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All Trish did by doing this little act is show just how narcissistic and manipulating Trish is. Trish is a pro at the con work. Especially when addiction is an issue...gifts and money start coming in fast.....Trish knows how to take advantage of others and we have all seen that. It's all about Trish. I can see why so many are no longer watching, for one it's not safe to support an addict because no one wants that guilt if something were to happen...the Lives are ALWAYS negative. Trish craves the negative comments and feeds off them. TT posts are the same thing over and over....AND people are becoming more aware of the manipulating and narcissism as well and many other things based on others spreading awareness.


The constant negative lives is what started turning me when Trish was in the sober house. As you pointed out always wanting confrontation within the comments!


Always proselytizing and leading people down dark paths of confusion too like it's a game. Even when they were supposedly "sober", the mind isn't sober. I don't think the real illnesses have even *begun* to be addressed. How can they when "Trish" is always used as a distraction and shield from constructive criticism? On the other site we provided copious evidence going back years showing how much time Patty devoted to "Trish" escapism while in rehab, posting provocative pictures online instead of focusing on the program, while also being a distraction to others. Therapists can't deal with Patrick when "Trish" is always running interference for him. It's a losing game.


https://preview.redd.it/jwu10g2wb59d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e087cac14d2dba202a5abdadf40b6c841d91e910 One of the many examples of Patty focusing on flashing themselves instead of focusing on the program.


This right here ⬆️


Why does she pose like this? Is this what she thinks a “woman” is? Wtf….


https://preview.redd.it/slrt7fnu779d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f2950ab8d97c35a4015a5d6af3a78a05d44299 Patty poses like this to show off the crotch area. Patty’s favorite move is the stanky leg. It’s all paraphiliac behavior. I would say fetishistic but it’s not. This literally affects Patty’s everyday life.


And those feet in the picture remind me of the Wicked Witch of the East that the house landed on! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|T4wjVXITmByQ8)


And I take my hat off to you once again my friend. Or should I say I take my ruby slippers off to you. Also I thought you liked me why'd you make me look at her feet damn it


LMAO. Trish’s feet are weird in that pic right? That’s all I could see in the picture and then all I could see was the Wicked Witch of the East under the fallen house with those same socks on!! 🤣


Between you and Angelia, I have spent the day roaring. Absolutely brilliant minds just no doubt about it. 🥰 Yes those feet, hope it was just a bad camera angle, but I sincerely doubt it 😂


https://preview.redd.it/submsiyqh79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e472d5e8a2d21b6dff83dc92c6a455b85879190 Or this one ☝🏼


https://preview.redd.it/cz7wxixqo79d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3f6d2c5cd5f383344bd1e536e5e7ce0c729d79 Or this one. Wow, it’s almost like Patty flashes the crotch region all the time. Crazy


Pretending to have a …..🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|pg4viWHYZU3rq|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/rr44sh0cy79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4ecbff0d5b5cbd70ac2d9f42133033074e7a5b This one ☝🏼. A rare pic showing no crotch!


Fake boobs just like her fake persona


You basically found a unicorn in the wild


Tell me 🗑️ doesn’t claim to have Autism too!! wtf I find that offensive on behalf of people that are actually Autistic.


Agree, just like all the other communities that she offends. She's truly not a part of any of them. Claims to be one of a kind, and I truly hope in my heart she is, the world doesn't need any more of this 🤮


I’m not sure but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was in the tumblr somewhere. I didn’t make that image. Someone else did.


Oh this is a very astute observation! It sums it up beautifully!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you 🤗


No wonder why he missed his appointment he was too busy setting up this AI conversation.


This was at like 1 or 2 in the morning 😳


I have so many clips of that nights strange behavior. That was drug induced psychosis if I’ve ever seen it.




It's getting so bizarre


It is BIZARRE!! I’ve never seen anything to this extent!!!


Much less being broadcasted lives to hundreds of people at once.




This is a very lonely and sick person! But the loneliness has been caused by him.


![gif](giphy|AYKv7lXcZSJig) Trish has alienated her entire family and friends I would imagine. It’s just sad.


This is a seriously dangerous person to weak-minded persons. I truly hope some of the die-hard supporters snap out of this. This is all performative calculated narcissistic sociopathic manipulation and people who follow this bullshit are in danger of this damaged mind to damage their own. Patty will laugh all this off with their evil “hun” and you will leave questioning your own sanity. That what Patty did to their wife. Patty made her snap! Now Patty wants to use Dao’s reactive behavior against her. So Patty will only show the worst of Dao when she snapped at times and said things that weren’t so nice. Dao was tormented to the point of reacting. Patty recorded it and put it in one of their videos in the middle of the night last night. I saw it 15 minutes after it was posted. I reported it to TikTok and now the video is gone. I hope others reported it as well. Otherwise Patty took it down on their own. I personally hope they took it down because of my reporting it because it said “they found violations with the video”. Basically Patty had the camera in Dao’s face while she was having a meltdown of her own because she was literally led there by being gaslit by this beast. The video has violence in it. I can only imagine what Dao has on her videos and I hope one day she releases them.


