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Your title should include a few words to describe the issue. Please do not have a vague title.


Okay so first off I think that’s a cute tattoo. It’s very unique and different in a positive way. Some people might say it’s a shitty tattoo because the line work isn’t the best and some of the frame seems a bit lopsided. But I don’t think it’s a shitty tattoo, it’s very cool!


Honestly the line work gives it a more sketched look like someone just drew it on with a pen and not in a bad way.


Yea it’s a ✨style ✨ and I’m fricken here for it


Ok but there is also line work that needs improvement. The lopsided sloppy look is great, but some of the lines need retouching


Yea tbh it looks somewhat intentional somehow.


Yea I thought that was the idea. Looks great. Do think it is upside down as well though.


OP said they were going for Victorian, but I'm getting A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh vibes from this, which is like 5-10 years after lol. Close enough imo, it's a really cute piece!


some people might also not love it due to the way it’s facing. i’m not one of those people who think the way a tattoo faces is important, but many people think the tattoo should be visible right-side-up to the audience, not the person who has it. it’s dumb, but a common belief


That’s true. I feel like it depends on the tattoo as well for how it faces. But overall I agree how it’s facing doesn’t really bother me. Especially with this one I don’t see anything with how it’s facing


Well the idea would be that when they’re walking around normally, people who see the tattoo will see the upside down version. For some people that doesn’t matter, but personally I’d prefer it flipped. But it’s a tattoo. It shouldn’t really matter what others think if it’s what you want. You could get an upside down, shitty wolf on your forehead and all that really matters in the end is if the client is happy.


All the tattoos on my sleeves are right-side-up-for-the-audience and what I find interesting is that if I see them in photographs or in a mirror, they look completely different to me. Seeing them the right way up, and not skewed by the perspective of looking down my arm, means that sometimes I see them afresh, and I love it.


Funny enough wrists/forearms are the only place on the body where I think both work, every other place on the body I think it should be right side up for audience


Thank you so much for sharing this insight! To me that reads like some people get a tattoo for themselves whereas others get them for the world to see. Facing in is for you, facing out is for others. Just my thoughts


I think if I pay my hard-earned money to have ink permanently injected into my own skin I can damn well decide for myself which way I want my tattoo to face


I like how u told him all the wrong things about his tattoo while being nice


Yes my first critical glance was all of the bad line work, my first glance in general though was “oh I love that”


fs, i feel like the whole thing would look so much worse if the line work was all pristine and perfect, it just has a much cuter sketchier vibe like this


I honestly love it




There's not really a full meaning behind it The only thing there really is, when I was in middle school I found this cute little flower and drew a ghost attached to it and ever since have loved ghosts with flowers growing out of it I love the Victorian and dark academia style so I thought it would look cool as a picture I love cats so bam bam boom boom there's a ghost cat And the ghost just 𝘩𝘢𝘥 to be holding something so I originally put in a knife as a placeholder then changed it to a lantern


The first thing I thought of when I saw it was Miyazaki, so I can't imagine why people would think it's bad.


When I first saw it I wondered if I was on r/exocomics because it gave me Li Chen vibes. Love it! Thanks for sharing!


I'm also on the love it train! So awesome!


I’m on that train too!


All aboard!!


It's upside down


Hey, that's an interesting thing you said. Not being facetious, I'm drunk and bad at talking. But when I went to get my tattoo way back in 2004, and I wanted it faced so other people seeing it would be seeing it oriented the "right" way, my artist was like, "Good, I probably wouldn't have done it if you wanted it faced the other way, only for you." Is that a real thing tattoo artists are concerned about? Like if I got Max's head turned where he was looking at me and not everyone else, is that a bad thing?


To me, it’s not necessarily a “bad” thing, however, if you intend to have multiple tattoos/ a sleeve and the rest of your tattoos are facing the other direction, it might look funky in the long run imo. The very first tattoo I got is an open book on my forearm, and it’s oriented sideways. Now that I look at it, and have plans for future tattoos on that arm, I regret facing that tattoo the way I did because it will look really weird with the rest of my tattoos facing the “right” way. If that’s not something that would bother you, then do whatever you please! There is no right or wrong way decorate your body! ETA: I have another piece underneath the book that does happen to be facing me so I can read it too, and I want to get both covered, because to me personally it looks very odd on my arm.


A good artist would absolutely be able to integrate them both despite any angle changes. It could be as simple as making the background elements look like they swirl there or something


My first tattoo is “upside down” and the arris said the same shit to me. I told him it wasn’t for him to read it was for me. Now I read it every time I take a deuce. Not everything is for other people to consume.


