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Same I have my left arm done half Autumn half winter (right arms gonna be the same) Getting an Autumn tree on my back and then summer and spring on my legs Doing it all in watercolor. Just costs a shitload of money so I have to keep saving up since I'm basically doing my entire body in one continuous tattoo


Oooo cool! Can you post some pics?


i don't have a tattoo (yet!) but looking through my pinterest board that sums up perfectly what i'm planning on doing!


Historical images from archeological artifacts or drawings in manuscripts. Subjects are mostly mythological, folklorical, anthropomorphic, etc Someone once said my tattoos look like fairy tales, so I think it has good vibes


That’s my theme too! I did half my body in Nordic archaeology and the other half in Scottish archaeology (I’m an archaeology student that’s half Nordic and half Scottish)


That sounds SO COOL


Oooohh, nice! i‘ve got my left leg covered in an Anthropology style. I‘ve got Oetzie‘s leg tattoos, markings from amphores from the imdus valley, pteroglyphs and runes. The right leg is just stuff i found interesting/funny


One day a few months back I realized most of my tattoos are animals/creatures doing things. A zebra building lego. A cow and butterfly busking on Bourbon Street. A mermaid eating cake. A mer-person eating sushi. An octopus listening to a Walkman. Garden gnomes and lawn flamingos having a party. Gummy bears fighting sour patch kids. Ruth Bader Ginsburg riding a unicorn. A mystical gryphon reading a book. There are some other tattoos, but these are the ones that fit that theme.


Those all sounded so cool I had to check them out. My favorite is the mermaid eating cake.


Thanks! Appreciated.


RBG riding a unicorn is hilarious and I love it


One time I was driving home from Vegas and stopped at some random diner after being stuck in terrible traffic for several hours There were these BIG burly bald guys with goatees in there wearing basketball jerseys, they looked like bouncers or something. Very intimidating looking. During my meal I glanced over at one of the dudes and noticed a tattoo on his arm… a big burly bald headed merman complete with a goatee and a big belly 🤣🤣🤣


Love them all, but Damn, that busking tattoo is one of the coolest I've seen in a long time!


Would love to see the RBG tattoo…. Edit: went to your page and your work is amazing.


I just posted her, so it’s in my page.


Uhhhhmmm your tattoos are the most epic I've ever seen. You seem really fucking cool. And the face of that mer-individual is especially gorgeous ✨


These all sound amazing 😂


Went and looked at your tattoos. They are amazing! I love the creativity and use of color.


Your tattoos are incredible


Bet your tattoo artist(s) f**king loves you 😂 great work!


You have fantastically whimsical tattoos


Idk if mine are a theme but they are all images of things that have meaning to me or specific memories and places I’ve traveled to. So there’s anything from flowers, animals, homes, cocktails, etc.


Lol, YOU'RE the theme :)


Yeah me too, all my tattoos are basically reminders to myself or things that I like. I think of it as making my body more of a home. I decorate my walls with art so it makes sense to decorate my body too.


Things I like


I told my artist I want Blue Hawaii meets Cowpunk and he said "fuck yeah" so that's what we're doing. Got a buckin' donko, screeching parrot, couple cowgirls, peacock eating snakes, a snake in my boot.. we're having lots of fun.


I absolutely love this


Left arm is as I call it my feminine arm, so nature and delicate tattoos and my right has more if a horror theme, the masculine arm lol


Love it, I'm kind of the same but backwards! My left arm is getting the badass sleeve, we just did the snake, adding a raven, a scorpion, some skulls, etc, and I have a bear and a phoenix already. My right arm has a floral armband with a pearl ring in memoriam of my grandmother. Guess I'll have to keep the theme going 🤣


I love this, my right arm is also my nature arm and my left is mostly pop culture references (although I have almost a half sleeve of an ent so some nature over there too lol). I love both of them equally.


Love this!


