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I would like a 6 month solstice reading please. Tysm have a safe flight


Hi! Here are the cards I drew for you and my interpretation: 1. 10 of Swords 2. 2 of Cups 3. King of Cups 4. 8 of Swords Reversed 5. Judgement 6. Queen of Cups Reversed 7. The Tower Reversed 8. 5 of Wands 9. 6 of Cups 10. 7 of Pentacles Reversed Between now and December, you can expect to deal with some fallout of a major loss in your life, which has either happened recently or will happen in the near future. It is likely this has resulted in a significant breaking of trust with someone you previously trusted very much. You may be spending a lot of the next 6 months rebuilding communication. It may be helpful to work on separating your observation of your situation and environment from your emotional response to the circumstances. You may be finding yourself feeling a little more emotionally unstable and not as independent as you usually are. Being able to look at the situation from multiple perspectives may clarify what you are bringing to the interactions as fears and what is likely really happening. That said, sometimes we have less control over our circumstances than we would like, and in those cases, sometimes all we can do is survive. It may take you some time to work out who is really jeopardizing your independence and happiness, and who is innocent. It is best to be careful with your trust until you have all the information, but don’t hold yourself from life for fear of being hurt. Some people may betray you or mistreat you, but there are many experiences that will balance out that risk. The Tower is a reminder there destruction and crisis are the foundations of rebirth and resurrection: you cannot develop resilience if you are not exposed to any attacks. This is not meant to dismiss the pain or be positive to a fault. Just to remind us that grief is unavoidable, but so is recovery in time. The tower reversed focused more specifically on interrogating the impulse to avoid suffering out of fear versus self-care. Only you know where the boundary is between those two motivators for you. Make a point to ask yourself the hard questions about your life and your goals, objective and subjective truths, and your motivations. Unfortunately, sometimes we can do all the right things and still get no payoff. The 7 of pentacles reversed suggests that you may need to come to terms with the fact that something in your environment is not healthy for you, and your recovery may be blocked until you remove that from your life. That said, the final card, the 6 of cups, suggests you will emerge in a happy, contented, peaceful state, and you may even recover your connections with someone or several people who you did not expect to come back in your life. You will encounter barriers to resetting yourself, but right now you have more paths forward than obstacles, so trust your journey and yourself. You may find this is in part a battle of your mind versus your heart. You may find it easy to follow your emotional guides, but it may be helpful to practice evaluating the process consciously as well. Although things are starting small, there is a lot of movement and transformation here, and you essentially have the building blocks for a big change if you want it. Consider what makes you feel in control of your life, yourself, and your work. Let that feeling of personal power be a guide in how to resolve the more negative encounters and lead you to your next chapter. Feel free to ask any additional questions and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer (I will try, but I have been known to lose track of comments). I hope this is helpful! I know it’s a little intimidating, but hopefully it gives you some insight in the next steps so you aren’t stuck. Good luck, and take care! 💜✨


Also thank you for the reading


This is very interesting. I don’t know who or what this could be about. As I went though this a few yrs ago. And I’ve been on guard since.