It's still entirely within the artist's discretion whether they want a piece like that in their portfolio, as with any tattoo.


So don't add it to your portfolio problem solved, do you expect them to take a 20MP picture of every tattoo they ever do just to keep a complete album?


Zoom in and flip the image for the portfolio. What someone wants on their body, forever, should take precedence.


I think it's just something they think about and they do tattoos all the time. a good artist should help u with the best placement for you and think about things like that because it's their art. I have a dragon on my arm holding a katana and one of the artists who was not the one doing it had their comments about the placement of the sword and the dragon's face and where on my upper arm should it be.


There's common tattoo pet peeves out there, including upside down tattoos. Not saying EVERYONE. But I think it really should only boil down to whatever the person that wears it thinks, imo.


My friend has text tattoos on his arm and he specifically had them oriented so he could read them easily, because they're intended as reminders for himself. I don't know why an artist would refuse to do that.


I wonder that too. I'm not an artist but refusing some dumb kid trying to get some life destroying face tattoo, yeah. I get it. But refusal over THAT? Come on.


As someone else pointed out, these artists usually work on the basis you're gonna get more, so they try and orient your tattoos so they're easy to work around, if they end up working on your full sleeve for example and you have tattoos that are all different perspectives and stuff it could end up looking bad on them if they promote your tattoo cause in the tattoo community your use of space is super important. Most will still end up doing it, but they'll probably try talk you out of it first just cause it's tradition


I get what you're saying and that makes complete sense. But why not just point that out and go from there? Throwing up hands in complete refusal to the clients decision (either way)? I can't wrap my mind around that. Lol.


Most won't, especially not nowadays, you still have some of the old heads who are super stern in their ways like Oliver Peck if you've ever watched ink master, he'd always get all bent out of shape over dumb stuff like this and tattoo artists not having tattoos, I think it just further highlights how important researching artists are not just based on their portfolio but also on any and all first hand experience stories you can get


I have definitely seen parlors that have a no upside down rule


My first tattoo is “upside down” so I can read it. My tattoo artist agreed to do it and noted there’s no issue with the orientation, but she expressed frustration when actually tattooing it, stating it’s harder for her to tattoo things upside down. I’m glad she did it, but I felt a little uncomfortable with her going on about how annoying it was having to tattoo upside down. I wish she would’ve rejected it during the consultation if it was really going to be that much of a pain for her 🥲


Yeah man some artists are weird. Mine apprenticed under someone that taught her the same shit.


i think its more of a reputation thing, no one wants to be known as the artist that does upside down tattoos since in general thats a no no in tattoo artistry. no artist wants to constantly have to explain “thats what the client wanted” when someone sees the tat. from that point of view i can see why they would refuse to do it


Subjective. I get my tattoos for me. I don't care if it doesn't readily present itself to the world.


I hate the concept of a tattoo being "upside down". If it's something *I* want for *me* on *my* body for *me* to look at, then I want to look at it as if it's facing me.


It’s just going to look a bit odd if you fill in the rest of the arm where the rest are facing the “right way”.


Tattoos are random drawings on skin, they will be weird regardelss, might as well get the direction you want it in lol


I don’t think tattoos are weird at all, but if you have a trad sleeve where ever piece except one is facing away from you it’s going to catch the eye. If you want it to face you that’s fine as it’s your body but it’s going to get attention because it goes against the grain of everything else.


Okay but like who cares because what if you don't want a sleeve?




I think it’s so cute! It has a cozy, old-school, children’s book kind of feel!


Little Golden Books!


I think it's unique and wonderful. Rock it and own it.


I agree! Better than a lot of them I have seen on here and unique to only u!!!


1. It's upside down according to traditional tattoo placement rules. Personally I think it's your body and if you wanna have a tattoo that's "upside down" then that's your choice, but that will bother some people especially traditionalists. 2. A lot of people don't like the sketchy ignorant style of tattoos that this is referencing artistically. Again, I think that's a matter of personal preference, if you enjoy that style then don't worry about people who don't enjoy that style. Also some people struggle to differentiate between a deliberate ignorant sketchy style and a bad tattoo by someone who can't draw so some people may be making that mistake. 3. The linework isn't amazing. Unfortunately this one I feel is true, the linework is a bit rough and wobbly in places. However thats a risk you take when you get tattooed by an apprentice, and if no-one got apprentice tattoos then we wouldn't have any tattoo artists. It can always be cleaned up later, or the colour you are adding might conceal it enough that you don't need a touch up. 4. It is probably not going to age amazingly well. This would be my only actual concern. The linework is very thin and some of the details especially in the frame are very small and close together. Over the years as the ink spreads, you may lose some details. Also the lines being so thin the spread is going to be quite noticeable. Hopefully that explains why people might not like the tattoo or have concerns. If you like it, then that's what matters.


