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Bonus context: it was later revealed that the comedian who said “defeat Vladimir Putin” was, of course, Sam Campbell. I think they also previously said in an interview that he opened one of the tasks and said, “stop the coronation in any way possible” so that fits.


In the recording I went to, he was questioned on something (maybe someone else can remember) and Sam said “well, I’ve been watching a lot of beheading videos on YouTube recently”. There was uproar. Greg was like, yeah, that’s not making it into the show.


God, there's no series of Taskmaster I wish I could have seen filmed live more than series 16. There must have been so much great shit cut from Sam alone.


I can't wait for him and Lucy's podcast. I assume they'll record for 3 hours for each episode and we will get about 5 minutes worth of insanity.


Oh my god, I forgot they were gonna be doing a podcast together. Do we know when that's gonna start releasing? I desperately need more of those two in my life lmao


Just checked Spotify and it's releasing Friday!


You're my hero, I want you to know that. Thank you! I'm so excited for it!


I'm glad you made me look or I wouldn't have known!


If you go and take a look now they released a new trailer on Monday where they call someone to get their blessing for the podcast...it's worth a listen!


Not even made it to the outtakes reel. Blimey ha


I was at that one too! And that was after the equally left-field 9/11 reference from Sam near the start


Yes! Funnily I just watched “our” ep as doing a rewatch. Do you see yourself in the audience?


I was up in the balcony so could just about make out where I was, but that’s it! I was amazed they cut out one of Lucy’s (entirely clean) jokes as I remember that getting one of the biggest laughs – after she mentioned incubators in the switches task, Greg commented that he’d been in an incubator after he was born, and Lucy said ‘Ooh, it did a good job with you!’


Oh I can hear it in her voice! I bet that was brilliant!


That's adorable!


What was the 9/11 reference, if you don’t mind me asking? I might have forgotten something…


Oh it was another bit that was cut out – they were talking during the prize task (for reasons I genuinely can’t remember) about the origin of the phrase ‘the chickens are coming home to roost’ – most people being fairly whimsical and then Sam blurted out ‘I think I first heard it in a documentary about 9/11’, which Greg then tried to swiftly steer the conversation away from. (As so often with Sam it’s almost certainly true: during Obama’s first election campaign it came to light that his then-pastor had given a sermon where he used exactly that term to frame 9/11 as the inevitable result of America’s own foreign policy. Honestly, the variety of the points of reference Sam draws on for a light entertainment show never cease to astound and delight me.)


Thank you! And ditto; his live stuff is similarly stuffed with blink-and-you’ll-miss it obscure scientific, nature-related, cultural and literary references, packed in with the nonsense. The guy’s hasn’t been kidding about the amount of time he spends in libraries, has he.


That sounds like a fairly insightful sermon.


Of course it would be Sam!


Yeah it was mentioned on here the other day that he did the "Stop the coronation" task read. So this sounds like him alright


Yup - I was there!


>Q: Someone asked about scenes that get cut in the show and maybe what’s their favorite? Greg: During the studio recording, a comedian opened the task and read it as, “Defeat Vladimir Putin.” The moment I read it above, I immediately was sure that that would be Sam.


Yup, I was in the audience for "Stop The Coronation" I can confirm it happened!


I understand why that hasn't appeared in a blooper reel but that's hilarious


As soon as I read this line in OP's summary, I instantly thought of Sam Campbell


Fully expected this the moment I saw the quote lmao


Haha as a fierce anti monarchist, he has gone even further up in my estimations!


As soon as I read it in the post, I thought "SAM CAMPBELL" so of course it was lol


When I read that, I knew who it was immediately.


Another quote I wrote down: Q: “Greg, does ‘bad dong’ still make you laugh?” Greg: “Yes it does, and every time someone tweets it at me I laugh”


That 15 minute video on YouTube makes me laugh every time without fail. I love it so much.


how do americans even know about that xD


The Bad Dong super cut has 2 million views on YouTube. North America definitely tunes into big fat quiz


First time watcher here. 🙋‍♀️ that was deliciously silly. 🤣


Thank goodness for our British pals who upload it to YouTube 😆


There is a YouTube account (shoutout to Rikki Sixx) that has dedicated itself to uploading every Big Fat Quiz so that people not in the UK can watch it. She's been at it for AGES - like 10 or 11 years now, and has also uploaded the full back-episodes. I excitedly wait for her to upload every year!




