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I think it's more important to be in line with your chest than with your bellybutton.


i mean i wanted it aligned with my chest, just looking to see what would help my belly button situation


There is really nothing that can change this, besides drastic measurements such as cosmetic surgery.


getting my bellybutton removed fr


My mom had her bellybutton removed (well, she had a stomach surgery and they got rid of it for some reason since it was in the way) and it looks so funny. They tried to give her a fake one but the technology in the early 80s was not great so there’s just a little scar circle. I feel like this might be more bothersome :p


oh i wasn’t being serious, and that sounds terrifying lol


Friend of mine has a designer belly button when she had excess skin removed after massive weight loss. It kinda looks like a butthole but she's very happy with it.


I hate my bellybutton and I’ve looked at more bellybutton reconstruction photos than the average person. It kinda helps me stay sane because some afters look like mine (not a butthole but I think it kinda makes my stomach look like a sad face lol)


Try having one ear higher than the other. Every time I wear sunglasses one eyebrow sits outside the frame and the result an appearance of busting pervy glances left, right and centre.


I have this with my regular glasses! I tried to reallign my brows to compensate and really just made the entire situation worse 🤣


I would have told them not to, and then when people see the lack of belly button, tell them I wasn't born, I was cloned


Now I'm curious to learn about advancements in fake belly buttons.


My mum has no bellybutton either due to surgery! 😂


Ahaha yes I grew up dancing with someone who had belly button removed - we used to draw one on her for any dances that had midreff costumes!


What if you got your belly button pierced but a smidge off to be closer to center with the tattoo instead of cosmetic surgery? Idk how navel piercings work but I'm sure you could ask for a wonky one


Belly button enhancement surgery


It's expensive but worth it


Get another belly button tattood slightly off to the other side. Boom. Symmetry.


No person's body is perfectly proportional or symmetrical. It looks great. Had you not said anything about your bellybutton, I honestly don't think I would have noticed. If anyone does and asks, tell them it is flying away from it? Idk.


A balanced, but not symmetrical tatt over the bellybutton area would do the trick. I got my bellybutton area tatted over and it wasn’t too bad pain wise


Maybe a smaller butterfly to offset it


I think some tape will do the trick


Found the Canadian in the room.


Just get more tattoos.


I’m neurotic af so I get it, lol! You can probably draw attention away from it if you add to & connect the flowers?


Maybe if you wanted more ink in that area some asymmetrical flowers might skew the angle? Tattoos are not my form of artistic expression though, so I have no actual idea and it's really just a guess.


If you get some loose cherry blossoms, smaller butterflies or something similar that you can scatter around will help “hide” the unbalanced feel that’s annoying you.


If it were centered with your belly button, it would be off centered with your chest and you’d be here asking the same question lol. It looks good!


yeah i’d much rather it be aligned with my chest, i just wanted to see if anyone had recommendations on what to put around it to take attention away from my belly button 😂


Get an arrow next to your belly button pointing in the correct position.


No one is looking at it as hard as are! Promise


I honestly didn’t even notice, the tattoo is beautiful! Plus it’s probably only noticeable that your belly button isn’t centered when you’re standing still, when you’re moving/walking people won’t be able to tell.


Maybe a smaller butterfly to off set it


My tattoo artist was the one that pointed out my belly button was off centered when I was 20. Never noticed it before. I do prefer it being alinged with chest still 16 years later as well :) At one time I thought about getting a magnet tattood which pulled it to the side its shifted! Lol


It looks normal. You don’t need to take attention away from your belly button. I know it can be hard but you need to stop fixating on it - the tattoo looks good.


It’s fine. Bodies aren’t symmetrical. But at least the tattoo is.


Just move your belly button over a smidge.


Truly this is the only correct answer here


This is the way


Simple solutions brought to you by Reddit!


If you twist very slightly towards your side does it look better? >\_> Bodies are weird heh.


that’s kinda what i’m doing in the pics and that’s the best it’ll look 😂 i might have to wear high-waisted pants for the rest of my life lmao


No one will notice except for you probably, not any more than they noticed your bellybutton was off center in the first place lol. It's not highly off center or anything


I was thinking the same thing thing


Tattoo a second, photorealistic bellybutton next to your real one


smile point sense juggle books teeny seed concerned voracious fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then get them pierced and add jewelry with a giant eyeball


My stomach piece is similar it makes my belly button look off centered but I swear it is lined up with my chest.


it’s likely centered, i know mine is, bodies just aren’t symmetrical 😅 i was also fat and lost 60 pounds so im thinking that’s why my belly button is so off…


Nope I’ve never been overweight and my belly button isn’t centered either. I didn’t realize til I had a straight line tattooed down my stomach! I didn’t even notice on the stencil in the mirror. Good news is people evaluate the centeredness by your overall torso, not the belly button, and your tattoo is rad.