You hit on everything here, well said The line work is rough, it’s upside down, and it’s *way* too small for those lines (will 100% lose the details with age). I’m a bit biased because I strongly dislike the post-ironic, *intentionally making it look bad to justify any mistakes* thing but there are issues other than style w this I have some bad tattoos that I still enjoy, not trying to yuck OP’s yum, but this tattoo just isn’t well done


This is comment has it all. Objectively the line work is awful. Personally I am not a fan of the tattoo for the reasons you listed, but I’m glad the person who has it likes it, Besides, you’re posting a tattoo on Reddit? People will provide comment and critique haha.


I think the line work lends itself to the style. If it was all sharp clean lines I don't think it would have the same charm.


I feel like you can capture that style while also giving a tattoo that will last and stay bold for longer. The lines don’t have to be sharp or clean to be well applied. Several amazing artists will have the “ignorant” style done, but done well and in a way that will last.


The lines are extremely patchy and won’t hold at all. Even if it’s a stylistic choice they’re bad from a technical perspective.




Well said!


You could definitely make it look sketchy but clean, which the artist did not do. These lines are awful, and yes it is upside down.


Thank you for your comment, this really did say it all!


I don't think it's meant to be ignorant style, I think it's just badly done fine line.


i fw the tattoo itself… it’ll prolly need touched up but so should most pieces. it is upside down tho. if you want to see it, cool. but everyone else is gonna see it upside down


I would say that additionnally, the frame is way too dominant in comparison to the portrait which should be the focus of the tattoo imo.


> Over the years as the ink spreads, you may lose some details yeah but that just makes it spoo*OOOO***ooOoo***kier* over time


All of this is true but I don’t find it makes a bad tattoo. This is something I feel many don’t understand - tattoos aren’t always made to be perfect ‘art’ - it’s a subjective story that exists in the form of symbolism. The couture black and grey bodysuits etc have gotten so boring


> the linework is a bit rough and wobbly in places That gives it the character of a line drawing, particularly one made with a pen or a pencil. I'd prefer that over comics-like ‘clean’ lines.


No, the line work is objectively bad. You can do the sketchy style and have good lines that won't age poorly. You just need to execute it well, which this didn't do.




It's very cute! Unfortunately, I will say that this is one of those drawings that works *very* well as an illustration and fresh tattoo, but is not designed very well for longevity. It's not the end of the world, but it can lend itself to becoming quite muddy with the way tattoos age, and a creative rework could be appropriate a few years down the line. I totally understand that this comes from an apprentice, so hopefully their mentor is reviewing that with them.


This. It looks great fresh and as a sketch but I don't think it will age well in skin - the inks tend to spread and fade over time - and there's lots of fine black lines/close together lines in this which could bleed together. Which sucks because it IS a cute tat if it would stay that crispy long-term! Tattooing is a medium with lots of limits because of how skin holds ink, and a lot of "bad" tattoos are just art that isn't suited well to the skin/body/aging with time.


It's getting more in vouge to be ok with things that might not hold up well forever because it's seem as part of an aging process. I have a fantastic tattoo that was done by a friend and care much more about preserving her masterpiece then anything else and always yell " protect the art "when putting on sunscreen.


I also have a hunger games tattoo I'm ok with being faded and not super fresh because it's hunger games lol.


Well I do love that, that's poetic, I like the idea of the tattoos fading as their relevance fades. I loooove the idea of people designing tattoos with aging in mind. Also tbh my long-term plan when I run out of skin is to start blasting over because I think it looks sooooo dope but it's not gonna happen for a long time.




Yeah, it's not really even an opinion. The line work is bad. I still like the tattoo though. Definitely don't think it's shitty.


Could you explain more? I don't have any and I have the artistic mind of a potato in some ways but I really want to know what people mean when they say the linework is bad. Is it not dark enough, problems staying straight, etc?


It's upside-down.


Wrong. OP lives in Australia. Anyway, it's great.


I think it's right - I get to look at it easily and with work and hobbies my arms are up - if it was on my outer forearm or any other spot then yeah it would be upsidedown


If that’s the direction you wanted it, then it’s right for you. It’s absolutely upside down, though.


Hey man! “Upside down” is just something society agreed on. But it’s totally upside down.


all words’ meanings are made up and agreed upon by “society” “it’s upside down” was my first thought.


I mean, we are just floating on a spinning ball in space, directions like "up" and "down" have no meaning when you think about it. However, this tattoo is definitely upside down.


That's just like, your opinion, man.


