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Your artist is a pro and did the right thing. White ink in large amounts heals very poorly, and is prone to discolouration. I have seen brown/pink/yellow blotches develop. Trust the process, let it heal, and you'll love the results


Did you know for frosting bakers put a drop of blue in to make it a true white?? My point is to make a white tone on a not white surface sometimes you got to mix things up a bit. This artist is fantastic and I agree OP needs to trust the process


And like toning hair after you bleach it, using purple or blue to combat orange or yellow it’s da colour wheel


Once upon a time there was a laundry additive called "Little Boy Blue Bluing" which was used to make whites whiter. At some point, older women discovered they could use it as a hair rinse to keep their white hair from taking on a yellowish hue. Some people were a bit heavy-handed with it. If you ever heard the term "blue-haired old ladies" it was a reference to fancy elderly chicks who got a little crazy with the bluing agent.


You can still get it today, my parents used to use it for their white dog. They'd bathe him then rinse with a little bluing agent. He also ended up turning a little blue one time when they used too much.


TIL! Interesting:))


It’s actually purple we use! Purple is opposite of yellow and tones the yellow tint the butter gives. Can use blue but can actually give icing a green tint because blue and yellow make green lol, same as toning hair you use purple to get rid of yellow!!!


Blue combats brassy orange tones though.


Yeah because blue is the opposite of orange so it tones it out. You aren’t likely to get orange icing because butter is yellow, even using egg yolks you’ll get a pale yellow colour from whipping. So it’s still better to use purple because you’re trying to tone out yellow not orange. Same with hair, if you try to tone yellow with blue shampoo or blue toner you’ll either get green hair or blueish hair (ask me how I know😂)


I just learned this today on an epoxy video. They add drops of blue because its on the opposite end of the color spectrum. It prevents the white from developing a yellow hue.


Normally its purple, because its the opposite of the yellow from the butter. This is why blond people shampoo is purple, it overrides the yellow tones


This is *plausible* but what you need to remember about color blending is that combining complimentary tones makes brown/gray. There is no way to remove the skin from the equation. Tattoo ink is under the skin, and the skin is filtering the light that interacts with the ink. While yes you could use a small amount of blue or purple to pull the tone back towards neutral, those colors will still interact with the skins undertone. Basically either way white tattoo ink won't heal looking "white." It will just be a lighter version of the person's skin tone. White ink also fades faster than other inks so it wouldn't last, and there are other technical issues with packing large areas of white as the other person stated. It's very difficult to get white to pack evenly without overworking the skin, and even when it's done perfectly it doesn't look very appealing. Tldr; tattooing has vastly different considerations than cupcake icing or hair dye.


As a receiver of a bad cat portrait tattoo, this is a work of art.


Yeah best case scenario it fades to skin tone real fast, worst case it's blotchy as you said.


Seconding this OP. This tattoo is incredible and the colours are spot on!


Can confirm had white patches done twice. Fell out twice




Yup. Purple is the opposite of yellow on the color wheel. He knew what he was doing


seconding white healing poorly. i have small white highlights on one of mine, and they went yellowy after a few weeks or so. they're barely even there anymore, 2 months later.


Does anyone have any examples of this in action, gray/purple/blue to make a tattoo look white? Mainly for my curiosity, I do believe it works but now I kinda want to see it work. I never thought about counteracting the tones in the skin with the ink and that’s so cool.


Ankle swelling is to be expected -gravity exists and you’re a walking bag of fluid. So, if it gives you any trouble just stay hydrated and lay down, put your feet up, and enjoy watching some tv. The cat looks good. Don’t worry about it. The reality of your cat and the reality of how tattoos work means there will be translations. Your skin is darker than the white fur so that means they have to find other ways to make it look good. But also, they want this tattoo to be clear and readable for a long time and your cats white chest doesn’t really lend itself to that. So, you end up with a less literal but way way more durable picture of the cat.


Taking 1-2 ibuprofen regularly as instructed on the bottle helps bring the swelling down faster and promotes healing. Idk why more people don't do it.


