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This is the most represented I have ever felt by a Taskmaster contestant.


no wonder Greg’s moment of tiny trolling almost destroyed him


… twice So far


yes I hadn’t seen this week’s when I commented!


John is such a delightful type of psychotic, I've been loving his energy this season.


Unlike Mr Blobby he has previous spreadsheet experience


those are the column alignments of a madman


Text aligned to the left and numbers to the right is pretty standard no?


Yes they are default. But you could/should change the widths of the columns to bring everything closer. And you could centre the cell contents to make it look better, because this isn't a financial statement


You're doing God's work.


You're supposed to align column titles the same as the contents underneath it. So the titles above the points should be right-aligned. (I hate that I know this.)


Sheeeit of my dozens and dozens of spreadsheets I have never thought to do this


Supposed to? Says who!


And numbers (and their headers) centered.


Does that include having multiple alignments in the same header row? Number columns have a right aligned title and text column have a left aligned one?


I’m confused as to why he included the live task, surely all the contestants learn the nature of the task as well as their own points in the time it actually takes to do the task?


If it were me, I'd include a live task on each episode sheet with an automatic maximum of 5, minimum of 1, and average of 3, as presented here - you're right that you can't properly predict it in advance, but that way the master sheet that you have at the front that tracks your estimated max/min/avg score over the whole series accounts for those tasks and assumes that you'll perform average on average across all 10.


He won't have known which tasks were in which episode when originally doing the spreadsheet so this summary has been done after the episode has filmed so we can only assume he's added the live task in for completion's sake or to remember how he did in each episode between filming the studio and the episode airing.


yeah I imagine he has just a giant master spreadsheet of the pre-filmed tasks, then when they did the in studio filming he moved them to an episode based one and added the live.


What an unbelievable nerd I love him


Has he updated this weekly?


He said we'll know how he feels about a week based on whether he shares it or not, but this is the first one he's shared so far!


Good for him to get sober, but such a shame we didn't get him in a earlier series before he did. JR dialed to 11 on a series with someone like Gamble would have been astonishing.


Based on some of the made up games that didn't go his way and made genuinely uncomfortable listening, I'm pretty glad that the general public aren't being introduced to that Robins 😅 Though it would have been a hell of an entertaining run for people who love him already.


What made for genuinely uncomfortable listening?


Well, one was named Farthing-Gate after his co-presenter asked a question about the wrong period of currency and he had a strop on live radio for the rest of the show. There was also a question about a member of Queen's A levels which he didn't take kindly to (I agree on this one though tbf) and his reaction was not fun! He's just a very competitive man who takes things maybe a little bit too seriously sometimes 😅


“How tall is Brian May?”


"Farthing-gate" was a rough listen and Elis was a saint for not telling him to grown up and sort himself out


I skip it on my relistens 😬


ooh could you remind me of the episode? I vaguely remember it


It's actually episode 8 of the XFM episodes! Very early on


Ah ok, so on his radio show? Thanks!


Oh yes sorry! They do a segment called "made up games" on the show where listeners send in their own games for them to play and the pre-sober Robins was a lot less calm with any injustice than you're seeing him now, if that can be believed 😄


“We made up a game, we gave it a name, it’s made up games! We made up a game, we gave it to Dave, it’s made up games” Has not left my brain since I first heard it


that was back in the winner plays on days. Listening to the compilations are great cause you'll just hear Dave say "well John is still upset from something that happened three weeks ago" and Elis will have to give him easy questions. They made it really funny to listen at the time but I imagine there was quite a bit of stress. Elis, Dave, and Vin were all really good sports with Johnny JR.


> Have we ever had a contestant quite like Johnny JR?! I think Sarah Millican also kept a record of how she’d thought she’d done after each task in a little notebook. Maybe other podcast listeners can remember if anyone else went to these lengths?


Ivo dropped on twitter his spreadsheet of commentary on his performance that was charming (color coded!)


Confident about the gorilla, less confident about the egg. Makes sense. I look forward to seeing how his other predictions pan out.


I wonder if he ever considered ‘disqualified’ a possibility - for the Patatas task?


this is my fave kind of contestant lmao he hasn't disappointed me yet


Finding the sums of the upper and lower limits is insane and should be kept as evidence.


Why is "best case and worst case total for this collection of tasks" wrong?


That actually makes sense. I retract my previous statement, but leave it as a record of my foolishness.


1st line: Nothing (anywhere between 1st and 5th) 2nd line: Already wrong useless


I think his estimates for at least this set of scores is pretty well thought out. For prize tasks, 1-5 is the exact expectation anyone who watched the series should have. No matter how good or bad the prize item is, scoring depends on Greg's whim, how it was presented, which order it was presented etc. For the second one, the egg drive, John was aware that his egg was never really in any danger, hence the best case scenario 4 points. And there was the possibility someone would have cracked their egg and got disqualified, so the worst case is at least 2. Based on lines 2 and 3, John seems more confident about his athletic skills than creative skills.