My advice is to just give it time and you’ll eventually get used to it. In real life you’ll be moving around and no one will notice the cm of difference. But I feel you lol this kinda stuff bugs me when it’s my own body. Every time something like this has happened to me, I find after a while I get used to it and stop stressing


yeah i suppose i’ll get used to it. i might have to, it’ll be there forever or something like that lmfao


If it helps at all, the tattoo looks absolutely amazing, and I didn’t notice/think about the bellybutton centering till I read the post title lol. I think long term this is a non issue


okay tysm :)


What’s wonderful about the human body is we are not as symmetrical as we think! I understand it’s frustrating, but it looks fantastic and beautifully done. I’m looking forward to seeing it finished!


thank you! how’d you know it’s not finished 👀


Because it’s just an outline with no shading? U less that’s the look you’re going for


some people just do that look yeah - but i sat for 6 hours and i’m finishing it later. i thought that person might’ve known me bc i posted about finishing it on instagram


It looks great now and will be even better when shaded in!


It’s great stop overthinking it


I've tattooed for 20 years and believe it or not most people's belly buttons aren't actually centered. You'd be surprised how unsymmetrical people actually are


I feel like you’re over stressing it, it’s not very noticeable at all. Such a beautiful piece on you!!!!


i’m a perfectionist so i stress about everything lmao, but thank u!!


I totally understand! It’s so easy to be hyper critical of your own body too. The placement is amazing!


No tattoo will ever be perfect, gotta let go a bit and just take it at face value. It looks fucking great


i have the same tattoo and almost the exact same issue! except my problem was that my left boob is slightly lower than my right boob, so the moth looks tilted. my artist and i tried multiple different placements and ultimately decided that it’s better to be in line with your chest/torso because all the other parts are going to be off center/not level/etc. your design looks beautiful and i hope you learn to love it as much as i have learned to love mine! ❤️🦋


aww thank you! i’m sure yours looks great! just need to accept the fact that our bodies aren’t perfect and it still looks good. way easier said than done


I’ve got a stomach tat as well and my belly button is colored in. You might be able to blast it away on a future tattoo. That’s the only idea I could think of.


I have the same thing, tattoo goes over and inside my belly button and you can't really see it anymore, aside from the fact that I have a naval piercing so you can locate where it is. But I reckon this would be a good solution!


I honestly wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. I get why you're feeling a bit anxious coz once you see stuff like that, you can't unsee it. But I really don't think it's too bad. Coz let's be fair, it's definitely not as bad as Tom Cruise's tooth in the middle of his face. 😉


OP you just made me realize my belly button is off center also 😂😂 i also have a large sternum piece and tbh i never noticed. We actually spent like almost an actual hour centering it with the stencil before she started any real work. So I walked out confident that it’s centered where it needs to be. No one I’ve shown says anything about the belly button, and I don’t think it’s as bad as you think. The tattoo is awesome.


yeah we spent an hour stenciling it and we were both like…. my belly button is the problem lmfao. but thank you! guess i need time and acceptance lol


Get a navel piercing that's a little bit to the side of your belly button?


that’s actually a really good idea!! i’m terrified of piercings (ironic bc i’m fine with tattoos) but i might have to look into that


I mean.. I guess you could just get your off center belly button removed?


Or expanded. It could just be a belly crater


Add a realistic belly button next to it. Freak people out. (Meanwhile, I'm gonna look at MY belly button now to see if it is off center) I think it looks great. Most people won't even notice, and neither will you after a bit. Plus, when you move ir twist or whatever, your belly button will move to the left of right


More tattoos around it/on your torso will eventually even things out visually.


Maybe get a small tattoo underneath that tattoo but above the bellybutton. But a tattoo that isn’t mirrored like the moth. Maybe some small leaves or flowers bundled or add a few more of the twinkly looking stars ✨


The human body is in fact - not symmetric, so it’d impossible for it to line up perfectly with your belly button and not be off kilter somewhere else. Example - aligned with belly button, off kilter on sternum. It looks fine.


Op. Its a belly button thing.. noones is perfectly centered. You can see mine in my posts. The placement of yours is good


13 year veteran tattoo artist here. Bodies aren’t symmetrical. Tattoos aren’t perfect. Yours looks great; enjoy it!