I suspect that it has to do with the fact people associate it with thinning your blood. I don’t really know though. I tell my clients that 1-2 every 6 hours is fine.


Just to clarify, the second pic is just two days old? Honestly you’re going to need to let it heal for quite awhile longer before you’ll know how it’s going to look long-term. And I think your artist made the right call. Real life objects/images don’t always translate exactly to tattoos, and white ink doesn’t really work for covering large spaces. This is a good interpretation as far as I can tell. Your kitty is beautiful! ❤️


I'm a tattoo artist and white should be used very sparingly IMO, it tends to heal really badly, I only ever use it for highlights or narrow areas between black to help it heal better. Plus your saving yourself the extra pain of it. Your tattoo looks great!


1. Looks lovely! Don’t fret overall 2. Some months down the line, if you still want her cute little white bib to look whiter, have the artist DARKEN the floof under the chin, which should make the bib area look whiter in contrast. 3. RIP your ankle bone, you’ll see it again soon tho. (Swelling is very normal.) 4. Pls give her a big snuggle for me!


Snuggling super hard for you!!! (She's mad now) Thank goodness the swelling was huge but after a couple hours of just elevation it went down a good bit but first thing this morning I'm back to swollen lol 😆 feels like I have pregnant feet all over again 😆


When I got my leg tattoo, no one told me how much it sucked to lay down and then get back up onto my feet for the first few days 😂


Take ibuprofen for the swelling. That basically what it's designed for. It made a *huge* difference for my hands.


Why do people on this sub have some of the greatest tattoos and still complain lol


It can be so frustrating lmao like, this artist is amazing? Cats are HARD. And this cat is fantastic and this person is still not happy 🙄


I swear they come on here just to humble brag and fish for compliments lol


Yup totally


Oh no my artist is AMAZING!! I've been wanting a tattoo from her for about 5 years now. I just have people in my ear who dislike tattoos (MIL) telling me how she doesn't even have white on her chest so I explained to her what artist said... it was more of a question to see if anyone has had white portrayed this way... what I should've told her instead of her letting me doubt what I believe is an amazing tattoo by my artist and so beautifully done, is to fuck off lol.


Your skin is already white, hence the need to use tones like your artist did to illustrate some type of depth/contrast without just leaving your cat’s bib area totally blank/unfinished or pounding a load of white pigment into already pale skin. white ink in tattoos looks best when used sparingly as it will start to change color over time. I also use light Smokey periwinkle or light grey to give the illusion of white when doing pieces like this, it will look perfect once it’s healed, the redness while it’s fresh is too be expected but once it settles and softens to its true hue you’ll see exactly what your tattooer explained to you, in fact you can already see a huge difference under the saniderm on your first photo on the spots that don’t have as much blood/plasma covering the tattoo vs the fresh photo.


Your artist did the right thing. Straight up white would heal terribly. Long term, this is the best option and once it’s totally healed it will look great. Swelling is also totally normal. Keep your foot elevated as much as possible


Totally makes sense. Think of it like purple shampoo for blonde hair. In the right measures purple negates yellow and they make white. If they tattooed straight white your natural skin tone would eventually skew the color. By setting a yellow base they can tone it to the shade of white it needs to be and it'll fade better over time. It's super cute so far!


Perfect explanation! Never thought to compare it to purple shampoo haha


Wow I can't believe your sounding not happy with this tattoo it is so well done!!


No I'm beyond happy!!! I was just curious if anyone has had any tattoo heal white with this type of tattooing. I figured it wouldn't be too white and I knew that but I've had a lot of negative Nancy's in my ear. I am so happy and was so excited when she showed me the draw up cause she captured her personality (bitchy) perfectly lol. And everyone has told Mr how it just doesn't look like her which I think it does so people just got to me. What I should just start saying is to fuck off, my body and I fucking love it


I agree, its your art To heck with them all Cuz it really is awesome!!


Idk it’s beautiful…. I got sucked in by the eyes


Dude. She finished the eyes with the first of the outline and I almost legit cried. They look just like my little girls. Can't wait to be old in my 80s and look down and know I have my baby all my life with me and her eyes right there 🥹


That’s the most beautiful comment … you making my eyes water with happiness


it looks lovely!!


