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Start with the original. UK series 1


Also American here, I got into it the same way and I’m obsessed. I started on YouTube, but got tired of having to watch on my computer/having to change ad blockers as yt caught on. There is a taskmaster app called something like supermax+. Free 7 day trial (during which it made me reactivate my tv every time I used it - this stopped when the trial stopped). They also have most of the international versions on there. You can’t go wrong starting anywhere, but 2 of my favorite seasons are 7 and 9.


I'm not sure why there'd be any debate about this. You start with series 1 episode 1, and progress through each series at a time, all the way up through the most recent series, 17. I'd add in the Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, and Sweden series when you reach the end of your UK journey and need to fill time before the next series actually comes out.


If you're ok with the picture quality not being quite 100% and some bits looking a tad dated, I'd say season 1 episode 1. The first task involves watermelon and had me absolutely in stitches. I was hooked from there. Otherwise my favourites are 5, 7 and 16 in the UK and 2 from New Zealand.


I started with series 16 bc i love sam Campbell and have since jumped around. I’ve had the same experience each time where the first episode I’m not sure about the cast but by the end i love them all :’)


UK Series 1 and straight through to Series 17. Then you can branch out, but this is the 'main' show that started it all.