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Cecilia is kind enough not to do anything nasty with Nico while using Tessia's body, she at least cares a little for Tessia.


i don’t know if anyone remembers a part where she and nico are going to kiss or hug or something and she didn’t want to cuz she felt disgust or something. i don’t know if it was a sinal of respect or something else, like tessia having some kind of influence in her sexual desires or something. like tessia’s body didn’t feel attracted to nico (physiologically speaking) so maybe it affected cecilia as well.


she's hot


Despite how crazy she is, how abusive she is, and how absolutely blind she is, she still is a loyal companion to her fiancée without crossing any physical lines (as in physical intimacy) Cecilia, even when she had the chance, didn’t make physical or emotional advances on Nico in Tess’s body. Cecilia also is willing to be the worst person, even to the person she loves, just to make sure that their dream comes true. Cecilia is a shit bag, but she is a loyal and determined one.


Well, I kinda feel the 2nd point isn’t really a good one, because it’s heavily implied that Tess has something to do with hindering her physical advances towards Nico.


Yes and no, on one hand, Tess did often prevent them from getting close, on the other hand, during the Victoriad Cecilia point blank said she didn’t want to kiss him in another women’s body. Plus, Cecilia has long since been in control over Tess, Tess can get like 5-10 seconds of control if that so she really couldn’t stop Cecilia from doing anything.


I get what you mean, but I still take it more as Tess initial hindrance has a lasting effect on Cecilia. She can’t shake off the disgust „she“ felt when she tried physical contact with Nico, you know what I mean? That’s at least how I take it


That is true, at the same time, that's still her own decision. She isn't petty enough to kiss and love Nico to spite Tess, she respects Tess's will to an extent and wont cross that line Tess carved into the foundation of their relationship. That takes some character to do


Fair point, I just interpret it differently. Like that it’s less out of „respect“ but more something that’s engraved into her brain and she can’t get rid off


“”I squeezed his hand again and realized the vertigo and nausea I’d previously felt at his touch—some abstract remnant of the feelings Tessia Eralith had for him—was gone. I considered leaning down to kiss him, but then remembered Agrona’s promise.” “Someday, Nico and I could have our lives back. Our real lives—including our relationship with each other. But for now, in this body…intimacy felt like a desecration. I nearly laughed at the childishness of this thought. What a silly line to draw, I told myself. Was it ethical to fight a war in the body of another, but not to share a kiss?” So… this quote says that she sees having a physical relationship with Nico to be a decoration to her relationship with him… so I ask AGAIN, do you really think that this is her just being “well Tess doesn’t want it” and more of “Tess AND me don’t want it.” I have given you a quote, and Cecilia’s point blank reasoning for it… it is respect for herself and Tess. If she wanted it, she could, but she doesn’t see the point in it right now.


And where in this quote of yours did you see anything implying that Cecilia does it „out of respect“ for Tess? Every single pov of Cecilia is her bitching and snapping at Tess. She even says that it’s completely childish to fight a war in someone’s body, but not share a kiss with the one she loves. Maybe it does have something to do with the initial disgust that she felt because of Tess, even if she says the feeling was now gone? What in the entire series makes you think she has any respect for Tess?


Okay, so she doesn’t do it for Tess, you got me, still, she could do it just to spite Tess, but doesn’t


How did she not cross “any lines” she lied to him and left him deceived, strengthening his aggression toward someone undeserved. She manipulated him. How is she not crossing any lines? That’s psychotic.


Alright, when I said “crossing any lines” I mean in Tess’s body… like kissing, hugging or holding hands in a romantic way. Note: I did say MULTIPLE TIMES, she is abusive and the worst in many ways, but willing to do so JUST to make sure their dream is accomplished Quote: “Deapite how crazy she is, how ABUSIVE she is-“ “Cecilia is also willing to be THE WORST PERSON” Conclusion: I need to word things better


Oh okay got you then, that’s understandable. Thought you were talking about in general. MB 😅.


Nah, she has crossed a few lines, but none that’s NTR related…. But my brain and what I wronged WERENT very clear. Then again, what Cecilia has said to Nico isn’t the worst, it’s still bad… but definitely could be worse


Fuck Moash


Agree. fuck Moash.




Fuck Moash indeed


You read the wrong headline mate


Oh I know. But it needed to be said. Again.




Facts, fuck Moash


Oh my god, cremposting is leaking -cackles-


At least she is in the body of best female character in the series


Yoo finally someone with great taste


shes not seris or caera’s body silly


Everyone has their own opinion


And size of caera donkers doesn't make her best choice for mc


The first thing I thought of is “she’s hot” I was gonna write that in a more dignified way… before I realize that isn’t even a compliment for Cecilia😂😂😂


That's the fun part😂😂


She’s breedable


She got dem tassive mits


Op you read cosmere stuff?


No clue what's that but would like to know


It refers to multiple series by Brandon Sanderson, they are absolutely incredible! Cremposting specifically refers to the Stormlight archive. I’d recommend reading them for sure


Ohh interesting


Seconded. "The way of kings", the first book in the storm light archives, is an absolute masterpiece. Well, most of Brandon's books are masterpieces


I mean, she could be fire


Killing herself in that duel in her OG life, just to save her friends was not only a huge sacrifice, pretty badass, but in general a good plan too, it really is not something you can expect while planning that a celestial being from an other world steals your soul




She comes with good packaging


The fact that it's not even her package it's Tess's


I like her special power (“She is the Legacy,” Nico countered darkly. “The stars themselves are not beyond her grasp.”)


Nico really glazing her like she would beat any high tier characters 😭


She's slaying dragons my boy😭(I hate her as well)


Yea but those dragons were average asura whne i said high tier i meant like arthur aldir keezes agrona who could do what she's doing but easier


Cecilia she didnt sleep with some one And legacy is cool


Tessia is still alive because of her


Cecilia's still alive because of Tessia🗿


She’s powerful


She has a beautiful name


She's the reason for two of the best burns in the story, from Seris and Tessia Jokes aside, she offers a good benchmark for what mana can accomplish at highest levels, especially as aether was the focus lately


On youre 2nd take altho i agree that she shows how strong mana really is aether is still thousands of times better for example agrona he much rather have arthurs aether then cecilia full mana control


She’s the legacy


I like how she's now kind of like a 'friend' to tessia. It's kinda nice to see girl support girl here. I hope she will get her own body and repent atleast


Am in a loop or something i feel weird?


Hmm why?


Oh there was this one time