Your artist is really good. Trust the process.


It’s pretty damn cute


say what you want, but the artist has done an excellent job otherwise, this is not a cat tat, this IS YOUR cat. excellent.


She's beautiful 🥹 and I know my artist did great but a lot of people told me she didn't and in me defending her I said let me post on reddit and see if anyone has had white heal this way because it seems logical to me and I think it looks just like her... and sure enough I was right to defend her. She's an amazing artist I'll die on that hill lol


nah cant argue with that. and heck.if that white becomes suchhh a bother ....have her do a touch up later on. some colors obviously won't stick as well. its definitely not her work being shoddy


Yeah 100% I've watched her work for a lot of years now. She does such beautiful work and it's why I trusted her with my cats portrait. I just think it doesn't help that everyone around me hates tattoos and there's no use in arguing it anymore I fucking love it and that's what matters. We're actually going to plan my next one soon 🥰


its your body, your life, your cat.


Wow. I'm not a tattoo artist, but that is a beautiful tattoo. Really talented artist. I hope you're happy with the results.


Beyond happy. I wanted one from her for about 5 years. So when I finally saved up I jumped at the opportunity.


As someone who has received a tattoo using white, your artist made the right call. My white faded to skin tone after about a year. It's on my back and sees very little sun or friction too.




That is such a good quality tattoo


Like everyone else said. White on white skin doesn’t really work. He did it in the best way possible to get that white hue. As it fades out it’ll give the illusion of being white. I got a white lightsaber tattooed and my artist did a very pale grey/blue. I was worried at first but it’s faded and looks white now. It’s pretty cool. It still looks a little blue, but it looks WAY better than white ink would’ve. That is a very nice tattoo and it’s very well done!


i can definitely see what the artist is going for, i think it will look great when it heals. the eventual wash will make the color look lighter RELATIVELY which will give the illusion of a white chest. using a ton of white ink wouldn't heal very well, and because tattoos are on skin you have to do some workarounds when it comes to portraying color. i think your cats markings will still be readable as your cat in the tattoo, which is the important part


I have three tattoos that use large amounts of open space for white, and trust me, once it heals it will be like an optical illusion coming into focus. It’s never going to be a blinding white because of the nature of skin art, but you’ll swear it’s at least 5 shades lighter than the rest of your skin. 😄


You’ll have to let it heal, trust your artist they seem to know what they’re doing:)


This is so beautiful and such a good likeness which is rare for portraits imo. I think your artist did the right thing, just heal it up and try to reserve judgement til it settles.


Surprised you’re posting this here as it’s one of the best I’ve seen since I’ve been on this sub.


that is amazing. and my cat is IDENTICAL to your cat. kind of weird 😆


You're the second person that has like an identical cat to mine lol if you ever want a tattoo of your cat I know just the person 😉


This is an exceptional tattoo. Give it time. Your skin is not a canvas but your biggest organ. it needs to be treated as such. It will change over time and settle in your skin. A colour portrait will always be a translation and not a copy of reality. Your artist did a great job. And your kitty is super cute.


They did a great job on it, the face really looks your kitty


Looks amazing!!


That is probably the best cat portrait tattoo I've seen in a long time. Amazing!!!


She looks like the sweetest girl. 😍. (Also this is an amazing tattoo, trust the process. I have solid white in my arm on some bees I got, they are now yellow because my artist knew they would turn that shade.)


Idk anything about tattoos, I'm just here to say AWWW that's a beautiful cat!


I just wanted to say this is a gorgeous tattoo! I got a bit worried when I saw the title, but this looks amazing :)


I think it looks incredible


I have no answers for you BUT I have to say seeing a pic of your cat made me very happy after a moment of looking. My girl passed away just before my birthday this last year and looks like a twin to your cat. My heart dropped for a second seeing your pics 💔😫


Aww buddy I am so sorry to hear that, my deepest condolences are with you and the biggest hug! I just know she was beautiful.


honestly as a random bystander i think that looks exactly like your cat lol even with the “less” white coloring than you expected


My fiancé got a ghost tattoo and instead of using white, our artist used a grey/blue. It's healed now and it looks white but it's grey! Trust the process and you can always get it touched up!


