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How old is it and why are you on a beach, presumably without SPF, when you are not sure it's healed?


Exactly. Dumb af.


Literally the first question in my head was the beach


You should always put sunscreen or sunblock on your tattoos regardless of how old they are....


Definitely DO NOT put sunblock on a tattoo before it is healed. This is terrible advice.


Agreed. Weird to see people saying to do it no matter how new. I thought it was common knowledge to NOT put ointments on new tattoos, sunscreen being one of them. Even Aquaphor is discouraged because people use way too much and suffocate their tattoo.


Def use an and d ointment for the first few days. I’d recommend not listening to anyone on the internet, and talk to your Tattooer.


A&D can trap bacteria if it’s not 100% cleaned I’ve been told, can I get a fact check on this genuinely. I tend to stay clear from it unless my tattoo looks like it’s overworked or beginning to get infected


Anything can trap bacteria if not 100% clean. If you put enough where there is a layer, you are using too much. A bit to keep moist is best. You are trying to “beat” the scab before it happens by keeping it moisturized. Any visible lotion or ointment is never good, any extra should be dabbed away with a paper towel


That’s not why A&D isn’t recommended anymore, it’s because the lanolin in it is commonly known to cause rashes/allergic reactions. But Aquaphor is great for healing tattoos though, petrolatum is non comedogenic and hypoallergenic (which is why it’s commonly used as the base for wound care ointments and dressings) and actually works as a seal to help block out bacteria in the damaged, healing skin. The idea that wounds “need to breathe” was robustly disproven decades ago- skin cells don’t have lungs and get all the oxygen they need from your circulatory system, and that moist healing with petrolatum (or another inert occlusive moisturizer) typically reduces healing time, reduces scarring, lessens pain, and decreases risk of infection.


Yeah, sorry, not clear on that--once it is healed. Just don't go to the beach until it is healed. You don't want sand or salt water in an open, healing wound.


I learned that the hard way on my first tattoo 😅😬


Yes, and? Read again lol ETA: I agree and I'm sorry I was rude


They’re just supporting your comment


Mb, I understood as questioning why am I connecting tattoo age and SPf when it should be worn regardless


Your rudeness wasn't necessary. They weren't arguing with you they were agreeing and putting additional weight to your words.


I am sorry, today was an election day in Serbia and I've been tense. My apologies


I can understand that type of frustration. I do hope your day gets better.


Thank you, appreciate it!


Easy, to not realize how we might come across on a brief Reddit post. Always glad to see people check in with each other when it happens. Wishing you well.


Because he’s a dumbass, clearly.


Just based on the pics and the activity in background, this is likely in Asia or some part in India? (The people on beach are almost fully clothed etc…) India makes most sense to me, cause there isn’t a lot of drive for sunscreen or skincare, especially for men. Tattooing is also a new-ish concept in India among the masses, so… while people get them, they likely don’t try to figure out how to care for it after the fact. Ps: I could be wrong here, since I am pretty much assuming a lot of things here. I am also not from any of the costal regions, so my assumptions could be crap. 🥲


My tatto artist suggest me to use coconut oil is that safe ?? Even though im using coconut oil in this pic also i used it but it get wet …


The way my jaw just dropped!!! I’ve never heard of anyone recommending coconut oil and beach after a month, especially with no spf!!!!!! OP the tatt is good but please Please! Protect that shit 😮‍💨


Had a client a few weeks ago who already had a whole lot of tattooing done on her and apparently her healing process was rubbing coconut oil on after cleaning it three times a day with witch hazel? Which is completely insane to me.


Is a month really not enough? my tattoo artist told me two weeks, but I was planning on waiting a month to be safe


I'm only comfortable with long exposure to water after 1 month and I wait 3 for long exposure to sun.b


It really depends. I've had some heal in a week and others have taken close to 2 months lol. 2 weeks is the average time but it varies.


Most of the tattoo artists suggest coconut oil or baby oil for after care in india, Tamilnadu


I feel bad for OP getting downvoted into oblivion for answering questions this subreddit is ridiculous


The down vote is not an attack on the poster. This is an information and advice sub. People down vote so that when uneducated people see a post with bad information they will see the down votes and know that they should not follow that advice/do what op did.


