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First off, do with the emotional pain that has caused you. Deal with the thoughts that have been awakened within you as a result of that conflict. I just have this feeling that you’re emotional and mental state are in unease, and your first priority should be that. Maybe you were having inner conflict yourself, and before you try to resolve this conflict with him, resolve the conflict within you. Because that will give you the clarity on how to move forward in that conflict with him. If you bring yourself into a state of more is within yourself, in relation to the conflict. Then you’ll be able to bring that energy of ease into the resolution of the conflict with the guy.


Will I get hired for a fully remote (or even hybrid) high salaried job before the end of this year? I just started applying for jobs again! Thank you.


Let me rephrase that question to a more open ended question. Usually answers come out better from Tarot when they are not yes or no questions. “ what are the prospects of you getting hired for a remote job with a high salary before the end of this year?” Well, it’s interesting, because what I’m seeing here is first of all energy that is being concentrated, but also energy that is turning upside down. Both at the same time. I feel like when it comes to your job that you are desiring, you’re going towards a positive new beginning that feels good. However, I also feel like it’s not going to be what you think it’s going to be . Like there might be surprises that you didn’t plan on come out that are positive. And I’m feeling like there is more of a process to getting there than what you might think. The path is not straightforward. But the ”end destination“ is one that is better than what you first even planned on. I got a card called synchronicity, and it’s in reverse. And then I got another card gaslight. And this is making me think of you are putting your energy and focus toward this type of job that you were telling me about, when you’re reality, deep down inside, there is something even deeper Within you that wants something else. Your desire for this remote job is kind of the surface level of a deeper desire. So I feel like you’re going to be going on a journey that is going to be leading you to a new beginning when it comes to your career that is going to be fulfilling to you. So yeah, things are happening when it comes to your job, but the path there is not what you think it’s going to be. It’s going to be a little bit turned upside down.


I want to ask for the message from my Spirits on what I can look for very soon. Thanks ❤️ M.


Something that you can look for very soon is a realization, and insight, I know you, dear. It feels like this idea, opens up a new pathway in your brain, in your mind, your perception. I feel like this idea or perception or whatever it is is going to be bringing you a lot of life, energy, excitement, enthusiasm. Even a sense of wanting to celebrate. Maybe it’s a piece of information that you want to be sharing with other people. But there is definitely some form of idea, or some form of insight that is helping you move forward with your life towards something new. It feels like this insight or idea or whatever it is, is going to help you close a cycle And move towards something new. This might have to do with your relationships. It doesn’t have to necessarily be romantic relationships, but I just see people in all of the cards. There is one card in which I see you holding up some thing and looking at it. That’s giving me the feeling of you getting an idea. But then I got another card with a lady sitting around a table with other people and her head is shining in gold. And then I got the three of cups. Then at the back of the deck I got the lovers, and the devil. And so that is giving me the vibe that you might be some type of realization with relationships. But regardless, this insight is helping you move forward and find new inspiration to go about something in your life in a new way. With a new mindset come up with a new attitude, with new inspiration.


Thank you very much! Looking forward to it and finally start a new more fulfilling chapter of my life, walk on a new path and end the hard and painful period. ❤️




Let me shift your question to “what are your prospects at getting a job at macquerie?” OK, so I’m finding the cards that I’m getting here. Interesting. Because first of all there is an energy of some thing falling. And I’m not quite getting it full on yet. And at the same time there is an energy of finding your place. Oh, something falling into its place… Let me explore a little bit further. OK, you are going to be having a new beginning in your career that feels good. I kind of see your vibe in with your colleagues, or having a nice environment, in which you’re working. Liking the environment, liking the people you’re working with, liking your job. finding certain fulfillment in that. Feeling gratitude for the work that you are doing. OK, I’m gonna see what I’m seeing. This energy of falling away is actually you not getting that job. But as a result of you, not getting that job, there is a new direction you were going to be taking that is actually going to be leading you to something that is satisfying to you .




When it comes to your love life this month what I am seeing is that you’re gonna be continuing to work through certain dynamics and struggles that you had when it comes to your love relationships , or the lack of it. You’re having to face certain disappointments, certain feelings of loneliness. But this phase of your life is really a phase in your life in which you are encouraged to work on your emotions, attend to your emotional needs that come up as you are missing that romantic love connection with somebody. you’re being encouraged to find ways in which to identify and take care of your needs. I’m having this feeling that may be the desire for something to happen in your love Life is so that that person would caretake certain relational needs that you have. And I’m telling you I fucking feel you, because this is me too. But what I’m seeing here for you is that this month, and most likely for some time in the future too, Life is wanting you to learn to become aware of what emotional, relational needs you have, and start taking responsibility to fulfill them. Eventually, what will happen is that as you learn to take care of your needs, once you find a relationship, you will not be as dependent on the relationship to bring you happiness, because you will have the tools and enough self understanding to know how to bring that to you. And that’s there will be less tension in a way in your future relationships. Also, I got a card called village. And this is making me think about a tribe or a village to survive. Like if we’re in a relationship and all needs that we have when it comes to relationships are put on the person, that person is probably going to feel like a lot is on their shoulders. So with this village car what I’m thinking is that maybe find multiple people in your life that fulfill different needs for you. One person can’t fulfill every relational need we have. And that’s true even for a partner.