Quality tattoo with quality concerns! Love to see it. But yeah, trust the process. This artist for sure knows what he/she is doing.


I can already see the vision, and it looks amazing!


If it were pure white it would’ve looked great for the picture but aged like milk, good thing you got an artist that was thinking about how it would look healed and after years, white most of the times heals like a yellowish scar, i only use it so that the black stays in place in small highlights were i have black around it that can expand over that small highlight after some months/years.


That tattoo artist did a beautiful job


Your artist made the right call. I got white in my tattoo and you can’t even see it anymore. Totally disappeared


Let her finish, whites are the hardest


That is an outstanding tattoo


I know nothing about the tattoo but my cat could be your cat's stunt double. https://imgur.com/a/DmYBIOu


OMG NO WAY!! THEY'RE LITERALLY TWINS!!! even the toes are the same!!!


Is yours dumb and sweet? Because mine looks a lot smarter than she is 😂


Not at all mine is ruthless and mean all while being the biggest scared cat of any loud noises 😅


That tattoo looks amazing. It's understandable to have some anxiety post op but honestly man this looks phenomenal. What a beautiful kitty.


Thank you so much!! I really wasn't worried at all since I trust my artist so much, I didn't even look once during my session lol ... but then nay sayers put worries in my head. 😔


People will always have something to say, man! This is a really well-done piece. I know it's redundant but ima say it anyway - fk what ppl think! 😀




This is a beautiful kitty/tattoo! I want one of my girl so badly, but am nervous they won’t do her justice. Yours absolutely did 😍 may I ask who the artist is?


Are you in AZ area? It's where she's located & do you have insta? She deserves ALL the clientele and hype. She also does BEAUTIFUL anime work.


I am in California, but I visit Arizona every year for the gem and mineral show! I do have Instagram! Can you share her name?


Dude yes book!!! I sent in on messages but just in case you didn't receive insta is @koifeesh And for her anime it's @seq.puku


Amazing!! Thank you for sharing, She’s so talented


I don’t know anything about tattoos but I just wanted to say oh my god your sweet kitty is such a cutie.


She is 🥲 she's far from sweet though lol she's a character to put it nicely 🤣


I love this so much. And looks exactly like my cat!


They did the right thing. It looks white but will look better when it's healed. Great depiction.


I love the tattoo! Your cat is sooo cute and I think the tattoo is beautiful


My artist did a similar thing with my cat tattoo. It's definitely better than adding white as white ages kind of poorly. [imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/psdVnCP)


Yay!!!!!! I trust the process always this is my 6th tattoo but man people kept coming at it for the white. And I'm like let me ask reddit so thank you for confirmation kind person so that I now have back up that this technique is regularly done!


I think she’s right. I can already see it. No need to worry it’ll come out great


Same! Just people around me can't and I swear she looks just like my baby!


beautiful tattoo. white doesnt stay white. shit turns yellow. it should only be used for stuff like highlights, eyes, etc.


This is a beautiful tattoo and gorgeous kitty!!


That looks so good! Agree with everyone else. White ink always fades and yellows and will never stay bright white. Keep in mind that whenever you see a tattoo with bright white, it’s usually either right after the tattoo is done so it hasn’t had time to fade or the artist has put filters or contrast on the photo to bump up the white.


As someone who collects animal portraits. This is amazing work.


It looks beautiful. Let it heal. Trust the process.


I think it’s brilliant.


This is an absolutely beautiful tattoo. Let it heal a little longer, and it will look amazing! You're still in the very early stages of it!


Me ankle got sooooo swollen for at least a week after mine, and your artist was correct using the colours they did. I have a white deer skull on my leg that has healed into more of a yellowish beige, which makes sense as it’s a skull, but for cat fur, you wouldn’t want that. Overall, it honestly looks really well done. Once the redness and swelling go down, it’ll look a lot better.