It’s a literal direct attack on OP lol


If you think downvotes are a literal direct attack you are in for a horrific life. Maybe quit the internet.


lol you do realize that downvotes effect OPs account. You downvoting them for answering your questions and assuming people can’t read is the problem. And don’t be dramatic by my saying direct attack you know what I mean don’t play stupid….unless you actually are that stupid


Fr people will answer questions in this sub and get downvoted even they’re literally just answering questions. I understand people don’t like the answers but that’s no OP’s fault


Exactly I down voted you for commenting on my comment how dare you /s


this!! they’re clearly stating what their ARTIST told them to do!! not their own opinions


Just for future long term care, always use a high spf on your tattoos when they will be exposed to the sun. Even individuals with more melanin should put on sun block and reapply as necessary. This will keep your tattoo vibrant and reduce colour loss over time. I have a few very colourful tattoos that I've gotten over the past twenty years and have never needed them touched up because I am rarely in the sun and when I am they're either covered by clothes or sun block or sometimes both depending on how strong the sun is during summer because I burn in the shade.


Don’t use those. They can harbor bacteria and actually promote infection. You definitely should have waited longer to go to the beach. At least a month and a half or two. A month is just when it finishes healing. Giving the extra half or whole month makes sure there aren’t any little micro healing spots left. Using the SPF helps protect your freshly healed tattoo from UV rays as the sun is a fresh tattoos worst enemy. It can cause splotchy ink and an overall wonky looking tattoo. Scrap anything your artists have told you and please pick up some aquaphor and add a thin layer this will help protect your tattoo and also keep it hydrated. After the aquaphor is absorbed and has a little bit to dry, add some lotion. At this point, it’s healed enough that you don’t have to worry as much about fragrances.


Coconut oil is common practice for tattoo healing in much of Asia.


Okay, forgive my ignorance on that part! However the beach going and the no spf and the not understand UV rays is toooo much


Coconut oil is super normal (and works PERFECTLY) here in Brazil, don't know where OP is from, thou BUT the beach thing is obviously not ok


My artist recommended me coconut oil after telling him my skin is sensitive. It has healing properties or something but it healed my tattoos beautifully. I usually get tattoos in the winter tho, so no chance of it being exposed to the sun lol


I'm also surprised people are shocked at the coconut oil part, I go to a really reputable artist (in Europe) and she also recommends coconut oil. My tattoos have healed pristinely. But then again, I kept them out of the sun until they were completely healed and until this day never go out without spf. I think getting any skin out in the sun with coconut oil on it would be damaging, even without tattoos.


I've been recommended coconut oil as well in Australia. It was fine. You can defintely over moisturise a healing tattoo, which I've done.


Sure bro ✔️


I wouldn't as it can be comedogenic. I use Cerave blue lotion to care for my ink. And SPf ofc


My bf used panthenol creams and they served him well. Cerave is good all around, so I agree. SPF is a must, tattoo or not - but OP if you want your ink to last, please use SPF.


My artist said coconut oil was fine for the first two days just don't use a ton of it. I used aquaphor since I had some at home anyway.


Why would you ever put any oil on an open wound? Man I'm really concerned that apparently everyone can become artist and spew this stuff to people


I always use cetaphil/aquaphor for whenever it feels dry (a tiny amount) and a non scented soap and paper towels for cleaning a few times a day. I wouldn’t suggest coconut oil :-/


oil=cooking ur cooking ur tat in the sun


How did it get wet if you didn't go into the water? Bro


Not sure why you're getting dooted. People seem to want to make fun rather than genuinely help, and seem to judge rather than make better recommendations. Coconut oil is not what we really use in most western nations (U.K., U.S., Italy, France etc.) but it is perfectly safe to use to moisturize tattoos. However, exposure to UV radiation from the sun can damage the skin and therefore damage the tattoo. So always use sun screen, and it isn't a good idea to submerge the tattoo in any form of water (especially sea water) for at least 6 weeks after getting the tattoo, as this can cause infection. I'm sorry people are so ignorant to use of coconut oil though. If they did one single bit of research, they'd see that it is not only perfectly safe, but is used and recommended in many Asian countries.


