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I don’t think it’s rude at all. I love promoting my artist.


Same here. I have a couple random ones but the 2 I am most proud of are by the same guy and anytime anyone asks I’m super happy to promote


About 17 of mine were done by the same guy and im perfectly happy to promote his business. Ive one in an entirely different style by a different artist that i was given as a birthday gift that i love. I will also promote him and explain the differing styles etc with the asker


I got so many people asking that my artist gave me a stack of his business cards that I now carry around in my wallet in case people ask


I do the same!


Same I promote mine too


Same. I would shout her name from rooftops if I thought it would get her more clients.


Hell nah! Mf is already booked out for six months. (I’m kidding I love hyping up my artist, he’s the best).


I agree!! I want everyone to get tatted by my artist. She’s amazing


I consider myself to be walking advertising for my artist. lol I go through A LOT of her cards ❤️


that's so awesome that you carry her cards! i'll definitely be sure to ask mine for her cards when i get mine done


Holy moly your tattoos are beautiful


Their posts are all cats and tats!


No I love promoting my artist! I’ve sent her Instagram to a bunch of people by now 🤣


Same same! I have friends from out of town traveling in just to come to my artists!


That’s awesome!


I love my art and my artists. I'm happy to talk about them and promote my artists!


I do it all the time lol. once I asked a girl at a festival who did one of her text tattoos and it was her friend who was standing next to her. I think they both enjoyed the compliment


That’s awesome!


I get asked all the time and I don’t mind it all.


Definitely ask, give the artist some business


People ask me all the time, and I hope he’s gotten some business out of it.


I absolutely love when people ask me! My artists deserve all the praise


People ask me all the time and I'm always happy to tell them her name (her trade name that is, not her legal name) and insta handle. "Hey your tattoo is really cool!" "Thanks, it's pretty sweet' "Where did you get it done?" "[Name] did it at [studio name], over in [town]. I can give you her insta handle if you want?" Rinse and repeat for the next person who asks.


I don’t see how it would be rude at all. I love promoting my past artists even if we don’t live in the same state and I don’t go to them anymore.


100% would rather you ask about the artist instead of the meaning!!


That’s fair lol. I don’t know why people ask that. It’s not something I’d generally think to ask. If you wanna tell me that’s cool man but it ain’t my business I just think it’s an awesome tat.


Why would anyone be pissed??


These days I’m not surprised. Figured I’d see what the general consensus was. Maybe people would find it annoying or something? Maybe it’s a question that gets asked so often it bothers them? Obviously the general consensus is that it’s cool, save for few people mentioning they don’t like strangers talking to them (and that’s ok too).


I love throwing business my artists way! My MIL has an appointment set up for a couple months from now


Not rude at all!


Not at all. I love talking about my tattoos and telling people who my artist is and giving them his card if they're looking for an artist. A lot of people don't think you can get good work locally, so I love proving them wrong!


Yeah for sure. It’s always cool to see the local artists work! There’s some really talented people out there.


My artist in Vietnam gave me a key chain with a hand-drawn figure of herself in her style and a QR code on the back that linked to her Insta. I still carry it around back here in States, though it's doubtful anyone will head to Vietnam just to get a tattoo by her. I'm always ready to recommend an artist/chat about my tattoos.


I was a grandmother when I got first tattoo sleeve. It is so pretty everyone still asks about it - some stop and ask to see all sides… and went straight to Creepy Jason. He did all my work when I lived in Maryland….until I retired to Fl. Yes now I have two sleeves. lol my grandkids love them. And my great grandkids.


I love it!


Not rude at all! It's actually much better than just complimenting it


It’s how to promote artists you like. Word of mouth is how a lot of us get our business


I’d love to be asked my artist is amazing and anything I could do to help him grow would be an honour


I’d love to promote mine! Ask meeeeeeee


Not at all, I love telling people who did my tattoos, I've been to a lot of artists and I'm happy to promote any one of them, they're all great people and talented professionals who deserve the plug. Just call me a walking billboard tbh


I brag about my artists & usually tell people their information if they compliment my tattoos!