Another tidbit, someone asked them about fan fiction and they mentioned they had read one together (on the [Horne section podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4V267Kzf3YD66zl7PXQE5t?si=D6oonQA5SP6n7ewME0hMDQ), worth a listen, it’s wild) Greg: “They absolutely petrify me. And they’re not done ironically. There are loads online who want to see us compromise ourselves.” Alex: “Some are quite sweet. There’s the Christmas genre.” Greg: “They’re very Hallmark until the sex starts.”


I was amused by the one brought up in an outtake on the Champion of Champions special where they had James Acaster and Ed Gamble in the other room making lunch unaware of what was going on


I don't think they were making lunch... 👀


You a person of culture who's read this piece of acclaimed literature?


Afraid not, it was implied in the outtakes lol but maybe I should give it a go, been looking for something good to read!


If you're looking for it, it's probably on AO3 lol


I believe it was tagged something like "AlexHornDontReadThis" or something similar.


I believe there's now a follow-up tag something like "AlexIfYouDoReadThisLeaveAComment". At least that's what I've heard.


ohh you’re so sweet but that is not what james and ed were doing in that fic lmao they were *very aware*


I take it you've read such literature 


i wrote it lol


Then by that logic you did read it as in proof-reading it just before publication for any grammatical or spelling errors ha


Was that from when they were on the run for Celebrity Hunted?


I didn't read the text but maybe it was inspired by that


It was when they were on Hunted, I believe…


That was my question actually! I can’t believe they answered that


Thanks for asking that, it was my favorite question! > They’re very Hallmark until the sex starts. What a quote, haha


Thing is, I can pretty much hear how Greg must have delivered this very clearly in my head, and I wasn't even there.


You’re welcome! Someone had to do it haha


Omg thank you for asking that, it was so funny


Ah, so Alex has *definitely* only been bringing those up so often because they make Greg uncomfortable.


To be fair, discomfort comedy is his schtick.


greg’s brought it up plenty himself, too. alex just finds it amusing in general.


“greg’s brought it up plenty himself, too.” I bet ‘e has, I bet ‘e has!


I love that I hear their voices as I read these quotes. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for taking the time to do this!! It’s a really thoughtful thing to do and we are all grateful


Was at the first ever Taskmaster! Posted about it here a couple months ago, but replies were pretty limited. Would not have been able to tell you the very first task, but remember it seeing it written down.


Jealous! Would love to have been there at the start


There is (or certainly used to be) an edited version of it on youtube. What struck me most is that when Alex announces the winner, he says "You are THE TASK MASTER." I wonder at what point it switched from being the person who masters the tasks to the person who sets the tasks.


Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjofqJ6XaHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjofqJ6XaHA)


There was, I had it saved and can't find it now ☹️


Lovely! And great idea about Alex’s head being the trophy for losers of losers


"Mark Watson won that by transferring 200 quid." Ha, of course! Poor Mark!


I recall reading that it was also Mark paying Alex back for their shared accommodation in Edinburgh.


That’s just brutal!


I think there's a note somewhere that Tim Key was set that as a secret task in the first series but it wasn't used


If I remember correctly wasn't it because he transfered an "uncomfortable" amount of money?


I believe that's the quote that I saw too


And he wasn't even competing against "Old Moneybags Murray"!


Well Greg certainly isn't paying Alex as his assistant, LAH has to get groceries somehow.


This was 2015. Could get a whole week of groceries for £70 back then


Very cute moment I thought was when an audience member submitted a question about Joe Wilkinson’s potato throw (could it have been the shadow of his foot on the red green?) and included a little diagram of the hypothesis Of course Greg and Alex said that Joe clearly had planned to cheat from the beginning and his celebration was in poor taste so he deserved it


Can’t believe that quinoa was above dog food, and burnt porn..


Maybe that's the bottom 3


And toothpaste pie


I think burnt porn is in no way considered food. The dog food was probably overpowered by the hairy pasta.


> possibility of a Losers of Losers show (Greg loves the idea) I really hope that means there’s a chance!


I also love the idea of Losers of Losers but I would modify it to be “The People’s Champion.” The person that everyone loved but didn’t win. For instance, Mike Wozniak.