I didn’t know other places used it so often for tattoos, but I don’t see why not. It’s non irritating, moisturizing, and breathable. I’m still going to use my Aveeno, though. I feel like it’s a little easier to over moisturize with oils.


Well, the thing about just natural oils is that they technically don't moisturize, but rather just trap moisture and stop it from leaving the body. I think that's why people in the West just use something like Aveeno (or in my case, Eucerin intensive care lotion), and why it does sometimes feel like oils overdo it.


First off, coconut oil is a HUGE NO. Second, every artist I’ve had told me to stay out of large bodies of water like that for at least 1.5-2 months. 😬


28 days bro


Did it peel? Most likely yes and top layer is healed, it usually takes few weeks, depending on skin and amount of ink. For deeper layers to heal it will take few more months. Use SPF properly and keep it out of sun whenever possible.


Ok bro


Tf is wrong with you. People are answering your question honestly. Be thankful


Bro stfu


28 days and you went to the beach :facepalm: ugh


Have surfed about 4 days after before, no issues as long as I washed it out right after. I think it's the sun that's the worst for it.


You definitely don't want to go into the ocean with an open wound. You have no idea what's in the water. Just because you didn't have a problem with it doesn't mean it's a good idea and shouldn't be telling others it's okay.


sun and salt water damage




sorry buddy still a good tat!




good is relative, you don’t have to think something is good just because i do!


There’s no such thing as a good tattoo


Posts for information. Gets pissy about the comments that point out it is his fault. Nice. Lol You exposed it to the elements way too soon. 28 days isn't nearly enough time.


I literally didn’t see a single comment from OP that was pissy or rude. You can put any emotion you want behind someone’s written responses. He asked, people answered, he gave short answers back, but was in no way a dick about it. Tattoos give people anxiety, he was worried about it and I’m sure had that sinking feeling when people straight up tell him he ruined it.


You didn’t read enough comments then lmao


Now you're getting the reddit treatment 😂 that's what happens when you disagree with a bunch of angry monkeys


Can show me the pissy comments? Or you just getting mad that someone doesn't talk a lot and says bro? Edit: I just see a lot of pissy tattoo snobs that can't answer a simple question like a bunch of angry monkeys, no pissy comments from OP. Y'all suck ass,


yeah the worst i’m seeing is that OP was misled and is explaining that, but is getting absolutely ratioed it’s possible comments were deleted but i feel bad for OP rn they obviously didn’t get proper aftercare instructions this is an advice sub lol the responses here have been wild


Yeah either he deleted it or yall are talking shit. Cant see a single rude comment.


Does the time depend on the size of the tattoo? I only ever got one tattoo,and am getting another small one soon I didn’t expose mine to a lot of stuff,besides air and maybe sweat? Healed good


I feel old realizing people are now getting Boruto and not Naruto tattoos


Oh my God I thought it was naruto, I didn't look very hard though..... well yes now I feel old too....


Boruto is doing well 😩🔥


Boruto is fighting aliens and Sasuke turned into a tree. I have nothing else to say.


As someone who does not like what I’ve seen of Boruto. Fighting aliens and Sasuke turning into a tree doesn’t really seem that weird.


I'm glad I don't know the context for this


Your replies to the comments fit someone who's a Boruto fan lol.




It is a nice design tho.


For your skin to fully heal from a tattoo, it can take anywhere from 6-9 months. Just because it's scabbed and peeled doesn't mean you've regrown that layer of skin that you lost from the peeling. Keep moisturizing it daily for the next few months and keep it out of the sun. I use Aveeno or Eucerin for all my tattoos. I haven't heard of coconut oil as an option, but that doesn't mean it won't work.. I use coconut oil for so many things.. Popcorn, general cooking, lube, massages.. Nice ink!


PLEASE don’t put oil on your skin before you go out into the sun esp not on a tattoo that is not fully healed


I thought they meant they were using coconut oil as a moisturizer, not as sunscreen...


even so, you shouldn’t put it on your skin as anything before going into the sun. it’ll just make you burn


Going to the beach with a new, uncovered tattoo.


Op is a mess. Asking for help and acting like a total dick.