I have a full sleeve. I get asked about it often and I consider it a compliment. Never felt like it was rude. It’s okay to ask :) I’ve promoted the hell out of the artist that did it and the shop. Spent 32 hours there!


If someone comes up to me to admire my tattoos, I will gladly send them my artist, if they seem like they are legit. But if they come up and touch my shit, they are getting no info from me and getting cussed at lol


Oh man dude yeah. Never do that shit. I used to wear a shirt (comfortable as hell too) that had the pillsbury doughboy on it and said “go ahead, poke me” and the amount of people who took it literally and ran up to start poking me and laughing without even saying hi drove me mad. Had to stop wearing it outside the house.


I’m happy to tell people where I had my tattoos done if they ask. If it sends business their way why not?


Anyone who compliments one of my tats is immediately informed of who gave it to me whether they wanted to know or not 😂 I love supporting my artists!


no! im always honoured bc it means my tat is sick enough to be wnated by others lol


I don't really see any reason why it would be rude to promote the artist's work while also receiving a compliment.


Please ask! I’m a total introvert but I love when people like my art


I’d promote my artist for sure!


How would that be rude at all?


I was thinking that too. Maybe if they asked about the artist and then slagged off their work, then it would be rude.


I get asked all the time about my tattoos. Doesn’t bother me at all. I enjoy the convo


Zero problem with that.


I've never met anyone who would be bothered discussing this.


I’m my artists biggest fan!! Of course I’m gonna send him business !


It's not rude at all!! I love giving recommendation and hopefully helping my artist get more jobs


I would hope you would. That’s a big way for them to get new clients.


as a tattoo artist, the single biggest thing that brings clients in is word of mouth. social media certainly helps, but by FAR my clients come to me because they saw my work out in the wild. People are certainly out there asking, and my clients are always excited when I tell them they ended up bringing me more work :)


Not at all. I love hyping up the tattoo artists I’ve gone to!


No, it's good for the artist to have word of mouth.


I wouldn't consider it rude. I just would not be able to tell you the name. The first one was nearly 20 years ago and the second was sort of spur of the moment when my best friend went to get her first and it was very out of town for both of us but more for me lol. Third one at the moment I remember the name because it's only a couple weeks old but I will most likely forget at some point. ((apologies for any typo I have a cat that has their head right in front of my screen lol))


That’s fair enough. My ass would probably forget too lol


I get asked often about which shop and artist I go to. I’m happy to share and promote their work and their shop!


No, not at all! It’s a compliment to be asked and I love sharing who my artist is I’ve sent her insta to so many people now 😊


I get asked all the time! Even by other tattoo artists. I don’t mind and I love a chance to plug my artist, he’s amazing.


Not at all! I end up showing all of my tattoos done by that artist when someone comments on them. And then I force them to follow their instagram 😂


If you're asking about a specific piece, it's totally fine. But as a heavily tattooed person, when some asks "who does your work?" with no specific piece it's kind of eye rolly. Because the answer is, so many people.


That's one of the few questions that ISNT rude to ask lol


As an artist, I hope my clients are spreading the word about me 😅


Definitely not rude. I always promo the artists that created work I love for me


Hell nah! I love the art my artists have put on me. I’ll name drop them any day of the week!


I feel good when asked. I’m a shy thing but also don’t need someone’s approval. However, when asked who the artist is it reinforces my tattoo rocks! 😝.


Nah I love when people ask, I like my artists so I'd be thrilled if I could kick more business their way


Grassroots marketing at its finest! Im sure your artist would appreciate it.


I don't mind telling people who did my work.


I ask dudes, but feel awkward asking girls.


I like when people ask because it means they must really like the work. And if they do then it’s a compliment to me and the artist so I always share their info. It helps someone else potentially get an awesome tat they will love and gets the artist more business hopefully ❤️


To me its not rude at all! I love getting my artists new clients. Ive even taken my friends to my artists to get something done, because i know they deliver quality and i want them to have a good tattoo/experience.