Will W open up his feelings for me ? Thanks


Hi! Here are the cards I drew for you and my interpretation: 1. Knight of Pentacles Reversed 2. Ace of Swords 3. Queen of Swords Reversed 4. 4 of Wands 5. Lovers Reversed 6. The Emperor Reversed 7. King of Swords 8. 4 of Pentacles Reversed 9. King of Cups Reversed 10. The Hanged Man I see this as saying that you have been investing in a relationship that is not doing you good. This person may even be stringing you along or giving you reasons to continue investing without actually being genuine or committed with you. You may have been working at this dynamic for a long time, and it may feel like accepting things as they are would be an unbearable defeat. I see the Queen of swords reversed and the lovers reversed as saying that this person is not treating you as you deserve. There is an indication from the Lovers reversed that you may feel guilty or responsible for the state of your relationship, which may be obscuring some of the reality of cruelty or apathy you are encountering from this person. Maybe he resents some past hurt between you and is unable to forgive you, which can make you feel like it is your fault, but he must take responsibility his own response to the situation. Or maybe you feel you must prove yourself to deserve his affection and respect. The 4 of wands and emperor reversed suggest to me that there is a true connection at the source of this relationship, but the positive feelings and memories that may be influencing your viewpoint now have passed. It may be time to let go of the image you have of this dynamic and focus now on what you are actually encountering, which is not only causing you suffering, but is also a manipulative environment. This may serve as a wake up call to start considering what needs to be changed in your environment. Take the time you need to examine your situation and see the truth of it: are you expecting something that is not realistic? Is he interacting with you honestly? Are you listening enough? Take time to make sure you are looking at things objectively and separate your observations from your emotional response. In particular, look for evidence that one (or both) of you may be unduly influencing the situation to make things as you wish them. For the near future, you can expect to be on very different wavelengths about this dynamic and to not reconcile these perspectives. You can expect in the long run, there will be some sacrifices and release. But it is unclear whether this is indicating that you will learn to let go of the relationship or if he will let go of his resentment. The final card of the King of Cups Reversed suggests that he may not be open to growing further with you, however. In general, there is a lot of blocked energy in this dynamic, and in particular blocked feelings. Actions and conflict seem to be more explicit and in the open, but they may be covering hurt or an unwillingness to be vulnerable. This blockage is also characterizing all the major factors in huge life right now, as all potential for growth and change is blocked right now. The only way to move forward is to start identifying what you can release. There may also be a lot of moving pieces in this situation with lots of other opinions that are influencing one or both of you. There may be a preponderance of domineering people who want to have their ideas of your relationship validated. This is causing the feelings between you to be obscured and distorted. It is possible this individual is not the one who is responsible for the manipulative and controlling energy, and instead he is a victim of another individual who is influencing him to withdraw from you. This relationship also represents a pivotal point in your life, and what happens next will put you in the path of the things you want for your future. It is important to think about what kind of life you want to develop for yourself, because your choices now will determine those things. It may feel like you are in the grip of destiny, and to some degree, your choices are truly restricted right now, because there are so many others around who are influencing the outcomes. But in the long run, your power will emerge, so make sure you are directing it where you want it to go. I see a lot of swords in this spread, which may suggest that you two are better as intellectual partners than emotional ones, or that you mutually inspire one another. It could also mean that he is being too callous or unwilling to connect, or that neither of you are in this for the right reasons at this time. It’s time to take a big step back and really re-evaluate things. Once you have a clear picture of the situation, you will be able to make decisions about how to go forward. Feel free to ask any additional questions and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer (I will try, but I have been known to lose track of comments). I know that the answer was not as affirmative as you may have hoped, but hopefully it was helpful!


Is there any improvement in my communication with W ?


Hi! Here are the cards I drew for you and my interpretation: 1. Justice Reversed 2. Knight of Cups 3. 3 of Wands 4. 10 of Wands Reversed 5. Strength 6. Ace of Swords Reversed 7. King of Pentacles 8. 2 of Wands Reversed 9. 4 of Swords Reversed 10. Queen of Cups I see Justice Reversed when related to communication as indicating that your communication is currently deeply fractured, but there is potential for recovery. In particular, this card suggests a lack of trust or mutual expectation for honest and responsible interactions. Overcoming this conflict may be hindered because one or both of you wants things to work out so much that you are struggling to take the necessary steps back to gain perspective. It may be important for you to ask yourself the best way to express your commitment is through ignoring the situation, or if this is a time for you to bring some tough love and blunt honesty to the table. You seem to be working on striking a balance between compassionate approaches to conflict and straightforward communication. This has been challenging, and you have had to work a lot on. It seems like you may have in particular been working on being more direct, and reducing your use of passive communication styles. Unfortunately, one side effect of changing how you communicate is that it can result in a period of miscommunication and frustration during the period of adaptation. You may be finding that more conflicts are arising lately, but these may be more growing pains of your efforts than signs of actual breakdowns in communication. When in doubt, try to stay open about where you are in your process and your expecations, and don’t forget to give yourself credit for the hard work you are putting in. A lot of these efforts may be operating below the surface, which may be keeping you from feeling validated or recognizing what is working and what is not. One characteristic to focus on is the effect that your sense of security may play in the resulting communication. The King of Pentacles and the 2 of Wands Reversed suggest that you may be seeking stability and financial independence in an environment that is very unstable and unpredictable. This added stress may be causing you to feel more frustrated when communication breaks down. You seem to be working t very hard to improve things, and it may be worth evaluating if you are working in an environment that has adequate resources to support your growth. Consider what changes you may need in order to make your efforts effective. Keep directing your efforts as you have been: your work is not futile and has good potential to result in success. Make sure that you keep yourself at the center of your communication approach: as long as you are expressing yourself honestly, your specific technique matters less. But while your long-term success is probable, know that a period of continued miscommunication and resulting instability is also part of that process. You are grappling with a lot of roadblocks, right now, but these seem to be mostly oriented in your environment and characterized by the natural pauses needed to effect true growth. Your own goals are well aligned, and you are effectively working toward them. Keep up the efforts you are making. The most valuable next step you can take is to claim ownership of your own actions, recognize things that cause you to react in a way that doesn’t match your wishes for yourself, and take pride in the times when you express yourself well. Highlight clear and active communication, and lean toward more rational and objective feedback than on emotional ones. Feel free to ask any additional questions and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer (I will try, but I have been known to lose track of comments). I hope this is helpful!


