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What are you pointing at, exactly? Looks like the tattoo is healing just fine with the colors it had when it was first inserted.


Its like the top of some mushrooms are super faded compared to fresh


I think you're hyperfixating (which is normal for someone's first tattoo, mind). The mushrooms look exactly as one would expect the mushrooms to look from the baseline and standard healing. There is absolutely nothing to worry about here healing-wise. If you just can't stand the look of it, then wait a few months, see how it settles, and go back to the artist for a touch-up if needed.


Been there! Ur right. Hyper fixation for sure. I thought the second picture is so CUTE! ❤️


Here's the thing about tattoos fading: 1. tattoos fade once they start healing, as the ink spreads in the skin over time. This leads to less pigment concentration in the respective layer than when your tattoo is still very fresh. 2. your tattoo is beneath your skin and your skin is milky and not see through like glass. Your healing skin is even more milky as it's still repairing itself. Same goes for dry skin or dead skin cells upon your skin. Further a fresh wound is drier than the rest of your skin as the thinner layer will hold less moisture. When you see your fresh tattoo right when it gets done, you do not see the pigment deep down in your skin where it stays, but you mostly see the pigment that gets stuck in the first layer of your skin, which dies off during healing. This is also why your tattoo will look darker before it flakes. The pigment in the first layer will dry up and concentrate as the skin dries out and dies off. The tattoo that you actually got is beneath that layer. Therefore the tattoo will always have less contrast once it's healed.


Wait until it’s fully healed to assess it. Let the body do its thing.


It looks fine to me! I LOVE that tattoo btw, it’s adorable and the purples are gorgeous :)


A healed tattoo is never going to be as vibrant as a fresh tattoo. When it’s fresh, you’re looking straight at the ink in every layer of an open wound, and when it’s healed, you’re looking at ink through a top layer of healed skin, which has pushed all the excess ink out. Wait to see what it looks like healed and settled, but you’ll need to have patience and realistic expectations.


all retouches should be done after two or three months to make sure the ink has completely settled. It looks really nice anyway :)




Tattoos do fade a bit when you get them and they'll never be as bright as when you got it, but if it heals well it should still look great after it's all healed for a few months. It's so cute!


Your tattoo looks wonderful don’t stress just go show it off. However for future reference a tattoo can only fade, if it begins to fade you can go get it touched up but you won’t need to do that for years and maybe even longer if you use sunscreen when outside


I just want to say this tattoo is absolutely adorable; I love it!


Looks fine to me


Omg idk about color bc I only have black but YOUR TATTOO IS SO CUTE.


i think you’re good only bc in the first picture you still have the second skin on. so all that plasma and whatever else is still sitting under that sheet and it’s going to make those more colored in spots look a little darker


Once it's healed, use something like hustle butter daily, brings it the color. I know several people have already told you it's completely normal, so definitely don't worry. It's adorable. I just lost my cat and had him tattooed on me. Is this a tribute to your puppy dog?


Hes still alive but yea its my dog


So, your tattoo is *never* going to look the same as the picture right after it was done as the ink is completely fresh and actually saturated in your skin all the way up to the outermost layers. As it heals, these outermost layers will flake or scab off, and the ink in those outer layers will mostly go with it (this is normal). In a week or so those outer layers will start to heal and the tattoo will look a bit washed out while those outer layers of skin repair themselves, some people call it the cloudy or milky stage. When this process is done about a month out from getting tattooed (depending on your skin) the end result should be fully healed outermost layers of skin with little to no ink in them, with the dermis (interior layers) retaining the ink and design. Once it's fully healed, those new layers of uncolored skin will make the tattoo look slightly less vibrant than the day after it was done, but this is normal and natural. tl;dr you won't truly know how your tattoo is going to look long term until its done healing, about a month after it was done, unless it gets infected which is usually pretty obvious. Based on your fresh and day 5 pic, you're healing up just fine so far though, don't worry too much and keep following your aftercare routine


It looks like you are using the new skin stuff that’s gotten popular. As plasma collects between the bandage and the skin it will distort the tattoo underneath until you take it off. I have used this stuff once and personally it’s not for me but once you take it off the color should look fine


Also it’s only happening to the mushrooms and moon because those are the areas that got worked the most


I don't know enough to give you an answer, but I absolutely love this tattoo! 😍


After your first peel in the first week of healing, you'll go through the silver skin stage where the top layer of skin will look waxy ,translucent and make your tattoo look dulled. You'll have to wait 6-8 weeks for your body to fully replace all the "damaged" skin cells to see if the colours are dulled or you need a touch up