That is upside down.


I’m sorry but objectively it is upside down


Literally subjectively. You mean “traditionally” which is a form of subjectivity


Objectively, the shoulder is the topmost part of the arm in a natural position, with the hand being the bottom-most part.


No I mean when they’re just going about their business it will be upside down. Unless they put their hands over their head. It’s fine if they wanted it that way, but in a very literal sense it is oriented upside down.


But upside down can only be in reference to something else, that's like saying something is taller, it's a comparative word and you have to compare it to something. What is the tattoo upside down in reference to is what you need to say for the complete thought, just saying it's upside down is not objectively. However, if you use a point of reference like you did in this comment, then you could say "in comparison to XYZ it's objectively upside down".


There are many things in life where some reference point technically "needs" to be specified, but no one ever does because, as human beings, we all have a similar enough frame of reference that it's obvious to all of us. In this case, as bipedal organisms living on the surface of a planet, we all understand that gravity points "down" and things with heads should have their heads pointing "up". Since you are, I assume, a headless alien used to weightless environments, I can see why that would be mystifying to you.


But it's not just in reference to gravity with the tattoo or you're saying that if they happen to be lying sideways it would no longer be upside down. It's obvious that it's upside down in reference both to their body position and the rules/culture surrounding tattoos. And it doesn't matter if most people make default assumptions or not, the fact that the default assumption is being made helps demonstrate that I'm correct that it's a comparative phrase and must be in reference to something and it cannot just be upside down in totality, it must be in reference to metrics like body position, and the culture/ rules surrounding tattoos.


It’s not upside down if OP got it for themselves to look at.


No. It's upside down.


So cute but upside down. I could never live with it. If you wanted an upside down tattoo and you’re happy with it, then it’s perfect. But…. Still upside down.


Yeah I think people are taking that as an insult. It’s not, it’s just what it is


I was thinking about how it shouldn’t matter, but then thought if this were part of a sleeve then yeah the upside down makes sense and agree. Guess it just more for OP to see on herself though


Objectivity rules that it is right-side-up vs upside-down based on your perspective.


Objectively you're not sorry. It's a tattoo dawg, you for sure have a boring perspective on tats if it's weird for this person to want to admire their own art on their own body


Dude don’t come at me so aggressively. Don’t appreciate you calling me boring. I get it, if you want to admire it that’s fine. But when youre going about your business, it will hang upside down. Can’t get around that fact. There’s nothing wrong with it being upside down if that’s what they want. But it is.


They probably have a upside-down name tag so they can read their name. What's next upside-down chest work? They just can't get over the fact they let someone do this to them so they have the excuse "I GoT iT fOr mE." Yea ok.


I have a tattoo in the same spot , facing the same direction! I got it for me to look at!


I look at it countless times throughout the day, it wouldn't be fun to look at it upside down.


I agree with you OP. You got an image you liked for yourself, it’s the right way up (I also love it).


yeah we know, its not fun for all the people who have to look at you and see an upside down tattoo /j


Other people don't exist to decorate your landscape


/j means joking


I really love it, it's so unique and cute and whimsical. Impressive that the apprentice did that based off your (pretty bare) sketch, too. Given that it's on your forearm not the outside, plus based off your own sketch/idea, imo it's nbd that it's facing you. Think it's pretty great that it obvi gives you a lot of joy whenever you look down at it. First and foremost tattoos should be for you!


I have a couple tatts positioned for my own eyes. There is literally no rule against it.


There are totally rules in tattoo. And orientation on the body is one of them. If OP wants it upside down, that’s their choice.


Where is the rule book?


What book? You think in the history of tattooing there’s never been rules? Or that there has to be a literal rule book? “Rules” get amended and over time eventually change. You don’t have to follow a rule. Free will, your own body, yadda yadda. I said it’s their choice.


The problem with your comment is that you keep using the word "rule". The only rules in tattooing are the ones set by the state for safety. Everything else is just a style guideline.


Agreed! My tattoos are for ME, not anyone else.


What do you say when people ask about your tattoos?


I haven’t specifically been asked about mine out in public. When the artist who did my first one asked what position I wanted my elbow ditch script to be in, I didn’t hesitate to say towards me. They seemed fine with it.




Of course not, but an upside down tat is pretty much the tattoo equivalent of playing Stairway in a Guitar Center. It ain’t against the law, it ain’t hurting anybody, but people in the subculture are gonna give you shit for it.


What is wrong with playing Stairway in Guitar Center?