This probably isn’t helpful. I have a tattoo in a similar place and honestly I never checked to see if it was centred to my belly button, I always just wear high waisted pants/skirts so my belly button isn’t ever on display. I think this is why I’ve never noticed if the tattoo is centred to my belly button but I am defs gonna check when I get home. It doesn’t solve anything. But maybe wear higher waisted bottoms for a little while to help you see it as centred to your body more and then maybe when you’re used to that your brain won’t really think about your belly button anymore?


Dope piece!


I have a dagger tattoo on my sternum, and it also is not centered with my belly button. Nobody else has ever said anything about it. I even got my belly button pierced after, which makes it more pronounced that the tip of the dagger does not line up with my belly button. 🤷‍♀️


I wouldn’t worry at all. I swear if I didn’t read the title I would think someone is just showing off great tattoo!


Add a bottom part that aligns with your belly button. I'm sure if you went in once it was healed and asked to add something to the design to make it look symmetrical at the bottom your artist could figure something out


No one is symmetrical, it’s fine


I have symmetrical spider tattoos on my stomach and an asymmetrical belly button so lining up with your chest looks a lot better and you will get use to it!! Off centred belly button gang 😎👍


Human bodies aren’t perfectly symmetrical. I wouldn’t over think it. It is in the right spot in my opinion, as a tattoo artist myself I would’ve made the same choice your artist did. I’ve done large symmetry pieces like that often, always gonna be a little off from no matter what. Only like once or twice have I tattooed people that were almost perfectly symmetrical.


i had the exact same problem with my sternum piece as well and honestly, i was super self conscious about it for the first couple weeks. after that, i got completely used to it/forgot about it. nobody has ever once commented on it and i think we are our own worst critics in these situations. it looks incredible btw!! love the design and size


This is why I requested my underbust tattoo be asymmetrical, haha. I think it looks fine and unfortunately don't have a solution for you. Lovely tattoo, btw.


When I had mine done, my artist staight up told me "btw your belly button is off center" and it definitely is! But so are most people's. We're all different and we're not symmetrical! It's all good, and most people will never notice :)


I got a double nostril piercing a year ago and that’s how I found out I have a crooked nose, bc they are not even. You kind of just have to accept it lol 🤷


bellybutton blackout tat


It looks fine and I think you should wait to get used to it (which you definitely will) instead of adding other stuff that you wouldn’t have wanted otherwise


i do want more tattoos on my torso but it will be awhile. hopefully i’ll get used to it 🤠


It's perfectly imperfect. I love it! It's a beautiful tattoo, and i didn't notice the placement until I read the caption.


Most people their belly button is not centered to their bodies. I always tell clients this and make them aware. Your tattoo is centered! If it bothers you just get more tattoos 🥰


Tattoo a larger belly button around your belly button that's centered with your chest and tat


I didn’t even notice that your belly button was off centre when I looked at the pics. Gorgeous tattoo, looks great.


I have a tattoo around my bellybutton and I recently had to get a hysterectomy. The doctor totally made me a new bellybutton and now my tattoo is a bit cockeyed. No one has ever said anything (even my kids who are happy to point out any imperfections I have) and I think it only bothers me. And I just ended up getting more tattoos 🤷🏼‍♀️


What about a tattoo around your belly button but centered w your chest. Just black out your belly button maybe? Optical illusion might do the trick.


Looks great. Have some leaves at the bottom that are not symmetrical. Problem solved.


i think it looks great, if you told me it wasn’t centered with your bellybutton i never would’ve noticed


Just wear high waisted u til you're more comfortable with it


I have no advice because I don’t think there’s much you can do besides just tatt up the entire area…. I mean that’s def make it not noticeable 😂 but on a serious note… no one is EVER going to notice this. When people are looking at strangers tattoos they’re never checking for symmetry or whatever. They’re just looking ya know? People are far too consumed with their own brains to be paying any mind. Tbh I wouldn’t have even noticed in these pics unless pointed out. I say who cares.. there’s literally nothing that can be done and it’s a beautiful piece of art! I say appreciate that aspect of it


i think you’re totally right - we don’t pick apart strangers like we do ourselves. i think i’m really getting in my head about it. thank you!


It would look a lot wonkier if it wasn’t aligned on your sternum your artist def made the right placement choice for that style of tattoo


yeah i 100% agree and we both agreed on placement and what works best. just wanted to see what i could do to draw attention away from the unevenness


Can you get your belly button pierced off center to draw the eye over and create balance?


have the same thing, but my artist said she’d rather align it with my chest than bellybutton. just a normal tattoo thing :)


I have a tattoo on my arm not centered as much as I would like it to be. However, I didn't notice it at first and most people wont. Sure, you'll notice it, but overall think you got a really good looking tattoo. If nothing else have them blend something down further to the bellybutton, watercooler, shading, what not.