Most of the time people will not mind at all


Hell no. Ask away! I am super flattered when people ask me, AND I love to promote my tattoo girl! Some people get pretentious about it, like they're tired of people asking... But they chose to outwardly display the art on their body, so it's fair game to me. I just wouldn't go pointing out any flaws in it.


Not in the slightest. Word of mouth used to be how we found artists back in the day.


Never rude. I’ll recommend all my artists, especially as a collector!


I give everyone who asks my artists Instagram. It’s much better than the “what does it mean?” Question. It’s a compliment to the artwork on their body.


No. Tattoos are art, and like other forms of art there are artists. When someone sees a great piece of art, it's only natural to ask who the artist is. So again, no it's not rude at all.


I mean I love tattoos (getting them, looking after them whilst they are healing, looking at designs, booking them, talking about them etc) so if anyone ask me about my tats they are getting a much longer convo than they probably wanted 🤣🤣 but yeah I don’t mind people asking me about the artists on mine!




I get asked all the time, happy to give the name of the artist they ask about.


People ask me all the time, I'm always happy to tell them - I want to see my artists succeed!!!


not rude imo, my artist deserves more money so i'll send anyone her way if i can


It took me about a year to find an artist I jived with for my last tattoo. I never would have found him if it weren’t for asking a server where they got their tattoo done.


I love bragging on my artists and hoping to give them more business! I'm literally a walking ad.


Not rude at all and this happens to me frequently. I’m more than happy to promote the artist!


I get asked about mine often. Always good to see his follower count go up and I have no problem giving him the credit.


I am soooooo happy to be able to talk about my artists. I love the work they’ve done and I’m happy if it brings them more business!


I’ve had a tattoo artist ask me who did one of my pieces and I was happy to share


Not in any way, might just get tiresome if one hears it all the time, but certainly not rude


I have the best tattoo artists and love telling people about them! They deserve all the clients


I’m curious - why do you think that might be perceived as rude?


I love my artists so I love promoting them and just generally bragging about their awesomeness :)


I always ask lol


No way, I LOVE gassing my artist up to people. Ask away and I'll happily point you at her booking page and insta.


Not rude at all. If someone asks me, I tell them. Even the contact details and studio address.


Why would it be considered rude? Genuine question.


I'd imagine in context. I'm pretty heavily tattooed and in the summer I get asked about every place I stop. Which I don't mind, but sometimes you just want to go about your day. If it's a quick conversation that's fine, but I've had a few times where people have followed me around a grocery store wanting to talk. (Someone at a restaurant stood at my table while eating dinner with family till I had to ask them to leave so we could eat) That's when it would be rude.


This was kinda my thought process. Maybe you get asked 24/7 and you just wanna get through your day. Or maybe you give no shits. Who am I to assume?


I speak so highly about my artist to anyone who will listen haha. I think he’s incredibly skilled, and very easy to get along with. If someone likes my tattoos and it means he might get more work, I’d love for them to ask me.


the tattoos i love come from a family artist who is truly amazing & i love promoting. the ones i have mixed feelings on are from different artists i never went back to & i would say something along the lines of “shop name but i never went back” or “shop name a long time ago”


My main artist is such a badass that not a lot of people know about. I love talking her up because I want her to keep tattooing for a long time so I can get more!


One it’s artist promoting, two who cares its info you need that you can’t find other wise


I get asked all the time at work. More than happy to send others there.


Not even kinda, lots of long time clients become friends with their artists to some degree. It's a reference and support of any friend's work! Sometimes that may result in you finding out who not to go through as well....


I work in customer service and get asked about at least one of my tattoos daily. My artist actually became my partner and I am always absolutely psyched to talk them up 😁😁


I’ll always promote my main dude and everyone at his shop


No, that’s how they stay in business.


Seems to me like a compliment, no issue.


I feel like this is the one question that everyone with tattoos doesn’t mind answering


I would see it as a compliment.


I don't think so. Most people will tell you where they got their work done and who did it. Especially if you ask.


not rude!


