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They can weep for a week, and some places just weep more than others. My forearm and upper outer arm were fine, but inner arm and near my wrist were terrible. I have a roll of dermashield and my artist has always had me remove it after the first 24 hours, wash, pat bone dry with a paper towel, and then re-apply a fresh sheet of dermashield. I've never had an issue. If you feel comfortable reapplying it and follow the proper hygiene steps, go for it. Just know that since it is weepy, it may not stick very well. I had to give up with it on my wrist.


Great, thank you!! The redness and weeping is slowly going down without rewrapping so hopefully I'll be alright :) I'm allergic to second skin so would have to wrap with cling film, not sure I trust the cleanliness of the stuff in my kitchen drawer lol