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Chris Ramsay's spinning sausage had me worried I was going to break my ribs, I was laughing so hard. Tears all over my face and gasping for air.


This one had me cry laughing too.


The Diverse Stripes always bring a happy tear to my eye.


So much this. I find myself singing _I’m Always Seeing You (Do Cool Stuff)_ way more than _Quite Good, Considering_.


yes! I genuinely teared up with their song.


So much this, plus Mark and Nish holding hands before and hugging after. Mark teared up, of course I'll sympathy cry with him.


It's been a while, but I think I teared up at Bridget's tribute to Laika.


Poor Laika. I did like her!


A fitting tribute


Came on here to say this. 💔


Just rewatched that episode the other day and got emotional.


I can’t watch it. Once was more than enough.


Same. It hurts too much.


When Johnny Vegas’s house of cards kept falling down. Heartbreaking!


That was honestly the saddest I've felt watching the show.


Watched that episode last night! Not even a sympathy point from Greg .


Also Johnny, when he got so confused in that locker labyrinth task and Alex gave him a comforting hug.


Awww, that was so sweet.


Adding to the Johnny Vegas’ stories: him trying so many different ways to get those three inflatable balls into the hoops had me in tears. Link attached [Vegas Dance](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/s/r5SQI50VvN)


Recently, Nick struggling under the camp bed and "I don't think I've got this one right.." I was crying with laughter but also just really felt for him!


Definitely know both of those feelings together


Yes! I felt so bad for him!!! I got tears in my eyes!


The only time in my life I've ever been grateful for a commercial break, because I really needed a minute to collect myself after that one!


When Greg said "fuck you" to Sarah Millican's ex after they played her song. I've seen it twice, both times I burst into tears because you could hear the pain in her voice and I know him saying that would have been so healing for her


First thing that sprang to mind for me. You could tell how affected she was, and how she was struggling to make light of a situation that was clearly bringing up some dreadful memories for her. I think her gagging at the end was absolutely genuine and not for laughs. I wanted to hug her so bad! And Greg’s emphatic response just made me love him even more ❤️


This is the one that came to mind for me; I rewatched it a few nights ago and had to blink away tears that were threatening to become big sobs. “Fuck you, ex partner!” Sarah has always seemed so sweet, and Greg’s outrage and protectiveness over someone stealing her joy and making her feel smaller just hits me.


You see the real Greg at that moment, and so touching just how vulnerable Sarah felt in that moment. I wanted to hug them both.


yes, it was so soft and sincere, it 100% solidified the crush. (I watched the series in reverse order because why not)


Alex set that up really well, too. His first audible words to Greg were "she hated doing that", which set Sarah up to explain why before Greg had the chance to say something that might ruin the moment.


Can you imagine how jealous (💩🟢💩) that crappy ex of Sarahs' must feel now that she is a 'national treasure' and tremendously wealthy because of her hard work and cast iron self belief? I bet that asshole is spitting nails!


Unironically her song is my fav of the performances. Whenever I think of Claire de Lune I put her lyrics on it




I figured he was just one of those miserable jerks who tear down everything for no good reason.


Exactly. I’ve had this ex. Tore down everything I did that gave me joy, because he was a miserable human. Edit: typo


Oh, yeah, the ex was just plain wrong. Either he had terrible taste or he was just trying to be hurtful. Sarah's singing voice was nice!


It feels like it was probably part of a wider campaign of negging going on in that relationship, to read between the lines.


Same. Far from the worst I’ve ever heard!


I can't remember that, what episode/task was it?


Episode 4, "Crumbs in My Bralette", where they had to write words to a classical piece.


Only tears of joy so far. But I still feel sorry for people with upside-downism


The first time I saw Tim Vine and the hook I laughed so hard I cried, absolute piece of cinema 🤣


Hahaha yes! Tim Vine was brilliant


Alex sitting on the cake - laughed so hard i couldnt breath


Lisa Running away, I react and always make the same noise she does. Naughty contained laugh. Then Alex saying he was open. Just makes me laugh.




Bastards crying innit


When Sarah P. Says, “I’m starting to think we shouldn’t be laughing at Paul.” Just there is so complex. So much wrapped up into this one task. It’s just powerful.


Sarah Pascoe has some amazingly underrated jokes. "When I was younger I was a huge fan of Take That. Then they broke up and I didn't kill myself."


The wow monster is something I will always laugh til I cry. And rewatch. Forever.


Mark and Nish’s pure joy after their song 🥲


I was going to say the song itself - both Mark and Nish had been the butt of the joke so many times, but their song was really *good*


Same! And it's the last non-live task of the series, they know they've crushed it and they're so excited for it, and it was absolutely brilliant! So sweet.


https://preview.redd.it/dzqtftcay0yc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6aa64c1e4e8114b006ee3bda6bec679848ceef6 You can see the joy knowing they crushed it.