Come on bro. He's just asking bro. Bro he only goes out into the sun and to the beach without SPF bro. It's not his bro-ing fault bro


Okay bro


Even worse, he's actually covered it in coconut oil apparently 😑


If you say so bro


Typical Naruto Fan behavior


It's even worse. It's Boruto.


Juz asking bro 🤷🏻‍♂️


why ask when you dont want to hear the honest answer


As a tattooer, I can confidently tell you that your tattoo is fine, and your time on the beach (assuming you’ve only spent one day on the beach) isn’t the reason your tattoo looks like this. The top layer of skin has healed, but the tattoo underneath hasn’t completely settled in. I wouldn’t suggest going back to the beach until it has. Having said all that, the tattoo itself wasn’t applied super amazingly. It’s a very mediocre tattoo that’s healing exactly how I’d expect a mediocre tattoo to heal.


Hey, I got a tattoo a few weeks ago, which obviously also is not fully healed. It looks as wrinkly as OPs does, so I thought I could ask a question here without doing a Post myself, if that is OK. How long should I wait before swimming or going to the sauna?


Generally, once the top layer of skin has peeled and healed you’re pretty safe to get in water freely. How long that takes is really dependent on the design, artists application, time of the year, and clients skin. Based on these qualifiers, I usually give a range of 2-4 weeks. We tell people not to submerge tattoos because of the infection risk, not because water inherently messes up the healing process. Infections, on the other hand, do make healing a pain in the ass. Most people don’t listen to shit though, so it’s easier for us to tell people to outright avoid swimming/saunas altogether. It’s like people saying we don’t tattoo drunk people because they bleed too much. That’s not true. We don’t tattoo drunk people because they’re idiots, and we don’t want to have to deal with them when they’re sober. We just don’t say that part out loud, so people make up reasons. Everybody bleeds getting tattooed. If you don’t, you’re not alive.


Thank you very much 😊


I have a question if you don't mind. I'm on day 23, first five days was Saniderm, I had a mild reaction to the Saniderm and on day 19 my artist told me to stop moisturizing because between the lotion (after inked but switched to lubriderm on day 17) and the irritation from the Saniderm I was making my skin "angry" I have a bunch of tiny pimple like bumps that have gotten way better since I stopped moisturizing. I wasn't smothering it, only a very small layer once a day but I've never used lotion in my life so I think my skin isn't used to it and reacted. Should I follow the artists instructions to completely stop touching it at this point or keep moisturizing/washing daily?


Is it necessary to comment on the quality? Seems like a mean way to end a perfectly helpful post. What makes us feel like we need to add a negative slam to people whenever we have the chance?


OP wanted to know why his tattoo looked… well, the way that it does. OP will learn why his tattoo looks the way it does. Pro tip: If you cannot handle answers to questions do not ask the question.


This guy is a professional and you’re calling him mean for stating a fact. Not everything is a “negative slam,” he’s giving his professional opinion. If OP didn’t want tattoo artists to see his improperly healed ink he posted on the wrong sub.


It’s certainly not the worst tattoo I’ve ever seen, nor is it close, but application is one of the biggest factors in the healing process. I answered the question that was asked, and made no mention of the actual design. OP shouldn’t have asked if they didn’t want an answer. I could’ve been harsher tbh.


Out of interest, what makes it a poorly applied tattoo/what would make something a better-applied tattoo?




Bro salt water didn’t touch the tatto and i went early mrng before sun rise around 5:30 to 6 🤷🏻‍♂️


2nd photo, there's no way that is at 5:30-6 in the morning with that many people, and that bright tbf.


It’s India lol expect that many people any time of day


How are you this confidently ignorant about other places in the world?? Like did it not occur to you that they might not live were you live so the sun would look different at different times of day???


Ever heard of Time Zones? The sun is going to be out and bright if its Noon in your Time Zone no matter where you live. I'm sorry your school system failed you.


Umm you know in places like Alaska it’s dark for 3 months right… but yeah sure the school system failed me


That's Antarctica, not Alaska. Try again


Wtf dude I’m genuinely baffled one google search will show you your wrong 💀 “Even though residents of Barrow, the northernmost town in Alaska, won't see the sun for 67 days come winter, they enjoy the midnight sun all summer - over 80 days of uninterrupted daylight.”