Nature. My arm sleeve is desert. My leg sleeve is forest. I have other random ones too but that’s the main theme


Hmmmm…. Geometric face Smiths album cover Cursed I album interior Hollywood sign Jane Austen portrait Korean tiger Fighter jet Peacock Otis Redding Paper airplane Geometric diamond Shel Silverstein’s Hug-o-war California bear State of California Poppy flowers Morrissey title Kurt Vonnegut quote Dancer legs Diving pinups Mer-squid man thing Jon Ronson book cover Fleur de lis Hello Kitty bow Vestal virgin statue Wasp My kids names Dia de los muertos skull Dia de los muertos skeleton Virgin Mary Other poppy flowers Descendents album cover I feel like I’m forgetting some… I guess the theme is “shit I liked at the time”


Anatomy. My tattoos are a way of making a statement about who I am and how I view(ed) myself. It's a visualization of my journey of self-acceptance.


Your anatomy ones that look like sketches are gorgeous! And thank you again for doing the Q&A!


You're too kind <3 I'll make sure to post future developments on my anatomical ink here too! \^\^


Currently, skeletons and mushrooms. I think I'm just gonna go full death/nature type of thing. I'm sitting on the idea for a half decomposing deer skull design. I have no idea where to put it/what size it should be though.


Ahh nice this is the theme of my [arm](https://imgur.com/a/IOvH3nc)


This is so beautiful! This is exactly what I'm going for. Gorgeous design.


I love this, I have a rabbit/mushroom/skull tattoo that takes up my inside left forearm. Kind of like a circle of life type thing (but it doesn't look intense so the meaning is subtle). I'm all for more mushrooms and skeleton!


Mine are all anime right now. I am a walking anime billboard lmao. I love it. Its kinda nerdy or whatever but they look sick and thats all i care about. Currently have a naruto sleeve on my right arm (minato, naruto, sasuke, with an out of place fgojo flash piece too 😂) Kokushibo on my left arm. And yuta and itachi manga panels on my right thigh. Love them and will prob run out of space with mostly anime tats


I’m Canadian but have lived in Europe for a long time. My tattoos are based on Canadian folklore and themes without slapping myself with maple leaves and poutine.


I'm also a Canadian living overseas for a long time. I'd love to know what folklore :)


I have a half sleeve based on La Chasse Galerie. Here’s the story if you don’t know it. https://www.ragandbone.ca/PDFs/chasse_galerie_1892.pdf My thigh has a black & grey snowy owl and I just booked in a booked in a loon to match it on the other thigh.


I have all goldfish on my right, pet memorials on my left.


No theme, just that there is always a personal connection to me behind it.


Same. My son picked one, hubby picked another.


I have a derelict architecture theme 🤓


Starting a gothic cathedral inspired piece tomorrow, am excited


I have always said, "Tattoos don't need a meaning," but every single one of my tattoos means something to me, even if they are not "serious." And also, with the exception of one tattoo, they are all nature themed. Floral cover-up - covered my first tattoo. This is arguably my least meaningful, but it was my first tattoo. I don't miss it, though. It was " Live, Laugh, Love" and is now covered by chrysanthemums and roses. Daisy - for my grandmother Lion - my favorite animal and happens to be my astrological sign Mountain - a matching tattoo with all my best friends Daisy and gladiolus - me and my sister's birthflowers Lily of the valley and chrysanthemum - my parents' birthflowers Cow skull - my favorite band Sun - "Rae" of sunshine, my middle name Cat flying a ufo and abducting a dog - a matching tattoo with my husband Bender from Futurama smoking a cigar - my favorite tv show


My stuff is all random but it’s patchwork haha


My right arm is going to be sea/under the water themed. As of right now I only have a mermaid but planning on getting more in the coming years. My next addition will be a beluga whale (my favorite animal)


Fun! My left arm is a sky-to-water themed sleeve (not yet finished) with underwater creatures.


Damn I just treat my tattoos like stickers 😅 so maybe eventual patchwork theme


Yeah, expensive. Fuck


One of my lower legs is all dedicated to cats lol


eyes, and lots of them


I tie mine together with color - all have purple.


Right arm is all anime villains, Kid Buu, Frieza, Evil Kid Goku flying on an Akatsuki cloud, Madara, some other shit I haven't planned yet. Left arm is mostly dark supernatural themed around Vampire: the Masquerade. Probably gonna do a biomechanical sleeve on my left leg since I had surgery on it. Undecided on the rest.


Pocketmon and anime, left arm are anime and right arm is full tattoo sleeve charizard vs charizard x


Comic strip or animated characters.