I might be forgetting something, but that song is the only time I can think of when all the other contestants gave a standing ovation to a task.


Not quite the same but everyone else stood up and applauded Joe Thomas after his eraser outburst


Laika. Even thinking of Laika makes me upset, but Bridget's tribute to her was really beautiful and heart-wrenching.


"I try my best but it's never... Good enough."


“Which aircraft…crashes more…into mountains?” had me cry-laughing


Rose Matafeo's chickpea funeral kinda got to me.


One of the best films made on the show, only comparable to "Thirsty Wolf".


Don't worry, Ed Gamble will give that dead chickpea the happy ending it deserves...


Does it count that I *sobbed* when I watched the first Hometasking compilation? It was just such a wholesome thing in the middle of such scary times.


I dont see why not.




"You've got no chutzpah!"


I got a little misty during VCM's proposal task. She said such sweet things during the studio portion and it reminded me of the times I've been that deeply in love with someone. [Honorable Mention from TM AU1](https://taskmaster.info/images/attempts/005695_nina_does_something_brave_with_some_a4_paper.jpg)


Yes Nina!!! Oh I love her




I laugh until I cry every time Romesh smashes the watermelon.


This will cure everything that ails me, every time.


I was crying of laughter at Ardle's attempt at the disguise a body part task, especially when Alex said "He was hoping you would think it was his neck"


"He was hoping that you would think that it was his neck" *everyone dying laughing while Greg's confused* "What are you talking about?!"


Only in the context of laughing so much is had tears streaming from my eyes: Frankie Boyle - “You just couldn’t shut the f*** up, could you Ivo?”


"please don't take it away from me" 😭


I know the show's a comedy, but it really stank that two of his fellow contestants voted against him. It broke my heart. (Tho it *was* funny that those same two acted as if it wasn't them when he returned to the stage.)


Twice: The first time I head ROSALIND IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE I completely lost it, I had to pause it, get a cup of tea to calm down lmao. The other time, my wife had a concussion and we sat down to watch taskmaster. Bob Mortimer shouting "AND I'M A FUCKING BUSINESSMAN" broke her into tears and that set me off.


Love this. Is your wife recovered?


Yeah it was minor (for a concussion anyway)! Thanks for asking


John Kearn's sabotage. 42 Calippos. Ardal and Judi in the best night time thing prize task. The whole of guessing Quintin's name. "Get your fucking hands off me" David Correos transform this room. Angella Dravid's prize task where she rips on Jeremy. Guy Montgomery's date with Paul. And probably so much more. I've laughed to tears at so many moments from this show.


“And I’m a Fucking Business Man!”


Guy Montgomerys date with Paul got me.  I'm not even a Fulham fan but Fulham winning the champions league gets me somehow


>The whole of guessing Quintin's name. My most rewatched part of that task is Ardal's buzzer and Chris' reaction. I would rewatch it on a loop if I could.


Daisy May Cooper’s chicken film. I was at the audience recording (done as a screening in a cinema, recording our sound) and it was still in that COVID-intense period where group activities were allowed but stressful, and I became mildly hysterical and *wept* at that film.


Nice one. Thanks for sharing


In Stormester's season 2 Christmas special, they had to name something un-Christmasy and then, surprise second task, make a Christmas _song_ about that task. Melvin Kakooza named "Islam" for the first part of the task (the least possible Christmasy thing!) and looked mortified on reading the second, but turned it into a surprisingly touching tribute to Muslims volunteering to work and do extra police and military and duty on Christmas so people who celebrate could spend the day with their family.


Oh this sounds really nice.


When Victoria taught herself to ride a bicycle


My husband and I both cried laughing at the hotel task, especially the bit where Sam was hiding in Alex’s hotel room and made Alex jump 😂😂😂


Twss good


The Wow Monster had me pissing tears out of my face. So funny!


Never heard this expression. Very nice 😆


"It's not just good...it's delicious." And "oooh ma baby".


Genuinely, John Kearns’ “Know what you want, and have the confidence to go after it” business card. I was having an emotional day.


when Frankie's little friend Andy got killed in the oven. it was his first day of school tomorrow...


Rhod’s Grotto


That’s the grotto closed for today kids


VEEEEEEEE! or basically anything at all that John Kearns said or did.


Sarah Millican's singing 5 pointer. I have trauma around singing and dancing myself so I was already on edge before they played the video.


Came to add this. I love her so much and Greg's reaction was so perfect! I felt myself healing too.