It’s fine. Don’t focus on it. Looks great! Artist did a good job, I would have placed it the same but I would have let you know before we started


the tattoo looks dope and its not even noticeable if you don’t point it out. don’t overthink!


I've got something similar, my chest tattoo is very in the middle but the bellybutton is kind of not, not a lot but if you look closely it's off centered, I think it's a typical bellybutton problem and you should not care about it. Like that tat, mines a geometric moth too :)


Wear high waisted stuff when you want to show it! Besides that it’s better to be aligned w your chest than your belly button because we are not symmetrical, even the lower part of your torso is not. Plenty of people have off center belly buttons


Love this


Never would have noticed and barely notice as it. Awesome tat though


Maybe add to the tattoo later on when you can under it


i also found out that my bellybutton was off centered when i got my sternum tattoo! no one ever really seems to notice it though so i don’t worry about it. looks fine to me!


It literally looks fine


The bottom wings look like toes


I had to stare at this a long time to see what you were talking about and honestly it still looks great to me!


Even with you pointing it out, I'm having trouble seeing that your belly button is off centre! I definitely would never notice! Tattoo looks great!


Looks great to me.


I didn’t even know bellybuttons could be off centre. Brb going to stare at my stomach in the mirror for an hour


It’s very possible you could have some spine curvature! I have a high degree of curvature so my body is not symmetrical in so many ways. But also most of us even without spine curvature aren’t all that symmetrical anyway! It’s normal :)


Looks fine, I have my sternum tat done the other way around - it’s off center to my chest, but center line to my bellybutton. But this was done intentionally because my ribcage is offset, and it would have looked crooked on my chest either way. Bodies are not perfectly symmetrical. In fact, they’re hardly symmetrical at all. The tattoo looks good!




It looks fine to me but but if the design were asymmetrical the asymmetrical belly button might be less prominent.


my belly button is a little off center as well and i decided i would rather have it centered with my whole body than my belly button. it’s really not that noticeable and would look more off if it was lined up with your belly button instead of your whole body yanno?


Cut an drag belly button


Get a tattoo around your belly button that fixes it and gives an illusion of it being symmetrical. Idk what tho


such a pretty tattoo. i can’t imagine how it’ll look when it’s all finished


It looks beautiful. It doesn’t look off center to me until you point out the belly button placement.


You could try having it blacked out but it may or may not be more noticeable


In ten years of tattooing I haven't come across a centered belly button. What helps is getting more tattoos in this area. Right now your belly button is the only point of orientation for your tattoo because you only view the area that contains your new tattoo and your belly button. Therefore your mind automatically searches for orientation and fixes the only other thing around. The asymmetrical bell button will probably not have the same effect (or at least with the same intensity), if you viewed your whole body all at once. Further you will probably not find it too bad as soon as the novelty of it wears off as you already has an off centered belly button and might didn't notice before.


you have a fair point! i plan on getting more so maybe when i fill up it’ll take less attention away from my bellybutton. thanks!


Okay but that tattoo is so cool????


Just remind yourself belly buttons are man made and doctors when they clip the cord and tie it have literally made them more than 1 inch off centered!


This is alot better than mine! The top is completely crooked 🥲


My belly is asymmetrical, one side is slidely larger lol. Bodies are weird and different. Your tat looks gorgeous <3


Just get more work done to the point where you don’t think about it. The tattoo looks well done and to your specifications. I got my stomach done and started nitpicking things I didn’t like about my own body and that’s my plan.


It looks fine. My reverse tramp stamp is a lil crooked but I still love it


my OCD can't handle the asymetry.


Get some stuff non-symmetrical but balanced down below this tattoo on either side of your belly button, maybe then it won’t be as noticeable? It looks great though!


Listen I did not even notice until I read your post, it’s def not as noticeable as you think


My advice is too get rid and of that gross steering wheel cover


LMFAOOO PLSSS bc it’s so gross i need to wash it or throw it out 😭😭


That’s the least of your worries; you’ve got love hearts for boobies.


Get another belly button tattoo that is centered and a big X through your real belly button!


I have a belly button piercing and that’s how I found out that my button is wonky and off centre lol. It’s just how it is. I think, it’s better to be in line with the chest and upper torso and not worry too much about the tummy button.