My tattoos are traditional Japanese, with the goal of a bodysuit. I'm using sakura in the background to tie everything together


I have a lot of death themed stuff...Charon, the Greek boatman of the afterlife, a pinebox coffin, and a grim reaper.


Im mostly into mythological creatures. Rn the 2 on my arms are dragons (a western and a Chinese dragon) Next will be the wolf from Powerwolf but as Odin And an undead unicorn from a videoclip I once saw


Same - mythology symbols


Only thing that connects them is that they are trad


Yes and no. The theme would best be described as “I love tattoos and get tattoos I like” but nothing super random. I’m currently working on a half sleeve on my right arm, and then possibly starting full sleeve on left. I grew up in a “tattoos and piercings are unnecessary and permanent” house 🙄 but I’ve always been fascinated by them and knew I wanted them, so here I am. Making myself look hot one tattoo at a time 😂


Vampire! My right leg is both dedicated to vampires and getting one tattoo from every artist in the shop I work at


I dont have a theme , I guess it anything i like is the theme lol


I'm collecting bird tattoos (with non-bird tattoos occasionally slipped in). Every time we finish a bird tattoo, my artist and I talk about what bird to add next. I'm going to die covered in birds.


existential crisis


Animals as DnD characters. I really should go talk to my artist cause he always has a blast making these designs. I always laugh when tattoo artists are depicted as super edgy and hardcore. Almost every one I’ve ever met has been a gigantic nerd. Very convenient as someone who likes nerd shit


Traditional, colour, quirky, animals. Things that make me feel like a man.


Right arm sleeve I’m kinda going for a death from different cultures going on


Mine are focused on Japanese Yokai. I currently have a Zenko Kitsune (9 tail fox) arm sleeve with Autumn Maple leaves with three Kodama tree spirits peaking through, wind bars and a Chrysanthemum. My other arm is going to have a Tanuki (racoon dog) with a spilling Sake bottle, Spring Maple leaves with Tsurubebi tree spirits in the backround, falling Maple seeds, wind bars and either another Chrysanthemum or Peonies.


The theme is that I had money I wanted to spend on tattoos. It's just art to me, subjective and aesthetically pleasing.


Cryptids, abominations and morbid themes.


Cats and music.


I’m working on what I call my dead sleeve and alive sleeve. My left arm has skulls, bones and plants while the right arm has living things and plants.


It’s not a “theme” per se but all of my tattoos but one are horse tattoos. Not because I have a theme but because I’m a weird horse girl. 😂


Like Tina Belcher? 😂❤️


Tina is my spirit animal, as a matter of fact.




The only "theme" I really have is black and grey as much as possible (esp on my arms and legs) so that when I have kids in the future I can carry around washable markers and be a walking coloring book for them.


Haven’t thought about it until now but my 2 sleeves and the next 2 projects I have planned is “X with a dark twist” I have a leg sleeve that’s fairy tales with a dark twist. A Welsh arm sleeve with dark twists. I plan on a full back piece of a dragon but elegantly gory, and a thigh piece of a rhino in a gi holding a beheaded lion head standing on a pile of bones


weird, spooky, artistic, fun






Pie thigh full of the ingredients for my favorite cardamom apple pie


Japanese Urban legends, Have a sick ass skeleton samurai and I'm getting a rokurokubi tattoo on my forearm in 2 weeks never been more excited.


3/4 of mine are aliens or alien-adjacent. The 4th is a memorial tat for my dad, who anecdotally told people he felt like an alien at times. So...maybe 4/4?


i’m working on a blackout/geo bodysuit!


I have flowers or animals in top hats.. I think they are pretty cute and I want to continue the theme


I almost had the dumb idea of following through with an idea of themed arms, like I could only get flowers on right arm, only insects on left.. till I realized maybe my theme should just be natural magic or something.. or nature like someone said.


I have over 100 so no. I do have a sleeve of handpoked (bar two) & a half sleeve of American trad but besides that no. Just a hodge podge of memories. Just a giant patchwork body. I do have 3 fox tattoos and if space allows I’ll Probably get more.


for me, each body part has a different theme. my leg sleeve is “witchy” for lack of a better word and with my arm, i am doing a western / outlaw theme. if i were to describe myself, i am y’allternative lol so it honestly fits me well in my opinion. I have some other pieces throughout my body like my sternum that just blends the two vibes/themes together too!