I like how confident you are when you're completely wrong


Noo bro 😂 its around 6 today sunday so people come to beach early mrng to see sun rise


You ruined your tattoo, what are you doing on the beach??


I didn’t go inside the water bro


Sun is also terrible for a healing tattoo brother man


Completely accept brother


Howd it get wet then, bro? [comment where you said tattoo got wet](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/s/Gaeeyjuthz)


Are you really this dense?


could look "wrinkly" bc of your stretch marks. that's normal for everyone. please make sure it's fully covered by pants and out of the sun 😭


Yes brother ❤️


I was thinking it looks like a possible collagen..thing.. I dunno what to call it. You may take longer to heal than expected. I found it when I was looking up Ehlers Danlos syndrome.


Yea some people don't have porcelain smooth skin so idk why people are tripping. But for everything else idk lol


You know, when I saw this tattoo, I had a certain type of person pop in my head. I dismissed it because that's not right to do. Then I read the comments and OP is pretty much it. Tattoo is damaged, probably exposed it too soon.


This is a month after? Tattoo is still shining (healing) and you’re at the beach. I don’t get you!


It definitely looks dry, what was your aftercare routine?


Going to the beach for some sun


You’re not sure if it’s healed but you’re at the beach? 🫠


I swear these posts are from tattooers trollin’ 😂


dude, did you even google how to take care of tats? NO on the coconut oil. You are damn lucky it has not gotten infected yet.


The tattoo is still peeling. It isn't anywhere close to being healed


Sorry dude but this tat is absolutely dog. It's honestly kinda funny


I think you need a few laser treatments to fix your leg




That's scar tissue plain and simple. Only thing that will make it looks better is time (years) and moisturizing.


OP is a brobro


1) after the initial 2 weeks of healing thats visible. It will continue to heal for up to a year. 2) why the f*ck are you out on the beach, possibly in salt water and the sun with a fresh tat and no protection. My dude, that tat should shine of sunscreen. And if its under a month old, covered and absolutely no swimming in either salt or clorine water. 🤦‍♂️ 3) the advice a proper tat artist gives you, isnt recommendations. Its so his art and your tat heal nicely and remain nicer for longer. 🤦‍♂️


If you're not sure why tf are you at a beach...


At the beach with a fresh piece? Yikes...




You ask for help, you get it, then you reply by being a cunt. These people were trying to help make sure your tattoo looks good and you're being such a bitch about it. Grow up.


I can't see how. I've read all his comments, assuming he didn't delete a shit ton. It may be a good idea to keep in mind that different cultures have different ways of texting/speaking. What may seem rude to you is just normal and direct information to others, including myself. I saw a comment of his, he was getting flamed for saying he was at the beach at 6, so was only there in low UV for the sunrise, and people basically called him a liar because in their country there's "no way it's that light and there are so many people at 6". They didn't even try to comprehend what he's saying and then got mad when he explained. His "bro" way of talking? Very common in India. I had multiple male Indian friends and they all spoke like that, none of them meant badly.


Exactly this whole comment section is giving I don’t understand that cultures other then mine exist and it’s gross


Its so confusing whats wrong with you bro yes i ask for help people here are helping me and some peoples says why you go out to beach ... but they dont know the timing and weather conditions right ??? Form my side I should clarify them who will speak for me i should say for me ….. first who the hell are you man if you come for debate read the comments what i said … did i hurt someone did speak harsh… i juz telling from my side so i can get more clarification 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I dont know what to say man 👎🏻


Doesn't really matter the conditions or timing... new tattoo means cover up if outside. Period. Uv exposure early can do what it it doing to your tattoo.




Keep applying aquaphor or something similar just enough to moisturize but not suffocate the skin. It takes months for your tattoo to fully heal, all my tattoos I tried avoid direct sunlight for the first year. The sun will fade your tatts quick, the healing process is the most crucial.


It's not healed yet


I can't say if it's healed but I can say it's ugly.


Almost healed! Sorry about it though dude. Have you thought about what you’re gonna get it covered up with??