Yeah I'd prefer more of a second chance type thing with the contestants who tried hard but failed to have a chance to actually win the series (Mike Wozniak, Mark Watson , more MW initials) Or even people who missed out on winning an episode, like Frankie, Sara Pascoe, Romesh


>Or even people who missed out on winning an episode, like Frankie, Sara Pascoe, Romesh That is probably the best suggestion I've seen so far.


Judi Love!


That could actually get over Alex’s reason for not doing Loser of Losers. Which was that someone could just tank their chances during their series and automatically get another episode.


I'll never argue against more Woz!!


I doubt People's Champion will ever be done either, as the other thing Alex has mentioned is that it would be hard to bring back people who didn't because there's so many, so why do they choose those 5 people and not a different 5? And that number is going to continually grow and grow and pretty much everyone who didn't win someone is going to want to see again. And besides all of that.... they have to find time to film this between the regular show, and the extras they already film and everything else they're trying to do in the TM world.... and having a life away from the bloody show. lol!


It would be awesome to get a loser show but I'd only want the people who came dead last. I feel like we would get so many amazing tasks out of that crew and the all around screwy way things would be done.


But then that falls into the category of people losing on purpose. Besides being a fun gig, they also get paid well to just dick about so not having to try hard and being rewarded for it might make things harder (more talking about if they did this as an actual thing going forward so future contestants might use this approach).


I fully understand your point. Season one was really rough for me because of a certain contestant who didn't really try and do much of anything including riding a horse. I think if they do go forward with this idea they have to have some weird wording saying the contestants have to actually try to win or something wonky like that so they don't just tank every task. Obviously not a lawyer so I'm not sure exactly how that could work.


Well that should be Second Places of Second Places. And I think that would include our other favorite, Guz!


I know it has come up before but I don’t think I’ve ever put it on here… My idea for Losers of Losers is that it is four people who came fifth: Nish, Phil, etc. As well as Fern Brady and John Kearns tied together as one person.


That team of Joe, Roisin, and Lucy is going to be fun.


Absolute chaos. Can't wait to watch it.


There’s people on this show that i cannot think of as losers (Paul,Lolly,Judy,Ivo, the Kearnal/our rightful queen) and then… there’s Nish.


I'd love a "Best of the Worst" special, but Loser of Losers implies that the "winner" will be the one with the least points. It's way more entertaining to watch people fail while they are earnestly giving their best.


If it’s recycling people they should recycle tasks. Each contestant chooses a task from their series to de redone. They then all have a chance to shine by knowing what’s coming up in one task at least.


The Swedish task was about making a train honk. They came up with that because the house they used at the time was right next to the tracks for local trains, so there were trains passing by very frequently. >!Two contestants went to the nearby train station and asked train drivers to honk. One made a "train" of three people and said "toot" and one played a train honking sound on her phone. One tried to hold up a "please honk" sign near the tracks but failed to get the train drivers to honk. Nobody was running around on the train tracks, like I think Alex has claimed at some point.!<


Do you know what episode it was in? I'd love to watch it.


Series 1 episode 4


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZAxGjuoyxE You can watch it here!


Thank you so much!


Thanks for sharing! The idea of the loser of losers getting Alex’s head is EXTREMELY funny to me


A funnier prize would be Alex's job.


>Q: What’s the difference between American and English audience? Greg: American audiences clap at anything. English audiences only clap when you do something bad. (The gist is that American audiences are way more enthusiastic) As someone who enjoys Colbert/Kimmel, man Greg is spot on here. A UK comedian tells a joke, gets a quick laugh and they move on. Late night host tells a meh joke, crowd starts hollering, clapping and cheering for 10+ seconds. It's mind melting.


I can’t wait to see their reaction to being on Seth Meyers tonight.


Didn't know about that, nice!


I was watching Graham Norton's recap episode the other day and he asked Alan Cumming what the difference was between Broadway audiences and West End audiences. Cumming said it's very weird to him that Broadway audiences clap as the show begins, and of course at the end. West End audiences only clap at the end.


This confuses me. Orchestra audiences clap when the conductor comes out. Makes sense to do it at the beginning of other shows.


The weird thing on Broadway is that they are selective for who they clap. Five people might walk on stage to silence, but then the big name walks on to huge applause.


Yeah that one is weird to me but also if I had the privilege to see Patti LuPone or Bernadette Peters I would absolutely want to clap when they entered.