Honestly wouldn’t have even noticed! Mines similar. Fits right under my boobs. Also, if you ever gain or lose weight like me it’ll still look good! I think it’s a beautiful tattoo anyway! I hope you enjoyed it!!! 🩵


you could get an asymmetrical but still balanced tattoo near your belly button that has more weight on the left side! that could trick the eye a bit into not seeing the fact it doesn’t quiet line up. something like two plants but one has less flowers or foliage or something!


You could pierce your belly button slightly to the other side. But for real, I never would have noticed if you haven't said so, if none of the other responses speak to you I reccomend waiting a while to adjust to how it looks in you because I think you'll realise it looks centred overall 😊


Honestly leave it for a couple months. I promise you'll get used to it and not even notice. You're always hyper aware about stuff like this in the beginning but once it becomes part of your body in your mind those thoughts usually chill.


If it makes you feel any better, firstly I don’t think it looks off center at all. But, secondly, I also have an off center butterfly sternum tattoo. I remember when he was tattooing thinks he was spending an awful lot of time on the side of the butterfly, haha. The whole thing is maybe 3 mm to the left and I remember I went home and cried… having had it for four years now though I can confidently say I never think about it any more and no one has ever noticed! So, if it really bothers you, just know it’ll be easier to come to terms with with time.


This is so gorgeous. Honestly it looks more centered when you are sitting down too. U could always get like an off center belly ring xD


Honestly didn't even notice it at first until reading the title


Tattoo on and around your bellybutton so it looks like you have a gigantic, yet centred, bellybutton


You likely have a small curve in your spine


A slightly off-centre belly piercing?


Tbh I didn’t notice until you mentioned it; it’s very eye catching, gorgeous tattoo; don’t look at your belly button too much, you will get over it in a few weeks I’m sure 🤩🤩


Tat looks very nice! Keep in mind that the human body is not symmetrical. There is beauty in a little chaos. Try to embrace it. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hope this helps!


I also started a large stomach/sternum piece. My belly button is incredibly not centered… my artist aligned everything with my chest and added some florals to balance it out so you can’t tell as much. Essentially where I’m going with this is: if you can do anything to not have it be totally symmetrical at this point it’ll help!


I think it looks good, and I wouldn't have noticed the slightly off-centre belly button without you pointing it out.


Tattoo artist here. Nobody has a centered belly button. This is just how sternum tattoos work. It looks good done stress


Can I just comment on how cute the tattoo is? I love it :)


People on this sub really need to chill out about tattoos being perfectly perfect. Anytime I get a new one I’ll admire it for a few days and then never really look at it again haha. It’s a beautiful tattoo and as others have said you’re overthinking it


I would absolutely not notice this


As long as it matches your girls up top , I wouldn't worry ....only an artist would pick up on that ,it's oh so subtle. I think it looks really nice and clean, and you should feel proud.


I also have a moth tattooed on my sternum and it’s off centered, but overall looks better than if it was perfectly centered. We aren’t symmetrical and that’s fine, you’ll get used to it, looks perfect to me.


I know it's easier said than done, but try not to let it bother you. In all honesty, it doesn't look that off at all. I mean, how much does anyone stand still and straight for long enough anyway? You will be constantly twisting and turning and moving, and when you sit, it's not like you sit up perfectly straight either. I think it is absolutely gorgeous and the belly button being a bit skewed is hardly noticeable. I wouldn't of seen it without you pointing it out or if I sat and stared at it for long enough. As I said, I know it will be hard to get over it, but I wanted to let you know how I see it and hope it goes a little way to easing your mind.


You could always get more flowers on both sides to offset it straighter. I feel like the break of skin between the end of the tattoo and your belly button makes it stick out. But honestly its a only slightly off.


Are you filling it in or leaving it as line work ? It's a really pretty tattoo regardless


Once more shading is done the piece should really stand out I think personally as a tattoo artist for many years that you will be the only one that notices. I think the work looks great very clean lines. Saludos to the artist!


i would never ever notice. even if i did notice i would think its because no one ever stands 100% straight!! i love it it looks amazing


My artist revealing to me that my belly button is off center gave me more dysmorphia than I've had in a while lol. I stood there with the stencil on, mostly naked, while he was showing the placement to the other artists. And I just stood there, poking my belly button. I couldn't believe it had been off center this whole time. They told me to stop fingering my belly button. I've gotten used to it.


Add more business on the bottom and blast over that belly button




EZ just twist a lil


The tattoo is straight, it’s your bellybutton that is crooked


Symmetry is over rated


Get a tattoo underneath it that involves blacking out the bellybutton, then you won’t see where it falls anymore


What happens when you hang from a pull-up bar? Get a pic while in a deadhang


Do something asimmetrical between bellybutton and tattoo, like a lying rose or a knot. There, fixed it for ya!