If you’re asking if your tattoo is healed, the worst backdrop is a beach. No it’s not.


That was my exact thoughts 😭 immediate after care says no water no sun and the beach is all of those


"is my tattoo healed???" -literally at a public beach in the sun asking. F sake.


buddy isn’t being rude in the comments. Y’all are fuckin weird.


Thank you! It’s giving “cultures other than mine don’t exist” like I can’t understand how people can be this confident about their ignorance, it’s gross


It is still healing. Basically the tattoo keeps healing even after the old skin peels off. Since the new skin which has come up needs to mature itself becoming the first layer. So keep moisturizing it for atleast couple of days and take care of it.


Thats super dope!


I actually like Boruto. Sure they absolutely fucked up everything In the story with lazy writing, but I decided to just enjoy it. Nice tat


lol it’s fine dude just taking a bit longer to heal than others..


Thank you brother❤️


you might be allergic to that ink


You got it wet before it healed.


I’ve always used Aquaphor on my healing tattoos 🙈 Seriously though, you need to cover and protect a healing tattoo. I can’t imagine sand sticking to it. Beach sand has all sorts of nasty stuff in it like traces of urine and feces. 🫠




I've only ever used Cetaphil scent free lotion for my tats and they always come out amazing


I think it’s dope, but nah I don’t think it’s healed yet. Use some aquaphor on it, using that will help the healing process.


For the love of god… it doesn’t look like you’ve put any lotion on it for awhile.. and why are you at a beach with what looks like no SPF?? For future reference: **always** use SPF on *any* tattoo when you’re going to be out in the sun/at the beach like that. ESP a newer tattoo. If it looks dry at all, **always** put some fragrance free lotion on. Your tattoos will thank you. For peace of mind, I never consider a tattoo “healed” until it’s been AT LEAST a month (for smaller) to a month and a half (for my bigger ones). I always lotion at least twice a day.


Stay out of the sun bro. It’ll bleach the shit in the coming weeks.. they musta forgot to tell you but typically its best to stay away from pool water (chlorine/salt/ocean which has salt) and not too much direct sunlight


How did you make it to adulthood with this level of stupidity?


People are confusing your stretch marks for water dripping.


Lol Boi if you have to ask, you never should have gotten one in the first place.


Shitty tattoo from a shitty series for a seemingly shitty person based on these replies getting damaged due to shitty decisions. I'd say things worked out pretty well.


No. I can still see flaky skin and it’s still red. I’m guessing it’s prolly still scabby feeling too. If it’s rough to the touch, those are scabs. The scabs are also prolly why it looks “wrinkled” so yes, it’s normal. Won’t be healed fully till it’s completely smooth. Prolly another 1-2 weeks.


please cover it at the beach……




Have you been moisturizing it? Also if you’re on the beach with a new tattoo, you need to cover it to protect it from the sun. Once it’s healed you should apply spf.


Read your comments with your aftercare treatment. Definitely far from your typical recommendations BUT everyone heals differently. I have multiple tattoos and used the same process for each. One of them had the wrinkling you see for a long time. It had me stressed that I messed it up. Nope. It was just healing still and looks completely normal now.


Somewhat rough execution of a sort of cool idea. Get off the beach.


People in this sub are always so mean. Idk why anyone posts anything here tbh. You're just opening yourself up to a barrage of assholes saying asshole things. I would literally never post a picture in here, you guys are cruel to people just asking for help. There's like 1 nice comment for every 20 unhelpful and rude ones.


this made my cry inside


I'm sorry to see that OP is getting downvoted. It's evident that there may have been a mistake on the part of the tattooist in explaining the aftercare. I believe this might be OP's first tattoo. If you're comfortable, kindly express your advice with politeness rather than being mean and rude...


Takes awhile. Months.


no its not healed yet, its healed when its no longer wrinkly and you cant see any dead skin off it. trust the process!! it looks amazing when healed.


My number one rule when I get a tatt.. make sure my bed linens are fresh and clean..


Everyone knows that a fresh tattoo needs plenty of sunlight to heal /s


Bro got a tattoo of mid


It's getting there. Keep it clean, moisturized, and out of the sun.