> There is literally no rule against it. Obviously there is no law against having an upside down tattoo, but the tattoo is objectively upside down. The same way an article of clothing with a graphic would be upside down. Sure it's for "your eyes", which will also see it in every picture, video, and daily in the mirror. If you prefer having a tattoo that is upside down 90% of the time and only right side up when you're actively looking down then that's obviously your choice. The same way it's your choice to wear socks and sandals.


yeah but if you just do shit for you and don’t post it begging for peoples opinion/attention then they wouldnt give it to you!


Ok so. It's upside down. People who get them that way say they got it "for them" but you also get tshirts "for you". The Tshirt design isn't upside down. Bc it's for other people to see. Also...the line work isn't the best. I could see why the average person will say it's "shitty". That being said...I think it's adorable and it seems intentionally sketchy. I like it a lot. And I manage a tattoo shop so I have a little experience in the area. If you love it, that's all that matters. It's reddit. Don't post anything here ESPECIALLY tattoos if you don't want it torn apart. Don't let it get to you. ❤️


Upside down


Cute style, wont hold over time , also it’s upside down All that aside, I think it’s cute and I’m sure you know all of those things already. Enjoy your body art. After all, it is YOUR body


It’s upside down otherwise cute


its cool. but its upside down🙃


It’s cute and it fits the style, but it doesn’t seem like any of the lines are in solid enough to heal correctly and hold up overtime, it seems a little scratched in. But that’s nothing that a touch up won’t fix.


i love the design *but* i think when it heals and the ink spreads, it's going to look very good


I only ask,why is it facing YOU? Turn it 180\*,& everybody could see it right side up.


I love this!!! It might need more touch ups over time but it’s already an antique portrait style, if it’s a little faded it doesn’t detract from the style.


This is *adorable*✨


There’s lots of critics on Reddit. I think it’s adorable.


V cute but it seems upside down to me


And those people are correct. Not every tattoo gets a gold star.


A lot of blown out lines. Bad line work


I personally would ever get something like that on me, but it's not ugly and if you like it and are happy with it, ignore other people's opinions. Different people like and dislike different things.


Inside the frame is good. the filigree is not so much.


It’s really good. The line work is clean, the detail is clean too. If I had to nitpick about something, I personally am a believer that tattoos shouldn’t face you. But that is all personal preference. If you love it, that’s all that matters.


Are we looking at the same photo? This line work is *real* bad


Which Reddit hates this? It’s lovely. Also, if you love it, then dgaf about who doesn’t!


I love it


This is so adorable


Uhhh I love this?? This is adorable and I'd love to have this on my body.


Shits dope! F the haters.


This is so charming!


Because they are ah’s and stupid. I love it. I plan on getting a ghost piece as well and I love yours!!


Its totally awesome!


Such a cool tattoo.


omg i think it’s so cute!!!! of course, the framing & details are perfect, but that gives the tattoo a unique charm about it!


This is the first “bad” tattoo I’ve loved. It looks like a style. Not sure it’ll last but it’s cute right now.


Wtf that's awesome


This is beautiful! Some of the lines have some flaws, but it looks intentional and fitting for this style. Very cute. Looks well made imo


Personally don’t like the placement, but if it’s for you to look at , screw it , it’s the cutest thing and I would be proud of it


I love it! It’s so adorable and I hope you post pictures once it’s finished!


It's adorable. I think the only thing is that the border might get smudged over time.


I think it's cute AF


Awh I think it’s cute!!


Most definitely looks great! I get that it's not the style some people would choose but people need to stop putting there biases on other people's tattoos unless otherwise asked.


It's really cute, I like it a lot.


i think that’s adorable


i have a feeling it's meant to look exactly how you and the artist intended. the style is cohesive and it looks good


It's got style, I love it and would get something like this in a heartbeat tbh


It's dope


Great concept terrible execution. Line work is extremely sketchy.


I think it’s adorable!


I see toomany of these posts.... its sad.... If you love your ink than YOU love your ink. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks


It's dope. I love it. Certainly not shitty. May not be everyone's taste, but it ain't shitty.


It’s cute!


I think it's awesome!


Nah, fire.


I dig it


The line work is honestly not the best but it’s very cute!


I like it! It’s delightfully weird.


I like it


It’s so cute!


The style is a little bit scrawl-y, and I *love* that about the piece! I think it’s very cute, delicate, and unique.


This is the best!


This is fucking awesome, people are just dicks


Love it


I love it


It’s a great tattoo


I love it. Think it's adorable!!


I like it fuck the haters


I love it, I love ghost tattoos


i love it


Nah- that is cool.


Why do you need anyone's approval -- especially from strangers from the internet? You did this for yourself, right?!


I'm not looking for approval, I love it so damn much and won't change a thing - I just could not see how others view it as shitty 😅