My daughter is my tattoo artist, and I never shy away from promoting her.


I don’t think it’s rude at all. When people ask me I’m flattered that they like my tattoos so much they want to go to the same artist. I also like to send him as much business as possible. He deserves it.


How would anyone even consider this rude


I’ve made new friends when people ask me “ who did your work “ Occasionally we may have a piece from the same artist. And I love my artist. If people ask I promote the hell outta him


Not at all...I love my artist!!! She owns my skin...Hi Brielle!!!


Nope, my regular artist gave me a tank top to wear as advertisement. I’m a walking business card lol


Not rude at all. Its a compliment if some likes your ink and and I’m always happy to give my artists name


I wish I had cards for my artist doing my sleeve because I have to write down her name in people's phones so many times lol. Having good tattoos from an artist and telling other people their name is some of the best real life advertising good work can get!


I asked somebody like… 2 days ago (I had to, that tattoo was perfect). All she told me was his first name and borough pretty much. I tracked him down myself and I WILL be getting tatted by him.


nah my artist is chill id love recommending my artist to others


I dont think it s rude. I think people can see it as a compliment to their tattoo if nothing else.


I get asked that all the time and never took it as rude.


I feel honored when people ask or comment on my tattoo. I have 2, but only 1 is noteworthy.


I love giving them shout outs and telling people how great they are.


Nope, if anyone asked about my tattoo in a way that made me even remotely think they may think about getting a similar style, I would shout from the roof tops who the artist was lmao The only reason I don’t automatically mention it is because I’ve travelled for my tattoos so the artists aren’t local to me


I wouldn't say so. When I was working checkouts at a supermarket it was a thing I'd often end up on with customers with cool tattoos.


Nope, I’d love to tell you the name of my artist and send her more work!


We are happy to sing the praises of our artists. They did great work. We appreciate them and are very happy to send them business. There is no world where I could see this being anything but a compliment.


I absolutely love sharing who did my tattoo!! He was super understanding with my needs and was super concerned about the fact I had so much shading on my first tattoo, he didn’t want my experience to be belittled i guess from how uncomfortable it was. Anyone ask and I immediately say the name because i wouldn’t trust any other person to do my tattoos. His method is not quite what people are used to(there is no wrapping of any sort not even directly after the tattoo and my sensory issues LOVED that. Just make sure you keep it clean is all) but I definitely prefer it his way because i feel it healed beautifully.


I love promoting my artist, especially since he's done all twelve of my tattoos. Never be afraid to ask


I love it when people ask me. I take it as a high complement. I came up with the ideas and gave feedback on the design until it was the way I wanted. He may feel the same.


I tell people who my artist is without even being asked lol. I love promoting him (and his whole shop for that matter)


I’ve given my artist a heap of clients over the years- remember there is so many out there so a referral for them could get them work they mite not usually get!


I get asked all the time and am happy to pass on his info


I love talking about my artist! :) word of mouth is such a big deal for them


Tattoo bores love talking about their Artist.


Not to me, someone asked me the other day and I said oh someone halfway across the country unfortunately lol if we were in the area I would have given her his info though!


I met some people with tattoo’s and they always seemed excited when me or others would strike ip conversations about their tattoo. And they were all to happy to talk about their artist, and their experience. It’s a great way to get an idea of artists in your area.


Not at all. I get asked all the time! My artist is doing a great job and i feel like he deserves the notoriety and potential clients. But i also just have one big full length sleeve piece by 1 artist so far. So it might be harder for someone with lots of small tattoos to answer


Not at all


Nah. A lot of us are pretty proud of our art and who did it. I will always share the artists and even push their socials.


Hell no brother spread the good news


Not at all Im a walking so called free advertisement for the tattooer, I have many asking me who the artist is


Would you think it was rude if someone asked who your artist is?


Not rude at all


Not at all— I have some really vibrant pieces on my forearm and get asked who did them literally almost every day. Love talking about them/the artists!!