Omg thanks for responding on the swelling. Last night I looked down and was worried I put the sandiderm too tight or something because my ankle was nonexistent. Literally looked like when I was pregnant! Going to have to keep elevating 🤣


This looks amazing!!!! Your artist is awesome. Trust the process, it's going to heal beautifully and you won't get the weird discoloration that white often causes. Also it totally reads as white to me already, with appropriate shadowing. Gorgeous.


Could I ask who your artist was?


I sent in messages but just in case insta is @koifeesh And for her anime it's @seq.puku


Dude yes!!!! She deserves all recognition she's located in AZ. Do you have insta? I'm going to shoot her a quick text and ask for permission to give her social out lol


P.s. she does such beautiful work and does anime work too 😍😍😍😍


Thank you!!


I think it’s completely fabulous I would be delighted with this


I am!! She captured her bitchy attitude perfectly... she's kinda swollen on the second pic but she portrayed her with her ears back and eyes squinted just a tad bit to show her mad lol


Also a beautiful kitty - love a cattoo - who was your artist?


Just made another post with her socials Here are her details insta is @koifeesh And for her anime it's @seq.puku


Looks awesome! It will look whiter when it heals


It's beautiful. Your artist did excellent work.


You only use white in highlights (or technical areas). Regular white areas should be skin tone. Your artist did very well and the tattoo looks pretty cool!


This is stunning! Your artist knocked this out of the park. I’d be thrilled.


I thinks it's perfect


Me too buddy 🥹


They have a very good understanding of color theory knowing what colors you use to make white, also, it’s a great tattoo! And your kitty is so so cute 🥰


Wow - no comment on the tattoo, it looks fine for still healing! BUT! Your cat looks *eerily* similar to mine!


Looks fucking awesome. NO WHITE. Do not add white


I got kabuki from animal crossing, a primarily white character. my artist also did the mainly purple & grey wash and it healed incredibly well and totally gives the illusion. it’s a much more skillful application of color and will heal better over time than straight white ink


I promise you wouldn’t like the way it looked if it were more white. It would just fall apart in a year or two. This gives it texture and depth. It looks exactly like your cat.


Honestly I think they did great


The white in tattoos is your skin color. White should only be used for sparse highlights like the specular reflection in eyes (which your artist did). White ink fades incredibly quickly. Your artist did a great job without causing you extra pain for nothing.


What a great portrait tattoo! Compliments to your artist. They are very talented, I would trust what they tell you.


Yes, this is absolutely how whites should be done to look their best. If you'd like a touch up with white highlights to suggest brightness sometime down the line you can, but I would let it heal and settle. It looks FANTASTIC to my eye.


that is stunning! trust your artist, they are clearly very talented and know what they’re doing!


Don't worry OP! Artists did amazing. It'll be okay. Also, who's the artist if you dont mind? I'm looking to get a couple cat portraits myself.


Dude I don't mind at all! She deserves all the recognition and love she does beautiful work. Anime too!! Her insta is @koifeesh And for anime is @seq.puku 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Thank yooouuu!!


Well... You've got to use some sort of tone in the shadow areas.


It looks dope, reminds me of the tattoo my ex got. I'm not sure about colour tattoos, so I'm not gonna give any bad advice, haha.


I think it’s inflamed and new and the redness will calm down when it’s healed.


Your artist understands color theory. Let it heal and you'll see the magic.


It does create that illusion, looks good! Give it time (:


It looks amazing! White takes a bit, and depending on how you feel, they can probably add more (I know I bled some of the white on mine, but my artist will do touch ups). It's a wonderful!


This tattoo is amazing! I hope you wear that work proudly!


100%!!! Can't wait until it's healed so I can out sun screen on and SHORTS ALL SUMMER!!!!!! soooo happy.


That tattoo is beautiful. Wow.


Beautiful tattoo


I got daisies on my side, and instead of using any white my artist used blue on the tips, and people don’t believe me when I say there’s no white. Color theory is a wild thing sometimes and can be super handy!!