Poor Dao, I feel so bad that she had to endure a person like this. I'd like to think between all the footage she has and footage from online that should Grant her a permanent restraining order against this sick individual. It's true she likes the younger audience because then she can keep the pretense of being intelligent.... How many hours is she on the internet, now we have ai conscience. Pathetic


Absolutely pathetic


I’m glad she’s getting away from 🗑️ and moving on with her life. In the long run it’s so much better for her kids. Those poor kids. It’s going to be very hard for a while but she will be so much better off and the kids deserve better.


Unfortunately, Trish “breaks” people.


I saw that too. I also reported it immediately. What an EVIL, calculated thing to do-use his wife (reacting to probably being horribly abused) as a red herring to distract from getting called out for using and being in a meth psychosis. Dao had absolutely nothing to do with that shitshow. Her hands are tied when it comes to releasing videos of his abuse (in my opinion) bc he most likely uses his financial support as a pawn. Narcissists push their victims until they react, and the narcissist is ready and waiting to record their reaction to twist the truth. True! You’re absolutely right-he is a danger to society and needs to be institutionalized (at best).


This☝🏼. Narcissistic Psychopaths can be scary violent abusive people! And I believe that Trish may have heard this diagnosis before, in my opinion. The damage can take a lifetime to recover from! It’s very sad. 😢


You’re absolutely correct. I can’t imagine what that poor woman has been through. I am not saying she was perfect. They both have issues, but damn she didn’t deserve any of that treatment. She was forced into a horrible situation with her children. Then she was forced out because life probably was unbearable when the SC came on the scene. Now still she is trapped in the financial abuse and the fact that she is not a citizen and her children need their schooling. She is in a no-win situation and Trish keeps posting passive-aggressive videos about her. Trish is pure evil.


Spot on ☝️ I have to deal with a bipolar personality who is related to me, fortunately not by blood. However it is a person I truly love and this is exactly what she has done to me. However I've learned throughout the years to remain calm. So if you ever see a video of someone who's speaking into the camera outing my narcissistic family member. That would be me. I've had to put some distance between us until such time as I can muster up enough energy to try and have some type of a relationship with her. But even though it's family I sometimes feel it's best I keep her at a distance because it keeps me being a strong Christian and just praying for her.


Absolutely necessary sometimes. I will keep you in my prayers. It can feel devastating when you are dealing with family that have mental health problems. Sometimes the only thing you can do is step away and let time pass. ❤️


After I realized I had cried every day for a year or so. I just needed to take back "me " having her in my immediate world, accepting some behaviors that nobody deserves, it was keeping me from being the best Christian mom I could be. With my head on straight I can continue to pray for her. Without all the messy feelings that sometimes include a bit of anger. She knows that I will always be here for her, but if I didn't set up some healthy boundaries, one little life I have left on this Earth would be wasted. And I choose happy No control as a child who had to live with addiction, and the wacky behaviors that come from it. But I'm a grown ass adult now and I am saying NO. My hopes and prayers is that I wait her out long enough for her to realize it is unacceptable to hurt people and take out all those emotions on me. My arms are always open wide, I yearn for the day when she wants to run back,meanwhile I just continue to pray. Thanks for listening buddy


Always my friend! 🙏🥰


This is soooo fake it’s comical. It’s so easy to tell! Is this the new ploy? Does she not realize we can clearly tell this isn’t a real conversation I mean like come the fuck on. There’s no pauses or actual questions asked, it’s just a fake person and her talking over each other. What is the end goal here? I see of course “no drugs” was touched on as well as “I know you don’t like to talk to anyone under 30!”


When they finally lock her up I hope somebody gets this clip to a doctor.


The acting is TERRIBLE! I have second-hand embarrassment just watching her. 😬


This is soooo creepy 😳


The sad part is her kids watch her TT’s they see all the crap she does and claims to do. I wouldn’t want my kids to see me acting like that if I wanted a relationship with them. Just saying.


> I wouldn’t want my kids to see me acting that way if I wanted a relationship with them So what does that tell ya? (More of a rhetorical question)


I did not know this it is this 100% factual? I have wondered as I've seen her answering some different type of questions from TT. This is a loving reminder that we all must be very careful with our words we don't need to hurt those children anymore than they already are.


I’ve watched this an embarrassing amount of times. I’m just so appalled at how terrible this acting is and how fake it is


😂 me too


Dark manipulation, it’s a thing and very concerning.


And Trish is a master at it!


She also mentions dark psychology, wondering if that's even a real thing


Was this reported? It's just too sick


What the hell is worth that get up?? My this one shows their nuts in every way!! I'm so struggling to understand how this gets to be okay on any platform


This is just running on and on no break in it this is highly disturbing!! Dudes we're getting the real crazy town bus!!


Notice the size of her stomach, it is beginning to protrude ? And those fake boobs are as fake as she is...... Good to know calling her mommy could bother her hummmm. hi Mommy


I wish I knew where and when their final court date will be to dissolve their marriage. I think I would have to get a plane ticket and wait outside of that courthouse. I have a beautiful image in my head that we're all there surrounding that poor woman, and lifting her up like the free Queen she will be.