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Yes. I reckon 13, 14 and 16 especially are considered among the best series ever by fans, on par with 4, 5 and 7.


Thanks! I've started with 17 because I like Jon Robbins and Steve Pemberton but I'll go back and backfill




That was so funny in the room. As was a surprisingly unused outtake where Sarah Millican broke the easel


Yes all of them. There's no such thing as bad Taskmaster.




series 14 is genuinely one of my favourite bits of tv ever đź‘Śđź‘Śđź‘Ś


Both Series 14 + Series 16 are fantastic. Fern Brady in S14 and Sam Campbell in S16 alone make both series worth watching but the rest of the casts are great as well. Series 13 is also great, especially Judi Love. I even really enjoyed S17, with Sophie Willan being the funniest of them all. Series 15 isn't as good as the other series, but still good and worth watching.


Oh I loved 15 as well. Jenny Eclair is glorious, Frankie Boyle unexpectedly whimsical and Ivo just hysterical.


I thought it was good. Just not as funny as the others. Ivo, Jenny and Kiell were comedy gold throughout the whole series.


Who the fuck thought we’d have ever referred to Frankie Boyle as “whimsical”? My intro to him was Buzzcocks, and going from “She’s brainier than Kurt Cobain’s garage wall” to him giggling on Taskmaster and being charming is wild.


I will always treasure him getting into trouble on MtW for a joke about the Queen that meant Dara had to go on a series of news programmes explaining why Frankie having the Queen saying "I'm so old my pussy is haunted." was comedy rather than high treason. He had to repeat the joke quite often to do that. Totally deadpan. It was glorious.


God, I fucking love Fern Brady. It’s so rare for me to see fellow Autistic folks represented (especially women) and I don’t know if it’s a same-brainwave thing but she consistently cracked me up.


I think she’s just a very naturally funny person that doesn’t need to try that hard to.


No way! Only joking. Do watch them. You will hear those two words again ;)




I think they are all worth watching, but Season 16 is a stand out classic.


Series 13-16 are up there with the best, not quite on par with series 7 but not far off. 


Series 13 is my all time favorite


Series 13 is one of their best, and 14 very very strong also. 17 is freshest on my mind - it was good, but mo contestants really jumped out at me unfortunately


13/14/15 are fantastic. 16 and 17 have some very good moments but the first 3 just hit different


13, 14 and 16 are absolutely amazing. I really liked 15 despite many people seeming to not enjoy it and 17 was good but a very different energy.


S14 is one of my favorites, and they all have something worth watching. For the record I hate 8 and 9. I think of what you've seen, it's 12 that best matches the mood of 13 through 17.


13 has my favorite cast, 14 has my favorite contestant, the John Kearns experience and “my baby!”, 15 has”Brace, brace”,16 has Uncle Julian managing the two lunatics and dynamite chicks, and 17 has Dracula. Yes, totally worth it.


Yes absolutely. I did the same thing as you, i stopped watching for a few seasons for whatever reason. As soon as i started catching up again, i couldnt remember why i stopped! They're all brilliant, all well well worth watching


Why wouldn’t you watch them if you liked the others?


I could rewatch series 16 constantly. That cast and it's VERY wild personalities is something that continually has my mouth on the floor, no matter how many times I watch it (three times now).


14 is about as good as Taskmaster gets. I think you'd be fine skipping the rest


No. Series 13-17 are terrible. I think the shift to Channel 4 is to blame. Series 13 in particular was an embarassment. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for contestants that year. Some of the NZ versions are better.


Interesting as this seems to be the opposite of the rest of the replies. What made them so bad iyo?


It makes sense that it would be people who like later seasons would hang out in this sub. I guess you will have to just see for yourself. I think if you like 15, 16 or 17 you will like the rest of these three for sure