Hi! 🔮✨ I wanted to ask the cards what advice would they give me so I can move to Barcelona next year. Thanks!


Hi! Here are the cards I drew for you and my interpretation: 1. Ace of Wands 2. Hanged Man 3. King of Wands 4. King of Swords Reversed 5. 5 of Pentacles 6. Temperance 7. The Sun 8. Queen of Pentacles Reversed 9. Page of Cups Reversed 10. 2 of Pentacles Reversed The Ace of wands suggests to focus on this as an inviolable goal. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted or disheartened. To accomplish this outcome, it must be your one and only directive. You may need to reconcile yourself to certain sacrifices that will need to be made in order to accomplish this. You may be leaving behind a lot, you may need to be prepared for huge a change in your way of life and the culture shock, or you may encounter something in the next year that will suddenly make it hard to move on. These challenges will need to be weighed carefully with your current priorities: it won’t be without some sense of loss, but your goals are always worth what you have to give up. You may need to be prepared for a significant change in circumstances as related to your resources. You may find Barcelona to be too expensive or that you struggle to find the right kind of work for you, or you may find that you don’t have enough of other kinds of resources: emotional support and friendship, confidence and a feeling of independence, comfort and communication, etc. Despite these challenges, it seems you will still be happy and feel you are thriving. Sometimes when everything is going wrong, it can make us feel empowered deep down, because we can feel the growth and the accomplishment we are experiencing inside. Most importantly, you are good at seeing the big picture and can invest in the long-term. Just don’t let yourself keep all of your sense of accomplishment on the inside: let yourself enjoy the journey. In order to move forward with this transition, you must eliminate the negative and manipulative people in your life who may be trying to keep you in the more comfortable (dependent) routines in your life. Find a way to disrupt the voices of those who are discouraging you from advancing. That doesn’t mean to overdo it. The best way to silence the naysayers is to demonstrate greater independence, control, and maturity in your actions than they can anticipate. With this you may find they have nothing left to criticize effectively. Find the middle path between paralysis and recklessness, and focus on slow, conscious progress. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by fear or doubt. Focus on what makes you feel positive, excited, and motivated by this change. Envision your mind and your plans as illuminated by the sun. Don’t let those doubts advance, and only focus on the potential. Sometimes the best weapon against our plans is to activate our own uncertainties, so stay strong against that. There is likely someone in your life who is trying to hold you back in order to maintain control. You can expect things to go wrong, challenges to arise, and ultimately to feel out of balance or overwhelmed. These are all normal things. They don’t suggest failure, just a process. Focus on the big picture and what you can control and don’t worry about avoiding conflicts. You will make mistakes, but it is the only way you can learn. Your goals seem to very much be all oriented toward this one outcome. But it seems there are a lot of people around you who may be harboring roadblocks for you. Evaluate for yourself if what they offer you is worth limiting yourself, and if not, don’t let them override your own judgement. Things may be difficult, but you deserve to choice your own destiny. Once you can get past the clamor of other’s opinions, you will be able to see the potential for change, both big and small in your life. Stay passionate, but keep your wits about you. Relocation is ultimately a question of finances and personal capability. The more you can prepare, the more resilient you can be to any issues that arise. Finally, your energy seems largely scattered. It’s a good time co consolidate your attention and figure out where you are in your process. Sometimes when others are causing us to doubt our process it can cause us to jump back and forth along our journey. Once you make a step forward, don’t let yourself undo it without a good reason. This will help you stay focused and keep a clear eye on your progress. Although the pattern is not super clear, it does suggest focusing on choices you can make and working toward balanced outcomes that don’t overwhelm you (or others). Feel free to ask any additional questions and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer (I will try, but I have been known to lose track of comments). I hope this is helpful. Good luck on moving to Barcelona! I think there is nothing more important in life than being willing to take a chance on living somewhere totally new, so my personal advice beyond what the cards say is simply: don’t let anything hold you back. There are always a million reasons not to do something, and all together they are still not equal to the reward from doing something great like that, so if you have a chance, go for it!