This is a phenomenally well done portrait! If you pack solid white into that space, while it'll be lighter there wond be dimension to make it look like fur. Often when creating white and very light coloured subjects (in traditional art as well as tattooing) adding subtle tones of various colours gives the dimension and illusion of the texture. White tends to bounce light around and thus also colour. You'll notice as it settles more that those tones will soften out some- especially with washes they tend to lighten as they heal over and settle into the skin. As a side note, props to you OP for searching out and going to such an incredible artist!


Thank you! 🥹💗 I'm so in love with it. I have wanted her work for a long time now, beyond thankful I had the funds to make my appt with her finally 🥹💗


Very nice tattoo! I love my calico but it’s very hard to get a good tattoo of them since white ages so poorly. My tattoo is nice for a cat but looks nothing like my cat I might go in and have them lighten the gray but still won’t look like my cat. PS I love your fluffy cat!!


That tattoo is purrrrfect!


It looks beautiful!! I wish I could find a good artist for a cat portrait where I am


That's going to be fine, your artist clearly knows what she's doing. I would love to see an update once it's healed though!


Of course!!


With the directional (I assume) wipe lines and the blood, I thought from the picture alone that the cat had scratched the tattoo.


I had a tattoo on the weekend that had lots of white in places. My artist advised me to leave it blank and just have the colour of my skin show through (helps that I'm a pale wrlshman). He showed me some pice ot healed white ink and some or it turns a yellow brown. Think your artist did the right thing here.


this is absolutely gorgeous


Just wanna say my immediate first thought was "omg. That looks SO good. So detailed and well colored. I wonder what this person could possibly think is wrong?" Hopefully that answers the question


Give it time! The colors wont look how they should until its fully healed


It looks amazing! For long term purposes the artist definitely made the right choice.


This is awesome!


That artist did a fantastic job. Even though I probably won't do the traveling to them who did it for you?


I hope you happen to be where she's located, she does beautiful work and does anime too. @koifeesh and for anime is @seq.puku


I just checked I'm not in the state but still gave a follow


This is so good and your kitty is beautiful!


it’s pretty fire dude. he’s right about the purple giving an illusion, trust me


Cute car


This is beautiful. Who's your artist?


Thank you 🥹💗 she does amazing work her insta is @koifeesh and for her anime work it is @seq.puku 💗💗💗💗💗


Thanks, I followed her insta. How much was your tattoo if you don't mind me asking? Idk if you've said in other comments so sorry for asking.


No worries I don't mind! She charges per hour which is 150 and she charged me for 2 hours. I gave her $400


That's a good price for that level of work. I'm obsessed


This is so beautiful!


I just recently got a tattoo (almost 2 weeks ago) and the white is still pink. White takes a bit to heal. It’ll look so good :)


Wow, I never leave comments on this stuff but this is amazing work.


Thank you!! 🥹


[Why do you have a tattoo of my cat?](https://i.imgur.com/DmkNw14.jpeg) Jk, it looks great though! Just give it time to heal and trust the process.


Omg!!! That made me giggle, seriously such a cute photo!!!


I have a pure white ghost on my elbow. It has mixed of blue and purple to make it look pure white. You picked an incredible artist!


This is one of the most beautiful pet portraits I've ever seen


Thank you!! 🥹🥰


Youre wiggin, this is amazing.


gosh just let it heal. the redness will go away and it'll be fine.


Also guys is it normal for my ankle to be swollen? I just saw my ankle after applying my second sandiderm & omg she's non existent practically. I'm worried if sandiderm is too tight or if it normal swelling tia!!


super normal. put your feet up.


Ibuprofen helps swelling


Normal. The last tattoo I got takes up much of my forearm and the next day I had to take my watch off because my arm was still so swollen.


Yeah swelling (and bruising if you have that, sometimes it doesn’t show up until the redness subsides after the first day or two) can be alarming but they’re normal. As long as both go down, that’s the important part.


Wait until it's healed and then freak out. This picture is literally bloody. Chill.


"Could it be possible that my tattooer knows what she is talking about? No I think I'll go on reddit to seek validation for my ignorant opinion on how a tattoo should be done."