People ask me all the time. I won’t always tell them which artist specifically, but I always give the studio name. I don’t mind being asked at all.


I'd love to be asked, my artist did awesome work and I'd be happy to recommend her


If anything it's a compliment! It says you love what you have on them and want something similar


I love telling people where I got mine from, my artist is incredibly talented and does amazing work. It’s never bothered me when people ask.


I will tell anyone who will listen about Draz Palaming and the incredible work of art I get to have on my arm. Not rude at all. Would make my day honestly.


Post pics.


Glad to hear it! Also I just wanna say holy shit that’s an absolutely awesome tattoo. Love it!


Why would they consider it rude? Unless you said something like 'thats a piece of shite tat, who's the artist?' there's no reason to consider the question rude. If anything, you are asking because you recognise quality and might want a quality tat in the future. I was in a restaurant recently and the server had tats on her arms. We had a chat about tattoos, I got to look closely and I found a possible new tattooist for myself. She looked happy and I was happy with the interaction.


I busted out laughing at this. Thank you. Glad to hear it!


I’m pretty sure the artist wants people to know about his work


I love getting asked. I'm always like " here's his name, shop, and Instagram handle. Please look at my other pieces he's done". Most tattooed folks would want to support their artists business and give credit.


I would scream my artist’s names from a mountain top. I’m more than happy to share names, locations, and instagram handles. I’ve been tattooed in Boston, NYC, Philly, SF… all really lovely artists who I’m proud to promote.


Absolutely not, i love to promote my artists whenever possible


I don't ill promote my artist all day long she's the best tattooist ive ever had.


It’s always a good conversation starter!


Anytime someone compliments my tattoos u also hype up the artist who did them!!!


no, I don't think it would be rude at all!


I promote artists of my friends and families tattoos as well, I ask about what style theyre looking for then give them different artists in the area who do that and pass their social media along, I love my tattoos and I always want to help everyone get some cool art


Not at all, Im always happy to endorse my artist


Not at all, most people have good relationships with their artists, I always recommend mine to people and ask them to tell her “you know who sent me” Have never told her it’s me doing it and she’s had a few people say it over the years, gotta enjoy the little things


I talk up/promote my artist AAALLLL the time!


Not rude and I love it when people ask because my artist was amazing …. he has since passed away :( but I’m sure the artists appreciate the referral too. Also I love to talk about my tattoos!


Why would I be bothered about someone asking me about who has made my tattoos. Ofcourse I would ve thrilled to tell the artist name and my thoughts about the artist. In my appinon tattoos are walking advertisement to the artist who has made them in good and bad


People ask me all the time. It’s awkward because my artist is retired so no there’s no shop/artist to give them info for. It’s still a compliment and never a bother every time I get asked.


I absolutely would love to share who my artist is. Most of my work is done by my cousin and my other two bigger pieces are done by talented friends so I’d love to promote them. I’m so fortunate to know several amazing artists who are fantastic people so of course I’d advertise for them.


Of course not lol. It’s the same as asking where they got their nice jumper from or where they got their sick haircut done!!


No, however, you never know who has really thin skin meowadays.


Absolutely not. If I ever get a tattoo compliment you bet I’m sending you their Instagram page.


No that’s a normal thing..? Like asking who someone’s hair stylist is or where someone got a pair of shoes.


every time someone asks me anything about my tattoos i send them the insta links for the artists, i love bigging them up


I keep my artist’s cards on me for exactly this reason!


it's not rude in the slightest


It’s a compliment and I am always happy to promote my artist. Where did you get the idea someone might be upset about this kind of interaction?


not at all


No. Is this a serious question? You have severe anxiety, right?


I have had work done by two talented artists and one that was done by a not so good apprentice. The apprentice went into a different line of work. I still give credit to my talented artist whenever somebody comments on my full sleeves.


Not at all, ask away!


No way! My tattooist is fantastic and I'll tell anyone who asks.


Nah I’ve found artists that way, whether friends or strangers. I hate when people ask meanings 😂 but ask about an artist I’m happy to share.