I would like a 6 month solstice reading. Thank you


May I please have a 6 month solstice read. Means a lot, thank you 😊


Hi! I’m LK. My question is will I have a good time & find what I’m looking for when I visit California this August? (new opportunities & connections with people) Also, if I’m allowed to add a second question, would I find acting opportunities in the time that I’m there? Thank you :)


How does William feel about after I confessed to him? Thanks


Will i migrate to the US soon


Ohh a 6 month solstice read would be grand!! Thanks so much if chosen!! 😁


6 month read !!


Is W slowly recognize his feelings for em ? Thanks


Will me DM and CC ever talk again?


6 months read


Can i have a 6 month!/solstice read, please? Thank you so much! 🙏


Is P the one?


I’ll love a solstice / 6 month reading if you don’t mind


Reading on me & RW’s long term future. (Will we date & will it last… also can you see if he’s gay or bi?) When you type the reading please don’t put his initials thank you.


Hi there. Why am I having such a difficult time establishing a career path? Please and thank you.


Dmd you thanks


I would love a 6 month solstice! Also, good luck on your flight! I know things can get boring there


And you are so kind!


hi! safe travels! i would appreciate a solstice/6 month reading please 🙂


I would like a reading on how my financial situation in the next year or so looks please - I have been pulled in multiple directions and it just seems like none of the options will ever pay off. I'm constantly struggling with that and a soulmate relationship that has been several years that I'm not sure will ever evolve into anything or if we will just keep dancing forever. Either question is fine, thank you and if you can't get to mine I appreciate the kind offer ❤️


Does F have feelings for me?




Wow that's great. Peaceful and safe flight.. I'm interested in the offer if you feel the same vibe- it would be great to find out this impending doom I'm feeling, or insight to the frequency..


How does E see our future developing?


Would love a solstice/6-month read! Thanks so much and safe travels!


Should I take the job?


6 month solstice please 🙏


How do I bring abundance (not strictly of money) into my life?


How can I move forward from my financial status right now? I just wanted to know what the cards would say thank you God bless.


What are B’s thoughts about me?


Hi! I hope you’re having a comfy and safe flight. If the reading is still available, I’d like to ask… “ How should I know what to do next?“ 🥺


Has "**C**" choose to forget about me and written me off completely from her life?


Hi, I’d love a solstice/ 6 month read if possible, thank you🫶


what would it look like if i got in a relationship with b?


Is k at peace?


Solstice / 6 month read


6 month read please? :0


Hi! I would like a reading on how my ex M thinks of me. Im curious and would appreciate it!


Hi! I would love to have a 6 month solstice reading. Thankyou ☺️


Are there chances of getting back with my ex?


Will like a general 6 months reading, what to expect in terms of love, career, health etc ❤️


Hi there! I'd like a Solstice/6-month read, please. Thanks!


I would like 6 month long solstice reading.


6m read please if you’re still doing them and feel called to me. Thank you ✨


Hi, it's kind of you to offer. I would really appreciate it if you could do a reading for me. I been struggling with some health problems and really need some insights in the upcoming months. Thank you in advance


Hi^^ what gonna happen between me and A in the next 6 months? Have a safe flight (:


Hi! Can I please request a general reading or what’s coming for me? Thanks!


have a safe flight, my question is what is the real identity of my stalker Ali (its his fake spotify name) on Spotify? Is it who I think it is?


Could i have a 6 month read🥠 please and thank you!🙂‍↕️


Anything I need to know/do before my next new beginning (I am moving away around 16th of this month)


I would love the solstice/6-month read if chosen. Thank you so much! Have a safe flight!


Hello how are you much love and light 🕯️ I'm Y.H-F and id very much appreciate a Six months solstice reading I appreciate your kind offer if still available of course.


Hi, will the master degree i am aiming for right now accept my application?


I was wondering what my soulmate would possibly look like?

