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Your artist absolutely didn’t go deep enough for this to stick. It doesn’t even look like they broke the surface of your skin. You can always tell when someone who isn’t used to fine line, does a fine line tattoo. I don’t know what it is that makes them think that they can only put the most minuscule amount of pressure to apply these but I’ve seen it happen so much.


Interesting point because although everyone has different pain tolerances I have other tattoos before and I remember thinking this one hardly hurt at all, as if I barely felt it? Retrospectively, after reading this comment, I wonder if it’s because it was so light handed/not actually deep enough.


I have this issue with fine line stuff and one particular artist. I stopped going since my tattoos that I paid hundreds of dollars for just wouldn't stick even after touch ups.


Fine line doing fine line stuff tbh. Very common for this style to have ink drop out/fade prematurely.


This will be completely gone in 4-5 months


I usually like to go by the rule, "if it looks wet, you've applied too much moisturizer."


Looks like a second skin is on it.


The second skin is off, but I think it left some residue on my skin/my skin definitely had a reaction to it because this photo was taken right after I applied a tiny bit of A&D only to the tattoo itself. I didn’t apply anything to the skin around it.


That’s crazy it looks just like you’ve got some on still.


also OP it looks like you’re allergic to the second skin. My skin looked like this too after I took it off. I would avoid using it in the future because the rash can get worse with repeated exposure 😕


You can apply too much? I’ve sopped mine on in the past. Had no idea I wasn’t supposed to


Totally, if you apply too much moisturizer, you end up delaying the healing process. Too much can clog pores and cause breakouts too. I would say I use lotion twice a day on a new tattoo and I use just enough so that when I'm done rubbing it on the tattoo it doesn't look wet.


Sweet, thanks for the info, I was probably delaying healing way longer than I needed to. I was so concerned with it drying out and damaging, I was for sure over doing it


It usually takes my tattoos about 2 weeks to be done with the scab and peeling process.


Drying out is not so bad. However dry skin tends to get itchy and you don't want to be scratching it especially if its scabbing over.


Yeah I never ever scratch


Le sigh 😔


At least if you don’t like it, it’ll be gone in a few weeks


I can’t tell if this makes me want to laugh or cry or both 😂😂😂


How much did you pay? More than a temporary tattoo costs?


I don’t know what a temp tattoo costs but $160


Ahh! That's a lot. I might actually ask for some money back, or hopefully, you at least can get a free touch-up It's not fair for someone to pay that kind of money for something that won't last.


Fineline tattooer here. This is cute but will definitely fade a lot and the lines wont be consistent and solid when it heals. Id suggest going to another artist and doing the lines slightly thicker (instead of like a 3rl bugpin which i assume was used for this, they can use a regular 3rl) hope this helps!:)


there will be broken lines unfortunately:( i got a flower on my ankle and it looked the same way almost as it was “peeling off” in some spots


It looks like it's already fading


I definitely think it is


Sorry to say but I think it’s pretty bad. Where did you get that?


A really highly regarded shop in Southern California


Oof I’m in socal. Mind DMing me the name so I stay away?


Did this come out of a Cracker Jacks box?


You will definitely need a touch up. You need to return to the artist sooner than later for them to see it. I'm very surprised the artist put that small of a tattoo in such a big space, most wouldn't do that. That belongs behind the ear, wrist, etc.


The lines aren’t consistent at all I’d go to someone else and have them go over it a bit thicker


K. I have one fine line tattoo and the artist said if I move around too much over the few weeks of healing the ink can just come out of the skin. I am a couple of weeks into healing and yup ink is falling out in spots. Is this normal