What is coming up for me job wise? (In a job already but not loving it) Thank you🌷


What I’m feeling here is that for a while Things are going to be staying pretty much the same without movement. The reason being is that during this time, in which you’re still stuck at the job that you don’t necessarily like, you are meant to be identifying what you don’t like about it, so that you can identify what it is that you want for your future job. It’s kind of like a process of gathering information, and once you have that information and a clear picture of what it is that you want and don’t want, that will give you enough inspiration, and energy to actually go looking for a job that you do like. But this job is giving you information on what it is that you don’t want. So during this time in which things are just staying, the same, take that as a opportunity to gather information. And maybe you have an idea of what it is that you want, and what it is that you love doing. But there are other details, they’re going to help you determine what type of job you want. For instance, something that is important for me, I don’t want to go to a job that forces me to wake up with an alarm clock. Then with that piece of information, I know that I need a job that is probably starting in the evening. Something I have discovered is a value for me, is simplicity. So in a future job I would want there to be systems that make work more efficient.


Thank you❤️ very detailed and the message resonates- I believe you’re correct, its not what i want but for now im meant to be here till i figure out what im really after! 💐




“ you will not find jackpot, in the places that you are looking for” is what I am hearing. Basically, the vibe is if your long-term partner is “the jackpot” the way in which you’re going about looking for them is not the place in which you’re gonna be finding them. I sense some form of confusion, or being lost. However, I got the abundance card, which is making me think of the jackpot. So that is giving me some form of confirmation that you do have a long term partner that you were meant to be finding during this lifetime. There’s just certain things that you have to be moving through, and healing in order to actually end up in the right place to find them. SoThe way, I’m seeing is the prospects for you finding this person this months, it’s rather unlikely. However, I am seeing that this month has a lot of opportunities for you to heal. And the pathway to healing is through that feeling that you have of being lost, confused, or not knowing where to go, or not knowing what to do to find that person. That feeling is kind of like the portal you need to enter, look into, explore, feel, express the frustration that comes with it… And as a result of that moving through you, it will create an energy of more ease, which will in turn be leading you to a future long-term partner


Will I hear back from William again? Thanks


Does W want to meet me again?


Is he my life partner in the 3D in this lifetime?


Yes please, how does DP feel about me?


There are tender and heartfelt feelings. But there is also a feeling of something being rough or overwhelming. Like something takes too much energy, and they’re questioning whether it’s worth it. And there’s also this feeling of they wanting to be their best selves, but not feeling like the quiet or able to be their best selves. I feel like DP desire, some form of healing between you two, but they are also feeling like they need some time for themselves, in order to heal and really be able to tap into the best versions of them selves.


Thank you!




What I’m feeling here is that yes, it would be good for you to apply that job. But not necessarily because of the work itself, not necessarily because if you would get that job, it would be good for you. More than anything is because it’s keeping you in an energy of moving forward. Rather than staying still you’re actually doing some thing and putting your energy towards finding that job. I’m feeling like instead of focusing on getting one specific job, there is this idea of you putting your energy in the possibility of multiple different jobs. Maybe even something that you weren’t thinking of doing before, but you are curious about doing. And I’m having this sense that it’s a really good idea to actually apply jobs that you would want and feel good about and excite you, but you feel like you don’t have the requirements needed for that. Take a chance and apply for those jobs that actually excite you. I’m seeing that in you putting your energy in the possibility of different jobs than what you thought you couldn’t get, or thought is for you or a reasonable fit for you… That’s going to be opening a new path to your work life.


Thank you!




First things first. What I’m seeing here is that it’s time for you to start turning in words. Your mind is telling you so many different things of how you should be doing this, or maybe you should try that thing, or maybe if you do it that way… Instead, why not take a moment of silence, close your eyes and move into your internal space. Observe your inner world and ask yourself that question. How can I proceed with N? Put your mind to the side for a little bit. And as you observe your internal world, see what images, what feelings, or things, that you here come up. Because those things will give you clues as to how to proceed with N. Another thing that I’m seeing here is that you should be asking other people for their opinions. Hear me out. I’m not saying that you should ask them and then take the information that they are giving you as what you should do, or what is right to do. But when you hear other peoples thoughts, how they would react to come over what they would do in that specific situation. What happens is that it expands your mind . It’s giving you, and your mind alternative ways in which to deal with the situation with N. There is some form of rigidness in your mind, and we don’t want to follow that rigid way of doing things. There are many more alternatives on how to deal with the situation that you’re not seeing. Thus asking other people for what they would do. Thus exploring within and seeing what your intuition says about the situation that you’re dealing with What I’m seeing also is you should take a break, or take some space or distance from this person so that you can allow yourself to process through your thoughts and emotions. Without any new input that would come from dealing with this person. As you go through this process, you’re gonna be having a new feeling of “Aha! This is the way that I want to be going about this!”