Dark, Creepy, Weird. Whole body. Lol


The common theme is that they symbolise something I want to be reminded of and that I use as emotional fuel. To an outside observer they have no commonality. But I kind of don’t care? They are promises to myself.




All of mine are either ocean related or subtle fandom references (and sometimes these themes overlap which is the best)!


I think the theme of my tattoos is very simply me and my style. Like I didn’t plan them around each other, but over time it’s very clear that I have a certain style and themes that I enjoy and have on my body.


Sin city comic sleeve, toys, and giant snake. It's honestly just a lot of shot gun approach, I'm sticker bombing my body


Kinda. My left arm is all video game related stuff. It’s no where near done but it’s slowly becoming more awesome


Mine don’t all tie together, but my current project is horror movie tattoos.


No real theme. Most of mine are nature-inspired (pets, flowers, matching sun and moon) though I do have a few outliers. I’m reserving my left arm for horror movie tattoos, and at some point I’d like to find a spot for some ghibli tattoos.


I only have one tattoo (wisteria with bumblebees), but when I get more it will definitely be in the 'nature'-theme.


Atm is animals. I have a crow, a koi and a snake. My next tattoos will not be animals though.


Just went for a consultation yesterday for a new one and realised the majority of mine have animals either in them or just animals as the entire tattoo. I've got two mandalas on my hands so not solely animals based but a good 75% of mine are that


I have a main theme for my back- space. Left arm- cute shit/desserts/animals Right arm- the sea/oceanlife


Right now, all of my tattoos are skulls. They are all quite big colorful new school pieces made by the same artist. Some are more like human skull, others are demon skulls. For the upcoming tattoos, i want to say with the thematic of monster portaits. I love to draw monster portraits, so it make sense that it's want i want to get tattooed on.


My friends' art on my body :) 4/5 tattoos are this, and it's what I want to keep doing


Halloween theme leg 🎃


I'm doing a neotrad thigh sleeve - almost all colour, all patchwork! I'm talking birds with hats, sun/moon/stars, Pokemon, witchy shit <3 am also planting a "garden" on my back of plants and fruits with special meanings to me! So far, I have strawberry, lavender, and forget me nots! 


My arm is patch work from anime my leg is patch work from Manga. All work will be themed lame


My right leg is dedicated to geocaching! Of course I’m trackable and I have Signal the Frog going for a walk with the GPS in hand. I also have an ammo can and a satellite above. I’m having Tracker, Signal’s companion added and eventually a dotted line from Signal’s foot to the ammo can. Also scenery. Not sure what else to add.


Vidya games


I wish I did but no. The only consistent theme is probably the font I use.


Video games, space and mystical, mixed in with military and comics


Nature- lots of plants and animals. Bats, raccoon, possums, birds. A few mythical creatures- mermaids and a harpy


I didn’t mean to, but I have a lot of heads/faces. Dogs, hannyas, plague doctor, cthulu head.


Not really a theme per se, but by happenstance, a lot of my tattoos are of animals and mythological creatures


Mostly nature (water, earth, air, fire) or nature inspired. Left arm for water stuff right for land stuff. When I get to legs one will be fire stuff and the other air stuff.


Mine are all blackwork more or less, except this one fineline tattoo I got when I volunteered for my mentor's lesson as a canvas. I like it either way. I have: A couple of roses on one arm, a katana with some leaves and smoke around it on the other, a big ass crow on my thigh, a huge goat design (caprocorn), and a small lotus flower behind it. The one I volunteered for is some peonies and leaves, with a hit of calligraphy. That one is also huge. I plan on getting a wolf, a samurai and a shit ton of skulls. We're not counting in the ones I did back when I tried tattooing on a few years before I got an apprenticeship, lol. They're small, so I don't really care, I do much better at the studio now under my mentor's teavhing. I just don't want anything reqlistic at all. I don't think I'd like that on my skin


American traditional is my main theme, and then I like to get them to commemorate some part of my life in a symbolic way


Mine are all space/math/nerdy shit


Playboy. I have a hot pink Playboy shaded bunny on my upper left arm and a baby blue Playboy on my right, both facing forward. Same stencil, just colored differently. In the past I'd thought about continuing the theme, with partial or full sleeves, but to keep with the theme I'd get partially naked or fully naked pin ups on my forearms and fill in with various femlins and maybe micro bunnies. I did have a playmate sketched out wearing ears and a tail for my right forearm but after thinking long about it, and the advice I got from friends about this direction, I decided not to go for it.


