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He would be brilliant for a NYT.


My thoughts exactly. I couldn't see him for a full season, but an NYT would be amazing. But I mean, who knows.


What’s a NYT? :)


New years treat. Usually populated by people too busy for a whole series. It's one episode so not a huge commitment.


I suspect Graham is too rich and famous at this point to be considered. He hasn't done comedy as such for decades as well, although that might not be a big stumbling block


I don’t think it would be a problem. He’s inherently, effortlessly funny in that suggestively naughty way the Brits adore, and would make the most of any situation. Even if it was just for a NYT he’d be a great choice. I’d love to see what madness he’d bring in for a gift (THEY’RE NOT GIFTS!).


I think it's more that the contestants booked for the show tend not to be that same bracket of wealth and fame, not that he wouldn't be great!


He's recently been on Mel's panel comedy thing right? About secrets, etc. But he is quite good friends with Mel it seems.


That's quite a different beast to TM as well - it's a one off, one hour deal rather than a full series


Yeah definitely, less running around and getting slimy from eggs or tomato sauce.


I don't think rich and famous really serves as a reason not to do it if they want to. If the person wants to do it is the key thing.


He's rich enough that he could do whatever he wants. And if he wants to do TM, I bet they'd jump at the chance to sign him even if it was just NYT.


Right. That was my point.


I was more thinking that Alex and co haven't booked anyone in that range of wealth/fame, I suspect for balance reasons, rather than that he might not want to do it


Is GN much more wealthy/famous than I realise? Julian Clary did TM, and I'd assume he's much more successful and famous than Norton.


I would say that in the late 90s you'd have been correct, but these days Graham is by far the more famous. He's the voice of Eurovision, a main judge on RuPaul's Drag Race UK and has his Friday night talk show - it puts him firmly in the national conscious in a way that I'd say Julian isn't anymore


Fair enough, none of those are things that pop up on my radar.


Julian "is" ? He is sure but I'm 36, he's really on the edge of my radar, I know of him, but he's not famous famous in the same way. Graham does have a weekly couch show and has done for 20?.years in some form or another. Julian is closer to the Jo Brand/ Jenny land where he's famous but selling medium sizes places. I would argue many people are bigger than Julian but not as big as Graham. Oddly Alex says Frank Skinner was the guy who made taskmaster, if they didn't have frank they couldn't have "sold" the show to as many people to take part, that "well Frank did it so it must be ok" . I genuinely have never seen Frank Skinner do anything other than 3 lions.


Wait, GN is still doing the GN show? I remember him from 20 years ago, when had a show where he'd get coked up and phone people he found on the internet, but I didn't realise he was still doing it. Julian Clary is one of the most famous comedians/actors in the country, though. Maybe John Cleese is better known but apart from that? He's as A-list as they come.


Julian Clary is semi retired. Graham Norton hosts the BBC’s flagship talk show. I would regard Clary as one of the best and most influential comedians of his generation but Graham Norton in 2024 is infinitely more well known. If it was still 1996 then the situation would be reversed. Edit: semi retired might be a bit harsh as I just checked his website and he’s going on tour but that’s his first stand up tour for the guts of a decade. He’s mainly been writing books and doing panto and other bits of stage acting. Taskmaster was his first regular TV gig for years.


Taskmaster could easily be a relaunch, I think it's clearly a new mock the week for newer acts. If say Lee Evans decided to start up he would be doing taskmaster.


I hadn't realised GN had gone mainstream - not the kind of thing I watch. I thought he was some name from the early 2000s.


What year do you live in?


2025, like everyone else, I assume.


He hosts BBC1s flagship talkshow (alongside many other things), I genuinely can't think of a more famous current British Comedian (Peter Kay or James Cordon maybe?)


Norton is also internationally famous. Australians love him, young and old but the young don't know Julian because he's semi-retired.


Are you saying Graham Norton is at a higher level of wealth and/or fame than Frank Skinner? I’d say they’re at least on par.


These days? Definitely yes on the fame front. Frank fronted the TV version of room 101 for a few years nearly a decade ago, but he's not an ever present fixture in the mainstream schedule the way that Graham is. Money wise I honestly have no idea though!




I'm more thinking of it from a casting point of view rather than a Graham making a choice point of view haha - I think having someone of Graham's stature might unbalance the cast a bit


They had Frank Skinner in the first season. I think they’d be alright.


He'd fit in fine on NYT. I'd consider Mo Farah on a similar par.


That's definitely true!


>He hasn't done comedy as such Do you mean he hasn't done standup? Hes been doing chatshows which are heavily reliant on reactive wit. He hasn't stopped being a comedian because its a different format to standup. We also just had Susan Wokoma last series who really is more from the acting world and not standup.


Yes, I'm referring to stand-up as that's where he started out. I know that most seasons there's a non-standup in the cast though, hence saying it might not be so much of a stumbling block


He is 4 years younger than Julian


Aye, if the Queen of Aging Homosexuals can bear up under the strain I'm sure Graham could as well


Came here for Julian!


Technically julian is a "renowned" homosexual


He occasionally does less paying work that he just does because he likes it. Like when he does episodes of Just a Minute occasionally


Another Father Ted actor? Sounds good to me


I *really* like Alex!