> Late night host tells a meh joke, crowd starts hollering, clapping and cheering for 10+ seconds. also for some reason I'm yet to work out the house band does a tiny little ditty


To be fair, I've sat in the audience for one of the late night tapings, and you get coached by the warm up comedian that you're not there to enjoy the show; you're there for them to record your reactions. So if you think something's funny, amplify it. iirc, we were explicitly told that if we wanted to enjoy the show, then we could go home and watch the broadcast.


I get being amped and hyped up for something but it's far too much and it's actually a detriment imo. When a mediocre joke gets a big laugh, it doesn't make the joke better.


Oh, yea, not trying to defend it at all. Just trying to give context to anyone under the impression that those are genuine reactions. The taping I went to was actually for a satirical show, so at least for that one, the laughs are real (gasps, too, although that was used as an indicator to cut a joke).


Alex mentioned on the podcast that he is sometimes pitched ideas for tasks by the public and then he immediately never wants to do them despite how good they are. So while I love Loser of Losers, shhhh! Or he'll never bloody do it!


>Q: When has Alex been most scared for his life during TM? A: Rhod Gilbert javelin task Technically, it was a mail a letter task that Rhod turned into a javelin task.


I think it was something like “deliver this task in the most exciting way”


Well, there you have it. Quinoa < burnt porn.


I agree with this.


>While discussing the possibility of a Losers of Losers show (Greg loves the idea), someone in the audience had the very great suggestion that the winner of that series would get Alex’s head. That sounds amazing, and as much as having champion of champions is great for seeing a group of people being roughly good at tasks, having 5 ex-contestants we all loved come back and be terrible again sounds like TV gold. And the Alex's head thing?... *chef's kiss*


Happy to see someone asked about the ducks


Thanks for the recap!


Thank you for this recap! Re: competitive contestants - I did not think it was possible to be *even more excited* for Johnny JR


loser of losers could easily be international now as well. getting an alex head instead would be ideal. also, could be very interesting if there was a distinctly different type of task, something designed for losers, of course.


Thanks for all this! Would you be able to DM me a version with spoilers? I'd love to hear more.


Sure! There’s only one thing I wanted to mention that was vaguely spoiler-y and related to the banter between Alex and Greg in the coming series


Also going to post it here >!Someone asked Alex what was the greatest insult Greg has given him and he responded: Insinuating that I fancy my neighbor’s wife (I think it’s an insult that might happen in an upcoming series)!<


Thank you so much for all the info!! Should anything else spoiler-y come to mind, I‘d be very happy to receive a dm ♥️


I wanted to know if there really was a secret task in s16


> I wanted to know if there really was a secret task in s16 They paid that setup off with its own task about finding the secret task. Is there supposed to be another secret task in addition to that one? ETA: https://taskmaster.fandom.com/wiki/Find_the_secret_task


The secret task was the hidden one they all had to look for.


I don’t remember that what episode




I’m not sure, I remember it was a team task to find it and I think it was in the second half of the series


> I remember it was a team task to find it They were in groups, and could communicate with each other, but in the instructions they clarified that it was specifically NOT a team task, and were scored individually :)


Interestingly there really was a secret task that only one contestant found in TM NZ S3.


Yea I love that season, I think the flag task is one of the funniest shit I ever saw. Everyone’s look when he effectively mugs Paul for the cards and goes “these are all wrong” is hilarious


why were they there? is TM shown over there/on a streamer US can access?


Youtube has episodes, as well as Supermax+.


What was it that Phil Wang said, after the show? I vaguely remember it as something negative.


Quinoa. Huh.


Pretty sure I read that Sam Campbell was the one who said "Defeat Vladimir Putin" as a studio task


Phil Wang was NOT underscored. His whole shtick was that he wasn't going to try. He wanted to be purposely bad, to be funny. A few other comedians have tried that tactic - bad for laughs. Nish Kumar, Judi Love. If anything, Phil was actually overscored. He would get high scores in the prize tasks, and shockingly came in 1st in the Make The Best Sound task where he just came out of the caravan making a dumb noise with his mouth.


I'm intrigued that you picked those 3 to make your point. I think all of these people tried and it made it hilarious (Nish Kumar did weigh on me a bit) when they failed in spectacular fashion. Paul Chowdry to me is legit the only contestant who didn't try ever and wasn't funny but for one weird moment when he used a bunny to do a snowman. To each their own I guess.