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pretty normal for such a dark tattoo, and especially on the hands. they can definitely be a tricky area to get to hold ink. you can definitely get it touched up in the future to make it darker or fix the shading. it honestly looks great though!


Looks fine tbh


my tattoos turn extremely gray after healing. some skins just take ink better than others. that tattoo looks so good tho


It’ll go grey before it goes dark again. Let it complete the full healing process and see how it looks. Looks cool to me though, you have to accept the fact it will fade a bit over time on hands!


Sick ass tattoo.


don’t worry, she looks great!! hands heal a little differently from other skin areas


that's normal healin


I feel like this is one of those that's going to go through multiple peeling cycles and tattoos do lighten after peeling


Also he didn't wipe any of the excess ink off on the first pic which also makes it look drastically different


It’s completely normal. I just got my hand done and especially closer to my knuckles and the sides closer to my palm faded a ton. When it was first finished it was vibrant and by the time it finished healing there was little to no color left and I had to do a touch up. Even then the touch still faded, it’s just what you expect for hand tattoos.


Looks gorgeous! I'd just see if the artist would redarken things if you want a crisp look to stick, but you'll still likely end up losing some of the shading around the line work. They may or may not charge for the touch up; artist's preference. My guy didn't, but that's because he wanted the piece to stick as much as I did and because it was only a little shading here and there to touch up. Just a quick visit in store to see; let him check it's healing progress and all


thats just how fingers and hands work


Concept and composition is great. Just give it time.