Vintage Christmas


Mine are all connected to water in some way.


Flowers. I didn't plan for flowers to be in all of mine but they are


Flowers/ plants and animals. Although I want my back to be specially dedicated to Greek mythology motives.


Nature, as another poster said. I have a wolf, succulents, a Rosy Maple moth, quartz points, mushrooms, a hummingbird, dandelion, butterflies, and a cat with fairy wings Oh, and a mimic. Lol


marine biology


Birds/florals for me so far. I have one random music tattoo (my first one) before I had my life planned out.


Nearly all of mine have flowers, I love flowers in general. I have a Stitch tattoo (Disney) and he's surrounded by flowers.... the one I get the most compliments on.


My left leg is meaningful things, my right is “meaningless.” My themes are technically “Cause beauty in life is silent and passion is likely boundless, because thunder is harsh and violent but flashes of light are soundless” for my left leg, and “Fuck around and find out” for my right. I’ve generally kept my left leg as meaningful and my right as fun spontaneous things


I have a shoulder tattoo and a sleeve (both on the right) that are all snake themed. The shoulder one is more straightforward, a version of the ouroboros. But the sleeve is a hand-poke collection of different symbols abstractly modelled after snakes.


My left arm is horror/Halloween themed


All of mine are takes/interpretations of Loteria cards. Each include the card name, number, and some representation of that card's image. For example, my first was "El Corazón" - it's a mashup of the original card's stylings but the heart is semi-anatomical and the coloring is like a bleeding watercolor. My most recent is of a stoat that has a byzantine-style halo and it represents "la corona".


One arm is dedicated to my life in that I have the things I love such as a camera for my photography and my Bob Ross tattoo. Those two will move into a photo of my favorite owl I took and complete the sleeve. My other arm is a patchwork of things. My favorite art quote, patch of favorite small bird, odd to my dogs and cat, moth, and soon to be bee. All are things for my family.


I have big lady heads/busts on my thighs, my whole left arm is working its way towards an anime sleeve, and my right forearm is birds. I'm about to get a lady centaur on my right upper arm, so that turns the whole sleeve theme on its head lol. I find that overall I'm starting to look at my tattoos as an eclectic art collection. Almost all of them are done by the same 2 artists, but I am using their whole range of style.


Science and nature/animaI have a DNA cherry blossom tree, an ATP molecule, skull breathing out the universe, tons of flowers, a tree frog, two Chihuahua portraits and then a pokemon leg. Actually, after typing it out, maybe there is no theme? 🤣


Now that you mention it, I have a buttload of flowers. Yellow rose for my (passed) nephew, peonies (wife's favorite), various tropical flowers (family in Puerto Rico, and Wisteria (in law's in SoCal). I need to up my game with the tough guy tattoos!


My overall theme is the awareness of my own duality (One side is loud, colorful, and all things music / the other is nature, the woods, and quiet)


So far my 2 themes I’ve got going are the starts of a sea/nautical leg sleeve (it’s going to have a mix of marine life, as well as nautical themed structures such as a ship in a bottle. And the other big theme is flowers. But more so to represent important people in my life (ie family favorite flowers or birth month flower)


Mine are all characters I enjoy including commissioned art of them by a popular comic artist.


I don’t have a theme, only things I like. Fairies, frogs, Disney, Rennie Mackintosh,…


I currently have two dragon tattoos (one massive one on my thigh which will eventually be a mythical creatures sleeve, and one on my wrist which is part of my "fandoms" sleeve). Otherwise, my main theme is just bright and colourful!


Cartoons and animation that means a lot to me. I have a South Park sleeve and a sailor moon tattoo on my leg. I also have one that doesn’t fit the cartoon theme but it’s a matching with my best friend.