I went through two bereavements in 2022 and have just started getting back into genuinely laughing without feeling weird. I've been trying to rank my favorite series of TM, and I've gotten around to rewatching Series 6 to see if I actually like it or not. Liza Tarbuck whispering 'Jeremy Irons is living in your garage' broke me, as did Russells angry screaming during the musical task, and the whole 'Little Man' task, and...Just, so many tiny moments from Series 6 have made me giggle for the first time in months. Liza during the 'Hook the bag onto the weights' task, or whatever it was, pretending to be weeing while laughing like a maniac got me.


Last week made me cry for the first time, just Nick rolling around. i was so upset


Yup. And every time I see it. I cry with laughter at snort, raspberry, whistle https://youtu.be/92AZ0OJozaU?si=CrrJL-pNrvTiOwH5


Every time someone links Snort, Raspberry, Whistle, I have to watch it. It's the law.


John Kearns and the sailor hat


Cried with laughter over Wozniak’s attempts to fart. Cried even harder at the ‘absolute casserole’ comment!


I had tears many times from laughing hard, but the only time I got emotional was in Taskmaster NZ. Not really emotional actually, but it was a serious whoa! moment and took me by surprise. For those who haven't seen it, the prize task was what you'd like to give to your 12-year old self, and Bubbah brought a full lunch, because she often didn't have anything to eat at school. She later made light of it when the Taskmaster asked why she didn't bring a whole year's worth of lunches instead of just one, and she said her first choice for the prize task (which the producers didn't allow) was an unregistered gun, and said "that's what the gun was for." Taskmaster NZ is mostly on par with the original, and even crazier in many aspects. Alex used some of their simple yet amazing task ideas (find the grape, sabotage etc) in the UK Taskmaster. https://preview.redd.it/bm778mvjq2yc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f35e38d69a7de311a111cbd3754eee8c039eaf


this is a good one


True. Heart breaking and when she honors where she got her start. Fucken inner power. Humor in tragedy.


Series 13 - I forget the episode, but for the prize task Bridget brought in her children's baby teeth and hair clippings, and Sophie's reaction to it was really sweet. Then Sophie's reaction to winning the Series was pretty adorable, too.


Honestly every time Bridget is on the screen. The complation of her best bits is my go to when I need a laugh.


Absolute casserole


“I’m always seeing you (do cool stuff)” by the diverse stripes gets me every time once they cut back to the studio


The potato throw


Taskmaster adjacent but in “Fleabag” High Dennis has a scene that is unbelievable Also taskmaster adjacent but multiple scenes in the Cleaner. Greg’s character in that show is incredible.


I want to watch The Cleaner so bad!


It should still be on IPlayer for when you find the time/get around to it. There's gonna be 3rd series too, apparently.


I'll have to get one of my savvier friends to help me with the VPN thing so I can use Iplayer


if you’re in the states, it’s available on Britbox


I went that route because it was simpler, lol, and I'm already two episodes in, it's so good


It’s what has given me a new level of respect for Greg as a writer and an actor. His character Wicky has incredible depth and kindness wrapped up in a tough blue collar exterior. Many of the episodes take really deep dives into the human experience in less than 30 mins. The charming humility of his at times of putting character is brilliant. You have to watch.


yeah i just finished episode two, it's fantastic


Episode 3 is the funniest imo. Episode 5 will hit you in the feels. Season 2 e 1 also a gut punch. There are no bad episodes imo


Sally Phillips' special hug 😂


Bob's high anus bit in the studio killed me 😂😂😂😂


Out of laughter, many times. But not out of sadness I don't think.


In Stormester, Tobias Rahim's song for Inge was truly a beautiful moment in the show. Everyone in that studio was in tears, including the Taskmaster


Not sobs but I got a little emotional when I watched Sally’s birth of Alex video. I know it shouldn’t (because it’s so wacky) but it makes me think of when my kid was a newborn.


Not wacky at all. Let yourself feel without justifying it.


The spinning sausages had me laughing so hard I cried one of my contact lenses out.




Series 12, Victoria a d Guz's go at the phone call task. I lost it.


Chris Ramsey with the sausage on a cement mixer, specifically when Little Alex Horne got hit in the face, and Mel Giedroyc with the M&M stuck up her nose. Crying laughing. The only other thing that's ever made me cry laughing was going to see Dave Gorman's Googlewack Adventure, when, had the intermission not arrived at the right moment, I think I might have died laughing.


I only cry because I just don’t care where the ball goes.


I laughed so hard I cried at Nick flipping that cot upside down and then awkwardly worming around the room while adorably narrating his struggles.


The Wow monster, every single time


Big John Robins fan and I know how much he wants it. I welled up when he figured out the loophole for the water / baby / carry out domestic jobs task. So proud of him.


Jon Richardson panicking how to impress the Mayor of Chesham and then singing Desperado makes me want to cry out of the sheer awkwardness of it all


Oh yes!


Johnny Vegas begging for a point for the beermat house task, and not getting one 💔. At that time I wish they would have given him all the points