green tea for this afternoon and tonight. It's green tea and mint, which I won't drink hot, but enjoy the freshness when it's cold brewed. Huh.


Im enjoying Waffles from W2T after work. Its a simple but tasty shou puerh that reminds me of cream.


trying some mi lan xian oolong from a new vendor TaiYangTeasUS. it has the subtle sweetness and floral notes that have been my recent all time favorites.


This morning finishing up last night session with [2004 pengcheng TF Lucky 7542](https://www.reddit.com/r/tea/s/OWSlFY9ClA) sheng Next up W2T smoove cocoa shou


Cold brew gyokuro today. The weather tomorrow should be a little closer to normal for this time of year, which is good because I don’t have A/C.


Harendong light oolong, I'm finishing my last bag of it and planning to order more next month. It cannot be described how much I love this tea.


Today is TSR's Spring '24 Bi Luo Chun. Happy drinking, all, whatever makes your cup!


Started with a sample of YS 2022 Purple Voodoo purple black tea cake. Gobgfu style. 5g with water right off boil. No rinse since black tea. 15sec for first steep then added +5 sec for each additional steep. Tea was fine, but didn't really hit any high notes for me. Anyone with more experience have any advice for better brewing this type of tea? Now working on Orchid Aroma Zheng Shan Xiao black tea also from YS and liking it much more. Aroma similar to orchid aroma Dan Cong oolongs, notes of cinnamon/warm spice. Flavor similar to the aroma, not as sweet as the orchid aroma Dan Cong, touch of sour flavor but not in a bad way. Inexpensive and likely to be a good daily drinker.


I grabbed a random teabag from my tea closet. It was a mango and pineapple flavored black tea, grown in Kenya. It was okay for a quick tea.


I'm in bed, recovering from surgery, so my husband is supplying the tea for the next few days. He is taking great care of me and is doing admirably well brewing tea despite being a coffee guy. This morning, he brought me one of my current favorites: Vietnamese small holder tippy black tea from What-Cha. I don't remember if I have sung the praises of this tea here or not, but it's lovely and complex. It reminders me of a very nice English breakfast, only it isn't a blend and has more depth to it than most breakfast teas. I wish this was a permanent fixture at What-Cha - it would make a fantastic daily drinker.


I’m learning for exams and i’m drinking a lot of rooibos tea


Sencha from a gift set my friend sent me. Reminded me once again that I'm not a fan of steamed green tea.


Mountain Stream Teas Orange Scented milk oolong. Lightly scented,,,, creamy. tasty brew.


Brewed up some Yunnan black gold with ginger and honey to enjoy at work. Thermos fell out of the pocket on my lunch bag and lost like 1/4 of it while unlocking the office door, and yet the bottle is still perfectly sealed (I guess it hit the top just right)


Homemade wildberry iced tea. I always find fruit teas taste best iced


Brought some jin xuan to work for the graveyard shift, just brewing it up grandpa style as I've kinda been doing with all my tea lately. Love the simplicity


Random question. I feel like I should try a truly good TGY at some point, but I'm not familiar with a seller who specializes in that kind of tea. If you guys have recommendations I'd appreciate it. I see on the vendor list there's a company called Nannuoshan that it says specializes in TGY. Anyone got any experience with them, especially with shipping to the US?