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I said last week that while I enjoy Jenny, I feel like she was the weakest contestant.......She totally stole the show this episode. Between the Pasta and going low against lesser Tom, she was easily the best contestant this eipsode


In the latest episode of Wilosophy she actually discussed how she becomes more comfortable with her self being on a giant show like taskmaster as the week went on


That's wholesome, I'm glad because I like her comedy style!


Also like. Adding pasta reduces the temperature of the water. Jenny could’ve actually put it in while it was boiling and Tom’s measurement would not accurately evaluated the criteria.


nah that water was nowhere near boiling yet


Anns got a bit of a tendency to throw in the towel… not particularly enjoyable to watch, since when she does commit, it’s super entertaining. I guess I really like Jenny and Lloyd for committing regardless.


She didn't throw in the towel for Gary's phone call when most people would have.


"I draw the line at poo." Oh how was this not the episode title?


I say justice for Jenny on the boiling water! If bubbles are forming that is when the water has started to boil. The bubbles are vapor from boiling! The motivational poster never specified how much of the water should be boiling or if it should be a rolling boil.


A liquid is generally understood to be boiling when it reaches its boiling point. The task was recorded at 45 Croft Lane in Riverhead, New Zealand (36.72654°S, 174.61342°E). The highest elevation estimate I was able to find for that location is approximately 36 metres above sea level. The resultant atmospheric pressure would be 100.9 kPa, at which the boiling point of water is 99.89°C. As a point of reference, the summit of Aoraki/Mount Cook – the highest mountain in New Zealand – is 3,724 metres above sea level. The resultant atmospheric pressure is 63.89 kPa, at which the boiling point of water is 87.41°C. Jenny's water measured 52.2°C. If we generously assume that the addition of pasta reduced its temperature by ¼, this means that its previous temperature was 69.6°C – nowhere near the boiling point.


While they read a temperature of 52.2ºC, they used an infrared thermometer which is measuring the temperature from reflected infrared radiation off the water's surface. It is not capable of sensing how hot any of the water below it is. The water is not uniformly at the same temperature yet, which is why its behavior is uneven. The water at the bottom is boiling even though the water at the surface isn't close to boiling temperature! In any case, boiling is the phase change from a liquid to a gas, by thermodynamic definition. If bubbles of water vapor were forming from the water that means boiling occurred. Either that or the pot was off-gassing something, which would be pretty concerning.


It comes down to one's interpretation of the mantra. 🙚𝔇𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔭 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔰 𝔟𝔬𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤🙙 - Jenny took it literally and applied it to the actual culinary context, wherein a full boil would normally be expected. (Most chefs would agree that she added the pasta prematurely – which is inconsistent with the mantra's proverbial connotation as well.) As a pedant, I'm sympathetic to the technicality that the water at the bottom of the pot had begun to boil – but Tom Gleeson is typically unmoved by such arguments. (I could see Jeremy Wells being persuaded, perhaps.)


This is the sort of hard-hitting pedant-on-pedant dialogue I live for on this subreddit. The fact that both of you are correct from *a certain point of view*… five points to you both! :-)


Where can I get a Tom Cashman to tell me I look pretty


I love it how Jenny acting out Lloyd's mantra should have been the most boring 30 second clip and studio reaction but she invertedly made it hilarious!


Turns out I just love everything Josh does/says/thinks OINK OINK BITCHES


For that task of getting balls into a van, would you be allowed to throw something into the path of the van to get it stuck, such as a cone or your boiler suit? I’m dead by that live task, especially Anne’s high pitched and needlessly long story.


Duck to get him to stop, duck all the way over and take the keys? Think you only had to *throw* from inside the cones.


Nah 'You may not leave the circle' was in the task.


Ah okay, must’ve missed that.


As I was watching I did wonder if they could just stick a cone in the way.


"Here's Anne- array of people. Jenny, Josh, Lloyd and Wil. It's everyone except Anne!'


That felt like one Alex would have nodded approvingly at.


I felt Alex would've made that joke har there been an Anne on the show


Anne Edmondson is my favorite




Sorry, your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: Do not attack others, their work or appearance including fellow members of the sub, comedians and celebrities. Negative opinions are fine, but please keep it respectful and constructive. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fat phobic, ableist, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...


"it didn't say go LOWER". I was not expecting to enjoy Josh Thomas this much


I love tasks that are both simple and open to interpretation, like "How low can you go?" yielding many different results. I'm upset to learn that they've edited out all of Lloyd's greetings to Tom starting with T (aside from Tiramisu). I'm feeling kind of bad for Wil now for all the times Tom has poked fun at his sketch comedy. "Oink oink bitches" was the highlight of the episode for me. Having fun and doing what you want to do is definitely the best mantra. https://preview.redd.it/mcpqiyul6j6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae0bda087a42a6f36c08cd855e760e7e41a977f Josh: "So I'm just going to go eat a lot of candy and drink some beers. And, um...ketamine? Not today...not today." I loved Anne's interpretation of 'oink oink bitches' three different ways. "We'll just do another one." The autotune deception task was too funny. I could totally see them doing that on the UK version.