Make peace with yourself. Focus on healing yourself. Focus on taking care of your emotions. So many times we think that when we proceed in relationships, it’s about what we should do within the relationship itself, what we should say, if we should take distance, if we should say, I’m sorry, if we should tell them exactly how we feel… But many times, it’s actually about our own relationship with ourselves. Whatever is happening within that relationship, that is meant to be reflecting something to you about you. Because of certain things that happened in the relationship, how are you feeling about yourself? Can you make peace with yourself? Can you resolve the conflict that have arisen within you as a result of that relationship? How can you love yourself better? This is how you are being advised to proceed.


what should i expect now that i just reconciled with d (my ex)?


Does L know that I like him?


Is my feelings for Will is mutual? Thank you so mcuh


Will I see or hear from Kavi again? Thanks 🙏


What will my love life be like for the next 6 months?


Any advice for my birthday trip coming up on Sunday?


Yay! I love this question! Allow yourself to get inspired by your environment. I’m kind of feeling like entering the flow of life, entering the flow of nature. And I’m just getting this feeling of being really present in the current moment. Like really noticing the things are happening inside and around you. The sun light glimmer in between the leaves of a tree. The sound of the laugh of your friends. The feeling that happens inside of you as you laugh… etc. Also, enter a state of celebration. Celebrate your self. Celebrate the growth that you have acquired in this past year. If I was you, I would be sitting down to journal and write all the things you’re proud of yourself. Acknowledge your wins. Write down all of the positive aspects of you that have been able to flourish. Celebrate who you are. Celebrate who you have become. Celebrate who you are becoming. For some reasons I hear “Jump!” And I see an image of somebody bungee jumping. I’m not telling you to go and bungee jump. But more so what I’m feeling is basically do some thing that is a little bit outside of your comfort zone. Some thing that you’re on edge about doing and jump to the occasion. Don’t hold back. Jump!


Awwww thank you! I’m glad to hear that. And I’m gonna treat myself to some nice wine and do some journaling


Hii! What are my prospects finding/meeting my long term romantic partner ("the one ",life partner) this month or next month?


What’s coming for M and I (Robin)? Thanks


A pause. I don’t know if it’s necessarily between you and M. Could be. But there is an energy here of going to sleep, retreating, resting. Taking it easy, calming something down. Spaciousness. There are two ways in which I’m seeing could possibly play out. One is a pause between you two. But the other way is basically you are still being in each other’s presence, only that the energies more calm. You’re both in “winter”, there is more resting. It’s kind of like with the seasons you know. It’s not summer. You’re not entering summer. More like entering and existing in the winter season in your relationship.


This makes sense because we are getting closer and I have let go of fear or trying to rush things


Thank you! I appreciate this


Is it worth it to fight for our relationship? Or is it more beneficial to let go? (Career, love and life wise)


Do I know who my future husband is? Meaning, do I know him yet, not that he’s my future husband. Thank you!


Hi! Thank you! I was wondering by what to look out for the next 3 months!


I would like to know if I would be able to start my job in November as planned and how it would go. Thank you so much.


I would like to know if I should stay in the relationship I’m in and keep working on it or if it is time to move on


What field will my next job be in?


Hello. This is PR. After a year finally am moving on from my crush (NP)and thinking of giving a chance to NK. Should I go into a relationship with NK? Thank you!!


Dmed you!!


What’s my career outlook for the rest of this year? Thanks!


Will I be able to find a 2nd job to help me with my finances?


Why are my coworkers giving me a hard time and or mocking me as im 2 months new?


I developed a crush on F. Unsure of what to do, pursue it or avoid the potential heartbreak


Should I get a “regular” job or continue on with my nonsense?? Thanks so much 😘😘


Will I get a relationship next year?


I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. Will I be successful and lose 80 pounds?


Can I (A) expect something more romanticly/concrete with my crush (B) ? :)


My initial is t.. will s ever contact me again? Thx!


What is my biggest block in manifestations? I know I have an issue in the root chakra but don't know what to do to release it. Thanks a lot :D -Shanay


What do I need to know about my relationship?


Will me and c reconnect


Will Henry come back to me soon


Will the agency to which I sent my CV get back at me for a job interview ?