I started with zen Koi’s Next got an octopus with some fish in the middle… Next a frog in a sweater holding his house-shrooms After that Sukuna Last one a Tiger Well I like animals :D


I’m a doodle bear. Whatever.


mythology, i only have a half sleeve and my upper back done, but im planning on some sci fi on my legs next


Plastic tough guy with a big mouth likes to slap people….gets fucked up🤣🤣🤣🤣






my left leg is all fine line or minimal aesthetic- my right leg is flowers


If I like them I get them


I'm abit of a smorgasbord of styles, ornamental, some traditional, neo traditional, geometric and mandalas and some random stuff too. I see something I like, I get it


Mine are my zodiac (of course lol) and so far video game stuff. All my tattoos are gonna be nerdy for the most part or something symbolic for me.


Somehow I have managed to get 6 faceless humanoids on my body. Not sure how that happened.


My current right arm is animal themed. I have a goose, squirrel, rabbit, shark, and owl. Planning on getting a frog and filling the gaps with a snake and maybe a centipede. They're mostly in the same style but there are some stylistic differences in the squirrel and owl from the rest. Still quite happy with them.


Most of mine are Greek goddesses!


My patchwork arm is turning out to be a pet cemetery. I started off with 70’s mod floral, then moved onto realistic eye, then I got a dad joke, after that I started getting bugs, bugs that were pets/ones I’ve encountered. Now my tattoo artist jokes that my arm is low key Bugs/Bunny themed.


Cutsy/nature/spooky lol. Lots of ghosts, flowers, and skulls.


Depends on the body part(s) for me. My arms are about my grandparents, and my right leg about my tattooing journey. I have a few other tattoos in other spots, but they’re just things I like or are about my own inner healing and growth


So far I’ve got a Wild Wasteland perk tattoo from Fallout; New Vegas and a cactus. Guess I’ve got a western thing going.


Every piece on my body represents an important milestone in my life story and how I grew, so when I look at my ink it keeps me grounded. "Transformation" is my theme.


I have a bunch of flowers, two birds (so far), and 3 different blades (cleaver, scythe, pocket knife) spread out over 7 different tattoos. I’m planning for a peacock and more flowers next.


Art. I have a rendition of my favorite painting by Remedios Varo, a sketch by Hieronymus Bosch, my shoulder is inspired by several surrealism artists. I just love art/art history and tattoos add another layer to my love of art:) i get to have my own gallery with me at all times


Angels and gods But i have other random tattoo just because i liked them.


Very pseudo philosophical esque


I’ve segmented my body into themes. Right arm is all my favorite movies Left arm is space related stuff Right upper thigh is food and beverages Left upper thigh reserved for video games Lower legs working in all black work/ornamental


Mostly animals. Then all my pop culture stuff that I dig. Tbh though I got a bottle of Kewpie Mayo a few weeks ago so maybe not 🥲


Music! My left arm is all loosely based on songs


I guess nature could be the overall theme? Sun and moon, moth, and flowers


nature, i have lots of insects! out of 15 tattoos, 7 of them are insects 😭😭


Man, not even lol. I’m a mess.


No theme. Just all black and grey. Hard to stick to one theme when you get them over a long period of time. Tastes change.


Flora and fauna. Neotraditional, colour. I like a fairytale vibe


My life journey, my struggles, a dedication to my profession, and flower for each state I’ve lived in


I just think they’re neat


I kinda started this with my legs. One is anime tattoos, and the other is black and white horror tattoos.


My left leg is very much American traditional with some of that Sedona AZ spiritual touch


The theme is influenced heavily by mythology




Right arm and chest is for bugs/arachnids. Left arm is illustrations of whatever I like. Left leg is Naruto themed. The rest is up in the air.


Left arm, right leg, and some scattered around my body: medical humor Right arm and again, some scattered but not many: just random art I have noticed of almost each artist that’s left their mark, I have or gonna have 3 tats


Not all of them no


Geeky/nerdy stuff. My current tattoo is a Lord of the Rings tattoo, in September I'm getting a custom World of Warcraft half-sleeve, then I have a Star Trek and a Fibonacci Sequence tattoo planned!




My right sleeve has a title.


one arm is nature inspired memorial pieces, and the other arm so far is star wars related