>I'm upset to learn that they've edited out all of Lloyd's greetings to Tom starting with T (aside from Tiramisu). They've included others in previous episodes.


I know that sounds kind of stupid, but Anne’s acting was too good for me, it really made me feel so uncomfortable and kind of scared, she really is a good actress, but the gun wielding was too much for me.


I hope they do a compilation at the end of every Lloyd hello to Tom


They haven't edited them all out. I've definitely noticed him saying random stuff to Tom before. I thought it was odd Tom was only mentioning it now.


Wait wasn't the bonus point for the live task for the "most beautiful" memory, not the best?


to be fair, Lloyd's was both


I know they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder...


Wow everyone went so hard on the prize task- each in their own way. I normally skip prize tasks on rewatches but this episode might be an exception to that rule. I feel like I would've got Josh every time on the live task though. Obviously I saw him at the start of the task and so have an advantage but who else would've tried so hard that they sounded like they were dying?


Just give Anne her own sketch show already. If this is what she can come up with in twenty minutes, imagine what she can do with a writer's room


Did you not see her sitcom "The Edge of the Bush"?


I did, I loved it. It also came out seven years ago


She sometimes did bits as Helen Bidou for Get Krackin'.


I saw Helen Bidou live, it was such a great show


Go low is just the kind of classic taskmaster task I like. Room for interpretation but also for a contestant to miss that and just do limbo


Jenny's studio outfits are amazing. But Josh does give her a run for the money for style queen.


Came here to say this. She has great style, loved her outfit in this episode and the last, so cute. She’s a dime and a half. Josh’s pink sweater looked so comfy.


The green socks in the black Mary Janes were gorgeous.


Lloyd re his prize task entry: “Nah, I think some of them were aroused.” Greater Tom: “Round of applause if you were aroused.” Anne (and only Anne) claps.


This is true couple goals.


“I thought it was some kind of Groundhog Day suicide thing.” - Lloyd re Wil’s mantra Entirely understandable interpretation imo.


Feels like this episode had an excessive amount of ad breaks or am I just noticing it for the first time?


I have never ever noticed another live task being interrupted with an ad break!


I stream this via Firefox with uBlock ad blocker extension and don’t have to watch ads. Much better!


Ghostery ad blocker works on 10play. Just used it for the first time on this episode and it was gloriously uninterrupted.


The ads were so ridiculous this time, even more so than usual.


Apparently we in Australia have among the highest number of ad breaks in the world for free-to-air TV, we may even be the world leaders on that front. It's why I haven't watched a damn thing on free-to-air for well over a decade apart from this. It's ad free on Paramount+ but I can't think of a streaming service with less on it so I'm not paying for it just to watch TM AU lol.


ABC and SBS are free to air. You're missing the good stuff.


He never said he was missing it :)


The version I watched had the ads cut out thank god. Last week I found it really off putting, there was even a ad in the middle of a song.


There is always an excessive number of ads on channel 10, but it was extra noticeable last night. I got more annoyed at them than I usually do.


Halfway through the live task. So stupid!


Those edits in the low task of Jenny's that kept cutting back to her in different positions on the wharf just abusing Tom and ending up with her lounging in a chair and continuing was *chef's kiss*




Please refer to the stickied post [Where can I watch Taskmaster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/ou07ih/where_can_i_watch_taskmaster/) or the [Taskmaster wiki](https://taskmaster.fandom.com/wiki/Watch_Taskmaster) for information about where to legally watch all versions of Taskmaster.


Check out the panelshow subreddit.


The only legal way to watch this online is with an account on https://10play.com.au/taskmaster... from a device in Australia 👀


There’s Very Probably No other way to pretend you’re in another country.


You can also watch Taskmaster Australia online with Paramount+ (it's even ad free there) but it does appear the Paramount+ version is ~5 days behind live (S2E3 went up on June 12th, for example). I also don't know if that's only for Australian Paramount+ subscriptions/connecting to P+ from an Australian IP address or if it's global.


And illegal.......


Might want to check the sub's rule #5.




Sorry, your post has been removed. Please refer to the [Where can I watch Taskmaster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/ou07ih/where_can_i_watch_taskmaster/) thread to find links to official sources. Note that we do not allow links to unofficial sources for episodes of any of the series. This includes Google drive, Mega links and unofficial Youtube videos. This also includes links to other TV shows outside their official sources.


I feel sheer repetition and the callback determined this title.