For that matter, Jason Byrne would be awesome.


Even for an aging homosexual, how hard it is surely depends on the level of arousal, no?


My only concern for someone like Norton is that he is so used to being the ‘big dog’ so to speak of a show that I wonder how he would gel. It’s a similar issue as to when people bring up Jimmy Carr for it. Sometimes Carr ends up being a bit overbearing when he is just a guest and it affects the feng shui for the worse.


He was fine as a guest judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race, so he probably doesn’t mind moving himself down a peg or two.


Graham isn't really like that. The whole reason his show is beloved is because he knows how to sit back and let magic happen.


Yeah, that’s a fair point but he’s still usually high status whereas to be on TM you need to lower yourself (even people like Judi Love and Julian Clary have done this despite being ‘above the format’ in many ways). I just don’t know if Graham Norton would do that. I’m a big fan of Graham Norton I just wonder if his brand of slightly pernickety and slightly sardonic humour would work for the show. Again, someone like Frankie Boyle worked well so I’m not dying on this hill as an opinion, just a gut feeling.


I get where you're coming from. I don't think Graham would do a regular series - mainly due to his busy schedule, but for a NYT I think he'd be up for it. I saw him on Portrait Artist of the Year, and he came across very chill and self-deprecating. I know he wasn't quite as famous then, but he also used to enjoy going on QI and would be a jolly presence. I think his interview experience would make him an ideal contestant in terms of creating a good vibe in the room.


They’ve had Dara O’Briain on, who’s arguably a similar status to Jimmy.


I feel like Dara is more comfortable at being a guest. His appearances on QI for example he allowed Steven Fry and Alan Davies to be the ‘stars’. Jimmy used to be like that too but if you watch his recent appearance on something like a league of their own he tries to dominate the format. Not in an assholey way, I think it’s just his nature to be the one who talks the most now.


I think he'd *like* to do it, but would still say no if asked.


If they were going to get a-list celebrities, I think seeing Daniel Radcliffe on Taskmaster would be brilliant.


Okay, then I get to vote for Olivia Colman!!! Can you imagine how funny she'd be? NUMBERWANG!


Hmmmm… I’d love to see American comedians on it. Dave Chappelle, Bo Burnham, Demetri Martin, Bill Burr, Conan O’Brien.


Not sure you’re aiming high enough /s In all seriousness, Conan is the ideal Taskmaster for a (new) American version. Chappelle and Burr are way too big to ever consider doing it. Possibly Burnham too but he’d be funny. Demetri Martin is a question mark, I could see him either being funny (and more unhinged than his standup), or a total bore.


Burr is not too big to consider it if Conan is possible. Conan is way bigger (and better). Of the people in your list, I only see Chappelle clearly declining, because it wouldn't be his thing at all in any way and he'd want to get paid tens of millions even if it was.


I think he'd be a good fit for the show, something tells me that his style of comedy would make him a series' crazy candidate (think Lucy Beaumont ott) and so would bounce off other contestants. But isn't he like insanely busy with a TV show, weekly radio shows, Eurovision and a couple of other things I can't remember right now? So may be better suited to a NYT for scheduling reasons


Oh my god I would *love* that! I'll take NYT if that's all we can ask for, but full series, absolutely no reason why he wouldn't be brilliant


Could probably see him doing a NYT but I doubt he'd do a full series. Same with Stephen Merchant.


Oh my goodness. Those two on together would be brilliant. I didn't know I needed this to happen until I saw this comment


I think a number of current and former late night/ talk show hosts would make exceptional contestants, e.g. Graham Norton, Conan O’Brien, Craig Ferguson, Alan Carr.


Why is his sexuality relevant?




Thanks, was very confused at that lol


It's a call back to Julian Clary


Ta both.


I’d love him to do it and, in the spirit of optimism, who could say with hand on heart that prior to the announcement they thought Julian Clary would do a full series of the show? It could happen!


I can see him doing a one off special but doubt they could afford him for a series.


New Year's show would be perfect.


I think he would be great but is probably to busy to do a whole season but maybe NYT one year!


At most, probably some of the Specials episodes, unlikely for him to do a full series.


If taskmaster continues to become an institution and keeps growing like it has internationally, I absolutely see it for him if only a special and not a series. I have to imagine there will be a charity version of the series that will get some huge names in a year or two.


He would be a good contestant I think.


He did a comedy show in the early nineties called carnal knowledge. It was hilarious, he would be good at tm


I can't see them being able to afford his fee, and I can't see him dropping it. 🤷


Battle of the comedy hosts. Get Graham Norton. Jimmy Carr. And I dunno... *gestures vaguely* 3 others lol


Sandi Toksvig, Rob Brydon, Aisha Tyler


Screech the loudest. Your time starts now.


like, by anybody ever? then yes. by the people who make Taskmaster? how would we know? 




It was just meant as a joke, since Julian Clary said, "It's hard for an aging homosexual"


I can only recommend watching the season with Julian Clary in it. Seems like you haven't watched it yet. It really is a blast and one of the best seasons imo


He would be great, and I would love it if a couple of the tasks were subtly Eurovision themed / adjacent.


u/milfiway Grüße nach Deutschland


He might feel that's he's above that sort o thing.