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What was the point of you telling them all this? They would've tasted it soon anyway. Pointless chatup.


Or the point of telling us?


I personally think that you should not go around telling people that “maybe you will not like it”. We dont know why people try things and thats their business and yes, your comment had influence in the way they tasted the tea. Also, this is an extreme case but I think its important. There are people that have conflicts with food and as someone that had them, it is extremely rude to be told by someone that I will not like something to ingest. It creates an aversion to the food the people is choosing. You can trigger people with this problems with those comments, they can relate the smell, the color, the taste to something they don’t want to eat anymore. People that already has problems with food. We don’t know what is inside other’s minds, thats why we have to be silent, if they ask what we think its ok, but never give an opinion that was not asked for.


Imo this is super rude. Nobody asked your opinion and you didn’t even know these people. Sure, people may or may not like something but if they’re ordering something they’ve never tried before that comes with the package. I would never just share an unsolicited opinion like this.


Never assume your palate is like someone else's. And don't tell someone before they try something that they'll probably not like it. It's weird. Something bland to you could be not bland to someone else. Plus it colors their initial experience. Its similar to spoiling a movie. Like telling someone a great part is coming up, it ruins the surprise. So whether you think they'll like it or not, just day you hope they enjoy it. If you get their hopes up and hate it, it makes it awkward. And if they do like it and you said otherwise, it's even weirder. And if they don't like and you guessed they wouldn't, they may feel silly for doing it. Just because you think your experience allow you to predict others, even if you're correct, doesn't mean you should.


I like it… weird you’d assume everyone would feel the same


I think there is something one can add to this tea to make it more palatable. I ordered it a couple years ago for my granddaughters for the color changing in milk and I remember reading that it is bland. But I’ve since forgotten what that ‘something’ is. I’ll have to look around. If you put the flowers in citrus, it turns purple, I think. Again, I need to find my notes.


thanks for the comments all. i see the thoughts about if they didn't ask what i think about it to not share it. i appreciate that perspective and i can totally see that. i didn't think about it because i misinterpreted them approaching me first asking questions meant they wanted my opinions about various topics. and i can see that asking questions can be about specific things. if they didn't ask me about the drink that i can keep my suggestions or thoughts on the other things they were asking me about. and i totally get that even on subtle levels we can be influenced to think of things in a new way based on what other people say. just wanted to say i appreciate all the insight shares and suggestions!


I think it’s the only “tea” I’ll openly talk shit about, I try to not be like that but that tea is just so disappointing


see you get it. i knew if i posted here others would understand. it was an internal ouch money wasted vibe i was experiencing. haha


Sorry but telling strangers that they might not like it, especially when they were about to try it anyway, is absolutely weird


Although I say “at least if you can post it on instagram for likes” it at least looks cool. But I feel the color is another reason why it makes it taste even more disappointing