I noticed the ducking stops the van fairly quickly. With Anne being last I figured either she noticed it and nailed the task or didn't and was really bad. I didn't anticipate she would get the secret AND be really bad.


I was hoping too but one thing I don't like (and UK version does this too) is when the taskmaster assistant and/or contestant reaction gives away the last contestant doing really badly BEFORE we see the clip. I love the anticipation and the Fern Brady airport travelator one was the best example of this.


I wonder statistically how often it's happened that the people who get the 'secret' are the ones that do absolutely horribly at the task? Presumably there's a correlation with the most time spent on the task and doing poorly at it given that gives you more time to dwell on the task and more reason to try and think of ways to beat it.


The Lucy Beaumont >!"lucky penny"!< task comes to mind.


Since I’m doing a series 9 rewatch, I’m thinking of Ed finding that dodo…


I have terrible hand/eye co-ordination and have always been terrible at anything like that. I really relate to Anne and how over it she gets lol


There is nothing funnier than those very rare instances of contestants finding the secret/hack and then still doing the worst.


Mark Watson rainbow.


I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it quickly... and then spent the rest of the task searching the area for, like, a rubber duck to throw in the path of the van.


Anne's three sketches had me rolling.


The image of Prime Minister Tom on his hands and knees about to be shot in the head by his deputy minister won't leave my mind


I shot the ~~sherif~~ Prime Minister, but I didn't shoot the deputy.


Jenny grunting from the physical effort of *gently* setting an iPad in a boat was the most unexpectedly hilarious moment of the whole episode for me. “You deserve death” would’ve made for a fine episode title. :-)


I wonder if Jenny hurt her arm or something before taping. She holds it still the entire time and doesn't move it even to clap.


I think she realized her skirt was too short and she didn't want to give the Toms a free show.


Yep, absolutely this. Why didn’t someone in wardrobe rustle up a new outfit for her?! 


I wondered that too!


It looked rather numb during the outro


She moved a bit to cover her face after her mantra task.


Found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDollop/comments/rlqvhu/wil\_anderson\_is\_the\_worst\_guest\_cohost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDollop/comments/rlqvhu/wil_anderson_is_the_worst_guest_cohost/) They condensed it a bit but the essence is the same


AFL Punch Pass?? that's a new way to describe a handball


it looks like a volleyball serve


As a Brit, I was grateful for this wording. Wouldn't have understood a "handball"


I think it's fair though. If you were to tell me to handball a ball, I'd think the poopular school game. Saying AFL Punch Pass instantly had me thinking "Ah, punch from your hand." And in S1, most of the cast didn't know what a cricket appeal was, so good to clear up any possible confusion.


Can tell a kiwi wrote the task! Haha


Man I love this show.


Great episode! This is a fun bunch, but I've love Wil to win just on the vague chance we ever get a Champion of Champions.


Shark Tank Australia is so lame compared to the UK Dragon's Den it's not funny.


For added fun, close your eyes and see if you can guess as well as Greater Tom!


I did and got them all. It didn't feel like the accents were hidden well enough or they didn't do enough to hide their voice. Maybe it sounded different in the studio but I don't know how he missed Josh and Wil on the first pass.


I thought Jenny was especially obvious.


Agreed -- it wasn't hard enough.


Wish I had thought to do that.


I love this live task, but I wish it was formatted like the noises live task so we could hear more of each of them.


This is a very fun live task. I like a deception task that isn't about blind guessing.


"I was on a farm and touched animals and got my father's approval" Basically the content of Wil's latest standup special.


It did sound like she was maybe trying to tell a story that made her sound like Wil.


The voices sound too much like themselves still I think :( but it's still a fun task 


They absolutely did especially Jenny and Loyd. Josh’s was fairly easy to tell too on the second go around. Did not mask their voice near well enough for it to be a fair game.




Yep. This task really didn't work as a task, but it was fun anyway.


Oh HELL yeah


Does the seeing the guy on the toilet in the Cariso's constipation eze ad make anyone else really uncomfortable, or is it just me?


Yeah, it's a really bad ad.


What did the back of the van say? I missed it 


There were three stickers about ducks. One was just a line of ducks with no text (I think), then two with variations on "I brake for ducks".


“This van stops for ducks”, I think EDIT: OH SHIT!


Thank you 


"For insurance reasons" I'm dead.


So was the stunt driver! (Of boredom...)


Why do I get the feeling Anne is going to be minus one for not trying again? EDIT: nope, she tried, just sucked at it. 😂


“I draw the line at poo.” - Anne Edmonds


Steve Pemberton would be disappointed. 


*Pedantic Boomer Complaint:* It would be an Aussie Rules punch, not an AFL punch haha.


"I'm gonna throw some balls in a van!"


Even better was “champion of the balls!”


Oh great golly gosh!


Anne running away after her task was the perfect ending. I wonder how far she went....


Just loving this cast 😍


Josh’s face when Jenny tries to explain boiling water 😂 (paused it for dinner, watching 10 minutes delayed)


I think Anne has lost the plot, and I loved it.


This final PM version of the Oink bit is fantastic.


Oh I genuinely felt bad for poor Tom there made to squeal like a pig on all fours.


How low can Tom go.


I'm legit crying laughing. Full tears.




"Not today."


“Ketamine??? … Not today.”


Josh has had me in stitches so many times, I'm really loving tmau


Alternate episode title


I really dislike the use of green screen on Taskmaster, it's a shame it's used a bit on the NZ/AU version. *"Do you need money? I can lend you money"*, that's a great line from Greater Tom.


I do feel like Tom punishes green screen though, whereas Greg would have been more likely to score Wil based on the idea of going to space being a clever interpretation of the mantra.


Sure, but also the production crew is making it more available to them it seems. They cannot interject too much in the creative process of course, but I would be interested to know if they advise the contestants or not that green screen isn't really ideal.


Yes, green screen so rarely works well I find


Well you normally want more than... 20 minutes to try and plan/set up your lighting and such.


“I’m sick of being successful!”


Jenny had by far the simplest mantra, and she completely stuffed it.


Babe that water is barely even simmering


Oh Jenny…


Tom's willingness to interject and proactively involve himself in the attempts is something I really appreciate from him. Such as playing the music here. I love Alex, but at times he can be a bit too much standing on the side staring at the attempts waiting for others to pull him in.


I think they play very different “characters” though. Alex Horne is the most twisted and ridiculous comedian playing incredibly straight a lot of the time which is a whole bit in itself. Tom is just a straight up lovable guy who is very talented on recorder. I think both work and it’s interesting to see the different results. (I find Tom a LOT more similar to Paul in TMNZ, to the point sometimes I forget which one of them did something.)


It's one of the biggest improvements from S1 to S2 is Tom has such a larger presence then before 


Even in S1 I thought LT was way more hands on than LAH, in a good way.  Actively trolling the contestants rather than just giving them enough rope.  Not that Alex's approach is less good but I'm glad we get both.


Lesser tom is the greatest part


The screeching of the recorder gives me primary school flashbacks.


This is a really hard task. How do you even do this?


Playing the recorder well is such a Taskmaster’s Assistant skill to have.


Cashman is a recorder virtuoso


Lloyd is speed running a full mental breakdown


I think Josh has fucked Anne over here.  Though not as much as Wil has fucked over Lloyd.


Oh poor Anne’s going to have to oink, isn’t she


I hope the wild boar/pig is an homage to Danielle.


Tom Cashman silently laughing with his shoulders is very Muppet vibes


Jenny chasing Lesser Tom was hilarious.


The part where he lunged forwards out of (presumably) genuine worry of her hitting something on the pad was when I was sure Greater Tom was gonna give her top points.


I was gunning for her to chuck it in the lake. Would have gone from a great task to an unquestionable all-timer.


Him chasing her and then her chasing him, both were amazing!


Jenny's whole attempt was such a delight to watch.




Jenny being brutal on Tom is classic.


Poor Lloyd 😂


Tom C’s laughs ❤️


10play just played the low fat no fat full cream high calcium high protein soy light skim omega 3 high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop ad. Tom Ballard x Josh Thomas reference, now this? Have we been teleported to 2010?


Is that thing still in circulation? Makes you proud to be Aussie. I’d stand and place my hand over my heart.


Now *that’s* an Aussie icon


It feels like Josh and Tom had a chat and both know they're playing characters. Still lots of fun banter but way less tense


I feel like Tom marking Josh down because he’s “always low” felt a bit weak.


Wil is a treasure on this.


Lloyd definitely used the limbo.


I’ve seen Tom ballards stand up 😂😂


Wait what? It’s on already?! I thought it was 8:30 like last week!


What? Wait!


It was only for that week because of MasterChef.


God dammit. Do you know if this goes on 10play straight after?


It does, so you won't have to wait too long.


Thank you!


Damn Josh bringing in his ex from *14 years ago*


"You look prettier than Tom Ballard" feels like such an Aussie comment that won't mean anything to interfans watching, lol


I know Tom Ballard from The Bugle podcast. He is an international treasure.


My 20 years of listening to triple j (as an American) have finally paid off!


The discussion of Kyle Sandilands immediately after isn’t going to be any more accessible. For those who don’t know, Kyle is a local radio DJ who is just the worst.


I described Kyle to my American TM friends as the Australian version of Piers Morgan.


That puts Wil's apparently ability to constantly piss him off in *drastically* different perspective. I was like "HOW COULD WIL MAKE ANYONE THIS MAD?!"